textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Sledge to Andy
(872): can you please not set my house on fire for once???
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textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Dick to Luz
(852): Getting stoned and sitting front row in a legal class.. Not my best idea
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textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Webb to Liebgott
(792): I just realized that "Hey girl, when you gonna let me tap that?" is in iambic pentameter. I'm going to write a poem...
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textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Roe to Babe
(677): Today one of my patients offered me pot brownies. Medical school worth it. Living the dream.
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textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Walt to Brad
(853): The amount of drugs I did this weekend make me concerned about my health but at the same time fascinated to see if I could do more
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textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Dick to Nix
(419): Whoever owns the butter that i always steal out of the office fridge definitely put THC butter in there this time. Shit just got real.
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textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Sledge to Snafu
(514): Can you please tell me why there's a bottle of urine on my night stand with a note that says "in case you're thirsty in the morning"? Thanks.
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textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Ray to Brad
(882): Im just an angry damaged little elf who wanders around and tries to find drugs
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textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Nix to Luz
(710): I've carried my liver for over 24 years. If it can't carry me for the next 24 hours than it deserves to be damaged
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textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Nate to Ray
(824): Turns out Edward 40 hands and life-sized jenga is really hard. Didn't stop you from trying. How is your concussion?
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textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Andy to Eddie
(236): I have plans for Christmas and none of them involve being sober
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textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Babe to Luz
(612): You dipped a $20 into some queso dip and almost ate it before I slapped it out of your hand
(612): NO MORE BAR CRAWLS, next time we stay at one bar and get drunk like normal people
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textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Ray to Walt
(771): I'm sorry I tried to stab you. I just really wanted those mozerella sticks.
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textsfromhbowar · 9 years
From Nix to Dick
(939): Hey, you know that marble art statue thing in your bedroom? Hypothetically what would happen if a penis got stuck in it?
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textsfromhbowar · 11 years
From Babe to Bill
(439): My penis is saying yes, several less important organs are saying noo...
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textsfromhbowar · 11 years
From Nate to Trombley
(361): You told me that you were as fast as lightning and you wanted to race me. Then you faceplanted after falling down the stairs.
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textsfromhbowar · 11 years
From Eddie to Andy
(156): Have you ever farted so hard in your sleep that you woke up screaming?
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