texasquidditch · 11 years
Over on our Facebook page, I asked y’all what your favorite type of uniform was. By a narrow margin, the traditional soccer kit worn by the likes of Kansas and USC edged out the “modern” look worn by teams like Emerson and TAMU. Ironically, coming in at a distant third was the simple and clean...
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texasquidditch · 11 years
Our ravenclaw team is better than your ravenclaw team
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Me at the house matches on LBJ Lawn at the University of Texas at Austin
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texasquidditch · 11 years
When Your Team Wins World Cup
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texasquidditch · 11 years
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Meet Hank Dugie of the University of Texas(s).  Does this post even need an elaborate description?  Just look at that thing.  I’ve seen my fair share of butts in my day, but this is the first male quidditch butt to ever put me at a loss for words.  If you can find a better man-butt in all of quidditch, I’d love to see it.  Until then, congratulations to Hank for being officially awarded the title of “Best Man-Butt in Quidditch.”  Do they even make thrones big enough to fit him?
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texasquidditch · 11 years
Stepping Onto the Pitch Against UT Austin
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texasquidditch · 11 years
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The University of Texas Austin - World Champion Quidditch Team
Hook ‘em Horns!
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texasquidditch · 11 years
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Texas Quidditch wins World Cup VI in Kissimmee, Florida on April 14, 2013
Photo Credit:  Quiyk
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texasquidditch · 11 years
This Weekend
Will be our last House Matches of the year! Come out to support your favorite house team and wear their colors!
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texasquidditch · 11 years
Take Me Out To The Ballgame (Quidditch Edition)
I wrote this while at World CUp with the assistance of my Austin Quidditch team:
Take me out to the quidditch pitch
Take me out to the crowd
Buy me some frogs and butter beer
Hurry now cuz the snitch is near
And its Root, root, root for the home team
If they don’t win blame the ref!
Cuz its 1, 2 then red card you’re out
At the quidditch match!
*I may post a video singing but I have an awful voice so if anyone wants to sing let me know and we can make it!
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texasquidditch · 11 years
This is so flattering! Thank you anonymous!
The entire UT team. They’re just all so amazing. One of the most attractive teams. But #10, Augie… I give him the biggest meeooowwww of the tournament. Such a huge crush. If only I lived in Texas….
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texasquidditch · 11 years
Texas Qudditch wins World Cup 6!
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texasquidditch · 11 years
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Texas Quidditch Wins World Cup
This weekend in Kissimmee, FL, Texas Quidditch, a UT RecSports Sport Club team, won the 2013 International Quidditch Association’s (IQA) World Cup.
The final score was 190-80 with Texas over UCLA for the victory. Watch the replay on the IQA’s Livestream page.
Wondering what Quidditch is? Read more about Muggle Quidditch.
Photos via Texas Quidditch, Blake Hemmerling and Quiyk.
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texasquidditch · 11 years
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Texas Quidditch is more than just the two traveling teams that play competitively in the IQA, it is also the four house teams that play intramurally here on campus. The first house team we’re featuring is Gryffindor which is currently captained by Becky Schmader and Kenny Chilton. 
When Texas Quidditch first came into being Gryffindor was originally the name for the varsity team on campus. They would compete against the other houses still but to be on the team you had to be on varsity. Eventually Gryffindor slowly faded out and only three houses remained on campus to compete intramurally. By fall of 2012 though the officers of Texas Quidditch realized that a fourth house team was needed due to the growth within the organization. It was at this time that Kenny Chilton and Becky Schmader became captains of the newly reformed Gryffindor. 
Kenny and Becky lead Gryffindor with the idea that it is fun that we are supposed to be having out on the quidditch pitch and it is because of this that they have come to call Gryffindor, GryfFUNdor. 
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texasquidditch · 11 years
Some highlights from footage shot for the documentary
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texasquidditch · 11 years
Texas Quidditch comes in for a pre-game huddle and discusses their approach for the rest of the tournament
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texasquidditch · 11 years
World Cup in 6 days....6 DAYS!!!!
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texasquidditch · 11 years
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World Cup Qualified Teams
University of Texas Austin
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