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https://fundrazr.com/tojo-2018 (or http://paypal.me/tdj0684 if you’d rather a direct method)
Tojo’s diabetes expenses have gotten to the unmanageable point where I have an anxiety attack every time I think about it.
I have an $800 vet bill, but as long as I don’t have a glucose monitor I have to keep adding to that every single week.
his insulin is going to be out by the end of May, earlier if he gets his dosage increased again. so that’s $400.
if any of you can help out in even the slightest, we appreciate it. the priorities are blood glucose monitor and test strips, insulin, then vet bill, in that order.
the monitor I need is $80 for the starter kit that comes with lancets and strips, and I’d want to get at least a month of extra strips if I can manage it.
a carton of Lantus pens (which is what his prescription is for, and they’ll last much longer than a vial) is $400, as I can’t use insurance for it.
if extra allows, I’d like to get a large bag of his DM food, which is about $60.
everything left will go right to dropping that vet balance. I’m on a payment plan right now but if I can get the bill under $500, my payments go down to $30/mo.
and since I know I’m going to get comments about this… one, yes I am employed, but this was a sudden drop of major expenses immediately after another cat of mine had an emergency medical procedure that I wasn’t prepared for. and two, no, he cannot go on pet insurance. pet insurance very specifically does not cover diabetic medications or clinic visits for some messed up reason.
please reblog the hell of out this if you’d be so kind. Tojo and I appreciate it and love you all.
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