tevura · 2 days
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tevura · 2 days
Please spread my spore
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tevura · 2 days
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'Cats of the Louvre' by Matsumoto Taiyo
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tevura · 2 days
cats know keyboard shortcuts even microsoft doesnt know about
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tevura · 3 days
So embarrassing but who cares. But so embarrassing but who cares but it’s so embarrassing but also who cares but it really is embarrassing but really who cares BUT it’s so embarrassing though probably nobody cares but it’s embarrassing asf and nobody cares but
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tevura · 5 days
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921 notes · View notes
tevura · 5 days
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The Bonaventure Pine, Paul Signac
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tevura · 13 days
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tevura · 18 days
esoteric form of roleplay where instead of actually roleplaying you just make up characters together and discuss in abstract how they'd interact and how their story would go
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tevura · 19 days
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Ryis is very charming 🥰
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tevura · 19 days
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734 notes · View notes
tevura · 19 days
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tevura · 19 days
hey reminder that connecting humanity is extremely low on esims rn and desperately needs esim donations and also that there are a lot of cool things you can get in exchange for a donation
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tevura · 19 days
Fuck all information
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tevura · 19 days
that scam allegation bullshit has poisoned the well for tumblr fundraising in ways i dont think we can fully even grasp yet. every other day i come across a new person ive never seen before passionately arguing that all palestinians are scams with rhetoric lifted directly from javert/triviallytrue and co. and even some mutated arguments growing out of them. i keep finding well meaning people to whom i have to explain that palestinians are not scams. there are so many normies whose only interaction with palestinians on this website is calling hussein and nairuz scammers. even when donation posts don't get routine scam allegations they don't get attention, as if everyone is now allowing their eyes to glaze over when they see pleas for help.
it was like this shockwave that knocked the wind out of our entire movement. wow!
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tevura · 19 days
you can hate yourself all you want but the world is beautiful and it welcomes you
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tevura · 19 days
we need to bring back the word square like i don't think it's problematic that you listen to taylor swift i just kinda think it's lame as hell
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