teufortwriting · 9 months
Is it ok if you do yandere classic heavy x reader? The reader could be from his team or someone like a Miss Pauling for their team
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I decided to answer this request with a oneshot, I wasn't certain if this was what you had in mind, (As in I didn't know for sure if you wanted this or headcanons.) but I hope you enjoy
Title: Backstabber
Character: Classic Heavy (Team Fortress 2)
Content Warnings: yandere, AFAB reader/female terms of affection used (good girl/my girl), abuse of power, dubcon, boss x employee dynamic, TOXIC RELATIONSIHP, possessiveness, rough, degradation, toxic masculinity/sexist cheavy big time, technically hurt/comfort but more accurately hurt/hurt the other person, arguing but it's basically foreplay
Word Count: 5.5k
Master List
Tip Jar
"Desire gradually took over- not simple need, like hunger, but a taut elastic compulsion. It took all my energy to stand it, this urge to ravage." Jenefer Shute, Life Sized
@teufortwriting (asked to be tagged in classic heavy fics, this one's 4 u nd the anons hope you lot enjoy!!)
(post 1/31 of my version of kinktober where i write whatever i want for every day of october <3)
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It was late; it was your day off, and yet here you were, working well into the night. At least when you worked from your quarters, you had the luxury of staying in pajamas all day. But warm gray sweatpants and a thin cotton tank top were little comfort from the real distress of work. You were in a rough situation. Virgil, the team Sniper, was missing in action, and you'd spent all day messaging with other mercenary groups from your laptop, messaging anyone you could think of, asking if anyone'd seen your Sniper. 
Despite the entire day's effort, you had a bad feeling it would be all in vain. No one had seen a thing. At least no one who bothered to respond had. You were hardly surprised most of your messages went ignored. Just about everyone in the business knew of the growing bitterness among your team members, and no one wanted to get involved. No one was surprised to hear people were starting to abandon the team altogether. You shut your laptop, rubbing your temples, wondering if you were just one bad week away from the entire group falling apart.
A knock at the door disrupted your train of thought, as well as causing you to jolt slightly in your seat. You checked the clock; it was almost 10 p.m. Not only was today supposed to be a day off, but you couldn't imagine who would need to contact you at such an odd hour.
Needless to say, you were caught entirely by surprise when you saw your boss, of all people, looming overhead, clutching his side with one hand and leaning his weight on the door frame. For a moment, you just stared, unable to understand what he was doing here. Creasing your brow, you squinted, looking up at him, trying to see a bit better in the low light. "Cheavy?"
His head dipped forward slightly, and you could see his shoulders rising and falling with each jerky breath he took. "No shit. Let me in."
Only then did you notice the dank smell of blood wafting from Cheavy, and you found it a lot harder to avoid looking at the hand at his side, catching the dampness of the fabric he clenched between his fingers. 
Faltering for a moment, you nodded, pushing the door wider and stepping out of the way. He didn't say anything as he pushed his way inside, keeping one hand against the wall to brace his weight against as he shuffled forward on unsteady legs. You watched for your position at the door as he trudged to the bed, making the box spring creak slightly as he sat down on the edge, curling forward as he took a deep breath. 
After shutting and re-locking the door, you lingered awkwardly in the doorway, feeling suddenly quite out of place in your own bedroom. Cheavy looked like hell. You'd never seen him look so beat up. It was so out of character to see him like this. "Cheavy, what happened to you?"
"Stabbed." He grumbled.
You crept closer on shaky legs as if approaching a rabid dog. "Why did you come all the way here? Shouldn't you go check in with Medic?"
He pulled off his goggles, wiping the sweat from his brow with his clean hand, "I know you've got a first aid kit in here, now come patch me up." Despite his command, you were too scared to get any closer.
"Alright, um- I'll get right on it. Just get comfortable, and I'll go grab some painkillers for you. I'll be right-"
He interrupted with a gruff bark before you could finish your thought, "You're not going anywhere! Not until I'm patched up."
"Cheavy, I'm not gonna leave you, c'mon I'll just be one minute." You replied in a much quieter voice.
"I'll tell you one more time- you're not going anywhere!" He didn't need to waste his breath with a threat. You got the message loud and clear, after whatever happened to him earlier, he was in no mood for you to test his patience. 
"Understood." You replied curtly. Cheavy was scaring the shit out of you, but you tried to reason with yourself. The sooner you got him patched up, the sooner he'd be out. He was clearly in a lot of pain, but at least he was responsive; he could move on his own, and if it was just one stab wound, you were confident it shouldn't be too hard to patch up. 
Everyone on the team had a first aid kit in their dorm, even though you weren't technically on the team. Even if you couldn't remember ever actually using it. While you weren't as trained as a Medic to treat combat injuries, it didn't take a genius to clean and patch a wound. Gathering your supplies, you pulled on some disposable gloves, bringing a bowl of water and a clean rag, having no idea if it would be enough to clean him up, mentally praying the wound wasn't deep enough to need stitches.
When you returned with your supplies, Cheavy was already on his back, his shirt and harness in a bloodied heap beside his boots on the floor. Drawing a little closer, you realized pulling off his shirt must've agitated his cut, causing fresh blood to fall directly onto your sheets. 
Steeling your resolve, you tiptoed closer with your first aid kit tucked under your elbow, the rag draped over your shoulder using both hands to keep the bowl balanced. When you finally got to his bedside, standing over him, "I'm going to clean you up first. Can you move your hand for me?" 
Cheavy winced slightly but was able to comply, staining the bed with even more blood as his wet hand white-knuckled your bedding. Now that you could get a good look at the wound, you thanked God it wasn't deep enough to require stitches. Fortunately for Cheavy, no severe damage was done to his muscles or bones, but it was one of the last places anyone would want to cut because of the thinner skin and all the nerve endings. The cut ran over his ribs in an angry red streak from the side of his lower ribs, arching up and ending a bit below his pec. It would need an awful lot of bandages but no stitches.
"I'm going to clean the dried blood up first. This is going to feel a bit cold." 
Cheavy didn't respond, just nodded with his eyes still closed, preemptively curling a pillow under the bend in his arm. He obviously wasn't comfortable, but at least he didn't look so infuriated. He hardly reacted when you pressed the damp to his lower belly, using one hand to gently scrub and the other to push into his gut to keep yourself from accidentally tugging at the wound. 
It was going to take a while to fully clean him, and you couldn't stop wondering why the hell he came to you, of all people, to take care of him. Wringing out the rag, you inquired, "So… The Medicine just disappeared? Did he say anything odd the last time you saw him?"
Cheavy huffed, "Obviously not. If you didn't know, deserters don't leave with 2-week notices."
"Right, sorry…" You responded. Gingerly, you began to dab the rag a little further up his chest, already dreading when you'd have to sterilize his wound. Cleaning up his upper body alone would take long enough. You felt so small bedside Cheavy, your hands absolutely tiny and ineffective trying to aid the titan before you. Even in this state, he could snap your arm like a twig if he wanted to. 
So much blood had clotted in his chest hair as you timidly worked away; your fingers were wrinkling from the water, and yet there was still so much work to be done. At least he looked comfortable. You could vaguely feel his heart beating deep inside his chest as his breathing slowed and deepened. The tension finally left his face. Had you ever seen him so relaxed before? It was a pity to disrupt it, "I'm going to disinfect the wound now; it's going to sting pretty bad."
He practically groaned, "Like I haven't had worse today." Cheavy was right. Given what he must've been through, a slight stinging was nothing; all the same, it was impossible to steady your hand as you raised an iodine-soaked cotton ball to the wound's hideous gaping wound. He hardly flinched when the cotton dabbed against his side. At first, you felt guilty for not getting him something to numb the pain before getting started, but you were feeling pretty sure he'd snagged something before he got here.
You stopped counting the cotton balls you had to use to finish cleaning him up. The scent of blood hung thick in the air, radiating from the used cotton balls in the wastebasket, the bedsheets, and his ruined shirt, and you knew your fingers probably wrecked his blood, too. 
But at last, he was cleaned, the bleeding stopped, all there was left to do was tape the gauze over the wound, and you'd be all done. As you suspected, you had to tape no less than 4 gauze pads together to fully cover the injury. The hardest part was over; all you had to do now was pat dry the rest of the water from his chest. You almost thought he'd fallen asleep, startling slightly when you heard him speak, "You find Virgil yet?"
So much for seeing him calm, "Sorry, I haven't." 
"Figures." And just like that, he was pissed again.
As you pat the last section of his abdomen dry, you immediately retracted your hands, wringing them anxiously as you took a few steps back from the bed. "I have found a couple leads, though! It's not much, but I was exchanging messages with some other mercenary groups and-"
In the blink of an eye, he was propped upright on his elbow, leaning to the side to glare at you. He was pissed, but you could tell he was still hurting pretty bad as he balled his hands into fists, forcing himself to stand his ground and show no weakness, "Other mercenary groups? And what the hell are you trying to contact them for? You gonna abandon the team, too?"
"No! Of course not! I just thought maybe if more people were looking for Virgil, we might have a better shot of tracking him down, you know?" If you had any idea you could set him off so quickly, you'd never opened your mouth in the first place, and you knew backtracking like this was getting you nowhere. Once he decided he was mad at you, that was it. He had a short fuse with a hell of a fiery temper.
"You need other people to do your damn job for you? Is that it? Can't you do anything right yourself?"
You were too scared to get any closer to the bed, but you tried to keep your voice level as though it would be enough to convince him you weren't frightened. "Cheavy, will you please lay down, your wound will open up again. All I did was ask around if anyone's seen him recently- that's all. No one is doing my job for me."
His eyes narrowed, "No if you could do your damn job, he wouldn't be missing!"
You opened your mouth to speak, but he was acting so vicious, taking all his aggression out on you, knowing you couldn't do a thing to defend yourself. "Just let him get it out of his system. He'll want to be back in his own bed eventually." You thought, swallowing the lump in your throat, you muttered, "I'm sorry."
"You're sorry? Well, thank God for that." He shifted in bed, laying down on his back, gritting his teeth, "Is this gonna hold up tomorrow in battle?"
You stared at the white patch of gauze and tape at his side, suddenly feeling quite meek, ashamed a patch job was the best you could do, as though this was your responsibility in the first place. "It's not perfect, but so long as you don't overexert yourself, you'll be all set soon."
He almost laughed, "We're losing men left and right, and you think I have the choice not to overexert myself? Is that the best you can do?"
At this point, you could tell Cheavy was just being cruel, he wanted you to feel small and humiliated, and it was working, and you could already feel the sting of tears in the corners of your eyes, "You think it's my fault our men are going missing?"
"Is it not your job to find them? You expect me to believe you've been corresponding with all these other mercenary groups, and what do you have to show for it? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were looking to follow Virgil and Medic out the door."
You opened your mouth to speak, but before you could, he interrupted, "I want to see the correspondence, all of it. If you're so innocent, surely you got nothing to hide, right?"
You felt your stomach drop, "I don't have it… I didn't hear anything promising back… I didn't keep any records."
His voice lowered, "How convenient."
"Cheavy, I know this looks bad, but you must believe me! I would never abandon the team!"
With that sinister, low voice, Cheavy spoke again, "You're nothing without loyalty. I hope you aren't dumb enough to forget something so obvious."
"Cheavy, I'm not going anywhere, for God's sake, you're paranoid."
"So I'm just an idiot then? Is that it?" 
"That's not what I said! Of course, I'm loyal to you- to the entire team!" It was getting harder and harder to keep the tears down. God, you hated dealing with him when he was in a bad mood.
"Forget about them. You're nothing without me- you know that, right? You're only alive now because you're useful- and if you double cross me- bitch, you're dead." He was absolutely seething. "Get over here. I want you to look me in the eye and tell me you're innocent."
Your instincts told you to run and get out while you could, but something unnamable drew you closer: some subliminal obedience. Pacing closer, you stood an arm's length from the bed, "I-I know, Cheavy, this looks bad… But you gotta believe me, I'm on your side! I've always been on your side!"
A chill ran up your spine as he grinned up at you; the sight of a smile on his face was beyond unnatural. "You women love saying that shit, don't you? But I know how it is, you bitches think you're so clever, so charming. You look for the strongest guy to leech off of and hide behind. But the second you see someone else- it's all over. I know your type. You don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself!"
"It's not like that, Cheavy! It's not like that at all!" It made too much sense listening to Cheavy exposing such sexism.
"Must be nice, huh? Leaving all the real work for the men while you get to take it easy?"
After the day of stress you just suffered, that comment stung, but he didn't give you a chance to respond or defend yourself. "You can't track down a few runaways- you can hardly patch up a wound. I can't even trust you alone for one day without me!"
"I'm sorry I let you down. I'm sorry everything's going wrong… but please, I don't know what more you want from me!"
"Don't play dumb bitch, you know why I came here." He couldn't be serious. He just called you worthless and detestable. How could he possibly want you after all that? But the look across his face told you he was dead serious.
"No, Cheavy- please, not like this. God, anything but that." Just thinking about him taking his aggression out on you verbally was enough, but the thought of him doing it physically was so much worse. 
"Do you need me to spell it out for you because you've got one choice here. You can get on the bed and fucking earn your place here for once, or I'll snap your neck."
Cheavy had been nothing but cold, abrasive, and blunt working with you, and while he was still a man with needs like any other, the idea of someone like himself considering taking mercy on you, even just to use your body, confounded you. 
You felt your blood turn to ice in your veins, "You wouldn't…" 
Cheavy watched the color drain from your face with an odd expression somewhere between hatred and amusement. "I wouldn't? Killing you wouldn't cost me a damn thing." 
While you wanted to resist, to argue your way out of the situation, the words died in your throat before you could say a thing. It was impossible to tell what he wanted more, to kill or fuck. Cheavy watched from the bed with sadistic pleasure, watching your confidence crumble like he could smell your fear. Staring at you more like a wild animal than a human. 
"How can I trust you not to kill me once I give you what you want?" You were past resistance at this point; you knew what was about to happen, and he knew it, too.
"You can't. Now c'mere. I want you to prove you belong." Cheavy was past shouting at you. He knew he'd won. Now he was cold and still, expecting you to be the one to make the next move. You were too terrified to even try to come off as sexy. The most you could offer was compliance. Slinking into the bed, crawling in from the foot of the bed before padding over silently, sliding into place between his body and the wall, laying on your side. He took up so much space in the bed that you felt like you had no choice but to cower to fit. 
Stilling momentarily as though waiting for an order, you realized it was your job to turn him on tonight. Looking directly at his lips, you reached over, cupping the side of his face with your palm, smoothing your thumb over the stubble. "So far, so good. Maybe he wants me to act scared?" You thought to yourself. That sounded like something he would want from you. Starting slow was your safest bet. 
Leaning your face closer to his, you closed the distance between your lips, pecking him shyly as he followed your slow pace. While he lay flat on his back, you found his hand with yours, cradling it between both hands, rubbing the toughened skin with your thumbs, warming them slightly. His other hand found the back of your neck, pushing your head closer to deepen the kiss, to which you complied, allowing his tongue to slip into your mouth, his teeth grazing against your lips.
It was a bit of an awkward position, having to lay on your side, one arm caressing the side of his face, one leg wrapped over his, while Cheavy laid on his back, forcing you to crawl closer. He was trying to urge you to keep going, but you were too nervous to get too close, terrified of accidentally pressing against his fresh injury.
Cheavy, on the other hand, wasn't so cautious, "Get on top."
It took you some time until you were properly situated, shifting from his side to between his legs, straddling his waist, leaning forward carefully, avoiding his abdomen as much as possible. Once you were within arms reach, his hands were at your waist, trying to pull your body even closer with a hardly concealed neediness. You complied, kissing him, cupping his cheeks with your hands, pulling apart briefly to whisper, "Cheavy, you gotta take it easy. Your wound could split back open."
He grinned, "So what? You'll still be here to patch it up for me, right?"
You weren't sure if he was making a joke or if he wanted an honest answer. Trying to acquiesce to either demand, your face softened, and you nodded, your thumb slid over his lip as you continued to stroke his face, "Right."
"Good girl." You weren't sure what caught you more by surprise, the use of a pet name or the feeling of his right hand groping against your ass through your sweatpants. You allowed Cheavy another open-mouthed kiss, feeling him suck your lower lip between his teeth, nibbling it in an almost playful manner. 
When you first laid hands on him earlier in the evening, his skin was cold to the touch, but now he felt so warm beneath your chest and between your thighs. And you could feel his legs spreading further as you finally felt comfortable enough to press your body against his broad chest. "Take your top off, I wanna watch."
He watched with lazy half-lid eyes as you nodded, pulling away enough to hook your fingers under the hem of your tank top, feeling a questionable arousal as you pulled the thin fabric away, now looming bare-chested just a breath away. You watched as he slid his massive hands up the length of your torso, groaning in pleasure at the feeling of precious, soft skin underneath his fingertips. The warm feeling deep in the base of your stomach increased when his hands reached your tits, wasting no time before kneading them with his palms, watching the fatty tissue squish between his fingers. "Come closer."
Bracing your weight on your elbows on either side of his head, you nuzzled against the side of his head as his hands squeezed just a bit tighter. For a split-second, you almost wondered if he would be gentler than you expected until you felt him grind his thumb harshly against your nipple, making you yelp and fruitlessly try to arch away from his hands. 
"Does that hurt?"
"Yeah!" Before you could try to pull away again, you felt Heavy's face separate from yours before biting down on the side of your neck, no doubt drawing blood as he did so. You hardly had time to react to the pain when you felt your body moving without your control. Cheavy detached from your tits to dig his fingernails against your back, forcing your body to flatten against his own, his lower body grinding his semi-erection against your limp body. The pain began to dwarf your rising fear as your arms and legs began to flap and push against Cheavy uselessly in resistance. 
Cheavy was moving so fast, but you felt too weak and helpless to stop him as he greedily continued to bite and suckle against your sensitive neck. You had to force your head from the mattress; it was getting too hard to breathe, and you could feel yourself beginning to breathe rapidly, your heart beating so fast, making it impossible to think. 
You could feel Cheavy disconnect from your neck, and you winced, keeping your eyes shut in fear of feeling him lash out again. Instead, he stilled, keeping your trembling body forcefully close to his own, "God, you're sexy when you cry." Confused, you blinked your eyes open, only then registering the tears clinging to your lashes. Instinctively, you moved your hands to brush them away, but Cheavy shook his head, giving you an odd look, which you interpreted as him telling you to stop. Laying your hands back down, he used his grip on your back to push you forward, but rather than forcing you into another deep kiss, his tongue slid out, flicking against your cheeks, the weird feeling making you shut your eyes as he continued to lap up your tears, kissing your eyelid when he was finished. 
"You feel so good when you're mine."
Cheavy released you from his hold, allowing you to push away slightly, wondering what he wanted next.
"Take the rest of your clothes off. Mine too." You complied. Kicking off your bottoms and underwear at once, followed by your socks, before turning your attention to his heavy-duty work pants, visibly strained by his erection. Settling between his legs, your hands found his belt, undoing the clasp and top button. Cheavy sighed with relief at the feeling of the zipper finally coming undone, the erotic sounds distracting you momentarily before you turned your attention back to your task. 
He moved with you, helping you pull his pants down and off before your fingers found the waistband of his boxers. The sight of his tented clothing distracted you and forced you to acknowledge that once this last bit of fabric was gone, there would be nothing separating your bodies. Rather than pulling them down as quickly as you'd done to his pants, you curiously palmed over the swell, making him hiss between grit teeth. He was obviously impatient, but he didn't tell you to stop. 
Partially to delay the inevitable, partially out of curiosity, you traced the outline of his bulge with your finger, dipping lower, feeling the shape of his balls between his spread legs. Even with feather-light touches, Cheavy reacted with vigor, bucking upwards as though it would do anything to satisfy him.
"C'mon, quit messing around already!" He ordered, no longer looking at you. His head had rolled back while you were playing with him, and he was still facing upwards when he spoke. Sighing through your nose, you complied, using both hands to fully undress him before forcing yourself to crawl back on top.
"You're so eager." You didn't think anything of your words but felt unnerved when he smiled in response, "And it's all your fault." You stiffened over his massive body, shutting your eyes, half-expecting him to just force his way inside of you, but to your surprise, you heard him spitting, followed by the feeling of two thick fingers tapping at the outer edge of your sex. The unexpectedness surprised you, making you gasp and look down at what he was doing. Teasing you, forcing you to get a feel for him as he dragged his fingers against you, making you throb against nothing. 
"That's my girl, don't fight it. Just let it happen." It was easier to handle the situation with your eyes closed, not having to look at the loathsome man while he violated you. Resting your forehead on his shoulder, you felt your hips stirred to movement, trying to match his slow rhythm, hitching up anytime you felt him brushing against your clit. His fingers, already wet with his spit, gathered more wetness as he slipped inside you, making you groan as you were forced to stretch against his fingers. 
You tried to catch your breath when he eventually retracted his fingers, smearing the lubrication against his cock. It was just a trace of your warmth, but the promise of the real thing so close had him rock-hard and aligned right where he needed to be, getting a good grip on your hips to ensure you wouldn't try to squirm away. He pushed his head inside, going mercifully slow, allowing you time to adjust to his size before going further. "Does it feel good? Does it feel good to feel my cock inside you while I hold you down?"
It did, it shouldn't have, but it did. You realized Cheavy wasn't going to move until you responded, and you forced yourself to croak out, "It's not like I'm going anywhere."
"Is that so?" Was all the warning you got from him before he pushed deeper inside you, forcing you to keep stretching around his shaft. It hurt as you expected, but something about how he held you down and teased you had you wet, silently begging him to go even deeper. 
By the time he bottomed out inside, you were shaking like a leaf against Cheavy, who relished in your fear in the way he would force you to behave so well for him. "Good thing I got here before you ran away." He snickered to himself before snapping his hips against yours, watching your body tense, your hands gripping much harder against his shoulders than you intended. 
You whimpered, "Cheavy, I'd never abandon the team, you know that- You know I'll be here forever!" Whether it was listening to you whimpering, sounding so pathetic, or the line, "here forever," something about what you said set him off. Making him grunt in satisfaction, continuing to grind against you.
"Forever?" His voice was a bit deeper now, making you shudder.
"Forever! On your side, I swear!" He must've been much more pent up than you realized because he was hammering into you with reckless abandon, already turned on and wanting more. Rather than responding to your words, he sort of grunted in approval. He was too close to climaxing to bother with complete sentences. His eyes were shut, his face tense with anticipation, both hands on the swell of your ass, forcing you to grind against him as he continued to pound inside, treating you like nothing but a piece of meat for him to tear into. He was all lust and no love, fucking like an animal. All his blood was rushing south; you knew the moment he could think clearly, he'd be done with you. 
You should've been revolted. Cheavy hated your guts and saw you as nothing but a body. But how could you remember all that when it felt so good to feel his cock stretching you out, feeling his sweat mixing with your own, his hands pushing you forward until your clit ground against his lower belly. No doubt he could feel you were getting off on being rough-handled like this. You could even hear the sound of your own slick mixing with his spit and precum between thrusts.
Between heavy, labored breathing, you pushed your face right up against his to moan in his ear, "I'm yours; I'm all yours." Almost as soon as the words left your mouth, you gasped before gritting your teeth in pain as Cheavy thrust all the way inside you, coming as deep inside as he could, accidentally clawing at your rear as he mindlessly forced you forward. The brutalism made you lightheaded, feeling so weak and broken down in his arms.
After a few more agonizing seconds, you felt his hands slip from your hips, sliding down your thighs, kneading his fingertips gently into the flesh of your outer thighs, allowing you to disconnect, feeling traces of him clinging and running between your thighs, making you sick. Obviously, he expected you to share the bed with him and wouldn't take kindly to you leaving to get cleaned up. It's not like you had anywhere else to go anyway. The best you could do was dabbing at the mess with a sheet, trying not to think about how filthy it made you feel. The sheets were likely stained with cum and blood, just like you. 
Slotting yourself back into place beside him, facing the wall, you felt a hairy arm wrap around your upper body, pulling you possessively into Cheavy's chest. He'd taken the liberty of turning off the bedside lamp, allowing a merciful darkness to settle over the room.
Without turning your head to speak to him, you whispered, "You believe me now, don't you?"
Cheavy kissed the top of your head, pulling you closer, "We'll see. You've earned your stay here, but just for tonight."
You couldn't help but moan under your breath, somehow feeling even more broken down, "I don't understand- for God's sake, Cheavy! I've done all you've asked of me! What more do you want from me!?"
"Until we find where our real Medic went- you're gonna fill in for him." He sounded tired, almost bored, as though he'd come to this decision before even showing up. 
You had to bite your lower lip to try and keep as quiet as you could, to keep from crying out loud and irritating him, "But I don't know how-" 
"Then you'd better learn fast." Whatever reservations you had were clearly of no concern to him. As far as Cheavy cared, the decision was made. He'd gotten what he wanted and was due for some much needed rest. 
How desperately you wished you could just roll over and let sleep take you like he could, but as you lay frozen in place, your mind racing, imagining yourself forced to follow the team into battle, risking your own skin to protect the man you hated more than anyone. 
Cheavy leaned down slightly to breathe in your ear before tucking your head under his chin and drifting off, "And if you ever try to go behind my back again, I'll blow your damn head off."
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teufortwriting · 9 months
here's the Engie audio btw
im on desktop tripping on ambien right now and ive just been staring at this link for 3 minutes knowing if i click this, i will be entirely undone.
i fear im not strong enough man right now to uncover this little gem myself, but i am awash with gratitude for this, and furthermore the privilege to share with others!!
aso goodnight everyonez! sweet dreams, have a save and restful sleep!!!!! i love you all!!!
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teufortwriting · 9 months
people don’t say this enough but sniper 1000% has a scent kink. he gets off to smelling your shampoo, body spray, etc
he gets pissed when you smell like spy or scout or any other merc after a long mission with them. you leave his van smelling like him the next day tho !!!
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teufortwriting · 9 months
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this has probably been done before but idc
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teufortwriting · 9 months
blootis blu medic is babygirl approved
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teufortwriting · 9 months
Babygirl you are strange and disturbing/affectionate
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teufortwriting · 9 months
am i gonna do kinktober……
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teufortwriting · 9 months
sniper x reader comfort fic
contains: panic attacks, comfort, established relationship, reader has no gender, not proof read
It’s late. Too late for you to be awake. The silence in the base was almost deafening. You could hear your heart beat in your chest as you walk towards the base exit.
Usually, you would be in your boyfriend’s van, but you got sidetracked in your personal quarters.
This panic attack was bad. The worse you’ve had in awhile. Tears sting your eyes as you push the heavy door open. The New Mexico sky was clear, the stars and moon lighting up the area around you. Usually you’d look up at them, but you couldn’t care less about it.
You open the door to the camper van. It’s dark, and you can see that Sniper is either asleep or attempting to. Kicking off your shoes, you quietly change into more comfortable clothes. Your tears made it hard to see, but you tried.
As you get into the bed, you feel Sniper lift his arm to let you slot yourself next to him. You take his offer, fitting perfectly against him. His hand runs down your back, his chin on the top of your head as the two of you settle down.
It helps. A lot. But not enough for you to sleep. You sniffle quietly as you attempt to stay silent. You two have work in the morning and the last thing you want is to disturb his only time of peace.
You feel him shifting slightly, and a light almost blinds you. The lamp next to you was turned on.
“Darling, you’re shaking. Are you all right?”
His voice was tired, but filled with concern. You shake your head, the dam of emotions breaking as you sob into his chest. He was startled at first, but gently wrapped his arms around you.
The two of you stay like that for awhile. He doesn’t say a word as you tell him everything that was hurting you, only listening and hugging you.
You’re okay. You’ll be okay.
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teufortwriting · 9 months
the merc’s comfort items) / comfort activities
cw: none
- baseball bat
- and a picture of his family
- he misses his ma (and his brothers) so having the photo gives him motivation to do his best
- his racoons, the american flag, and his heads
- actually he finds comfort in routine
- when everything goes to plan (wake up, workout, shower, eat, etc) and nothing interrupts it, it makes him extra happy that day
- a blanket his mom knitted
- thought i was gonna say scrumpy? nope
- he sleeps with it every night, and it smells like his mom’s house. reminds him of home and the person he cares about most
- sasha
- he takes very good care of her, and she’s his pride and joy
- also his mom’s food, nothing tops that
- he doesn’t have a comfort item but he has a comfort activity and it’s tinkering with stuff
- sure, he loves building and fixing, but he rarely has time to tinker with objects to see how they work and if he can make it work better
- lighter and their unicorn plush
- engineer gifted them the plush, and they hold it very dear to them
- sleeps with it every night and takes it to the med-bay whenever they have check ups
- his comfort activity is cleaning his gun
- he does it a lot, so he just zones out when he does it, and it keeps his mind off of whatever bothers him that day
- it’s like crocheting but murder
- his doves!!
- taking care of them and spending time with them is so special to him. he gives them all kisses
- he makes sure all of them get a bed time story every night
- cigarettes and knife
- smoking a cigarette while sharpening his blade is soothing. he has to lock his smoking room door so no one bothers him
- people still bother him
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teufortwriting · 9 months
sniper eats hard boiled egg with the shell on
122 notes · View notes
teufortwriting · 9 months
the merc’s comfort items) / comfort activities
cw: none
- baseball bat
- and a picture of his family
- he misses his ma (and his brothers) so having the photo gives him motivation to do his best
- his racoons, the american flag, and his heads
- actually he finds comfort in routine
- when everything goes to plan (wake up, workout, shower, eat, etc) and nothing interrupts it, it makes him extra happy that day
- a blanket his mom knitted
- thought i was gonna say scrumpy? nope
- he sleeps with it every night, and it smells like his mom’s house. reminds him of home and the person he cares about most
- sasha
- he takes very good care of her, and she’s his pride and joy
- also his mom’s food, nothing tops that
- he doesn’t have a comfort item but he has a comfort activity and it’s tinkering with stuff
- sure, he loves building and fixing, but he rarely has time to tinker with objects to see how they work and if he can make it work better
- lighter and their unicorn plush
- engineer gifted them the plush, and they hold it very dear to them
- sleeps with it every night and takes it to the med-bay whenever they have check ups
- his comfort activity is cleaning his gun
- he does it a lot, so he just zones out when he does it, and it keeps his mind off of whatever bothers him that day
- it’s like crocheting but murder
- his doves!!
- taking care of them and spending time with them is so special to him. he gives them all kisses
- he makes sure all of them get a bed time story every night
- cigarettes and knife
- smoking a cigarette while sharpening his blade is soothing. he has to lock his smoking room door so no one bothers him
- people still bother him
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teufortwriting · 9 months
sniper x reader comfort fic
contains: panic attacks, comfort, established relationship, reader has no gender, not proof read
It’s late. Too late for you to be awake. The silence in the base was almost deafening. You could hear your heart beat in your chest as you walk towards the base exit.
Usually, you would be in your boyfriend’s van, but you got sidetracked in your personal quarters.
This panic attack was bad. The worse you’ve had in awhile. Tears sting your eyes as you push the heavy door open. The New Mexico sky was clear, the stars and moon lighting up the area around you. Usually you’d look up at them, but you couldn’t care less about it.
You open the door to the camper van. It’s dark, and you can see that Sniper is either asleep or attempting to. Kicking off your shoes, you quietly change into more comfortable clothes. Your tears made it hard to see, but you tried.
As you get into the bed, you feel Sniper lift his arm to let you slot yourself next to him. You take his offer, fitting perfectly against him. His hand runs down your back, his chin on the top of your head as the two of you settle down.
It helps. A lot. But not enough for you to sleep. You sniffle quietly as you attempt to stay silent. You two have work in the morning and the last thing you want is to disturb his only time of peace.
You feel him shifting slightly, and a light almost blinds you. The lamp next to you was turned on.
“Darling, you’re shaking. Are you all right?”
His voice was tired, but filled with concern. You shake your head, the dam of emotions breaking as you sob into his chest. He was startled at first, but gently wrapped his arms around you.
The two of you stay like that for awhile. He doesn’t say a word as you tell him everything that was hurting you, only listening and hugging you.
You’re okay. You’ll be okay.
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teufortwriting · 10 months
Can you do Classic Heavy from TF2 x reader dubcon?
(I’m assuming this is for classic Heavy from the Comics, not the games because, as far as I know Classic game Heavy has, like- no characterization whatsoever. Comics Heavy sure does though! Wow what a scumbag! Thank you for the request, I hope you enjoy <3)
Summary: Reader is a Spy on a mission to scope out a thought to be abandoned base where the Classic team members used before their deaths. Upon discovering the stubborn members clinging to life the hunter becomes the hunted, and must do whatever it takes to make it through the night alive.
Character: Classic Heavy (Team Fortress 2 Comics)
Rating: X (MINORS DNI)
Word count: 6.4k (it KILLS me this turned out so long and im actually happy w how it turned out bc NO ONE likes this guy and I already know maybe 5 people are actually going to read this💀)
Content Warnings: Dubcon, abuse of power, oral (male and female receiving), size kink, shaming, edging, BAD ENDING, rough
(LAST EDITED 5/27/2023)
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"Fuck, fuck, fuck-"
The only thought running through your head while you sprinted wildly, blindly away from the enemy. You were told the base was abandoned. Everyone back home was sure the classic team was dead and gone. As if you needed the help of the loud-mouthed idiot your team called a Scout. You might've been just a Spy, but you weren't intimidated. Yet here you were, fleeing for your life from the rival team who were, quite apparently, still alive. Generally, you wouldn't be alone on a mission like this. This must be your karma for insisting you take on this job yourself. But worse than being unpartnered, you were without your cloaking device. You were so arrogant to leave it behind, and now you paid dearly for that mistake. It was impossible not to cringe thinking back to how confident you were to handle an "easy" scoping mission like this all by yourself. 
All moments leading to this bloody chase were a wild blur. One moment you were wondering what you thought was an abandoned base. The next, you were running for your life, pursued by two of the mercenaries of your rival group. 
None of it made sense, but you were too scared to question how Gray's mercenaries were still alive. Fortunately, the fortress was absolutely massive, and despite being well into the heart of the building by the time you were spotted, there was more than enough room to run and try and throw them off your trail. And you figured if you could figure out how to come out the way you came in, you should be able to slip away without being captured. But, unfortunately, you weren't prepared for the sight of one of the other ex-mercs waiting at the exit, as though waiting for you to try and escape that way. You had no idea how he knew to choose this area to guard, but it was no longer an option. Just your luck. Upon seeing this, you pressed your back against the wall to try and remain out of sight. But you didn't have time to think. If you wanted to live, you needed to do something now. 
Thinking fast, you pulled the mask off your head, balling it up and throwing it away with slightly awkward, fumbling hands. Pulling your suit jacket off, you let it fall to the ground as you forced yourself to run forward, untucking your shirt, fingering your hair, and trying to look as disheveled as possible. If the ex-mercenaries knew you were a member of their rival team, a Spy nonetheless, they wouldn't hesitate to kill you instantly, as cruelly as possible. But if you could convince Cheavy you were just a citizen who got lost and wound up here, he would let you slip by. It was unlikely, but your back was against the wall, and Cheavy was your last chance. This is it. There's no other way out. You'll have to go through him first, as he guarded the exit like a minotaur in a labyrinth. You ran into the room, halting, pretending you only just now noticed he was there. Obviously poised for a fight, expecting a mercenary to be the one running around the base was considerably confused at the sight of you. Doing your best to look helpless and bewildered, you froze in place. He lowered his weapon from the firing stance and stared you down as your mind raced with what to do next.
"Who are you?"
His voice was harsh and gravelly, while you'd only seen pictures of the Classic Heavy before, and hearing his voice made him all the more terrifying. You gave him an alias, your voice just above a trembling whisper. 
"How the fuck did you get in here?"
"I-I don't know, I swear! I was traveling past, and I must've gotten turned around! I know I shouldn't have entered, but I thought this place was empty! I'm so sorry- I only meant to rest here a moment; the next thing I know, they're firing at me! Please, I don't want any trouble!"
While you did your best to appear meek, dazed, and innocent, you began to slowly inch your way down the side of the wall, trying to get closer to the door. You began to regret the plan more and more the longer you felt Cheavy's piercing eyes bearing down on you. He stepped back, entirely blocking the exit with his body, and you stopped moving, all but cowering in fear at the sight of him. He didn't look convinced, or maybe he just didn't care. If he had to slaughter an innocent life, he would do it. He had no incentive to let you live, and you feared you severely overestimated your evasiveness.
"Please just let me out, and you'll never see me around again! I didn't see anything- I just, I'm so sorry!"
He looked you up and down as if contemplating something to himself.
"If I let you out now, you'd get sniped in a second. So if you want to live, you're going to have to wait it out."
You were afraid it would come to this, but it would seem you had no other choice. If you wanted to avoid being ripped to shreds by the other mercenaries, you needed help. More specifically, you would need Cheavy to protect you. A tall order for such a seemingly apathetic man. But you had to try. The sound of a gunshot in the distance startled you. If you kept wasting time like this, they would immediately find you.
"Please, will you protect me?! I-I know I don't have anything to offer, but I'll do anything you want, I swear!"
He paused for a moment to consider. You clasped your hands together, your body tense and shaking in fear. You hated how he looked at you as if he wanted to draw out the moment as long as possible, regarding your fear with dim entertainment.
"I can hide and cover for you in my quarters. Are you really willing to follow?"
You knew what he was asking of you, and you didn't like it one bit. But you had a team counting on you to make it back to them, and if this is what it took to live to see your own base again, you didn't have much of a choice. You forced yourself to look him in the eye as you nodded once. He returned the gesture.
"You better follow close then. Try to run, and you die, got it?"
With that last command, he walked past you, listening intently to ensure the coast was clear before leading you deeper into the fortress, guiding you by the hand every step with a white-knuckled fist. You had to run to keep up with him, surprised at how much faster he moved than the Heavy you knew on your team. He moved decisively, knowing exactly where he was headed, and wasting no time to get there, racing up stairwells and across the halls until he stopped at the door he was looking for. He pushed the creaking door open, pulling you inside before slamming it shut behind him.
You shuffled aside to put a bit more distance between the two of you, nervously peering over the room while he turned to lock the door, kicked off his boots, and slid off his goggles, sliding them onto a rickety shelf on the wall. The room appeared bare, like a hospital room, all practicality with no comfort. If not for the military weaponry and equipment surrounding the desk, you'd never think this room belonged to someone like Cheavy. 
You couldn't ignore the dismay and dread you felt when your eyes landed on his unmade bed in the far corner of the room. While you were still looking over the room, you felt Heavy's arms wrapping around your body, pulling your back to his chest as he held you there with a painful tightness. Your arms were effectively pinned at your sides, and you could feel your back trying to arch away from his body, but your strength was no match for his own.
"It's been a long time since there's been fresh meat around here. I can't remember the last time I've held a warm body like yours. It's been too long since I've had something like you all to myself."
He spoke in a low, guttural voice as he allowed his hands to glide along your body. Slipping a hand under your blouse, you shuddered at the skin-to-skin contact. It unnerved you how he described you as though you were nothing but an object or a means to an end for his own pleasure. Despite how needy he claimed to be, there was something so controlled about his movements, almost like he wanted to savor the moment as long as he could. Nuzzling his head against the top of your head, he inhaled the smell of your hair, moaning a little on the exhale.
"You'll do well for me. I can tell."
The hand under your top left your skin to hold onto one side of your blouse while his other hand gripped the other. With a tense slowness, Cheavy pulled the two sides away from one another, and you swallowed nervously as you could hear the bottom button straining before popping off, not yet exposing any skin, but enough for you to truly feel the coolness of the room as the fresh air ghosted over your flesh. But he didn't stop with that. Cheavy continued working slowly, deliberately popping off the second button and watching it bounce away onto the floor. He could feel how heavy your breath grew as you fidgeted nervously against his body, helplessly watching as he continued to rip off your blouse.
"I want to watch you take the rest of it off. Nice and slow."
You nodded, beyond thankful he was the one suggesting letting your body go, but before he did, you winced as he tightened his grip, whispering into your ear.
"I hope you're not stupid enough to try and run away because I'm promising you now, you won't make it far, and you won't like what happens when I get my hands on you."
He detached suddenly, and you felt a rush of fresh air wash over you as you could now breathe unrestricted. He walked over to the bed and motioned with his head for you to join him. You felt kitten-legged as you followed, treading as softly as possible on the creaking floor. He took his place at the head of the bed, sitting upright, resting his back against the wall behind the bed while you sat at the foot. Despite trying to get as much distance between the two of you as possible, his long legs took up a significant amount of the bed. He spread them slightly, narrowing his eyes. You knew instantly that meant he wanted you closer, and you completed, crawling over until you were at his knees, kneeling upright. Despite how he sat down while you knelt, you couldn't help but notice you still weren't much taller than him like this.
"C'mere, I wanna feel you sitting on my thigh."
You only then entirely noticed how dense and powerful his thighs looked. The Heavy you knew was comically top-heavy, his legs looking almost stubby in comparison, but the Classic was much more proportional. You couldn't help but admit his thighs didn't look like a bad place to perch. Ignoring the current circumstances. Walking over on your knees, you felt him put one hand on your hip and the other on your upper thigh, guiding you into place with a thankful soft grasp. You slowly settled down your weight until you were fully sitting on his thigh. The embarrassing position was made all the more humiliating as you felt with the thigh between his legs the presence of the bulge in his pants with your leg slotted between his legs.
His hands rubbed encouraging circles into your skin as you undid the top button. It was a shame he so brutishly ruined such an expensive shirt, but that was the least of your worries currently. You could feel his hungry eyes on your tits as your bra came fully into view, but you didn't have the courage to look at him, instead turning your face down to watch your hands working to fully expose yourself to the man. Finally, when you reached the bottom of your blouse, you shrugged it off onto the bed. He positioned his hands so both were on your waist, specifically at the top of your trousers. 
"I wanna see these gone next."
He lightly pushed his thigh up against your groin to emphasize his words. You grit your teeth at the unwanted yet not entirely unpleasant friction between your legs as you undo your pants, Cheavy letting you go just enough to kick your pants off before settling back in place on his thigh. He used both hands to pull you forward until your bare skin pressed against his still-clothed body. Then, with one hand on your cheek, he moved your face to finally meet you at eye level before pulling you into a deep, open-mouthed kiss. He groaned as he rolled his tongue around your mouth, feeling your tongue shyly returning some affection. This momentarily held his attention until he decided he needed more.
He used both hands to unhook your bra and off your body without breaking the kiss. Then, with a crushing force, you felt his hands clamp down over your tits, squishing them together and rolling his thumbs over your nipples. Next, Cheavy broke the kiss to bring his head to nuzzle into the crook of your neck, where he began to suckle and nibble at the thin skin. You grit your teeth at the way his touch continued to turn you, clenching your thighs tighter around his thigh. He shamelessly continued to paw at your chest even when you encircled his wrists with your hands, trying weakly to push out of his hold. Genuinely, you weren't trying to piss him off. You just wanted a moment to catch your breath. But when Cheavy suddenly pushed his thigh up between your legs again, you couldn't help but arch your back forward, leaning all the more into his touch. 
He eventually broke contact with your neck to begin undoing his harness, but you interrupted.
"Here, lay back down. Let me do it for you."
He watched you with charmed eyes as you willed your hands into motion to undo the harness he wore over his undershirt. Anyone could tell you were scared by how your hands trembled and fumbled to complete the task of stripping him down. Despite being almost entirely nude, you felt a humiliating flush of shame. All the while, he stared you down, eyes half-lidded with lust. He moved with you to remove the harness and his shirt before pushing them off the bed. His broad chest, massive with a decent layer of blubber, was coated with coarse ungroomed body hair, and you couldn't help but notice the thick happy trail leading down to his pants. He was much leaner than the Heavy you knew, but that wasn't saying much, and he was no lightweight. His body had remained well intact, despite being what you assumed must've been at least into his 50s. Heavy's chest and upper arms were decorated with thick veins, just like the ones you noticed earlier on his neck. 
You were humiliated by the way you were momentarily distracted by his body, but you couldn't help but find yourself staring. He was built like a bull, a feral animal. The broadness of his chest, the mighty length of his shoulders, rising and falling evenly with every breath he took. Reaching out, you ran your hands down his chest feeling Heavy's thick skin adorned with ample scar tissue, using your fingers to lightly prod at the skin, feeling his body shake with an easy laugh.
"You like what you see?"
"You're so, I mean, my God, you're absolutely massive…."
He shrugged at this, taking great pleasure. Your hands felt so small and soft against his body as you reluctantly felt him up. Soon enough, your hands began to drift a little lower, smoothing over the thick layer of fat over his lower belly, and you steeled yourself to finally undo his pants. Heavy rolled his hips forward to meet your hands as you undid the top button, wanting to undo them quickly, like pulling off a bandaid.
Because of this, you were completely caught off guard when you realized Heavy wore nothing under his pants. Forcing you to finally come face to face with his cock, already fully erect, enhanced with thick veins, and just as thick as you feared. Even though you could only see as much as his open pants would allow you to tell, judging by his pubes, his lower body must've been just as hairy as his upper body. 
"I'm not one to take mercy on the enemy. So for your sake, I suggest you don't half-ass this."
Ever since you met Heavy, you were instantly intimidated by his voice, but this line, in particular, sent a chill down your spine as you felt a fresh wave of fear wash over you. But he was right. If you wanted to make it, you needed to earn it, and he wanted you arousing, not simpering and begging for mercy. Though you knew in the back of your mind, seeing you so feeble and cowering at least caught his attention long enough not to shoot you the moment he laid eyes on you. Just focus already, and get it over with! You mentally screamed at yourself. 
And so you did.
Cupping both your hands around his shaft, you worked up a bit of saliva in your mouth before rolling your tongue very slowly along the underside of his cock. Heavy's head tipped back, sighing with relief as you used your fingers to massage along the base of his dick, keeping the pleasure going while you fought back nausea and forced yourself to go back down. Pulling your hand away, you spit on your fingers, doing the same with the other hand. He was massive, and you wanted to try and minimize as much friction as possible. You could feel him throbbing with your hands when you licked another long line under his member, lightly flicking your tongue against his tip. Kissing the tip softly, you stretched your mouth open, ready to take as much in your mouth as you could manage. 
You were hardly prepared when you felt a massive hand on the top of your head, stopping you from pulling away. Breathing through your nose, trying to ignore the pungent musk surrounding your head, you squeezed your eyes shut. Lips stretched to accommodate his shaft, he rolled his hips slightly, pushing deeper inside.
"Sto'! Yo'r 'oo 'ig!"
There was a good chance he couldn't hear your whimpering over the sound of his strained breathing, as well your own choking sounds as you tried to keep breathing, but there was an ever greater chance he simply didn't care. Foolishly you moved your hands from around his base to fist at the sheets, trying to pull your head away, Cheavy didn't like that. But fortunately for him, he happened to have your head completely in his hands, and thus could use you to compensate for the loss of tightness. With a low groan, he forced your head down even lower until the tip reached the back of your throat. Despite all this, you did your best to keep sucking away, to use your tongue, and to move your head around the best you could.
Clearly, your efforts were paying off, as you could feel his movements begin to grow even needier. His grip on the back of your head tightened painfully, and his hips jerked up sharply, his precum beginning to dribble out the sides of your mouth, though you could feel the stuff mixing with your drool as it leaked down your chin. After a bit more of this, you felt his entire body tensing up as he shot his whole load into your mouth. You could feel your stomach growling and twisting with disgust as you felt the hot stuff slide down your throat, followed by a salt-water-like aftertaste. Finally, he released his hold on your head, allowing you to disconnect from his body with an embarrassing popping sound. Thankfully you were given a moment to catch your breath as he did the same. His head rested against the wall as you cleaned up what remained of his seed off your face before wiping it away on the bed sheets. 
"Lay on your back. Right now."
He hardly even gave you a moment to follow his command before roughly shoving you down on your back when you managed to sit upright, your head at the foot of the bed. Ripping your underwear with a harsh jerk, he pulled them down your legs before dropping them off the side of the bed. You stared up at the ceiling, hearing him remove his pants before they joined your clothes on the floor. You watched him draw closer from your peripherals until he kneeled directly before you. Cheavy took hold of your thighs in both hands without waiting for your permission and spread them wide, keeping them painfully pinned down to the bed. The suddenness and force at which he grabbed you caused you to yelp in alarm and squirm in discomfort and fear under his touch, though you didn't have a chance to break free from his hold. He chuckled, crushing his fingers against your flesh even harder, causing you to wince and grit your teeth to try and withstand the pain.
"Don't tell me you're scared now, little girl. The fun's just getting started."
You shook your head no but knew he could read the pain on your face clear as day. You were too scared to look down, too terrified of the sight below. Your most dangerous of advisories was just a breath away from your vulnerable sex, and there was nothing you could do to protect yourself now. It hardly mattered to Cheavy, he knew you were scared out of your mind, and that was all he needed. Using the tip of his tongue, he lightly licked up, collecting the wetness that continued seeping out of you. He felt a new excitement rising within himself, watching your smaller body twitch and writhe, pinned to the bed under his massive hands. He wanted to draw out the moment, really he did, but when his tongue reached your clit, Cheavy teased the swollen bundle of nerves, the sound of your moans so beautifully complemented by your unsteady breathing, he just about lost all sense of self-control. 
Connecting his lips to your body, he kissed your clit, sucking in, messily rolling his tongue against you, shuddering with pleasure as he finally tasted your tempting body. But he needed more. Greedily he continued to suckle, leading one of your thighs, guiding it to wrap around the back of his head. The friction of his facial hair against your inner thighs felt so bizarre, unlike anything you'd felt before, but it was hardly enough to distract you from what his mouth was doing between your legs. You felt him use his free hand to slide two gnarly fingers inside you, collecting more wetness and only briefly breaking contact with you to suck his fingers clean.
God, he was moving too fast, too harshly, but you couldn't deny it all felt so good. But it was better than good. There was something about being manhandled by this hulking brute that was such a turn-on. Feeling his heavy body bearing down against you, pumping his fingers in and out while his drool mixed with the slick between your legs. You could feel the pressure building deep in your gut, and you knew you wouldn't last much longer. Then, rolling your head back, you felt your climax coming closer. Surely he could feel it too, you were throbbing, and you could feel your heart race in anticipation.
But just as you took a deep breath, preparing for your final release, you felt his fingers pull out, his mouth disconnect. Making a disappointed noise, you pulled away from the mattress a little to look down at him. Heavy, still pinning one of your legs down with his hand pulled away from you, your leg sliding down, disconnecting from the back of his head. Biting your lower lip, you were thankful for the dim lighting in the room. You didn't want a full view of his face covered in your slick.
"You want to come too? Make yourself useful and get on top of me."
For such a simple command, it took nearly all your strength to stop your knees from knocking together as you used your arms to push yourself up to a sitting position. Looking at the head of the bed, Cheavy sat upright with his back to the headboard, waiting for you to sit on his lap. From the looks of him, you figured he was just as turned on as you were, his cock hard and already beginning to leak precum. Of course he was already hard.
Given how intensely he was staring you down, looking Cheavy directly in the eye was impossible. Keeping your head down, sulking forward when you got to his feet, you looked up, unsure what he wanted from you.
Nodding, you padded closer, swallowing your nerves. You spread your legs, straddling Cheavy's thighs, grabbing his shoulders to keep steady. Impatiently, Cheavy reached out, and with a harsh grip on your hips, he pulled you closer until your core was just over his tip. Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt Cheavy run one of his huge hands along your hip towards your backside, your soft flesh feeling warm and inviting to Cheavy as he watched you try to conceal your arousal by hiding your face, but you couldn't hide this. He knew a part of you clung to your personal decency, too afraid to fully let go and give into pleasure, not like that would last much longer anyway.
Tightening your grip on his shoulders, you ran your pussy along the underside of his cock, adding a bit of slickness to his hefty shaft. You were almost too scared to look, trying not to think about the pain and forcing yourself to keep moving. Judging by how his cock throbbed against you, he wanted you right now. Still, despite your own desires, you were almost too scared to move further. You knew it was too late to turn back, but you still felt utterly unprepared. You could tell he wanted you to be the one to move first as he was eerily still below. You didn't need to look down, using your sense of touch to align your core with his member as you forced yourself to lower down to envelope his head. It stung like hell. Despite how you prepared for this moment, he was still hung as hell, and you couldn't help but fear what would happen if it didn't fit.
Cheavy shifted his arms, one wrapping around the back of your neck, holding the back of your head in the palm of his hand, and the other wrapping around your waist. You were surprised he wasn't slamming into you or forcing himself inside, instead taking you in his arms almost soothingly. 
"Deeper- Now!"
"I'm trying!"
Despite being on your knees and heavily sitting down, the two of you were still, just about at eye level, as you could feel his hot breath against your neck and face with every word he spoke. You gasped, feeling him push up just a little to encourage you to go on. Using your grip on his shoulders, you drew closer, wrapping your arms around the back of his head, connecting your cheeks together. 
The sting was still there, but you fought back, forcing yourself to take more, the pain dulling the longer you got used to feeling something so massive inside. His head leaned back a little, signing in relief as you finally managed to take all of him inside you. You heard him inhale deeply, breathing in your scent, moaning in pleasure at the sensory overload of the moment before giving in entirely. 
"You think you're ready? You need me to move first?"
Whispering in his ear, you answered,
"I am."
Needing no further incentive, you felt his hips begin to rock below you. The stinging started to fade away as he moved surprisingly adept beneath you. The feeling replaced by pleasurable friction. It felt wrong to want him so bad, but you didn't even care. For just a moment, you wanted nothing more than to chase your own pleasure, taking Cheavy right along with you. The lewd sound of wet skin against skin accented by the headboard hitting the wall behind the bed and the combined sound of your choppy breathing. Cheavy's arm slithered down from your waist to your crotch as he found your clit again. He used his fingers to roll the bud between his fingers, pinching lightly, massaging the skin with a skill you'd never expected from him. 
It was getting harder and harder to keep up. You felt so tiny and under his control on his lap, your mind lost to the pleasure. You felt a familiar burning feeling deep in your gut, though now you were rolling and grinding your hips against his, feeling how you were arousing him just as intensely. His hand on the back of your head tightened as he grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking your head back slightly. Gasping in surprise, your little reaction only encouraged his roughness as he wounded his fingers deeper into your hair, the pull increasing in strength the closer he was to his climax. And with one more pull on the back of your head, in perfect sync with a pinch to the clit you came right then and there, riding Heavy needily as you wanted to draw out your orgasm the best you could, now mentally sending your blessings to this psychopath and his huge cock. You pushed away from his shoulders with your hands, your back arching in pleasure as your entire body went tense and rigid.
Feeling your body coming against his was the final push he needed to reach his own peak. Cheavy shot his load straight into you, hips bucking the cum deeper inside as he pounded into you mercilessly. Even after his orgasm, he continued to mindlessly pump into you, feeling the pleasurable aftershocks of his orgasm beginning to settle in.
Cheavy's shoulders slumped, and his head followed suit, bobbing slightly as he tried to catch his breath while you were still buzzing from your orgasm, unable to do anything but brace your weight against his shoulders. You were still trying to find your bearings as you felt him carefully pull out, keeping hold of your waist to keep you steady. You were distantly aware of the feeling of his seed dripping between your legs, down your thighs. Momentarily forgetting yourself, you slackened his grip, falling into his chest. For all the mental and physical pain you'd suffered today, you desperately wanted to be held, to feel just a morsel of comfort, no matter from who. 
This didn't last too long, as Cheavy began to shift in bed, easily moving your body with his. Going from sitting up in bed to laying down. Feeling your initial fear of Cheavy resurfacing, you timidly shifted from resting your body on top of his to laying on your side right next to him. You curled into the fetal position with your back to him, not quite in pain but far from at ease. You were filled with dread as you couldn't help but wonder if you could trust him to hold up his side of the bargain now that he had what he wanted. After all, you were no one to him. Just a body he could use to warm his bed.
It took everything to try and push these thoughts away. To try and convince yourself you did everything you could to survive, that come next morning, Heavy would want you gone. The feeling of Cheavy's hefty arm pulling you possessively into his chest as he repositioned to lay on his side facing you. Then in a low whisper, you heard him speak, his breath tickling the flesh of your face.
"You did well. I never thought you spies were good for much of anything. I think I'll keep you here a little longer."
With this one statement, you felt your blood run cold. Without realizing your body began to tremble. You felt cold and terrified despite how close you were to his warm body. Like a splash of frigid water, you felt goosebumps prickle, and your stomach flip. He knew. He fucking knew all along, and I fell right for it! You thought bitterly. You wanted to cry, or scream, or try and fight back, or run, but you knew it was pointless, and you'd lost the battle. He couldn't see your face, but he could tell by your unsteady breathing and tense body that you were only now realizing the situation. In a mockingly soothing gesture, he began to run his hand along your arm, hushing your ragged and fearful breathing.
"It's not every day a hostage is practically thrown right into my lap like this. But you're something special. I can feel it."
Your stomach churned with disgust and fear as you could do nothing but lay down in the grave you'd drug for yourself unknowingly. You couldn't budge an inch from his body, given his hold on you. With a trembling voice, you spoke,
"How did you-"
"I've seen your wanted posters with the rest of your team. That mask of yours doesn't hide as much as you think it does. I had a hunch it was a spy stirring up my team, and the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew."
"But why this! Why not just kill me if you hate me so much?"
You couldn't hide the distress in your voice nor the sobs you no longer had the strength to hide.
He pulled you a little tighter.
"Like I said, it's been too long since I've seen some fresh meat around here. And all the better, a little spy. I hate your type, you know that? You think you're so clever, so sneaky, so much better than the rest of us, don't you? You, spineless Spies, don't deserve a quick death. Your kind has been a thorn in my side for too long, I can't kill you all, but I sure as hell can make you pay on their behalf."
You wanted to question him further as though you had anything to say for yourself. You were an embarrassment to spies everywhere, and now you were stuck here, against your will and under enemy command.
"You'll make a nice little bargaining chip. Your teammates must be so worried about their poor little spy. But do you think they would take you back if they knew what you've done?"
You answered in a weak, cracked voice, hardly louder than a whisper. 
"You're wrong. We're a team. They would never abandon me. No matter what."
He snickered in amusement as you clung to what little resilience you could muster. It was cute, really. 
"You're sure about that? Do you really think they'll trust you once they find out you've fucked the enemy because you were too weak to escape? I bet if they could see you now, naked, full of my cum, and in the enemy's bed, none of them would want you back. Hell, maybe I could slit your throat right now, and they would be on my side."
You huffed, trying to prove you didn't believe him, but it wasn't until now that you realized how filthy you felt. You hated how right he was. The way you wanted to puke, feeling his sweaty chest pressing against your back, the feeling of his seed deep in your gut. How you felt like you could still feel his cum running down your throat, over your tongue, and spilling from the sides of your mouth. As much as it hurt to admit it, Heavy was right. You felt repulsive. As much as you tried to assure yourself you only did what you had to do to survive, it did nothing to stop the shame from washing over you. You felt sick to be in your own skin, fresh tears prickling in your eyes, threatening to spill down your cheeks as you used every ounce of strength to remain cloistered, to do whatever you could to prevent giving Heavy the satisfaction of seeing you broken down and frail. Finally, with a light peck on your cheek, Heavy whispered.
"Tomorrow is gonna be a fun day for us. You'll want to get some sleep in while you can."
Suddenly you felt his hold around your body tighten as he spoke in a frighteningly low hiss.
"And if you try to escape and wake me up, I'll break your fucking spine."
You nodded rapidly, wanting nothing more than to escape his vice-like grip. Fortunately, this was all it took, and he relaxed while keeping you tightly under his arm, tucked under his chin. You could not fall asleep, but you forced yourself to close your eyes and slow your breathing. It wasn't long until you felt his breathing begin to copy your rhythm as he drifted off to sleep. You wished you could do the same, but his questions kept repeating. Of course, your team would want you back. They would understand you did what you had to do. There's no way they would see you as a traitor for doing what you needed to do to survive. Despite how you tried to assure yourself, Cheavy successfully planted seeds of doubt in your mind, and now there was no way to ignore the uncertainty lingering in your mind. Wondering if you could trust your team to want you back, fearing the worst was yet to come.
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teufortwriting · 10 months
i’m a starved man and this is my meal
Can you do Classic Heavy from TF2 x reader dubcon?
(I’m assuming this is for classic Heavy from the Comics, not the games because, as far as I know Classic game Heavy has, like- no characterization whatsoever. Comics Heavy sure does though! Wow what a scumbag! Thank you for the request, I hope you enjoy <3)
Summary: Reader is a Spy on a mission to scope out a thought to be abandoned base where the Classic team members used before their deaths. Upon discovering the stubborn members clinging to life the hunter becomes the hunted, and must do whatever it takes to make it through the night alive.
Character: Classic Heavy (Team Fortress 2 Comics)
Rating: X (MINORS DNI)
Word count: 6.4k (it KILLS me this turned out so long and im actually happy w how it turned out bc NO ONE likes this guy and I already know maybe 5 people are actually going to read this💀)
Content Warnings: Dubcon, abuse of power, oral (male and female receiving), size kink, shaming, edging, BAD ENDING, rough
(LAST EDITED 5/27/2023)
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"Fuck, fuck, fuck-"
The only thought running through your head while you sprinted wildly, blindly away from the enemy. You were told the base was abandoned. Everyone back home was sure the classic team was dead and gone. As if you needed the help of the loud-mouthed idiot your team called a Scout. You might've been just a Spy, but you weren't intimidated. Yet here you were, fleeing for your life from the rival team who were, quite apparently, still alive. Generally, you wouldn't be alone on a mission like this. This must be your karma for insisting you take on this job yourself. But worse than being unpartnered, you were without your cloaking device. You were so arrogant to leave it behind, and now you paid dearly for that mistake. It was impossible not to cringe thinking back to how confident you were to handle an "easy" scoping mission like this all by yourself. 
All moments leading to this bloody chase were a wild blur. One moment you were wondering what you thought was an abandoned base. The next, you were running for your life, pursued by two of the mercenaries of your rival group. 
None of it made sense, but you were too scared to question how Gray's mercenaries were still alive. Fortunately, the fortress was absolutely massive, and despite being well into the heart of the building by the time you were spotted, there was more than enough room to run and try and throw them off your trail. And you figured if you could figure out how to come out the way you came in, you should be able to slip away without being captured. But, unfortunately, you weren't prepared for the sight of one of the other ex-mercs waiting at the exit, as though waiting for you to try and escape that way. You had no idea how he knew to choose this area to guard, but it was no longer an option. Just your luck. Upon seeing this, you pressed your back against the wall to try and remain out of sight. But you didn't have time to think. If you wanted to live, you needed to do something now. 
Thinking fast, you pulled the mask off your head, balling it up and throwing it away with slightly awkward, fumbling hands. Pulling your suit jacket off, you let it fall to the ground as you forced yourself to run forward, untucking your shirt, fingering your hair, and trying to look as disheveled as possible. If the ex-mercenaries knew you were a member of their rival team, a Spy nonetheless, they wouldn't hesitate to kill you instantly, as cruelly as possible. But if you could convince Cheavy you were just a citizen who got lost and wound up here, he would let you slip by. It was unlikely, but your back was against the wall, and Cheavy was your last chance. This is it. There's no other way out. You'll have to go through him first, as he guarded the exit like a minotaur in a labyrinth. You ran into the room, halting, pretending you only just now noticed he was there. Obviously poised for a fight, expecting a mercenary to be the one running around the base was considerably confused at the sight of you. Doing your best to look helpless and bewildered, you froze in place. He lowered his weapon from the firing stance and stared you down as your mind raced with what to do next.
"Who are you?"
His voice was harsh and gravelly, while you'd only seen pictures of the Classic Heavy before, and hearing his voice made him all the more terrifying. You gave him an alias, your voice just above a trembling whisper. 
"How the fuck did you get in here?"
"I-I don't know, I swear! I was traveling past, and I must've gotten turned around! I know I shouldn't have entered, but I thought this place was empty! I'm so sorry- I only meant to rest here a moment; the next thing I know, they're firing at me! Please, I don't want any trouble!"
While you did your best to appear meek, dazed, and innocent, you began to slowly inch your way down the side of the wall, trying to get closer to the door. You began to regret the plan more and more the longer you felt Cheavy's piercing eyes bearing down on you. He stepped back, entirely blocking the exit with his body, and you stopped moving, all but cowering in fear at the sight of him. He didn't look convinced, or maybe he just didn't care. If he had to slaughter an innocent life, he would do it. He had no incentive to let you live, and you feared you severely overestimated your evasiveness.
"Please just let me out, and you'll never see me around again! I didn't see anything- I just, I'm so sorry!"
He looked you up and down as if contemplating something to himself.
"If I let you out now, you'd get sniped in a second. So if you want to live, you're going to have to wait it out."
You were afraid it would come to this, but it would seem you had no other choice. If you wanted to avoid being ripped to shreds by the other mercenaries, you needed help. More specifically, you would need Cheavy to protect you. A tall order for such a seemingly apathetic man. But you had to try. The sound of a gunshot in the distance startled you. If you kept wasting time like this, they would immediately find you.
"Please, will you protect me?! I-I know I don't have anything to offer, but I'll do anything you want, I swear!"
He paused for a moment to consider. You clasped your hands together, your body tense and shaking in fear. You hated how he looked at you as if he wanted to draw out the moment as long as possible, regarding your fear with dim entertainment.
"I can hide and cover for you in my quarters. Are you really willing to follow?"
You knew what he was asking of you, and you didn't like it one bit. But you had a team counting on you to make it back to them, and if this is what it took to live to see your own base again, you didn't have much of a choice. You forced yourself to look him in the eye as you nodded once. He returned the gesture.
"You better follow close then. Try to run, and you die, got it?"
With that last command, he walked past you, listening intently to ensure the coast was clear before leading you deeper into the fortress, guiding you by the hand every step with a white-knuckled fist. You had to run to keep up with him, surprised at how much faster he moved than the Heavy you knew on your team. He moved decisively, knowing exactly where he was headed, and wasting no time to get there, racing up stairwells and across the halls until he stopped at the door he was looking for. He pushed the creaking door open, pulling you inside before slamming it shut behind him.
You shuffled aside to put a bit more distance between the two of you, nervously peering over the room while he turned to lock the door, kicked off his boots, and slid off his goggles, sliding them onto a rickety shelf on the wall. The room appeared bare, like a hospital room, all practicality with no comfort. If not for the military weaponry and equipment surrounding the desk, you'd never think this room belonged to someone like Cheavy. 
You couldn't ignore the dismay and dread you felt when your eyes landed on his unmade bed in the far corner of the room. While you were still looking over the room, you felt Heavy's arms wrapping around your body, pulling your back to his chest as he held you there with a painful tightness. Your arms were effectively pinned at your sides, and you could feel your back trying to arch away from his body, but your strength was no match for his own.
"It's been a long time since there's been fresh meat around here. I can't remember the last time I've held a warm body like yours. It's been too long since I've had something like you all to myself."
He spoke in a low, guttural voice as he allowed his hands to glide along your body. Slipping a hand under your blouse, you shuddered at the skin-to-skin contact. It unnerved you how he described you as though you were nothing but an object or a means to an end for his own pleasure. Despite how needy he claimed to be, there was something so controlled about his movements, almost like he wanted to savor the moment as long as he could. Nuzzling his head against the top of your head, he inhaled the smell of your hair, moaning a little on the exhale.
"You'll do well for me. I can tell."
The hand under your top left your skin to hold onto one side of your blouse while his other hand gripped the other. With a tense slowness, Cheavy pulled the two sides away from one another, and you swallowed nervously as you could hear the bottom button straining before popping off, not yet exposing any skin, but enough for you to truly feel the coolness of the room as the fresh air ghosted over your flesh. But he didn't stop with that. Cheavy continued working slowly, deliberately popping off the second button and watching it bounce away onto the floor. He could feel how heavy your breath grew as you fidgeted nervously against his body, helplessly watching as he continued to rip off your blouse.
"I want to watch you take the rest of it off. Nice and slow."
You nodded, beyond thankful he was the one suggesting letting your body go, but before he did, you winced as he tightened his grip, whispering into your ear.
"I hope you're not stupid enough to try and run away because I'm promising you now, you won't make it far, and you won't like what happens when I get my hands on you."
He detached suddenly, and you felt a rush of fresh air wash over you as you could now breathe unrestricted. He walked over to the bed and motioned with his head for you to join him. You felt kitten-legged as you followed, treading as softly as possible on the creaking floor. He took his place at the head of the bed, sitting upright, resting his back against the wall behind the bed while you sat at the foot. Despite trying to get as much distance between the two of you as possible, his long legs took up a significant amount of the bed. He spread them slightly, narrowing his eyes. You knew instantly that meant he wanted you closer, and you completed, crawling over until you were at his knees, kneeling upright. Despite how he sat down while you knelt, you couldn't help but notice you still weren't much taller than him like this.
"C'mere, I wanna feel you sitting on my thigh."
You only then entirely noticed how dense and powerful his thighs looked. The Heavy you knew was comically top-heavy, his legs looking almost stubby in comparison, but the Classic was much more proportional. You couldn't help but admit his thighs didn't look like a bad place to perch. Ignoring the current circumstances. Walking over on your knees, you felt him put one hand on your hip and the other on your upper thigh, guiding you into place with a thankful soft grasp. You slowly settled down your weight until you were fully sitting on his thigh. The embarrassing position was made all the more humiliating as you felt with the thigh between his legs the presence of the bulge in his pants with your leg slotted between his legs.
His hands rubbed encouraging circles into your skin as you undid the top button. It was a shame he so brutishly ruined such an expensive shirt, but that was the least of your worries currently. You could feel his hungry eyes on your tits as your bra came fully into view, but you didn't have the courage to look at him, instead turning your face down to watch your hands working to fully expose yourself to the man. Finally, when you reached the bottom of your blouse, you shrugged it off onto the bed. He positioned his hands so both were on your waist, specifically at the top of your trousers. 
"I wanna see these gone next."
He lightly pushed his thigh up against your groin to emphasize his words. You grit your teeth at the unwanted yet not entirely unpleasant friction between your legs as you undo your pants, Cheavy letting you go just enough to kick your pants off before settling back in place on his thigh. He used both hands to pull you forward until your bare skin pressed against his still-clothed body. Then, with one hand on your cheek, he moved your face to finally meet you at eye level before pulling you into a deep, open-mouthed kiss. He groaned as he rolled his tongue around your mouth, feeling your tongue shyly returning some affection. This momentarily held his attention until he decided he needed more.
He used both hands to unhook your bra and off your body without breaking the kiss. Then, with a crushing force, you felt his hands clamp down over your tits, squishing them together and rolling his thumbs over your nipples. Next, Cheavy broke the kiss to bring his head to nuzzle into the crook of your neck, where he began to suckle and nibble at the thin skin. You grit your teeth at the way his touch continued to turn you, clenching your thighs tighter around his thigh. He shamelessly continued to paw at your chest even when you encircled his wrists with your hands, trying weakly to push out of his hold. Genuinely, you weren't trying to piss him off. You just wanted a moment to catch your breath. But when Cheavy suddenly pushed his thigh up between your legs again, you couldn't help but arch your back forward, leaning all the more into his touch. 
He eventually broke contact with your neck to begin undoing his harness, but you interrupted.
"Here, lay back down. Let me do it for you."
He watched you with charmed eyes as you willed your hands into motion to undo the harness he wore over his undershirt. Anyone could tell you were scared by how your hands trembled and fumbled to complete the task of stripping him down. Despite being almost entirely nude, you felt a humiliating flush of shame. All the while, he stared you down, eyes half-lidded with lust. He moved with you to remove the harness and his shirt before pushing them off the bed. His broad chest, massive with a decent layer of blubber, was coated with coarse ungroomed body hair, and you couldn't help but notice the thick happy trail leading down to his pants. He was much leaner than the Heavy you knew, but that wasn't saying much, and he was no lightweight. His body had remained well intact, despite being what you assumed must've been at least into his 50s. Heavy's chest and upper arms were decorated with thick veins, just like the ones you noticed earlier on his neck. 
You were humiliated by the way you were momentarily distracted by his body, but you couldn't help but find yourself staring. He was built like a bull, a feral animal. The broadness of his chest, the mighty length of his shoulders, rising and falling evenly with every breath he took. Reaching out, you ran your hands down his chest feeling Heavy's thick skin adorned with ample scar tissue, using your fingers to lightly prod at the skin, feeling his body shake with an easy laugh.
"You like what you see?"
"You're so, I mean, my God, you're absolutely massive…."
He shrugged at this, taking great pleasure. Your hands felt so small and soft against his body as you reluctantly felt him up. Soon enough, your hands began to drift a little lower, smoothing over the thick layer of fat over his lower belly, and you steeled yourself to finally undo his pants. Heavy rolled his hips forward to meet your hands as you undid the top button, wanting to undo them quickly, like pulling off a bandaid.
Because of this, you were completely caught off guard when you realized Heavy wore nothing under his pants. Forcing you to finally come face to face with his cock, already fully erect, enhanced with thick veins, and just as thick as you feared. Even though you could only see as much as his open pants would allow you to tell, judging by his pubes, his lower body must've been just as hairy as his upper body. 
"I'm not one to take mercy on the enemy. So for your sake, I suggest you don't half-ass this."
Ever since you met Heavy, you were instantly intimidated by his voice, but this line, in particular, sent a chill down your spine as you felt a fresh wave of fear wash over you. But he was right. If you wanted to make it, you needed to earn it, and he wanted you arousing, not simpering and begging for mercy. Though you knew in the back of your mind, seeing you so feeble and cowering at least caught his attention long enough not to shoot you the moment he laid eyes on you. Just focus already, and get it over with! You mentally screamed at yourself. 
And so you did.
Cupping both your hands around his shaft, you worked up a bit of saliva in your mouth before rolling your tongue very slowly along the underside of his cock. Heavy's head tipped back, sighing with relief as you used your fingers to massage along the base of his dick, keeping the pleasure going while you fought back nausea and forced yourself to go back down. Pulling your hand away, you spit on your fingers, doing the same with the other hand. He was massive, and you wanted to try and minimize as much friction as possible. You could feel him throbbing with your hands when you licked another long line under his member, lightly flicking your tongue against his tip. Kissing the tip softly, you stretched your mouth open, ready to take as much in your mouth as you could manage. 
You were hardly prepared when you felt a massive hand on the top of your head, stopping you from pulling away. Breathing through your nose, trying to ignore the pungent musk surrounding your head, you squeezed your eyes shut. Lips stretched to accommodate his shaft, he rolled his hips slightly, pushing deeper inside.
"Sto'! Yo'r 'oo 'ig!"
There was a good chance he couldn't hear your whimpering over the sound of his strained breathing, as well your own choking sounds as you tried to keep breathing, but there was an ever greater chance he simply didn't care. Foolishly you moved your hands from around his base to fist at the sheets, trying to pull your head away, Cheavy didn't like that. But fortunately for him, he happened to have your head completely in his hands, and thus could use you to compensate for the loss of tightness. With a low groan, he forced your head down even lower until the tip reached the back of your throat. Despite all this, you did your best to keep sucking away, to use your tongue, and to move your head around the best you could.
Clearly, your efforts were paying off, as you could feel his movements begin to grow even needier. His grip on the back of your head tightened painfully, and his hips jerked up sharply, his precum beginning to dribble out the sides of your mouth, though you could feel the stuff mixing with your drool as it leaked down your chin. After a bit more of this, you felt his entire body tensing up as he shot his whole load into your mouth. You could feel your stomach growling and twisting with disgust as you felt the hot stuff slide down your throat, followed by a salt-water-like aftertaste. Finally, he released his hold on your head, allowing you to disconnect from his body with an embarrassing popping sound. Thankfully you were given a moment to catch your breath as he did the same. His head rested against the wall as you cleaned up what remained of his seed off your face before wiping it away on the bed sheets. 
"Lay on your back. Right now."
He hardly even gave you a moment to follow his command before roughly shoving you down on your back when you managed to sit upright, your head at the foot of the bed. Ripping your underwear with a harsh jerk, he pulled them down your legs before dropping them off the side of the bed. You stared up at the ceiling, hearing him remove his pants before they joined your clothes on the floor. You watched him draw closer from your peripherals until he kneeled directly before you. Cheavy took hold of your thighs in both hands without waiting for your permission and spread them wide, keeping them painfully pinned down to the bed. The suddenness and force at which he grabbed you caused you to yelp in alarm and squirm in discomfort and fear under his touch, though you didn't have a chance to break free from his hold. He chuckled, crushing his fingers against your flesh even harder, causing you to wince and grit your teeth to try and withstand the pain.
"Don't tell me you're scared now, little girl. The fun's just getting started."
You shook your head no but knew he could read the pain on your face clear as day. You were too scared to look down, too terrified of the sight below. Your most dangerous of advisories was just a breath away from your vulnerable sex, and there was nothing you could do to protect yourself now. It hardly mattered to Cheavy, he knew you were scared out of your mind, and that was all he needed. Using the tip of his tongue, he lightly licked up, collecting the wetness that continued seeping out of you. He felt a new excitement rising within himself, watching your smaller body twitch and writhe, pinned to the bed under his massive hands. He wanted to draw out the moment, really he did, but when his tongue reached your clit, Cheavy teased the swollen bundle of nerves, the sound of your moans so beautifully complemented by your unsteady breathing, he just about lost all sense of self-control. 
Connecting his lips to your body, he kissed your clit, sucking in, messily rolling his tongue against you, shuddering with pleasure as he finally tasted your tempting body. But he needed more. Greedily he continued to suckle, leading one of your thighs, guiding it to wrap around the back of his head. The friction of his facial hair against your inner thighs felt so bizarre, unlike anything you'd felt before, but it was hardly enough to distract you from what his mouth was doing between your legs. You felt him use his free hand to slide two gnarly fingers inside you, collecting more wetness and only briefly breaking contact with you to suck his fingers clean.
God, he was moving too fast, too harshly, but you couldn't deny it all felt so good. But it was better than good. There was something about being manhandled by this hulking brute that was such a turn-on. Feeling his heavy body bearing down against you, pumping his fingers in and out while his drool mixed with the slick between your legs. You could feel the pressure building deep in your gut, and you knew you wouldn't last much longer. Then, rolling your head back, you felt your climax coming closer. Surely he could feel it too, you were throbbing, and you could feel your heart race in anticipation.
But just as you took a deep breath, preparing for your final release, you felt his fingers pull out, his mouth disconnect. Making a disappointed noise, you pulled away from the mattress a little to look down at him. Heavy, still pinning one of your legs down with his hand pulled away from you, your leg sliding down, disconnecting from the back of his head. Biting your lower lip, you were thankful for the dim lighting in the room. You didn't want a full view of his face covered in your slick.
"You want to come too? Make yourself useful and get on top of me."
For such a simple command, it took nearly all your strength to stop your knees from knocking together as you used your arms to push yourself up to a sitting position. Looking at the head of the bed, Cheavy sat upright with his back to the headboard, waiting for you to sit on his lap. From the looks of him, you figured he was just as turned on as you were, his cock hard and already beginning to leak precum. Of course he was already hard.
Given how intensely he was staring you down, looking Cheavy directly in the eye was impossible. Keeping your head down, sulking forward when you got to his feet, you looked up, unsure what he wanted from you.
Nodding, you padded closer, swallowing your nerves. You spread your legs, straddling Cheavy's thighs, grabbing his shoulders to keep steady. Impatiently, Cheavy reached out, and with a harsh grip on your hips, he pulled you closer until your core was just over his tip. Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt Cheavy run one of his huge hands along your hip towards your backside, your soft flesh feeling warm and inviting to Cheavy as he watched you try to conceal your arousal by hiding your face, but you couldn't hide this. He knew a part of you clung to your personal decency, too afraid to fully let go and give into pleasure, not like that would last much longer anyway.
Tightening your grip on his shoulders, you ran your pussy along the underside of his cock, adding a bit of slickness to his hefty shaft. You were almost too scared to look, trying not to think about the pain and forcing yourself to keep moving. Judging by how his cock throbbed against you, he wanted you right now. Still, despite your own desires, you were almost too scared to move further. You knew it was too late to turn back, but you still felt utterly unprepared. You could tell he wanted you to be the one to move first as he was eerily still below. You didn't need to look down, using your sense of touch to align your core with his member as you forced yourself to lower down to envelope his head. It stung like hell. Despite how you prepared for this moment, he was still hung as hell, and you couldn't help but fear what would happen if it didn't fit.
Cheavy shifted his arms, one wrapping around the back of your neck, holding the back of your head in the palm of his hand, and the other wrapping around your waist. You were surprised he wasn't slamming into you or forcing himself inside, instead taking you in his arms almost soothingly. 
"Deeper- Now!"
"I'm trying!"
Despite being on your knees and heavily sitting down, the two of you were still, just about at eye level, as you could feel his hot breath against your neck and face with every word he spoke. You gasped, feeling him push up just a little to encourage you to go on. Using your grip on his shoulders, you drew closer, wrapping your arms around the back of his head, connecting your cheeks together. 
The sting was still there, but you fought back, forcing yourself to take more, the pain dulling the longer you got used to feeling something so massive inside. His head leaned back a little, signing in relief as you finally managed to take all of him inside you. You heard him inhale deeply, breathing in your scent, moaning in pleasure at the sensory overload of the moment before giving in entirely. 
"You think you're ready? You need me to move first?"
Whispering in his ear, you answered,
"I am."
Needing no further incentive, you felt his hips begin to rock below you. The stinging started to fade away as he moved surprisingly adept beneath you. The feeling replaced by pleasurable friction. It felt wrong to want him so bad, but you didn't even care. For just a moment, you wanted nothing more than to chase your own pleasure, taking Cheavy right along with you. The lewd sound of wet skin against skin accented by the headboard hitting the wall behind the bed and the combined sound of your choppy breathing. Cheavy's arm slithered down from your waist to your crotch as he found your clit again. He used his fingers to roll the bud between his fingers, pinching lightly, massaging the skin with a skill you'd never expected from him. 
It was getting harder and harder to keep up. You felt so tiny and under his control on his lap, your mind lost to the pleasure. You felt a familiar burning feeling deep in your gut, though now you were rolling and grinding your hips against his, feeling how you were arousing him just as intensely. His hand on the back of your head tightened as he grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking your head back slightly. Gasping in surprise, your little reaction only encouraged his roughness as he wounded his fingers deeper into your hair, the pull increasing in strength the closer he was to his climax. And with one more pull on the back of your head, in perfect sync with a pinch to the clit you came right then and there, riding Heavy needily as you wanted to draw out your orgasm the best you could, now mentally sending your blessings to this psychopath and his huge cock. You pushed away from his shoulders with your hands, your back arching in pleasure as your entire body went tense and rigid.
Feeling your body coming against his was the final push he needed to reach his own peak. Cheavy shot his load straight into you, hips bucking the cum deeper inside as he pounded into you mercilessly. Even after his orgasm, he continued to mindlessly pump into you, feeling the pleasurable aftershocks of his orgasm beginning to settle in.
Cheavy's shoulders slumped, and his head followed suit, bobbing slightly as he tried to catch his breath while you were still buzzing from your orgasm, unable to do anything but brace your weight against his shoulders. You were still trying to find your bearings as you felt him carefully pull out, keeping hold of your waist to keep you steady. You were distantly aware of the feeling of his seed dripping between your legs, down your thighs. Momentarily forgetting yourself, you slackened his grip, falling into his chest. For all the mental and physical pain you'd suffered today, you desperately wanted to be held, to feel just a morsel of comfort, no matter from who. 
This didn't last too long, as Cheavy began to shift in bed, easily moving your body with his. Going from sitting up in bed to laying down. Feeling your initial fear of Cheavy resurfacing, you timidly shifted from resting your body on top of his to laying on your side right next to him. You curled into the fetal position with your back to him, not quite in pain but far from at ease. You were filled with dread as you couldn't help but wonder if you could trust him to hold up his side of the bargain now that he had what he wanted. After all, you were no one to him. Just a body he could use to warm his bed.
It took everything to try and push these thoughts away. To try and convince yourself you did everything you could to survive, that come next morning, Heavy would want you gone. The feeling of Cheavy's hefty arm pulling you possessively into his chest as he repositioned to lay on his side facing you. Then in a low whisper, you heard him speak, his breath tickling the flesh of your face.
"You did well. I never thought you spies were good for much of anything. I think I'll keep you here a little longer."
With this one statement, you felt your blood run cold. Without realizing your body began to tremble. You felt cold and terrified despite how close you were to his warm body. Like a splash of frigid water, you felt goosebumps prickle, and your stomach flip. He knew. He fucking knew all along, and I fell right for it! You thought bitterly. You wanted to cry, or scream, or try and fight back, or run, but you knew it was pointless, and you'd lost the battle. He couldn't see your face, but he could tell by your unsteady breathing and tense body that you were only now realizing the situation. In a mockingly soothing gesture, he began to run his hand along your arm, hushing your ragged and fearful breathing.
"It's not every day a hostage is practically thrown right into my lap like this. But you're something special. I can feel it."
Your stomach churned with disgust and fear as you could do nothing but lay down in the grave you'd drug for yourself unknowingly. You couldn't budge an inch from his body, given his hold on you. With a trembling voice, you spoke,
"How did you-"
"I've seen your wanted posters with the rest of your team. That mask of yours doesn't hide as much as you think it does. I had a hunch it was a spy stirring up my team, and the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew."
"But why this! Why not just kill me if you hate me so much?"
You couldn't hide the distress in your voice nor the sobs you no longer had the strength to hide.
He pulled you a little tighter.
"Like I said, it's been too long since I've seen some fresh meat around here. And all the better, a little spy. I hate your type, you know that? You think you're so clever, so sneaky, so much better than the rest of us, don't you? You, spineless Spies, don't deserve a quick death. Your kind has been a thorn in my side for too long, I can't kill you all, but I sure as hell can make you pay on their behalf."
You wanted to question him further as though you had anything to say for yourself. You were an embarrassment to spies everywhere, and now you were stuck here, against your will and under enemy command.
"You'll make a nice little bargaining chip. Your teammates must be so worried about their poor little spy. But do you think they would take you back if they knew what you've done?"
You answered in a weak, cracked voice, hardly louder than a whisper. 
"You're wrong. We're a team. They would never abandon me. No matter what."
He snickered in amusement as you clung to what little resilience you could muster. It was cute, really. 
"You're sure about that? Do you really think they'll trust you once they find out you've fucked the enemy because you were too weak to escape? I bet if they could see you now, naked, full of my cum, and in the enemy's bed, none of them would want you back. Hell, maybe I could slit your throat right now, and they would be on my side."
You huffed, trying to prove you didn't believe him, but it wasn't until now that you realized how filthy you felt. You hated how right he was. The way you wanted to puke, feeling his sweaty chest pressing against your back, the feeling of his seed deep in your gut. How you felt like you could still feel his cum running down your throat, over your tongue, and spilling from the sides of your mouth. As much as it hurt to admit it, Heavy was right. You felt repulsive. As much as you tried to assure yourself you only did what you had to do to survive, it did nothing to stop the shame from washing over you. You felt sick to be in your own skin, fresh tears prickling in your eyes, threatening to spill down your cheeks as you used every ounce of strength to remain cloistered, to do whatever you could to prevent giving Heavy the satisfaction of seeing you broken down and frail. Finally, with a light peck on your cheek, Heavy whispered.
"Tomorrow is gonna be a fun day for us. You'll want to get some sleep in while you can."
Suddenly you felt his hold around your body tighten as he spoke in a frighteningly low hiss.
"And if you try to escape and wake me up, I'll break your fucking spine."
You nodded rapidly, wanting nothing more than to escape his vice-like grip. Fortunately, this was all it took, and he relaxed while keeping you tightly under his arm, tucked under his chin. You could not fall asleep, but you forced yourself to close your eyes and slow your breathing. It wasn't long until you felt his breathing begin to copy your rhythm as he drifted off to sleep. You wished you could do the same, but his questions kept repeating. Of course, your team would want you back. They would understand you did what you had to do. There's no way they would see you as a traitor for doing what you needed to do to survive. Despite how you tried to assure yourself, Cheavy successfully planted seeds of doubt in your mind, and now there was no way to ignore the uncertainty lingering in your mind. Wondering if you could trust your team to want you back, fearing the worst was yet to come.
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teufortwriting · 10 months
if someone does this i will write something for them personally (within the rules in pinned)
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if anyone ever writes a classic heavy x reader please tag me i am so sad that there’s barely any
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teufortwriting · 10 months
if anyone ever writes a classic heavy x reader please tag me i am so sad that there’s barely any
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teufortwriting · 10 months
Midnight Waltz
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Pairing: Spy x Fem!Reader
Summary: An impromptu dance lesson quickly turns heated
Tags: Dance lessons, sexual tension, multiple orgasms, fingering, praise, teasing, begging, scratching
Word Count: 4.3k
The Masterlist
“What do you mean, you don’t dance?”
You sat in Spy’s smoking room, watching as the man in question struggled to grasp the concept that you didn’t dance. It was as if the idea of someone who didn’t know a thing about dance was completely foreign to him. You found it odd, given that you had spent most of your life in the mercenary business, that he would take you as someone with that specific skill.
Spy rarely let anyone simply loiter in his smoking room. It was his private sanctuary away from the chaos of mercenary life, but the two of you were particularly close, and more importantly, you were quiet. You would simply relax in a corner with a magazine and a glass of wine, sometimes so silent that he forgot you were even there. Today however, it seemed you were both in the mood for some conversation, and the topic ultimately led to an upcoming gala hosted and sponsored by Mann Co. itself. Of course, all the mercenaries were expected to attend.
“It's more like I can’t dance, actually,” you clarified, watching Spy take a final drag from his cigarette before snuffing it out in a nearby ashtray, exhaling the smoke with an exasperated huff. “I was never taught. Especially not the kind of dancing they do at these fancy parties.”
You recalled some time long before you took up mercenary work, back when you would go clubbing with friends. Even then, you weren’t a good dancer, but in the drunken neon haze of the nightclub scene, no one really cared. The people on the dance floor were like a single complex organism fueled by the painfully loud base that left you half deaf by the end of the night. Once you joined them you were simply another miniscule part of the whole made up of flailing limbs and whipping hair.
So yeah, needless to say you weren’t exactly cut out for social dancing among polite company.
You shrugged. “Is it really such a big deal? It's not like anyone will notice if I stay on the sidelines, chatting over some fancy finger food.”
“Au contraire, mademoiselle. You would be surprised how much conversation can occur over the course of a single waltz,” he said, gesturing as if he were a professor giving a lecture. “And that ‘fancy finger food’ is more commonly known as hors d'oeuvres.”
“So, fancy finger food for people who like long, contrived names.” You ignored the way Spy scoffed at your simplification of his precious French terminology. “You’re acting like this is an opportunity to impress employers. In case you haven’t noticed, we have a pretty steady job.” Sure, it consisted of murdering clones of yourselves on the daily, but that wasn’t important.
Spy seemed to consider your point. There really was no need to network when you were in such a strange, yet stable position. Plus, thanks to the respawn machine, employment wouldn’t be terminated anytime soon. After all, who in their right mind would get rid of mercenaries that could literally come back from the dead?
“Honestly, I think the only reason our boss is putting on this party to begin with is to show us off,” you continued. “He’s letting all his fellow billionaires know that they shouldn’t mess with him. Why else would people like us be invited to something like this anyway? Especially since Soldier is almost guaranteed to try to sneak fireworks into the event hall.” He had done it before, and you were sure as hell that he would do it again.
“What you're saying could very well be true, but even so, someone may still ask you to dance.” Spy hesitated a moment before continuing. “You are quite an attractive person, after all.” You glanced up at him with wide eyes and a slight smirk. If it weren’t for the balaclava, you may have noticed the slight pink flush that came over his cheeks when he realized what exactly he had just said. Spy quickly shook his head, changing the subject. “The point is, I simply can’t have one of my colleagues making a fool out of herself at such a prestigious event. It would ultimately reflect on all of us.”
You laughed, not even trying to hide the way you rolled your eyes. “Wow, alright. So what, are you offering to teach me?”
“I am, in fact.”
You looked up at Spy, scanning his expression for any sign of a joke- a slightly upturned corner of the mouth, a glint of mischief in his eye- but all you were met with was sincerity. “Seriously?” you asked, still a bit surprised by the offer.
Spy simply nodded, offering his hand with a soft smile. The whole gesture was so genuine, you couldn’t bring yourself to turn it down. Maybe just one or two dances. By then Spy would probably be sick of you tripping over your own feet and you could go on with your life.
You took his hand, resisting the urge to caress the smooth leather of his gloves. Already you could feel a bit of warmth in your cheeks. “So, where do we start?” you asked, trying your best to remain casual and not stare at the floor. If you started blushing like a schoolgirl just from holding his hand, you weren’t sure how you would get through the rest of this alive.
“A waltz is quite simple, a perfect starting point,” Spy declared. “Do you know the proper positioning?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
Why the hell did you say that? You didn’t know shit about the waltz. Proper positioning? What did that even mean? Who decided that formal dances should be so complicated?
“Would you like to demonstrate, my dear?”
Spy’s voice snapped you out of your racing thoughts. “Oh, right. We’re doing this.” You thought back to cheesy romance films, particularly ones with dance scenes. Shakily, you placed a hand on Spy’s shoulder. You barely suppressed a gasp when his hand dropped to your waist in turn, pulling you closer.
“Perfect. It seems you know more than you thought,” Spy said, almost sounding proud. “Now, with one hand on my shoulder and the other…”
His words seemed muffled, fading into the background as you found yourself unable to focus. The two of you were so close. God, you were nearly flush against him. Is this how you were expected to dance with complete strangers? Or was this something specifically for this lesson?
“Are you still there, chérie?”
You shook your head. “Sorry, I’m listening!” That was a lie, but Spy was being uncharacteristically patient with you today, especially given that this was the second time you had completely zoned out on him. He even cracked a smile, noticing how flustered you were.
“There is no need to be nervous. As I said before, this is quite simple. Now, a waltz follows a count of three beats per measure…” And with that, Spy could already see your eyes starting to glaze over, so he abandoned that approach for a more active method. “For now, simply follow my lead, and I will correct your technique as we go along.
“Oh, okay,” you said. It seemed you were just jumping right in, thrown into the deep end of the metaphorical pool with no life jacket. Of course, your steps were clumsy at first, and you struggled to follow Spy’s lead.
“Step with confidence, my dear,” he said. “Don’t hesitate, or you will throw the whole dance off rhythm.”
You did as he said, trying your best not to overthink this. Slowly, you allowed yourself to be led into the dance, following along as Spy guided you and offered occasional corrections. After a while, you found that you were doing a decent job. It wasn’t amazing, but it was passable, and you felt quite proud of yourself.
Still, every so often you found yourself staring down at your feet, trying to examine the steps only for Spy to chastise you. “Don’t look down, dear. Eyes up. Stay focused.” He tilted your chin upward, giving you no choice but to meet his gaze. You could’ve sworn that you were being pulled closer, ever so slowly.
It felt like you were practically flush against Spy when you stumbled, falling against him with a gasp. Quickly, you tried to brush it off. “Damn, right when I thought I was finally getting the hang of this,” you said, laughing nervously. Spy, however, remained stone-faced. He didn’t look upset, but he seemed deep in thought, and it made you a bit nervous. “Hey, is everything alright?”
“I meant what I said earlier, chérie.”
You tilted your head to the side, noticing that his arm was still wrapped around your waist, practically supporting your weight as you leaned on him. “What do you mean?” you murmured, genuinely unable to remember anything prior to these moments of closeness, of what you could almost call intimacy.
“When I said you were attractive, I meant it. I would be a fool not to take the opportunity to be close to you.” His grip tightened subtlety. It sent a pleasant shiver up your spine. You weren’t sure what to say, so you simply cupped Spy’s cheek. He leaned into the touch, eyes drifting closed for a peaceful moment before he looked down at you again, meeting your eyes with an intensity that you hadn’t seen before. “May I kiss you?”
“What?” Your mind was numb, blank, devoid of anything but the need to be as close to this man as you possibly could. You could barely process the question. It felt too much like a dream to be real.
“I asked permission to kiss you, chérie,” Spy repeated. You quite liked this new petname he was using for you.
“I would like that,” you whispered, afraid that if you spoke too loud this whole perfect situation would somehow shatter, or reveal itself to be some kind of cruel facade. “Please.”
Spy hesitated a second longer, and that proved to be the motivation you needed to take some initiative, finally closing the distance between the two of you. He melted the moment your lips met his, pulling you tightly against him with a soft moan. Your hands gripped the lapels of his suit, pulling him forward as you deepened the kiss, running your tongue along his lips experimentally. Spy reciprocated, lips parting slowly as he allowed you free reign of his mouth. His hands squeezed your hips, making you squirm. You parted with a gasp when you felt him buck gently against you, feeling a telltale hardness against your thigh.
“I want you.” You felt breathless, your words coming between pants, barely able to piece together a full sentence. When you looked up at Spy, he met your gaze with a look that could only be described as ravenous. “I want you to fuck me, please.”
Oh, the way your voice took on a sweet little whine as you pleaded for him. Spy wondered if you knew you could ruin him like this. “Mon Dieu, I thought you would never ask.”
The next few moments were a blur. Inconsequential articles of clothing were shed, a tie here, a jacket there, just enough to lessen the amount of layers between the two of you for now. A trail of garments led across the room until the back of your thighs hit a nearby desk, which Spy quickly cornered you against. One of his hands tangled in your hair, pulling your head to the side ever so gently to expose your neck to him.
You let out soft moans as he began to kiss the sensitive skin there, working his way up along your jaw and then down to your collar again. Kisses turned to sucking on the delicate skin, no doubt leaving a trail of hickeys that you would need to hide tomorrow. It was when he began to graze his teeth along your pulse, teasing you with the possibility of a bite, that you started whimpering.
You were sitting on the desk by now, having hoisted yourself up onto it after your knees threatened to buckle under the tension. Your legs wrapped around Spy’s hips, yanking him forward suddenly. He nearly fell on top of you, finally pulling away from your neck to see you smirking up at him with a devious glint in your eye. It was so very tempting to wipe that smirk right off your face right now, to have his way with you until you were a sweaty, trembling mess.
However, Spy stopped himself. No, not like this. In all his fantasies of finally having you, touching you, feeling you, it was never so cheap or frantic, and it certainly wasn’t on the hard, unforgiving surface of his desk. You deserved better.
He pulled away, nearly undone by the pitiful noise you made when he did. His hand brushed against your cheek and you leaned into the soothing touch, looking up at him with a mix of confusion and desire. “Why did you stop?”
“I thought you might like to move somewhere more comfortable.” Spy motions towards his bedroom. It was an offshoot of his smoking room, something he had no doubt hassled Ms. Pauling for back when he was first hired. It was exactly the kind of thing he would do, but it was definitely worth it. His room offered more privacy than any of the other mercenaries’ quarters, save for perhaps Medic’s.
Your eyes were wide, clearly anxious to accept Spy’s offer, but you managed to reel yourself in. It was adorable really, how you tried to restrain yourself, not wanting to come off as overeager. “I would like that,” you said, trying to keep your voice even. “As long as you’re alright with it.”
Spy smiled softly, finding it amusing that you were so shy, even now. “Of course, ma chérie.”
You were swept up that instant, giving a surprised yelp as Spy carried you off bridal style. Now it was your turn to melt, swooning as you rested your head on his shoulder, giggling softly to yourself. If Spy wasn’t holding you aloft, you would probably be kicking your legs in excitement.
Spy’s room was nearly as decadent as his smoking room. It made you wonder how much carpeting and curtains it had taken to disguise that the room was once a bare barracks like all the others. However you didn’t get much time to contemplate that as you were quickly sat upon the bed where Spy continued to kiss you passionately until you had to pull away for air.
You gasped, cursing under your breath, your voice shaky. For a moment Spy wondered if you were having second thoughts. “What’s wrong, darling?” He tilted your chin up gently so that you were looking at him.
“Nothing,” you said, shaking your head. “I just need to get out of these clothes.”
Spy grinned, the concern melting away from his expression and replaced with an eagerness that you had never seen from him before. “I can certainly help with that.”
You stood up from the bed and Spy quickly joined you in removing any remaining fabric he could get his hands on. He lifted your shirt up over your chest and made quick work of your pants as well while you unclipped your bra. You had barely laid back on the bed before he began lavishing you with affection, trailing kisses from your lips to your neck and letting his breath tickle your ear. It all happened so quickly, you didn’t even have a moment to feel self conscious about being completely naked in front of Spy for the first time.
Reaching up, you tried to touch him, to stroke his cheek or pull him in close. He caught your hand in his, kissing the knuckles before placing it back down. A gentle squeeze of your wrist made it clear that, at least for now, he would be the one doing the touching. Spy took his time too, mapping out your body with his lips and hands, kissing and caressing every inch. He took note of where you were sensitive, where a touch would cause you to squirm, or whine, or moan. He would be certain to pay special attention to those areas later.
Your face was flushed, and you hid your face behind your hands after you made a particularly embarrassing noise as Spy squeezed your hips. He looked up at you, amused by the gesture and intrigued by how nervous you seemed to be, even now. For a brief moment he wondered if you had ever done this before. It didn’t matter, he decided, putting the thought out of his head. Whether this was your first time or your hundredth, he was going to make you feel absolutely divine.
“What would you like from me, ma chérie?” The question seemed overwhelming. You uncovered your face and began to stammer, unsure of what to say. Spy quickly threw out some offers, trying to put you at ease. “I could start with my fingers,” he said, brushing his hand against your inner thigh. “Or my tongue.”
You shivered. He was being genuine, but it still felt like teasing, especially since he was making you say what you needed out loud like this. Your face flushed, embarrassed by the words that were about to come out of your mouth. “Just play with my clit for now,” you blurted out, resisting the urge to once again cover your face with your hands. “Be gentle though, please.”
“Of course,” Spy said, his gaze softening as he pressed two fingers into you. You barely had a chance to react as he withdrew just as quickly, those fingers now slick with your arousal and allowing for frictionless pressure on your clit. You felt your head spin as Spy gently applied pressure, rubbing small circles around that sensitive bud. He watched you closely, easing up when you seemed to be getting overwhelmed. He upped the intensity slowly, and always with your permission. “You make such lovely expressions when I touch you like this.”
You were definitely blushing down to your neck now, biting your lip to stifle a whimper. Spy decided that he quite liked leaving you flustered, all red and desperate, but he wanted to see much more. If you were this alluring now, he needed to see what it looked like when you came for him. He doubled his efforts, pressing on your clit firmer, moving his fingers faster. It wasn’t long before you were falling apart, stumbling over your words, little tremors of pleasure causing you to shudder.
“Oh fuck, I- wait, Spy, I’m gonna-” Words failed you as you hit the point of no return. Your back arched, mouth agape in a silent scream as you came. Your muscles went taut before relaxing and causing you to go limp. Spy continued to touch you, guiding you into the aftershocks of pleasure, only stopping when you began to squirm and pull away from overstimulation.
“Fuck,” you panted, giving Spy an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, I tried to warn you-”
“Mon Dieu,” Spy whispered, causing you to fall silent. “You are beautiful when you come, darling.” You didn’t think your face could get any redder, yet it did. Your skin felt so hot as Spy kissed you again. This time it was desperate, almost sloppy, but the sheer passion and eagerness made up for it. “I want to see it again,” Spy moaned between kisses. “Please, mon amour, let me make you feel good.”
That gentlemanly demeanor was beginning to slip. Spy was practically rutting against you. You could feel his erection against your thigh and it sent a wace of renewed arousal straight to your core. “Fuck me,” you whispered. When he didn’t react you reached down to grab his cock. He went still with a gasp, clearly not expecting you to be so bold. “Please, fuck me already!”
Spy laughed, a bit taken aback by your sudden attitude. Perhaps in a different scenario he would have taken the opportunity to teach you a lesson, delivering punishment in the form of edging or even some swift spanks. Now was not the time for that kind of fun, though. He needed you as much as you needed him, and he was going to make sure that you felt the same ecstasy he would.
He ran his cock along your slit, pulling away whenever you tried to grind against him, much to your chagrin. Spy could tell you were wet enough to take him, and he wasn’t about to torture you any longer. In one quick motion he thrust into you, hitting deep and making you gasp. You shuddered beneath him, fingers immediately digging into the sheets as you adjusted to the feeling of finally being filled.
Spy leaned down, placing a soft kiss to your forehead as your breathing evened out. “Does this feel good, darling?” he asked,
“Fucking move!” you groaned through clenched teeth, offering a quick “please” at the end.
“I will take that as a yes.”
Despite your eagerness, Spy took things slow, just out of habit. He was used to gradual seduction and the benefits of a steady build up in tension. Admittedly, it was quite difficult on his end as well. You felt so good, and he couldn’t stifle the soft groans that spilled from his lips as he felt you clench around him.
“You’re so warm,” he whispered, being met with only impatient whines in response. Spy gasped when you suddenly raked your nails down his back, perhaps in an attempt to spur him on. It seemed you could be quite a brat once your inhibitions were completely gone. It was amusing, and certainly worth exploring on some other day, once Spy was finished spoiling you, of course
Finally, he gave into your ceaseless demands of “more, faster, harder…” You wanted him to fuck you until you were tearing at the sheets with a white knuckled grip. Your legs wrapped around his hips, pulling him deeper into you, assuring he hilted with every thrust.
“Such an eager little thing,” Spy crooned, running his hands up and down your body. He admired the way you shivered and arched into his touch whenever you could. You were so willing to let him explore every curve and edge on your body until he had committed it to memory. “Tu es si belle.”
You had no clue what he just said, but it was hot as hell. Spy smirked when he felt you tremble around him. He gently took you by the chin, tilting your head to maintain eye contact with him. You blinked a few times, trying to focus your gaze.
“Do you like it when I speak in my native tongue?” Spy asked, although the knowing look on his face seemed to imply he already knew the answer. You were dazed, nearly reaching your limit, yet you managed to give a shaky nod. If you were able to speak, you would have said that he could read the damn phone book in French for all you cared, and you would still probably find it hot. You just barely heard a soft laugh before Spy leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Tu es à moi. Tout à moi, my beautiful girl.”
The way he spoke seemed to send you into a frenzy. Desperate and fucked out of your mind, you were barely aware that you had started muttering a soft mantra of “please, please, please,” that eventually escalated into a shrill cry. You weren’t even sure what you were begging for.
Spy was nearing his limit, planting his hands firmly on the headboard for better leverage. Speaking without his voice breaking became a struggle. “Go on, ma chérie. Come for me, let it go,” he said, voice low but perfectly audible to you. You certainly didn’t need to be told twice.
It was like something within you snapped, a tight coiling finally finding release. You squirmed, nearly writhing as the pleasure overwhelmed you in waves. You heard a high pitched cry, and it took you a moment to realize that you were simply hearing your own moans. When the aftershocks began to ebb, you were still shaking.
Spy was much more reserved in his climax, his thrusts growing sloppy before going still. He whispered sweet nothings between moans, only some of which were in a language you could understand. His immediate instinct was to collapse, to roll aside and bask in the afterglow, but he reminded himself that you could probably use some attention.
Your face was red and tear streaked, which alarmed him initially. However your breathing was steady, and you gave him a reassuring smile to indicate that you felt no distress. You were simply overwhelmed in the moment. Spy leaned down to kiss you, nearly stealing what little breath you had. He held you against him as he rolled to the side, taking you into his arms and pulling you close, as if the very thought of being apart from you was unthinkable.
His hands brushed over your back, his fingers tracing mindless patterns across your skin as you settled into his embrace. Your limbs were tangled with his, both of you breathing slow as exhaustion began to set in. The late hour of the night along with the strenuous activity you had engaged in was finally catching up with you both, and you let your eyes flutter closed. Just as sleep was about to overtake you, you let out a soft chuckle.
“You know,” you said dreamily, already half asleep, “If all of your dance lessons end like this, I wouldn’t mind a few more.”
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