tetsuzume · 2 years
I know many people already made posts about this but Kim Dokja’s ability to find a no homo explanation for every gay thing Yoo Joonghyuk does is really astounding. 
*YJH goes berserk after he thinks KDJ died and calls him his companion* 
KDJ : “He’s doing it for coin donations. He is so smart finding a way to milk this situation for his benefit :)”
*YJH goes to talk with KDJ and thinks he sees KDJ about to kiss a woman so goes away without saying anything and spends the rest of the night being visibly angry and hurt* 
KDJ : “He just doesn’t like when people of the party hook up because he thinks their focus should be only on the mission. It’s all about work ethics :)”
*YJH holds KDJ in his arms saying his name again and again as he dies after finding out that the prophecy Kim Dokja will be killed by the one he loves the most was about him all along* 
KDJ : “He is just upset because I ruined his plan of sacrificing himself lol get over it YJH self sacrifice is my thing not yours :)”
♔  King of Denial ♔
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tetsuzume · 4 years
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Heyo tumblrz, wanna see some 'Black cat' matchbox designs I did for my Illustration assigment?
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tetsuzume · 5 years
Do you have any advice for perspective? I've seen you control it good !
I use three ways of doing it
First is for simple one way perspective, just draw a cube that elongates to the direction you want
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Second is for character perspective, over the cube, you draw the character poses but using cubes and cylinders
Its easier to think of the perspective when you think of it as simple objects instead of a whole human figure
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After that then you layer it up with the actual anatomy
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For sceneries its better to use a two point perspective, it looks somethin like this
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It might seem a tad confusing but its p easy to use, the straight lines where each points meet is like the horizon line, and the rest is the perspective directions. Its like the cube method but just alot more areas covering it. My app happens to have the function built into it but you can make this too even on paper with a ruler
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Use the many lines to guide your perspective and it becomes pretty easily understandable, just takes a lil while to get used to
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tetsuzume · 5 years
Do you have any advice or tips for people who want to become artists? or like reference or videos to learn to draw in a non super realistic way, like a more cartoon-ish style? I really love your art style
 thank you! honestly a lot of my style is influenced from comics/movies/cartoons and anime that I like. I’d recommend taking a look at some of your favorite styles and studying the parts you really like about them.  i did an influence map  a while ago of things that I felt really informed how I draw. maybe something like that would be handy for you to collect in one spot styles you wanna try and learn from.
other than that, I’d recommend still learning some basic anatomy (especially muscle and bones!) and perspective. You don’t have to go too in depth but I know it’s helped me improve tons more than I would have without it. It’s easier to mess with proportions when you know what they normally would be.
here are some links to get started with:
Living Lines is an invaluable resource 
hiveworks hosts lots of great artist and their webcomics to inspire
Vivziepop has really nice flowing character designs I’d defo go and study! 
two point perspective
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tetsuzume · 5 years
I absolutely adore the scene where Happy and Peter talk on the jet, but I refuse to acknowledge Tony’s death. So I give you: the jet pep talk, but with Tony and Peter.
When the jet lands in front of Peter, he doesn’t know what to think. He’s a whirlpool of emotions: relieved, yes, but underneath that is a backdrop of pain and panic and defeat and confusion and all the things Peter never wanted to feel again.
So when Happy stands in front of him, Peter can’t let himself immediately go to him. What if it’s not him? What if Mysterio is fucking with his mind again? Peter is close to tears, tired of not being able to trust his reality.
I just want to go home, he thinks almost childishly.
He nearly falls into Happy. It’s the closest piece of home Peter has right now, and the familiar, caring face and arms around him is more than he could ask for. Safe, safe, safe, Peter’s mind supplies.
Happy steps back and gets a good look at his bruised and bloody form before letting out a breath. “Jesus, kid. He really got you good, didn’t he?”
Peter swallows thickly around the tears in his throat, looking down in shame. Self-hatred bubbles in his chest, and all he can do is nod tiredly. Happy pats him gently.
“Let’s get you inside, see if we can’t fix you up a bit.”
They make their way into the jet, and Peter nearly collapses in relief when the doors close behind him. He can’t even bring himself to marvel at the nice piece of aircraft—he’s too caught up in the fact that, for now, he’s safe.
“Wow. A couple days of vacation and you’ve already forgotten about me? I get no acknowledgement?” a voice says wryly, and Peter turns sharply to find Tony watching him closely.
Peter stumbles back, looks at Happy with wide eyes before looking at Tony again. Tony, who isn’t supposed to be here. Tony, who’s still recovering from the Snap, who has a wife and a daughter he should be with, who’s retired from being Iron Man.
“Wh-What are you doing here?” Peter stutters. For some inexplicable reason, he can feel his eyes well with tears all over again. This—he never wanted to bother Tony, and this is more than he could have ever asked for. But he can’t face Tony’s disappointment. He just can’t.
Tony shrugs. “You needed backup. I’m backup.”
Peter’s breath hitches at the words, an echo from their time on the ship together. He takes in a careful breath, trying to keep hold of his tenuous control on his emotions.
Behind him, Happy says, “No, you’re not. You’re here for moral support only. In fact, you’re really more of a stowaway than anything else.”
Peter’s face crumples. Immediately, all traces of amusement fall from Tony’s face as he stands and opens his arms. This time, Peter doesn’t hesitate. He lets himself stumble into Tony, careful not to hurt the man or ruin the prosthetic.
“Whoa, whoa, I’m here, kid, I’m here. I’ve got you,” Tony murmurs as Peter tucks his head into Tony’s shoulder, taking in deep shuddering breaths.
For a moment, they just stay like that, Peter trying to ground himself in the comforting embrace and Happy hovering awkwardly behind them. It’s awhile before any of them speak.
“You—You were wrong,” Peter finally chokes out, and Tony gently pulls away at that, hands braced on Peter’s shoulders.
Tony frowns, sitting them both down. “Well, that doesn’t sound right. I try not to make a habit of being wrong. Comes with being a genius.”
Peter swipes messily at his eyes. “You were. Wrong, I mean. I—I can’t—I’m not cut out for this. This is too big. All of it.”
Tony nudges him affectionately. “Big? Of course it is. But too big? Space was bigger. And you handled that beautifully.”
Peter snorts derisively. “I died.”
“You fought,” Tony corrects. “You got back up. Over and over again. Against the most evil Titan known to man.”
Peter looks at Tony then, eyes full of nostalgia and fear and self-hatred. “But I had you with me,” he whispers, a confession almost.
Tony softens, tilts Peter’s chin up with a finger. “Hey.” He waits for Peter’s eyes to lock with his before speaking again. “You still have me. You know that.”
Peter’s lips tremble for a second, days of constant stress and pressure fraying at his nerves. “I know, it’s just—“ Peter’s voice cracks, “Everyone keeps asking me if I’m going to fill Iron Man’s shoes and I keep—I keep screwing up, and I can’t—I can’t—“ I can’t be you, Peter doesn’t say. Tony hears it anyway.
“Peter, stop,” Tony says firmly. “Listen to me: the world doesn’t know this yet, but they don’t need the next Iron Man. They don’t need me at all. They need you.”
Peter starts to shake his head, a protest already on his lips, but Tony’s quick to cut him off. “Ah ah—don’t interrupt me when I’m trying to give you a pep talk. I’m only gonna say this once—actually, that’s a lie, I’ll say it as many times as it takes to get it through your thick skull.” Tony sighs. “I know—god, I know this scary. I know this is terrifying. But you, Peter Parker—there’s a, a goodness in you that I’ve never seen in anyone else before. Not in Cap, not in the Avengers, and definitely not in me,” Tony tells him. “For most of us? There’s a reason why we do what we do. A selfless reason. But you? You do this because you can. Because you care about other people, and that’s it. You have nothing to gain. And that’s—god, that’s more powerful than anything.”
Tony grips Peter’s shoulder with his metal hand and brings his other to Peter’s face, wiping away the stray tears. “So no. You’ll never be the next Iron Man. You know why?” Tony asks. “Because you’re better than him.”
Tony gently squeezes Peter’s shoulder for emphasis and waits a minute to watch his words sink in. He knows that this is a make or break moment, that Peter’s been knocked down and maybe this time he’ll choose not to get back up. Tony wouldn’t blame him.
But then Peter sucks in a sharp breath, eyes hardening with determination, and Tony knows. His chest swells with pride.
“Okay?” Tony asks, just to be sure.
“Okay,” Peter agrees.
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tetsuzume · 5 years
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la rose.
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tetsuzume · 5 years
into the spider-verse/chris pine facts
chris pine voiced the peter parker from miles’s universe (aka the blond, blue eyed, “perfect” peter)
marvel now officially has all 4 of the white chrises what a monopoly
when director phil lord asked chris if he could sing, he replied, “are you kidding me?”
so he recorded the song that plays through the credits called “spidey bells”
“why did i agree to do this stupid song”
he died, marking only the 1000th time he’s done so in a film
chris’s peter parker was married to mary jane watson who is voiced by zoe kravitz
..and rumors arose in 2010, 2013, AND 2015 that chris and zoe dated irl,, wild
chris miller called chris an “american treasure” and that “you can feel his handsomeness in his voice”
chris pine is the only chris to be in both a dc and a marvel film, making him the most powerful chris thanks for coming to my tedtalk
(he really showed his dick off on film AND played spider-man all within the same year huh,,,,, can’t wait to see what 2019 brings)
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tetsuzume · 6 years
If you haven’t realised, I’m obsessed over Iwaoi and in particular, Iwaizumi Hajime. It’s no wonder I procrastinate about them in my math class and in the process came up with way too many headcanons. So this post in particular is about Iwaoi as parents and a married couple on a whole. Be prepared for just the two of them being the best and possibly most embarrassing dads, this may be long but I really had to share it with you other Iwaoi hoes.
Iwa will probably be the type of dad that will be so fucking afraid of hurting his baby and will say most likely stuff like “But i don’t want to hurt him/her.” Because you know MOTHERFUCKING MUSCLES. But of course, in reality he is too horribly gentle for someone who has a rather aggressive way of expressing his concern.
He will just be in constant awe, always marveling at the baby because he made that little fucker and in his heart he is just screaming “I made this beautiful thing, he’s/she’s a little version of me. I’ll protect him/her with my life.” He’ll wake up every five minutes to check on the kid at night, and when the kid even when the kid gets older and starts having nightmares he’ll let them sleep together with him no matter what the age. [Either that he goes into their room to “protect” them from the monsters and chase it away.]
He definitely is the one who takes time away from work to take care of the children if they are ever sick because he is just the BEST FUCKING DAD. He’ll make them some weird stew he learned online and probably pamper them with their favourite movies, shows.
Also when he tries to be firm or the least bit strict, he can never scold the kid because he’s probably afraid the kid will cry. In some cases where he does make his kid/kids cry, he’ll definitely apologise.
Iwa is the one who cooks for the kids, no one can convince me otherwise. He’ll make pancakes, scrambled eggs, weirdly coloured but extremely good cupcakes and even milkshakes of sorts. Though he used to be athlete himself, he is a huge softie and will treat his children to ice-cream if they do well in a test etc. He says stuff like “That’s my baby girl.” Or “That’s my boy.”. Never forgetting to give them presents as well. [I swear Iwaizumi is the type to give in to the child when they want something because FUCK ME UP THIS MAN IS A ANGEL AND A BLESSING and will 11/10 be the greatest dad.]
Do not tell me Iwa doesn’t tie his daughter’s hair or tells his son that it’s okay to cry. He’s never believed in gender roles so teaches the kids it’s okay for a them to like stuff that others deem only acceptable in one specific gender. His daughter ends up liking volleyball and aliens like Oikawa, and their son probably likes bug-catching and makeup.
ALSO, he showers them with raspberries to their tummies, does all sort of weird crafts with them to surprise Papa Oikawa when he comes home. MOST IMPORTANTLY, mini headcanon that their kids makes him flower crowns and he wears them and plays dress up with them and just roleplays with them and just fucking becomes the best dad. And when he puts the kid to bed even though he might be tired as fuck from work or just taking care of them, he will still read them bed time stories and give them goodnight kisses and help them check the closet for monsters.
If he and Oikawa ever get in a fight, he somehow always apologises to them. And when they ask if he is okay, he tells them yes but the children are mature enough to know he’s not. He would sleep out on the couch or in one of their rooms. Thankfully, their fights don’t last very long and they would know their parents have made up if they find weird pink stuff on Papa Iwa’s neck or if they start kissing again. [They find out later from their good ol’ uncles Makki and Mattsun that those were called hickies.]
They have makeup sex. [Don’t fight me on this, I will fight you instead. I know this was supposed to be fluff and family friendly. But two things, this is Iwaoi we’re talking about here, and really? What more do you expect from a girl who procrastinates  about her OTP dying or fucking 24/7.]
Oikawa on the other hand is a little more strict. I don’t why, but maybe it’s to contrast with his husband’s big softie side.
 He buys their clothes. Don’t even question this. From snazzy bejewelled jumpers with sequins to the most ludicrous of fashion choices, you name it. Oddly, his kids like it, but maybe not so much when they get older. Iwaizumi on the other hand is just like, “Do you want our kid to get bullied.” Or, “If they grow up with your horrible fashion choices I’m divorcing you.” [ He doesn’t mean it of course. ] 
Oikawa is the subject of the kids, and his husband’s pranks. Once, [Maybe not.] they definitely replaced his shampoo with dish-soap, poured flour into his hairdryer, drew dicks on his face when he was asleep, and maybe added salt instead of sugar to his coffee. Iwa is sure to record all this somehow and send them to Makki and Mattsun who also has kids of their own. He gets back at Iwa for all of that in bed ;)
Iwa dries the kids off after Dada Oikawa gives them a bubble bath, after that, he helps them pick out their sleeping clothes.
Oikawa organises all the family vacations, holidays, outings. He makes sure to bring them to places he knows they would have most fun at.
He is the embarrassing dad, what do you expect. Don’t tell me this tall little shit didn’t crash his kid’s birthday party with a photo album of all their awkward or embarrassing moments. Also, he says no liquor but when one of them asked, “What’s the best way to look good?” And though they expected some sort of weird beauty regimen, he deadpanned and said, “Chug down alcohol like you life depends on it so you get so drunk you forgot you look bad.” Iwaizumi headbutted him after that and told them clearly not to listen to his advice at all.
Both Iwa and Oikawa call their kids cute and sweet stuff like, “Baby girl”, “Little princess”, “Honey”, “Buddy”, “Bud” or really weird and funny ones like “Nugget”, “Badger”, “Toddler-who-ate-my-milkbread”, “Proof of Aliens’ existence”. And maybe once, Oikawa may have accidentally called their kid little motherfucker when Iwa wasn’t at home [In an endearing way.] and the kid just kept repeating it until Papa Iwa does come home and dropkicks the brunette’s ass.
Oikawa has a rule of no coming into his and Iwa’s room after 8 unless it’s urgent because he has a lot of pent up energy and needs to burn it somehow. [*cough*]
So even though Iwa can be mentally drained after work, he will wait for Oikawa to come home. [Or the other way around] And when they do, the respective other will thank them in their own way. Iwa is a cuddle person while Oikawa tries to get some GOOD-ASS fucking. Iwa always makes a measly attempt to stop him and says it will disturb their kids but they always end up fucking anyway so this is why they have to be extremely quiet and nothing, I mean nothing, turns Oikawa more on than Iwaizumi struggling to keep in his moans, and because he can’t fucking keep in his moans he very seductively bites onto his shirt while Oikawa fucks him good. Too fucking good.
One night they were a little loud and one of their kids heard and were like, “Papa, were you and Dada playing wrestling last night?” And while Oikawa is trying his best to convince them it’s the aliens whom have decided to visited but instead got into a fight, Iwaizumi is just like “fuck” and turns too fucking red their kids think he’s sick.
Also they did bareback once and as expected, Iwa had to go to the washroom too many times. This left their kids very confused and they started concluding that he was pregnant with another sibling. [They did not understand the difference between mothers and fathers yet.]
The kids sleep in their room on Fridays and they lay there on their really big bed and watch movies, have tickle fights, eat popcorn, tell them stories, roleplay [Not in a kinky way I swear.] Or even normal and fluffy family cuddling. The two kids sleep in the middle and the two dads each on one end, they usually take out extra blankets because Oikawa always hogs the blanket.
Iwa always wakes up the first to make breakfast for them, with not only exceptionally good execution, but lots of love as well :D
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tetsuzume · 6 years
Haikyuu!! YouTuber AU
Oikawa: Today we’re going to be doing a Despicable Me minions makeup tutorial. Iwa-chan is going to be my model but he doesn’t know it yet Iwaizumi: Well I know now Oikawa: Close your eyes Iwa-chan and don’t open them until I say so Iwaizumi: You literally just told me what you’re going to do and I object Oikawa: I’m going to make you the fiercest piece of minion ass this planet has ever seen Iwaizumi: There are sentences that you never expect to hear in life for a good reason and this is all of them.
Hinata: Hey welcome to ShouyoPranks today I’m going to prank Kageyama and see how he reacts. You guys all told me to do it so here it is. The kick Kageyama in the nuts prank challenge begins. Hey Kageyama! Kageyama: Oh hey, Hinat- hey! Why did you just try and kick me? Hinata: It’s just a prank bro! Kageyama: I’m gonna kill you Hinata: Bro, bro, it’s just a prank, bro, look at the camera, look at the camera, it’s just a prank!
Sugawara: Welcome to Refreshing ASMR today I’m going to be gently tapping the thighs of my volleyball team captain to help relax you the same way that touching Daichi’s thighs relaxes me Daichi: You said you were just going to help me stretch why are you recording this Sugawara: Daichi you’re supposed to whisper Daichi: *whispering* What the hell is wrong with you
Yamaguchi: Today I’m going to be singing a duet with Tsukishima. I’ll play the acoustics and open the lyrics and he’ll follow in when I need him. Tsukishima: Here we go Yamaguchi: Some BODY once told me- Tsukishima: I quit
Kenma: What’s up gamers today we’re going to be playing HuniePop I’ve got your favourite oversized disgrace Kuroo by my side let’s solve some puzzles Kuroo: Those girls don’t look like they’re here to solve puzzles Kenma: That’s what we’re here for Kuroo: Why do they need to be in bikini’s to play bejeweled? Kenma: Don’t think about it Kuroo: We’re going to get demonitized Kenma: Don’t think about it
Akaashi: Today I’m going to be reviewing this Moto G5 I just go- Bokuto: Make it more exciting! Nobody’s gonna watch some random guys crappy review that everyone’s seen a hundred times Akaashi: You haven’t even let me start Bokuto: You need a gimmick. Ok, watch this. *grab camera* Hey guys welcome to the first episode of WILL IT SMASH today I’ve got this Moto G5 we’re gonna throw it as hard as we can against a wall and see what happens Akaashi: Bokuto no! Bokuto: It smashed. See you next week.
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tetsuzume · 6 years
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Art (x) (x) by うずた (u_zuta)
※Permission to upload was given by the artist. Please do not repost, edit or remove credits. Please support the artist!
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tetsuzume · 6 years
Iwaoi; Food for thoughts
Since my earlier posts were all on the serious side of things, have some of my personal thoughts on my favourite pairing. Just note that these are all purely my personal opinion on things, it’s not meant to call people out in anyway. Let’s begin shall we?
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I can just imagine Iwa getting a little clingy sometimes and nuzzling into Oikawa’s chest for attention; there are days where he yearns Oikawa’s warmth and wants to be doted on once in awhile. I want him casually sitting on Tooru’s lap, resting his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder for support, being really gentle when he is tired; not grumpy like how must people think he’ll be. He isn’t that guy who only threatens to hit Oikawa all the time, he has a soft side, I’m sure of it. Also, I imagine him to be very good with pets and children? Cats love him. Dogs lick him too much. Children fawn over him. And Oikawa thinks it’s really cute? 
I know we have a lot of Iwa being an actual sweetheart and taking care of Oikawa when he’s sick, but why not reverse it? Tooru trying his very best to take care of his small boyfriend, and though he occasionally screws up with the soup or something, Iwa is still grateful and very happy? He worries that Tooru might catch what he has and thus very firm on the idea of no kisses - though he really wants them too. Like come on, why is Tooru always the clingy one? Have some clingy Iwa who gets jealous about Oikawa’s fangirls; Iwa who wants as much attention as he can probably get from his boyfriend. Have Iwa be the one who initiates for kisses, holding of hands, cuddles, flustered sometimes when Tooru gives him surprise kisses and hugs.
Make Iwa the clumsy one; bumping into doors, tripping on his shoelaces, scalding himself with hot water. Swap all these around a little, give stuff you would give to Oikawa to Iwa instead. Make Oikawa the one getting a tattoo, Iwa always tracing it when he feels down or nervous. If not, better, give them matching tattoos. Give Iwa small freckles and moles, being a little insecure about them at times, but Oikawa right there with a weird obsession with kissing them, telling him he’s perfect the way he is. 
Give him days where he can’t keep it in, and he resorts to letting it out through crying - make Oikawa the person who tells him it’s okay, that it’s okay to cry, it’s okay to let it all out. Make Iwa be the one who pushes himself too hard sometimes, Oikawa having to tell him to take care of himself, don’t do things that could hurt himself or try and prove something he did long ago. Just give Iwa some softer headcanons, and Oikawa more badass ones, give them variety and explore. Don’t forget that Iwa isn’t just a gruff character, Oikawa isn’t just a soft, whiny one too. For fuck’s sake, have Iwa be the one upset with Oikawa being late for his date, going back on his promise. Have Oikawa protecting Iwa, hugging him and telling him he’s enough. 
Have Tooru be the one chiding him for questioning his role as ace. Have more Tooru assuring Iwaizumi everything is going to be alright. Have Tooru standing up for Iwa, comforting him with more canoodling in bed. 
Have these two idiots go on dates at the waterpark; compete on who could race down the slide the quickest. The aquarium; seeing a fish and telling the other, “Look, that’s you.”, before proceeding to laugh about it. Have them go to the beach, secretly taking photos of the other, genuinely enjoying themselves. Make them go stargazing, Oikawa telling Iwaizumi he’s prettier than the whole galaxy; even prettier than the aliens. Or even the zoo; their first time feeding a giraffe together.
Give them days where they fight, don’t talk to each other for awhile. Make them make up, having some make-up snuggles. Portray them as an actual couple who have their ups and down, learning how to overcome their problems together.
I don’t know man, but I’ve seen a lot of fanfiction and fanart with Iwa always being the stronger guy, just make him the soft guy for once. Make Oikawa the strong dependable guy he truly is.
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tetsuzume · 6 years
Me: Okay I think it’s important to take the little time I have free for my studies, ‘cause my grades are dropping faster than my soul in hell.
Also me: So this week I wrote a 65+ pages fanfic, started a new tv show, got addicted to musicals again, learned and practised all the songs from Hamilton, started a new book and two new animes!
Teacher: Okay hand in your homeworks.
Me: Oh shit..
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tetsuzume · 6 years
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Chemistry is not the language of love but if Daichi speaks it, Kuroo will fall instantly in love.
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tetsuzume · 6 years
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Art by Mireys
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tetsuzume · 6 years
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Series of water tests I’ve done so far for a school project :0
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tetsuzume · 8 years
this freakin dorks is killing me inside out. 
Request # 1
Lame volleyball boys
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tetsuzume · 8 years
guess who’s perfect? a haikyuu x ouran high school host club au 
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“Kiss, kiss fall in volleyball”
I found this in my folder, I’m laughing
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