tf-stories · 1 month
What It Takes to Be a Husband
(Content: Age Progression, Military TF, Muscle Growth, Body Hair, Uniform TF, Balding, Beard Growth)
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Emil stopped and inhaled deeply as he stood firmly in front of the door. It was a late night and the street would be empty if it wasn’t for that skinny slender figure wearing a tight cheap suit in front of one of the houses. Lieutenant Harris’ house looked like a perfect balance between humble and imposing. Emil waited nervously for the man to come.
“Emil?” suddenly, the door opened to reveal the huge and strong soldier, dressed in casual clothes that still looked sharp. “What are you doing in here so late? Rita is away with her mother, I thought she had told you already.”
“Hi, David. I-I’m not here for her, I just got to talk to you about something.” By having the lieutenant’s daughter as his girlfriend for years, Emil had some special allowances, like calling his future father-in-law by his first name instead of his military rank.
“Come in.” Lieutenant Harris smiled and let the small guy enter his house. “What are you dressed so nicely for?”
Emil felt awkward in his suit. Was it even a good choice? Did he not cause the good impression he was expecting? He sat on the table and cautiously informed the lieutenant about his intentions, looking closely to the man’s eyes to catch his reactions precisely. Emil didn’t went there to ask for much, just to talk about his plans to marry his daughter Rita in the following months. The lieutenant’s daughter hand in marriage was what he wanted. Regardless of his young age, Emil and Rita met and became friends in kindergarten and had been dating since they were both in middle school. Now, at 19 years old and a half-decent job, Emil felt confident enough to bring his lover closer into his life and finally take a bigger role.
“Is Rita aware of your intentions?”
“We’ve talked a little before. I wanted to talk to you first, though.”
“What makes you rush so much for it? You’re not even in college yet, boy.” Lieutenant Harris kept his face firm but soft. He was actually surprised by Emil’s courage and determination.
“I have my own apartment now. It’s pretty small but it’s not rented, it’s kinda mine. Kind of inheritance, you know. My job is paying okay and I’m sure we can both live fine together. I wanna take her with me and build a future together, but first I need the honour to call her my wife.” Emil cringed at himself as he said those memorised words. He sounded so dumb, like a child in a school theatre. The room stayed silent for a weirdly long moment, until the lieutenant took a deep and thoughtful breath.
“What’s the suit for? You won’t marry her tonight, will you?” He then smiled to make Emil feel less intimidated by his imposing frame.
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“I needed to cause a good impression. Dress like a man, you know.” Emil chucked, as he struggled to keep his voice firm and deeper.
“I see.” He got up, visibly bothered and thoughtful about Emil’s intentions. He walked around the room, his heavy buff body surrounding the young guy. “Let me be honest, son. I appreciate your effort and I see your honesty. It just concerns me if you’re enough of a grown man to follow this plan.”
“Sir, I know I’m young but I’m sure I’m going to give her a good life. I love her.”
“Don’t get me wrong, boy. You’re barely an adult. And need more than love to have a right to call yourself a husband or even a father in potential. You need more purpose, direction and discipline. I don’t want to be hard on you, but I’m worrying for my daughter. I appreciate you, but you drift through life without any real sense of what it means to be a man.”
“I will work on that. I promise I will.” Emil lowered his head in shame. Was he crazy? What shitty idea he had! "With all due respect, sir, I also think that's a bit harsh. I've been doing my best and we are all still learning. You know it.”
"Your best?" Lieutenant Harris sat down again. "Your best still isn't good enough. Not for Rita, not for this family. Being a man means more than just trying. It means succeeding. It means taking charge and proving your worth."
"I work hard, David. I do my best to support Rita and be there for her. Just because I don't follow the same path as you doesn't mean I'm not worthy." Emil felt a surge of anger.
"Do you think being a man is just about hard work? It's about character, resilience, and the ability to handle responsibility. Right now, you lack most of that. You're still a boy in a man's world. You couldn’t even dress yourself in actual man’s clothes." Lieutenant David looked with pity to Emil’s cheap skinny suit.
“But I think I have an idea, Emil.”
“Look at yourself, Emil. This is not what a man looks like. You gotta be confident, put-together. You'll learn what it takes to fill out a role like this."
“I... I understand, sir."
“No, you don't. Not yet. But you will.”
"So what do you want from me, David?" Emil clenched his fists under the table.
"Hey, calm down Emil. I’m talking to you as a friend. I expect you to understand me.” David had his voice both calm and firm. “I want you to grow up, Emil. To man yourself up into your full potential. To become someone worthy of success and maturity. And I want to help you with it”
“Help? How?”
“You gotta trust me and let my work on you. It won’t be easy, you gotta open your mind and let go of the life you have. Your life won’t be the same. But I assure you that I’m gonna make you a bette person in less time than you expect. After that, you can maybe come to me again and discuss about this marriage, but now we gotta work together and I’ll be in charge. Do you understand me?”
“Yeah, David.”
“Do you agree with what we’ll do together?”
“I will, sir. I promise. All for Rita.”
“My daughter is doing fine. As I see, you’re more likely to become a burden in her life. So you will do it for yourself.”
Emil froze. It was too much for his brain to handle. He deeply regretted ever going there. Lieutenant Harris went back to his calm, more respectful voice tone as he guided Emil into his office.
“If you want to earn the right to call yourself Rita’s husband someday, you need to prove yourself." he sat down on his desk. “Let’s begin your enlisting.”
"David, I don't think it’s a good idea. I will to do what you want but… joining the army? That's a huge decision." Emil stepped back, shocked by the sudden shift of topic in their talk.
“Life is full of tough decisions, Emil. This is one of them. You need to decide if you're willing to do what it takes to be the man you deserve to become. Are you ready to step up, or are you going to remain in this weak position forever?"
"I... I want to be the man you want me to be. The man that Rita needs. But the army..."
“In the army, I will have more resources to give you the tools you need. Discipline, strength, respect. A transformation. These are qualities that are lacking in you right now and I’ll be there to man you up. You need to make a choice, boy. Either agree or step aside."
“Sir, I..."
"This is your enlistment form. Sign it."
“David, this is a lot to take in."
"You think this is a lot? Life's only going to get tougher. You need to show that you're capable of handling it. Sign the form. Don’t waste my time tonight.”
In a sudden energy peak, Emil took the pen and signed the papers. Then, in an unexpected twist of events, he was now a soldier instead of a future groom. What a brutal turn of events.
“Soldier, thanks for your decision. Time to get ready for duty.” Lieutenant Harris got up, in a full military posture, and handed him folded camo clothes and a pair of heavy boots. “I hope these are your size.”
Emil stood shocked and with a blank face.
“Get dressed, soldier.” the lieutenant said again. “Let’s see how you look.”
Intimidated, Emil undressed and start to put on the uniform. The fabric was heavy and uncomfortable. He was still unbelieving that situation, but there was no way back. He was a recruit now and dread consumed his expressions as he saw himself in the mirror in a full recruit uniform.
“Looks good. Now, listen carefully, soldier. From this moment on, I'm your superior. I'm Lieutenant Harris, and you will address me as such. Understood?"
"Yes, Lieutenant Harris." he nodded.
"Good. Stand up straight. Shoulders back. Respect is the main pillar in the army."
Emil adjusted his posture, noticing the quick shift in their relationship. The friendly atmosphere had vanished, replaced by a strict military hierarchy.
“Now follow me here, soldier. We gotta put you in shape.
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The lieutenant put a chair on a room and ordered Emil to sit down. Then, he grabbed an electric shaver from a counter.
“Sir? What is-“
“Not a word until I finish, soldier.” his voice spread on the room. Emil trembled as he felt his hair being shaved off his head. “You made your decision and now you gotta act on it. See what I was trying to tell you? You can’t have enough respect and discipline. I see that you will have to learn it on the hard way.”
Emil even felt tears forming on his eyes, but he hold them in as his hair fell on the floor.
"Much better. Now, you're starting to look the part." Lieutenant Harris looked satisfied to the scrawny and scared Emil that was frozen in shook after having his hair shaved by the hands of his girlfriend’s father. The huge man grabbed a pile of clothes in another counter and started to get dressed in them. It was his own uniform. Emil always felt impressed whenever he saw the lieutenant in his duty clothes. How could that man look even stronger? After new orders, Emil followed him outside to his car, feeling a sense of dread.
"Where are we going, sir?"
"To the base," he said. "Your training starts now. And no more talking until my next order.”
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The drive was silent, and the tension in the car unbearable for Emil. His mind raced with anxiety. The base was right ahead, with its big gates being guarded by a group of soldiers not older than Emil. As they drove through, Emil felt a chill run down his spine. Harris parked and led him through a series of corridors, each more intimidating than the other. Finally, they reached a dark dormitory. Lieutenant Harris opened the door and gestured for Tom to enter.
“This is where you'll be staying," Harris said, his tone devoid of any warmth. “Any step out of discipline will be met with harsh consequences, okay? Take a rest but don’t get too comfortable. In a few hours I will start my work on you.”
Emil entered the room, crowded with other recruits. It smelled like many locker rooms at once. He laid down on the only empty bed but the heavy aura couldn’t let him sleep, so all he had to do was avoid making noise and overthink the sudden twist in his life. His buzzcut head itched on the pillow and the heat of the room was making him sweat on the thick fabric of his uniform. He closed his eyes to make time pass faster, but he knew it was going to be a tough rest of night.
As soon as the hours passes, Emil was concerned about where the lieutenant was. It was taking too long. At around 4AM, the door opened again and all soldiers got out of their sleepers, standing in posture as Lieutenant Harris entered the room, coming straight at Emil.
“Follow me, soldier.” the other recruits looked with curiosity as Emil was taken out of the room. “And the rest of you, go back to your positions and mind your businesses.”
Emil followed Lieutenant Harris in silence to a tent.
“Take off your shirt, soldier.” Emil froze as he saw the man preparing some needles and syringes on a metal table. “This might itch a little. Hope you don’t mind needles.”
The liquid was injected on his upper arm, followed by two other ones. He felt nauseous and ill.
“For now on, you’ll meet me here every night. Here is where I’ll work on your boosters and analyse the results. Contact me about any side effect, understood?”
“This is for your body. You lack testosterone and I’ll be giving you higher doses of it. I expect you to go through sort of another puberty in the following weeks. I also gave you strengthening supplements and growth stimulators.” Lieutenant Harris handed him a bottle of water and a few pills. “This is a few more supplementing. Your training will be different from your fellow recruits so we can have the fastest transformation on your body.”
“How long will it take, sir?”
“This is a duty for life, young man. The military is your future now.” the lieutenant walked Emil back to the dorm. “But my hopes is that your metamorphosis is completed in six months or less. Meanwhile you’re gotta work on your mind to think like a man or I’ll have to teach you in the hard way. Hope you enjoy the first day of training.”
Emil’s mornings in the army began right before sunrise, with barely any time to rest due to his meetings with Harris. Leaping out of bed in seconds, he stood rigidly for the inspection. The sergeant’s eyes missed nothing, any detail out of place would be met with immediate punishment. Before dawn, Emil had to go on a brutal six-mile run, with the full backpack and carrying heavy gear. The cold air cut painfully through him, but it was the intense burning in his lungs and legs that consumed him the most. The weight was brutal. There was no room for error. Then, he had finally a few time to shower and change. Breakfast was rushed and silent as he swallowed the food with high calories with extra protein that was prepared specially for him, by Lieutenant Harris’ request.
The morning training was the worst. The weightlifting pushed his muscles past his limits, the calisthenics demanded too much military precision and the obstacle field, a nightmarish route of mud, pointy wire, and high walls, tested his strength and determination. Stopping was never an option, and any hesitation was immediately followed by punishments. The lunch time provided no relief, just a quick and silent meal before diving into combat drills and tactical exercises. The hand-to-hand combat always left him bruised while his mind was about to go insane. It was specially hard with the each of his daily injections of strong hormones and supplements to make him build muscle mass and increase his size. His bones ached as they were slowly pushed to expand. His throat was itchy as the high doses of testosterone were reaching his vocal cords.
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The evening brought no relief. Emil had to go on long marches carrying heavy equipment that almost crushed his bones. Every step was a test of his determination and mental stability as the weight of his gear a constant and oppressive burden. Finally, a torturous hour of mental exercises closed the day. The strategy games were too much for his exhausted mind, the military history studies demanded a high amount of focus, and he got quickly mentally drained. Emil collapsed into his bed each night with countless aches and bruises, barely able to process the day's brutality. And then he had to get up to meet with Lieutenant Harris to continue his procedures that were getting weirder and more intense each night
The relentless routine of heavy supplements, testosterone boosters, and different pills added to his torment. By swallowing the bitter medicine every night, his body started going through a strong and painful transformation. The supplements built his muscle mass at a punishing pace, demanding too much energy from his already tired body. The testosterone boosters added up aggression, stamina and the wildest libido to his body. He was hard for most of the day and got aroused constantly. At night, he could sniff the air and recognise the pheromones of each one of his colleagues and couldn’t contain the initial involuntary cum blasts on his uniform because of the constant smell of sweat everywhere. There were also times where he was put inside of a machine where his naked skin was hit by warm laser lighting, especially on his face. This was slowly leaving him skin more hardened and thick. Each week he seemed to look at least one year older.
Emil disliked every moment, from the relentless pressure to the loss of his youthful appearance, but he couldn’t fully hate the changes. His body grew stronger, his mind got smarter and he felt more confidence, even though the cost was immense. Lieutenant Harris’s work, alongside the brutal training, were molding him into someone tougher, resilient and manlier. Every day was a hellish cycle of physical and mental agony, designed to break him down and rebuild him in the lieutenant’s expectations. Slowly, he outgrew his uniforms and boots. He had to get bigger ones as he grew taller, stronger and bulky, with his calorie-dense diet giving him a lot of weight to feed his quickly maturing body. His voice, once clear and youthful, deepened into a resonant and low tone due to the testosterone boosters. This new voice carried an authority far beyond his years.
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Emil’s procedures were intense, and they were giving way stronger results than what Lieutenant Harris planned. Weekly chemical peels stripped layers of from his skin, revealing raw, weathered surfaces beneath, simulating months of exposure to draining conditions. The UV treatments added a leathery texture, even some lines around his eyes and mouth, mimicking a long time of stress and fatigue. His skin took on a sophisticated and mature look, making him appear more like a man. The lieutenant just wanted him to lose his childish face, but the processes got Emil a way stronger result. His scent changed as well and he was particularly pleased by that part. The combination of intense physical training and powerful supplements increased his natural body odor, making him muskier and sweatier. Just a few minutes of training left him drenched in sweat, and the rigorous schedule allowed little time for much personal hygiene, adding more richness to his persistent masculine smell. Not that he cared.
After weeks of hair growth pills and high doses of testosterone and minoxidil, his facial hair grew thick and patchy. From night to day, a dark stubble covered his jawline and upper lip. He maintained a trimmed, military-style goatee and stubble that Lieutenant Harris was also not expecting. The treatment was pushing his body beyond its natural limits. The height boosters stretched his bones painfully, adding many inches to his frame. The muscle growth supplements bulked up his physique impressively, while the hair growth supplements covered his chest, arms, and back in dense, dark hair. Despite the prematurely balding caused by the high DHT on his blood flow, his head remained in a strict military cut, so he couldn’t really notice it. The intense training aged his skin even further, as the outside exercises exposed him to many different environments. The constant physical stress also accelerated the development of lines and subtle wrinkles, gifting his face with a hardened and mature appearance. His mind also changed, gone was the hesitant and unsure 19-years-old loser. In his place a young man with confidence and resilience was emerging, looking 25 or 26 years old in just three months. Lieutenant Harris started to get concerned about how far the growing process was going, but it was too late so stop or reverse it because Emil was too addicted to all of that.
Three months later, Emil was trying to be happy about finally see his girlfriend again. Rita had been away for some months, with her mother in the countryside, and he was planning to surprise her with his improved appearance and finally propose. Then he would marry her. That was his goal and he was about to achieve it. But why wasn’t he feeling as excited as before? Rita came, surprised by how much he changed in such a short time. His clothes were too tight for him to move, since he had just been wearing uniforms since he enlisted and never care to buy more civilian clothes. His voice, weight, height and even his body language were completely different, as if there was a new man in front of her. They talked, had dinner, and she awkwardly observed Emil’s body. He was very hot, she couldn’t deny it. But he also smelled more, not as hygienic as he used to be. His musk made her lose her apetite and he was too focused on different things in life other than their relationship. She couldn’t contain her uncomfortable expression as he put her arms on her shoulder and she felt the sweaty and hairy skin touching her. That wasn’t really the guy she fell in love it. The date was awkward and long, Emil even forgot to propose. They went home with a bittersweet and indifferent flow of thoughts about each other.
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Emil was in his apartment packing his stuff. He was about to move permanently to the base and give back his inherited cubicle to his family. He was excited to take another step in his life, not even caring much about the recent break up with Rita.
“Emil?” a deep voice came from the door. “Can I talk to you?”
“Lieutenant Harris, please enter, sir.” he adjusted his posture and stood in a respectful position to his superior.
“Please, I want to talk to you as just David now. Forget the army stuff.”
“What’s wrong, sir?”
“I’ve heard of what happened and I’m sorry for that. I shouldn’t have been so harsh on you and I shouldn’t have taken all of it so far. You’re free to leave your position and take your life, Emil.” Emil never heard the ashamed and regretful tone in the lieutenant’s voice.
“Please, David. It’s fine. It was a mutual decision and I think me and Rita are happy this way.”
“Emil, I think you should-“ the lieutenant tried to say before being interrupted.
“I wish to continue, sir. I want to see how far you can take me and what else you can do to me.”
“Are you sure? This will be irreversible, soldier. You will never be the same person again. You’re already not the same person and it was my fault.”
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“I know, and this is what I want.”
“So let’s continue your metamorphosis then, recruit.” Harris finally said, after a long pause for thinking.
So six months had passed since Emil joined the military and his transformation had been astounding. The once unsure and youthful guy was now full of strength and maturity. The rigorous training, hormone therapy and physical procedures had sculpted him into a muscular, bearded man who now looked like he was in his thirties. His broad shoulders, full beard, dense body hair and his shiny bald head gave him a well deserved masculine and imposing appearance.
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It was the week after Emil’s 20th birthday when David called him into his house on a day off. They were going on a night out together to celebrate the new Emil and his achievements, both in appearance and military development.
"Emil, I think it’s time you try something different," the lieutenant said, pulling out an elegant dark suit from his closet. "This is one of my favorites, and I think it will look even better on this new you."
Emil hesitated for a moment, then took the suit, feeling the expensive fabric on his fingers. "Thank you, David. I appreciate it a lot.”
David smiled with pride and fondness in his eyes. "Go ahead and try it on."
Emil went to another room and carefully got dressed in the suit. He also wore a linen dress shirt, that softly embraced his massive hairy body. He slid silky comfortable socks on his feet and put them inside a pair of fancy loafers. As he looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but feel pleased. David’s clothes were not unfamiliar to Emil, since he outgrew all his clothes too fast and the lieutenant started sharing his wardrobe, but he never got to wear something fancy like that. The suit fit him perfectly, emphasizing his muscular build and mature appearance. David’s scent – expensive cologne, body spray and the odour of a soldier – was now all around his body, mixing with his own scent that sticked deeply through all his body hair. He straightened the tie and took a deep breath, ready to embrace this new chapter of his life.
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When Emil reappeared, David's eyes lit up.
"You look really incredible," he said, clapping a hand on Emil’s broad shoulder. "As if this suit was made for you."
"Thanks, David. It means a lot coming from you," Emil replied, feeling the warmth of genuine friendship in David’s words.
They left the house together, heading into the city for a night of fun. Despite their significant age gap and military hierarchy, they had also developed closeness and mutual understanding. Their evening started with a dinner at an rooftop restaurant. As they enjoyed their meal, they talked about everything. From military experiences to Emil’s new personal aspirations. David shared stories from his own past, and Emil got himself laughing and engaging in the conversation with a confidence that he had never felt before.
After dinner, they visited a jazz club, where the vibrant music and atmosphere broke their military posture. They ate more, drank and even danced, forgetting their duties for a second. Emil never imagined that David would be actually such a fun and energetic man.
"You’ve come a long way, Emil. I’m proud of you.” David looked at him, a proud smile on his face.
"Thanks, David. And thank you for everything. I wouldn’t be here without your help." Emil nodded with gratitude.
After their evening of celebration, the tone between them turned serious once more. Emil’s transformation was complete, but the reality of his new appearance couldn't be ignored. He had recently turned 20 years old with the full appearance of a 35 years old man, and this had complications that needed to be addressed.
"Emil," David said, his voice steady, "Thwre are some important changes we need to make in order for this to work. It’s going to be strange for someone your age to look as you do now, so we have to take unwanted steps to protect you and ensure that you can move on successfully."
"What do you mean, David?" Emil looked at David with apprehension. David handed him a folder.
"These will be your new documents. A new name, a new birth date. From now on, you will be known as Neil Roy, born ten years earlier than your actual birthdate. We’re transferring you to a distant military base where you can start a new life with this new identity.”
“I’ll be 30?”
“I was generous with you. No way you look younger than 35.”
Emil opened the folder and stared at the new identity documents. The name Neil Roy and the altered birthdate felt surreal. Not only he got new name, but a new rank.
“Hey... I’ll be a general officer? I’ve only been in the army for six months."
“Your quick promotion to a General is necessary to avoid any suspicion. No one will question a man who looks like you holding that rank." David nodded, his expression firm. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but this is the best way to protect you and ensure your transformation serves a purpose. With your new appearance, it would raise too many questions for you to remain as you were. This is what’s best for you, General."
Neil was shocked but understood the necessity. David was still his superior, and his decision carried weight. "I understand, sir. I’ll do what’s needed."
"I know this is overwhelming, but you’ve proven your resilience and adaptability. You’ve come this far, and I have no doubt you’ll excel in your new role. Embrace this new life and the opportunities it brings." David placed a hand on General Roy’s shoulder.
General Roy took a deep breath, his mind racing with the implications of his new identity. "Thank you, sir. For everything. I’ll make sure I live up to this new responsibility."
In that moment, the air between them was overwhelmed with an unspoken tension. David leaned closer, and Neil found himself unable to look away. Their lips (and beards) met in a brief, but sincere kiss, a culmination of months of shared hardship, respect, and perhaps something more.
"Good luck, General Roy," David whispered with a sad smile. Neil stood shocked about what had just happened. His rough skin blushed under his beard and his heart raced.
The next morning, General Roy packed his belongings and prepared for the transfer. As he boarded the plane to the distant military base, he felt proud of himself. The transformation had been intense and challenging, but he was ready to embrace his new identity as Neil Roy.
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63 notes · View notes
tf-stories · 2 months
Stealing 'em off the Jobsite
You're fed up! Those goddamn construction workers have been across the street for weeks now, and they haven't erected anything (aside from the pole in your pants). Your eyes have studied the collection of sweaty bodies each day, always sad when they pack up and leave.
It's determined. Tonight, things will change. Tonight, they'll be coming home with you...
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All it takes is a glance at your newly acquired, hypnotic pocket watch: a family heirloom.
Your grandfather probably didn't think you'd be using his most powerful artifact for this, but he's not here to witness the control you exert over the crew. They may laugh at first, but their eyes quickly glaze over the second they actually look at the thing swinging overhead. Their grins falter as the tendons in their face slacken. They're relaxing, just like you commanded them to.
Suddenly, those big muscular men don't seem so cocky and masculine. Their typical swagger is replaced by something else; something more subdued, more bovine, dumb.
You did that to them. You caught them right before they left the job site and flashed that magical pocket watch in their faces. Now they all stand before you like a herd of dumb work animals. It's an unbelievable site: grown men that are reduced to loyal dogs, patiently awaiting the commands of their master. Who are you to keep them waiting?
You order them to follow...
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They're good at following the instruction, even if it's just a simple one. The construction workers fumble down the street behind you, grunting and pushing their way past each other like a bunch of braindead zombies. You know they're tired. The sweat of a long day is soaking through most of their clothes, but you rather enjoy knowing how weak their big arms and meaty pecs have become.
Normally, men like this are rowdy and obnoxious, but right now their jaws only hang stupidly. The occasional moan can be heard deep in their throats, but more often comes the unmistakeable sound of gas from their rears. After all, you did tell them to relax, and that command seems to have loosened up their insides as well. More than a few wet farts can be heard in the crowd, but none of them react. Some of the noises are gross enough to suggest they've even shit themselves, not that filling their pants with crap will stop them from mindlessly following you home.
It's almost comical to see how oblivious they've become, but that blank look on their face is getting old. Their heavy slick bodies are hot, but so are their chauvinistic bro attitudes.
Finally at your house, you order them to grab a beer, smile, and file inside for the party...
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Watching the crew of hardened laborers snap out of the trance is eclipsed only by the dumb smile that breaks on each of their masculine faces. Just like that, they're beaming at you, treating you like their best bud and slapping you on the back. Can you remember the last time you were at a party, let alone a party full of grizzled blue-collar workers?
Per your instructions, they haul the booze and speakers down the stairs into the basement. They're only too happy to help, and they get even more excited when you tell them to.
Their eyes pop open wider. Any fatigue from the long workday is replaced with a sudden urge to chug a beer and chest bump the guy next to them. The music is turned up louder than the growing volume of the men joking, laughing, and shit-talking with their gravelly bass and baritone voices.
The testosterone is almost unbearable. You can smell the thick funk of body odor mixing in the humid air. You can even taste the salt evaporating off their skin. But, even more exciting, you can feel any inch of them you want. Diving into the bodies packed tightly together, don't hesitate to touch, sniff, and lick anything you want. The men are lost in a euphoria of moving to the music. They only grin when they find you below, slobbering over their muscle tits or fondling their swollen packages.
They sure as hell wouldn't allow this if you hadn't hypnotized them first. You made them eager to accept an intrusive finger down the back of their work pants. With a little more coaching, they've become even more comfortable around their master...
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Your wish is their command, so they relax into each other's arms when you tell them to. They've already been told to relax so much that it hardly takes any effort. Before you know it, the men's bodies are being pulled in close embraces with casual smirks. These macho builders don't mind their colleagues getting all up in their personal space, no matter how intimate it gets.
The first pair brave enough to obey seems happy they did so. The hug turns into a more aggressive groping until the larger of the two rips off his partner's ratty old tank top.
This party's starting to look more like an orgy...
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The men are happy with this new direction, mostly because you told them to be. Some of them partner up, greedily grabbing their closest bro at work. It's hard to imagine these guys were ever a platonic, straight work crew.
Some of them probably would've gone home to their families tonight, but these fathers and husbands are yours at the moment. You'll let their wives fuss over tucking the kids in. If you can take away all cares from these men with one simple glance at a pocket watch, then why should you care about their families.
All you need to worry about, is choosing which filthy laborer to break in first...
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The Foreman. He's on the far end of the basement, but the boys obediently squeeze their beefy bodies together to give you a path.
He might be the big boss on the job site, but the handsome brute drops to his knees with one word from his master. That dopey smile on his face says just how much this bitch wants to please you, and his workers couldn't agree more. Noticing your lust for their boss, they start egging him on, telling him to be a good boy for the master, encouraging him to be the best slut you've ever had.
You command the Foreman to open his mouth. He does so gleefully and accepts your cock surprisingly well. You can feel how relaxed his throat has become.
With that, the orgy of construction workers is officially kicked off! Your commands begin simple enough, telling who to bend over and who to ram it in, but they become more involved as you gain confidence. You tell the men to moan like two-cent whores, and the whole room echoes with deep manly growls. At one point, you instruct everyone to form a line and jerk off onto the Foreman's face, leaving it smothered with the cum of thirty men. Later, you order them all to lower their pants and touch their toes so you can find the hottest ass to peg. Hours go by as you test the limits of your control over these men.
Eventually, around four in the morning, you are drunk, tired, and sore in the balls. Three of the strongest men are still up to massage your shoulders and each foot, but the rest lay on the concrete floor, using each other's bodies as pillows. You fall asleep to the sound of gruff laborers randomly muttering compliments or praise to you, their master.
Just like you told them...
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You wake up, and they're still taking turns to commend you. The three blokes massaging you seem ready to collapse from the fatigue.
With a simple order, everyone stops.
You leave them kneeling in the basement, packed together as efficiently as possible. It'd be nice to keep using them, but you have to go upstairs and heal from the hangover.
Before you flip the light off, you take one more look. The construction workers seem totally oblivious to the fact that you're leaving them down there to wait on their knees in the dark. From the looks on their faces, this would seem completely normal to them. Chuckling, you slip the door shut and move on with the day.
Who knows when you'll flip that light switch back on next? Until then, they'll be patiently kneeling in the dark, listening to the sound of thirty bodies breathing around them.
So, what are you gonna do with them? Return them to their old lives of physical labor and unchecked masculinity? Their wives and kids would probably thank you for that. Or maybe you'll have them cut off whatever friends or family they had before? Turn them into true workslaves that are only interested in bringing you the checks they suffer for? That would definitely be a rewarding financial endeavor. For now you'll just leave them to wait in your basement.
After all, you stole them fair and square...
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tf-stories · 4 months
I'm a nerd and I think Im ruining my life, I think I would be more valuable as a chav drone.
You think you could do something about it?
Chav Model Detected
Oh, how did you know that the factory started a CHAV production line? Maybe you noticed the recent overabundance of dim chavs groping their crotches in public? I guess that doesn’t really matter. I am afraid that, now that you know, you won’t be allowed to leave the premises. Not without some changes anyway.
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You can always be inducted as a ‘volunteer’ for our new process. Though it is still in the experimental phase at the moment, and its results are a bit…severe. Good thing you signed that wavier already huh?
Once clamped into place, our computer will scan you and select a chav model that fits you the closest. Hmm, you look a bit like a Kieran model to me. Aged 19, he was one of the first models that was integrated into our catalog. And frankly, one of the dumbest. His likeness and personality has been perfectly archived in our system for replication. Yep, a decent enough match for the reshaping process. Take a look. What, you don’t like his face? It’ll grow on you.
That, or you’ll grow into it.
Conveyer Line 3 is for the latest batch of Kieran converts. There’s a couple of dozen before you in the queue, great for getting a little glimpse of your soon to be simplistic existence. Can you hear the dense grunting in the distance? The telltale sound of someone entering the working class.
With our state of the art molding machine your face and body will be readjusted to match the model. And then the un-aging silicon fluid will be applied. There’s around a 5% margin of error at the moment, but otherwise you’ll be identical to the rest on the product line. Trust me, you’ll be looking like a dumb chav lad in no time. Your brutish face will forever appear like it’s sniffing a bad smell with that patented Kieran scowl. And that cropped hair, it’ll make you seem oh so ‘sophisticated’. Ah, here comes the mold now. Hold still while it presses your face into shape.
Of course, looking the part is only half the battle. That’s where the ‘eraser’ comes in. A nifty little machine that ‘rubs’ away your overly complex mind, and then installs the new Kieran.exe program through a chip injected into your neck. It’s being touted as the smallest file program in the company. At 1 kilobyte it really has all the data necessary for your new one-note personality. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. But you may feel a certain sense of ‘thickening’ as your brain becomes that of a stereotypical, crude chav. ‘Kieran’ to be precise. Simple. Immature. Brainless.
Say goodbye to sentences without incessant profanity ‘bruv’. Better yet, say goodbye to coherent sentences at all. After all, these models only have the capacity for a limited number of dim phrases, not that anyone would notice.
“Too fucking rite ey.”
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Haha, exactly. Let me see that scowl lad. Perfect. Not a trace left of your previous self. That ‘KIERAN’ stamp to the back of the head is confirmation of that. Whew, I can tell the musk application went well, you stink of BO. That strong musk is soaked into your skin permanently. After a few more stages; accent adjustment, sex drive increase, kink imprinting, de-education, etc; you’ll be ready for packaging for your new valuable role in the world!
You’re lucky that there is an ever increasing demand for thick headed, moronic chavs. We have specific models for football teams, sport shops and even ones to help increase sales for our vape manufacture partners. Kieran models like you get sold off and assigned to a nearby building site. You make for great obedient workies. Why hire staff when you can get one of our cheap chav drones. During the day you’ll be doing simple manual labour and at night you’ll be the resident arse eater. After all, you love eating arse, your programming says so. The taste, the smell. It makes you explode into your joggers every time. You’ll soon get plenty of experience.
“Mint innit mate.”
Ha! Repeat after me: ‘I’m Kieran, a dumb chav drone. I bet your ass is nice.’
“Kieran innit, a rite fukin’ moron an’ all. Fuck, bet yuh arse is lush like.”
Uh, close enough. Lovely. Another Kieran model successfully converted. Report yourself to shipping so we can have you boxed up and labelled. ‘Chav Kieran! He really smells! Comes with 101 basic phrases!’
Enjoy your new life, dolt.
“Ya bruv!”
(I already have a proper story with this concept in my drafts, so consider this a tease for a potential future piece.)
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tf-stories · 4 months
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When I came for a massage I was greeted by a tall muscular man. He introduced himself as Amir and shook my hand in a firm grip. I instantly felt intimidated by his masculine presence, when his large hand easily engulfed mine much smaller one.
Towering a head above me he had a presence of a tough and serious man, his forearms were covered in thick dark hair and his biceps were bulging from the t-shirt sleeves. His square jaw was covered with a neatly trimmed beard. Everything in this man's appearance was intimidating, except his eyes and a warm smile. His deep voice was soft and comforting.
Amir told me to undress and get on the table. I expected him to leave the room but he stayed there and stared as I removed my clothes.
"You better take off your underwear, so it stays clean. Here's some clothes to cover yourself," he handed me a clean white linen towel.
I undressed completely under Amir's watchful eye and climbed on the table covering me below the waist with the towel.
Amir opened some bottles with his oils and poured some of them into his hands. He began the massage by slowly drizzling warm oil onto my back, using his hands to spread it evenly across my skin. The scent of lavender filled the air, creating a relaxing atmosphere. His touch was firm yet gentle, as his skilled hands glided smoothly along my muscles, working out the tension and knots. With each stroke, I could feel the stress melting away, replaced by a soothing sense of calm.
By slowly moving down my back, Amir removed the towel exposing my ass and legs. He continued massaging my thighs and calves. With his hands so close to my private parts, shivers run down my back and the blood rushed to my crotch. I felt my dicklet growing hard squeezed between my body and the table and I couldn't help but give out a quite moan of pleasure.
"Everything alright?" Amir asked.
"Yes," I was embarrassed and blushed, hoping he didn't notice my arousal.
Amir gently bent my legs at the knees, allowing him better access to me feet. I felt so petite in his strong hands, as his palm easily covered my entire sole and he started kneading it. Then he gently lowered my leg and moved to the other one.
By the time Amir finished massaging my feet, my dicklet was rock hard and leaking a bit of pre-cum.
Before finishing the massage Amir started doing long, slow strokes all over my body to sooth any remaining tension, making me let out a few more moans. Then he stopped for a moment and leant over to whisper into my ear, "I see, you enjoy it, boy", he slapped both of my ass cheeks one after the other. I raised my head but he put his hand on my neck and pushed me down, "Don't worry, boy. I can see the faggots like you. You react differently to my massage. So relax and enjoy"
I was too scared at that moment to protest. Amir's big hand was still on my neck and I knew he had enough power in his arms to do anything he wanted. I could scream but it would be so humiliating.
From the hole in the table I could see Amir's trousers falling down revealing his massive hairy legs. He than slowly climbed on top of me and I felt his hard shaft pressing against my entrance. I had no idea how big his cock was but from feeling its head against my hole I knew he must've been well endowed.
Amir leant over me and kissed my neck. His hairy chest pressed against my back and he started slowly entering me. I let out a loud moan but massive palm quickly covered my mouth. His other hand slid under me and he raised my body a bit to let his shaft go deeper. Inch after inch he pushed inside of me until the head of his cock reached that spot. Than he pulled his cock out just to thrust it inside again after a moment.
Amir began to fuck me getting faster with each thrust. His weight was pressing on top of me making me feel so weak and powerless. Tears poured down over my cheeks — I had never had somebody as big as Amir inside of me. His cock was easily as thick as a coke can and must've been more than nine inches long. At some point I though was going to pass out but then he stopped. I could feel his shaft pulsating in my ass and then it burst out filling me with his warm cum.
If you enjoyed this story, I would really appreciate your support on https://www.buymeacoffee.com/writermax
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tf-stories · 6 months
Chav TF Ryan
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After shopping for a birthday present at the mall, you stop by the food court for something to eat. You grab a burger and fries from Maccies and sit down at a table, idly people watching over your meal deal. You notice a chavvy lad sitting a few tables away and you think he looks kinda hot. Nylon trackies, puffa jacket, Nike Tn sneakers, close cropped haircut and an attitude to match.
He pulls out a vape pen and you watch as he takes a couple of hits. He doesn’t care that he is sitting right in front of a sign proclaiming “Smoking or vaping is prohibited in the mall”. A couple of other chavvy lads wander over with food and sit down while they eat. They share some hits off his vape, before wandering into the mall leaving him alone again.
A food court employee stops at your table and asks if you’re done with your tray. You realise you’ve been sat here for about 20 minutes mesmerised by this hot lad and his mates. Sighing, you push the tray to them, but as you pick up your bag you make eye contact with the chavvy lad who stands up and walks towards you.
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Smirking he says “Sup bruv? I seen you staring at me init. You wanting a hit on me vape or summat?”
Slightly panicking you reply “Um, I dunno mate. I wasn’t staring at you. I was just people watching, you know like you do? I didn’t mean anything by it. Um, sorry if it seemed like I was staring. I don’t want any trouble.”
“Oh bruv. Fucking come off it. You was staring at me and us mates. You think we look hot and you’d love to be like one of us init. I don’t fuckin blame ya bruv. Go on then. Have a hit off me vape and see what it’s like.” With a menacing grin he offers you his vape pen.
You laugh nervously, not sure if this lad is just messing with you or if you’re about to get a punch in the face. Maybe if you take a hit off his vape he will leave you alone and you can get out of the mall without any further drama. You’ve never vaped before but it won’t hurt to do it just once so you say “Um okay, if it makes you happy”, accept the vape pen and take a hit.
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“Go on then, let's get ya started on becoming a proper scally chav lad like me. You'll love the feeling, I promise ya.” As you take a hit from the vape, he watches with anticipation as the transformation process begins to take hold of your body. “Yeah, that's right, let it do its thing. You're gonna feel so much better once it's all done. Just relax and let it happen.”
“Yesss, that's it. Just take a nice long drag and let the sweet, thick vapour fill up your lungs. That's it, bruv. Take it all in. Now, just wait a few seconds...and there it is. Can you feel it? That rush of excitement and pleasure coursing through your body? That's the transformation beginning bruv.”
You do feel a rush as the vapour hits you. Uncontrollably you take several more hits before you start to feel a bit dizzy and disorientated. Your body feels tingly all over and you have to sit down because you feel like you are going to pass out.
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“It’s all good bruv. You’ll feel alright in a few. It’s the physical transformation making you feel a bit out of it. You’re gonna love how you turn out. Take some more hits on the vape and you’ll feel all better. I can see the difference in you already. Feel those abs coming through? You’re gonna have a tight six pack init!”
You feel your abdomen tightening and new muscle definition developing in your arms. You take more hits on the vape pen and now your head starts to tingle. You touch your head and your nice preppy haircut is now short on top with tightly shaved sides. It feels strange at first but you take another hit off the vape pen and it feels like it’s always been this way. Almost like you’re losing your old self.
Your new chav mate is clearly enjoying the transformation taking place and he eyes you up and down approvingly. “Looking a lot sharper now init. You feeling the scally vibe yet bruv? Keep puffing on that vape and you soon will. I’m Connor by the way. And I think we’ll call you Ryan. You seem like a Ryan. How’s that sound?”
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“But my name is Jas …..” you tail off. You realise you can’t say your name anymore. You don’t really know that person anymore. You think you used to go to college, but college is for clever cunts init. You take a couple more hits. Yeah Connor is right. Your name is Ryan. College? What the fuck was that all about?
Connor was right about the dizziness passing. Now you feel a lot better. You feel more like yourself. Now you are hitting the vape without even thinking about it and the transformation continues. You feel a burning sensation along your arm and hand as a sleeve tattoo starts to develop, followed by two sharp pricks as diamond studs pierce your earlobes.
“Well Ryan. How’s you feelin now bruv? You’s lookin’ sick bruv, but we gotta get you some sharp drip init cos’ you look like a fuckin’ div in your Primark shit. Lemme text a couple of bros who boost gear from Foot Locker and JD. See what they can get for yer.” He sends a text message and gets a text back almost immediately. “Okay bruv, get over to the bogs and wait in the second cubicle.”
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You do as he tells you and wait in the second cubicle for about 15 minutes when you hear Connor talking to another lad. “Yo Ryan bruv. Incoming.” A backpack comes over the top of the cubicle and Connor looks over the partition with a big grin on his face. “Yo bruv. Me mate Jayden boosted you some drip. Get changed and we can get the fuck out.”
You open the backpack and take out the clothes. A pair of Nike Tn sneakers, nylon Nike trackies and a puffa jacket. As Connor watches over the partition, you strip down to your underwear and eagerly dress in your new gear. Connor grins as he watches you struggle to put on the sneakers, giving you pointers on how to tie them just right and make sure they're displayed properly.
You leave the cubicle and look in the mirror. It’s the fist time you’ve seen Ryan and you look fucking mint. You grin at Connor as you stuff your old clothes in the rubbish bin. "Damn, you look proper fit, mate. Not bad for a newbie! And those fresh tatts and piercings... they look wicked on you."
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Connor eyes the ink on your skin and the studs in your ears, admiring how they complement your new look. He can't resist the urge to touch and play with your piercings, teasing you with a sly grin. "So, now that you're a proper scally chav lad, what you wanna do? You wanna go cause some trouble? Maybe even get kinky with me? You ever sniffed a pair of scally sneakers?"
"I'm always up for a bit of fun, especially with a fit chav lad like you. Let's go show everyone how much of a scally lad you are." Connor leads you outside and down an alleyway, where you are met by his chav mates who are all smoking weed and drinking. They all tease you and comment on how good-looking you are in your new gear. "Oi oi! Look at this fit bloke now, one of us bruv!"
Connor wraps his arm around your shoulder possessively, pulling you close as you walk down the road. The smell of weed and alcohol fills your nose, and you feel a rush of excitement as the group heads towards the nearby park. "We're gonna hang out here for a bit, mate. Show you how we do things around here. You wanna hit this blunt?"
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Connor passes you the joint, you take a hit inhaling the smoke deeply and coughing hard. You can feel the buzz starting to kick in as you pass the joint back to Connor. The group starts laughing and joking around, being loud and disruptive. You feel a sense of belonging, like you're part of something special.
As the night gets darker, the group splits up, and Connor takes you to a secluded spot behind some buildings, where it's quiet and no one can see you. He leans in close, his lips brushing your ear as he whispers into it. "You're such a fit chav lad, man. I wanna see how kinky you can get. Wanna sniff each other's sneaks and socks?"
Connor takes off his Nike tn sneakers, revealing his sweaty socks inside. He hands them to you, watching expectantly as you take a deep breath in, inhaling the musky scent. He groans with pleasure as he takes a sniff of your socks as well. "Mmm, you've got a fuckin’ hot chav scent bruv. Proper gets me hard."
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Connor gets closer to you, his breath hot on your neck. He starts to nibble on your earlobe, his hand reaching down to grab your crotch. "You want me, don't you? You want to be my kinky little chav lad, always ready for some fun?" He kisses your neck, before whispering again. "I want to take you back to my place, show you what real scally lads do for fun."
Connor's hand tightens on your crotch, his eyes full of lust as he waits for your response.
"Fuck yeah, mate! Let's go!" Connor pulls you close, placing his hand on the small of your back as he leads you through the dark alleyways towards his flat. Every step makes you feel more and more excited, wondering what kind of kinky fun he has in store for you.
Once you arrive at his place, Connor doesn't waste any time. He pushes you up against the wall, his lips finding yours in a passionate kiss. You can feel his hard cock pressing against your thigh as he grinds up against you.
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"Here, grab these," he says, tossing you a pair of his socks. "I want you to sniff them while we fuck." You eagerly obey, inhaling the pungent scent while Connor strips off his clothes. As he reveals his muscly, tattooed body to you, you can't help but feel your own cock getting harder by the second. Connor takes notice, smirking as he pulls you onto the bed with him.
"You're a fuckin’ sexy chav lad now. You know that?" he says, running his hands over your body. "I want to make you mine tonight." Connor starts to kiss and lick his way down your body, pausing at your crotch. He pulls down your trackies and starts to suck your cock, his tongue flicking over the head while he moans with pleasure.
"Mmm, that's it, mate. Let me taste that chav lad dick." You can't take it anymore, and you climax hard in his mouth. He swallows every drop, before pulling you up to kiss you. You can taste your own cum on his tongue, and it sends shivers down your spine.
"Now it's my turn," Connor says, rolling onto his back and spreading his legs. "Rim my arsehole and make me moan like a proper scally lad." You eagerly dive between his thighs, burying your face in his musky crack. You start to lick and suck, driving him wild with pleasure. He moans and groans, thrusting his hips up to meet your mouth.
"Yes, mate! That's it! Rim me good, make me your dirty little chav bitch!" Finally, you can't take it anymore. You climb up on top of him, spitting on your cock before sliding it into his quivering hole. You both start to thrust, holding his socks to your face and breathing his scally scent. Connor holds one of your Tn’s tight to his face with one hand, jerking his cock with the other.
"Yes, yes, yes!" Connor's voice grows louder and more urgent as he nears his own climax. "Give it to me, mate! Fill me up with your hot cum!" With one final thrust, you both let out a loud groan as you orgasm together. You collapse in a sweaty heap, panting and exhausted but completely satisfied. Connor rolls over and pulls you close, draping his arm over your chest.
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"That was so fuckin’ hot bruv," he says, nuzzling your neck. "You're definitely a proper chav lad now." You can't help but smile, feeling more alive than you have in years. As you drift off to sleep, you can't help but wonder what kind of kinky scally adventures Connor has in store for you next.
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tf-stories · 8 months
Sex Doll
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Joe was a twenty year old college jock when he was captured. Handsome and fit, Joe was a star on the college campus, but was getting cocky. His ego had blown up due to so many people flirting with him, and he had become a bastard that thought mostly about how quickly he could get drunk and find pussy. For months though, something was wrong. Joe felt like he was being followed and he kept seeing a white van circling his apartment off campus. Then came the day when he was walking home from campus, only for the white van to pull up besides him, and a masked man to throw him in the back of the vehicle. Joe fought as best as he could, but the masked man was incredibly strong. Joe worked out at the gym every day, but hitting the masked man was like punching a rock. The masked man put Joe into a headlock and soon Joe passed out. No dude don’t pass out, Joe thought. Don’t fucking pass…..but Joe did and slumped into the masked man’s arms. 
The masked man laid Joe out on the floor of the van and began stripping him. First his sneakers, then his jeans and finally the boy’s button down shirt, leaving Joe in blue boxers and low cut white socks. The masked man let his hands feel all over the boy’s beautiful body, until he pulled off the boxers, spread the boy’s legs and began dry humping him. The masked man pulled the boy’s legs over his shoulders, smelling Joe’s low cut white socks as he continued to hump. 
Joe woke up standing and facing a stone wall. What the fuck happened? The last thing he…..holy shit the masked man! Where has he taken me?! What the fuck is going on?! Joe tried to turn around only to find that he couldn’t. He tried to scream for help, only to find that his words became mumbled gibberish. His head was encased in a full leather muzzle that was thick and locked at the back of his neck. The front of the muzzle had a metal ring attached to it, which was currently locked to a ring in the wall. Joe tried to reach up to pull at the ring, but soon found that his wrists were tied behind him by leather cuffs. What the fuck?!!!!! Joe panicked, thrashing and pulling, but the metal ring wouldn’t let him move far, in fact he was practically forced up against the wall. In moving around a little, he noticed something else. He had been fully stripped of his clothes and then dressed up. He was now bare chested, dressed in what felt like briefs, leather pants and white socks that were pulled up to his calves. This fucking faggot had stripped him and dressed him up for some sick fantasy! Joe was filled with rage and tried to kick the wall. 
“Ahh it’s awake!” Joe looked behind him and saw a tall muscled man, probably in his forties and dressed in black, enter the room. The man was bald, handsome and definitely the masked man that had brought him here. 
“FUCK YOU! YOU FUCKING SHIT, LET ME GO! LET ME OUT!” Joe screamed into the gag. It barely sounded like more than a muffled moan through the gag though. 
“Ohh I don’t like that, sounds like I have a very naughty boy on my hands. Let me introduce myself. I’m Daddy and you’re now my sex doll. I’ve been watching you for some time, you’re such a horny slut. Fucking everything you can get. I’m gonna take advantage of that. I’m gonna make you into my perfect sex doll’ said Daddy as petted Joe’s head like he were an animal, and held onto the boy’s neck with his other hand. The man’s grip on his neck was tight. Joe stared at Daddy with wide eyes. 
“Now settle down. I know this is very shocking for a young straight boy like you. And I don’t expect you to be submissive right away, I know that I have to break you. But know this, sex dolls have no thoughts. They cannot speak either. I expect you to be a mindless silent sex doll. And if my sex doll has thoughts of its own, mainly refusing to obey me….well, Daddy is going to be very angry. And you won’t like Daddy angry. You don’t want that” 
Daddy increased his grip on the boy’s neck and Joe went still. This man scared him. Joe didn’t want to admit that. He was a tough guy, he’d get through this. He’d find a way to escape. But the man’s words and the reminder of his strength made Joe panic. Sex doll? No faggot was going to use him as a sex doll. No fucking way! 
“For your struggling just now, I’m going to tighten the straps on your muzzle. Sex dolls do not talk back, and now you won’t either, straight boy. You straight boys have too much freedom to say whatever the hell comes into your head. Not anymore. This muzzle will stay on forever. Well, I’ll take it out to feed you food and cock. But otherwise, this will become a permanent addition to your body” 
Joe felt the muzzle tighten to his face and heard Daddy re-lock the lock at the back of it. It was now pressed tight into his face, painfully so. Fuck fuck fuck fuck! Joe started to struggle again, trying to turn, so that his hands could reach up to the metal ring holding him to the wall. Daddy spanked him roughly on the ass. 
“What did I say?! No struggling….you know what, I think you need better restraints. A straight jacket would be great”  Daddy left the room and Joe tried again to reach up to the metal ring, he got a finger painfully hooked onto it, but not enough to get a grip on the full lock that held him to the wall. He had broken into many places on campus, dorm rooms, the food cafeteria, etc. He had experience with locks, but he couldn’t even get a hold of this one! And Daddy would be back any - 
Daddy appeared beside him, a straight jacket over his shoulder. He kneeled down and Joe tried to kick him in the face, but Daddy grabbed each ankle and placed them in leather cuffs, pulling his ankles together. Joe had hoped that when the muzzle was unlocked from the wall, he could run, but now that was impossible. Daddy unlocked the muzzle from the wall and grabbed the metal ring at the front of it, pulling Joe forward. Joe tried to hold back, but Daddy pulled him easily across the room. Joe stumbled due to the ankle cuffs and fell to his knees. Daddy pushed the boy onto his stomach, took a belt out and lopped it through the muzzle’s ring, he then tied that to another ring sticking out of the floor. Now Joe was secured to the floor. Daddy straddled him, removed the wrist cuffs and forced each arm into the straight jacket.  Joe was losing hope by the second. Now that the straight jacket was on and being secured, his hands were even more useless. And with the ankle cuffs, his range of motion was completely cut off. He would not submit to this man, he would not do it! 
“There we go, all tucked in. That feels much better, doesn’t it? Now you have no way of moving or struggling. Sex dolls are just holes to cum in. To use for my pleasure and that’s what your jock body will be for me. Do you how many times I watched you play basketball with your buddies on campus? How many times I watched this body sweat, abs glistening in the sun, cock bouncing in your gym shorts? You got me so hard and now….you will keep me hard daily” 
Joe was suddenly crying. Fuck, no, don’t be weak, he thought. He hated that he was crying, but all of a sudden it was too much. He felt completely restricted and completely vulnerable. 
“Ohhh I wasn’t anticipating that happening so soon” said Daddy, licking the tears away from Joe’s face. “I haven’t even whipped you yet’
“Please! Please let me go!” mumbled Joe through the gag.  “No, boy. I’m sorry. You’ve been a very bad straight boy and you need to be punished. And Daddy needs a new sex doll. So you are not going anywhere. You will accept your place.” 
Daddy reached under Joe and undid the leather pants, pulling them down to Joe’s ankles, revealing the white briefs that Daddy had dressed him in. The man’s hand gripped Joe’s ass and ran a hand in-between his butt cheeks. Joe whimpered. 
“When was the last time you wore briefs, Joe? When you were a kid? You will wear them now everyday. I will dress you in a new pair each day. Don’t they feel nice, the fabric cupping your balls and cock? They look like little panties for my sex doll.” 
Daddy quickly pulled the briefs down to Joe’s ankles. 
Daddy licked his hand and began massaging Joe’s hole. Joe couldn’t believe it, all his fight suddenly went out of him. The gag wasn’t coming off, the straight jacket wasn’t coming off, the ankle cuffs weren’t coming off. Trapped. 
“But you know what gets me really hard, Joe? White socks pulled up to your calves. That boy. Gets me so hard. Are you ready for my cock? Yes, you are. I know you are. Because you don’t have a choice, sex doll. Your use is up to me. Not to you. In we go” 
Daddy laid himself on top of Joe and thrust in. 
Joe was racing across the basketball court, his sneakers pounding on the hot pavement. Sweat poured down his neck and into his tank, as he moved in between players for the goal of a slam dunk. His friends cheered him on from the stands. An informal game among a ton of college friends, but he still felt the want to win. He was close now, continuing to bounce the ball….he throws….scores! His arms up in the air with a yell of victory. 
And then he wakes up….
He tries to sit up in bed and finds that he is in his sleep sack, secured up to the neck, for the day. Daddy regularly puts him in a sleep sack to remind him that there is no escape. It also usually means that his muzzle will be replaced by an O ring gag shortly and his face will be fucked roughly. Now a few months into captivity, there have been some changes that Daddy has made to Joe’s body, to make seem more doll like-  specifically all body hair has been shaved off and his hair has been dyed blonde. Daddy whores him out almost every week to different men, and usually he is given a paralyzing sedative during these encounters. He can see everything that is going on, but cannot do anything….still like a sex doll. His name is not used anymore, he is just referred to as sex doll number 1. He watches as these old men pull him over their laps and spank him, or dress him up in various clothes, hump him, kiss him, force their tongues down his throat, lick his body, suck his cock and fuck him. His old straight life seems so far away. 
Sometimes at night, Daddy makes him dress up in his old clothes, the clothes that he wore when he was captured and thrown into the dungeon van. He is made to stand on a pedestal as old men surround him and very slowly strip him all over again, and then begin taking turns fucking him. For a moment, when wearing his old clothes, he feels like himself again….but all he has to do is look at the men jerking off to him ….to remember that he is now….and will be from now on…..just a sex doll
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tf-stories · 8 months
Lin’s adventure
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Lin was twenty three year old jock from China, recently graduated from college and trying to find his way. When he found a flyer for an international program to work abroad, he immediately leaped on the opportunity. Though he knew little english, he thought he could learn as he went. He was a muscular hot jock, jocks can do anything, he thought. The flyer was vague about what the work abroad would be, but it was listed as “client services”. Lin was a nice guy, he could work in client services….whatever that was. So he called the number on the flyer and soon was on a plane to the US. He had been told to not bring much, that he would be provided with everything he needed. Though the man on the phone did advise that Lin should work out before traveling, in order to keep him feeling strong for the coming work days. Lin loved working out, so he was happy to do that. 
He was met at the airport by a car, the driver of which was the man that he had spoken with on the phone, Mr. T. The man explained to Lin (in mandarin) that he would be meeting with Daddy, the head of organization that Lin would be working for. Daddy did not speak Lin’s language, so there would be some tough communication at first, but Mr. T assured Lin that they’d find ways to get messages across. 
“How long have you been working with Daddy?” asked Lin. 
“Oh I’ve been procuring boys like you from abroad for a while. Daddy uses me to get the best talent, the strongest and sexiest boys from overseas” 
Lin found this description odd, but also flattering. Fuck yeah, he was sexy. Whatever this work was, he was being seen as strong and worthy of it. Lin was happy, this was the best decision he had made. 
The car pulled up to a warehouse and Mr. T led Lin into it. 
“Please remove your sneakers, no sneakers in here. You will be working mostly in socks” Lin did as he was told and kicked off his sneakers, revealing black calf length socks. His outfit for this day was a grey hoodie, navy sweatpants and sneakers. He had been told to dress comfortably. 
“And please hand over any phone, wallet, etc. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of them. We want no distractions” Lin dug into his pockets and handed over everything to Mr. T, including the duffle bag that he brought from home. 
“Alright, wait here and Daddy will be with you soon to begin your orientation” 
“Thanks Mr. T”
“Be a good boy now” said Mr. T and then left with Lin’s sneakers, phone, wallet and bag in hand. Lin thought he heard the warehouse door lock behind him, but perhaps he’d imagined it. 
The warehouse was huge and empty, besides a large enclosed room built in the middle of it. Lin waited for what felt like forever, walking around the warehouse, his socked feet cold on the floor. Then suddenly a door opened to the enclosed room and a tall silver fox of a man came out. 
“Lin? Hello I’m Daddy, thank you for coming” 
“Hello Daddy” said Lin. 
“Would you like a drink? You must be thirsty after so much traveling” said Daddy, as the man reached into the room and handed Lin a glass of thick liquid. 
“What?” asked Lin, accepting the glass. Shit, he had already run out of his knowledge of English. Smile, Lin thought. 
“Drink up” said Daddy, motioning for Lin to drink. Ah got it, thought Lin. He was thirsty, it had been a long plane ride, but the drink looked weird….gray and cloudy. Well, best to not refuse, he didn’t want to anger this man on his first day of work. Lin drank the whole drink and handed the glass back to Daddy. Almost immediately Lin felt weird, he was suddenly dizzy and his vision was going blurry. 
“Ughh I….” 
“Oh Lin, you must be so tired. Let’s get you settled and you can rest a bit” Daddy put an arm around Lin and began leading him to the enclosed room. Lin was finding that he could suddenly barely stand, his feet almost dragging on the floor as Daddy guided him. Had he been drugged? What the fuck was that drink? No, this man wouldn’t do that, right? Maybe he was really tired, maybe - 
Lin got one look at the contents of the enclosed room and panicked. It was a dungeon, a huge space filled with bondage equipment, toys, beds with restraints, spanking benches, bondage tables, etc. What had he gotten himself into? FUCK his phone and belongings were gone! What was happening? Was this the work? Would he be helping with this weird place? What the - 
“Okay, let’s lay you down here” Daddy laid Lin down on a bondage table. Lin was speaking in mandarin, trying to ask questions - trying to understand what was going on. But Daddy simply smiled down at the jock, smoothing the boy’s hair. 
“Shhh it’s okay, Lin. Daddy is going to make everything okay. I’m sorry I don’t speak Mandarin. And I’ve been told your English isn’t good either, so this will go over your head….but there’s no job to be had….there’s no work….you are going to become my new boy slave, serving me and anyone that I whore you out too. But first, you have to go through a lot of training” 
Lin could barely keep his eyes open and the words that Daddy said meant nothing to him. Lin tried to get up, but could barely lift his head. 
“Now, let’s get you more properly attired” 
“Clothes. Off” 
Lin knew what that meant. Why did he have to take off his clothes? What was going on? Lin shook his head “no! NO!”, but could barely resist. Daddy pulled Lin’s legs forward, spreading him out on the bondage table. He pulled Lin’s socks off and then slipped the sweatpants off too. Lin tried to kick Daddy, but it was a pretty weak attempt. 
“NO! No clothes off! NO!” 
“Yes, boy. You need to be properly attired to serve me” 
Now simply in a hoodie and grey boxers, Lin scrambled off the table. He needed to get out, this was all wrong. He didn’t know what would happen here, but by looking at all the bondage stuff in the room - and the stripping of his body - this wasn’t going to be good for him. He was such a fool, always way too trusting. People had always told him that he was too trusting and now here he was….with no help in sight. Lin crawled across the room, but Daddy quickly gripped the boy by the back of the neck and pulled him back to the bondage table. 
“You’re gonna be a wild one, huh? So naughty. I know how to handle naughty boys” Daddy threw Lin down on the bondage table. Lin’s head was still swimming from the drink and Daddy ended up tying both of Lin’s wrists down easily, fitting them into cuffs on either side of the bondage table. Lin was shouting, trying to pull his hands out of the cuffs. 
“Now where were we….” Daddy took scissors and cut off Lin’s hoodie and the undershirt underneath. Lin’s legs were kicking and scrambling on the bondage table, now only wearing boxers, his athletic body on display and getting sweaty with his struggling. 
“NO! NO! HELP!” screamed Lin. He searched for more English words that he knew to communicate, but nothing was coming into his panicked mind. What is this man going to do to me?! What the fuck?! 
“You know Lin, seeing as we don’t speak each other’s language…I don’t see the point of you being allowed to speak right now. Especially when your mouth hasn’t been trained to speak to Daddy with respect or to beg for cock. Let’s get you in a nice gag” 
Lin watched, in his drugged state, as Daddy picked up a full head muzzle from one of the walls. 
“How about this full muzzle, I like that it straps around your whole head, not just your mouth. On we go” 
Lin shook his head wildly as Daddy fitted him into it, leather straps around his forehead and going down his face to culminate in a panel gag in his mouth. Daddy tightened the straps until Lin was completely gagged. Lin screamed, but the gag was so thick that his cry was muffled completely. 
“There we go, nice and silent. Now, I don’t like these boxers’ 
Daddy slipped off Lin’s boxers despite the boy’s kicking legs and grabbed a hold of Lin’s balls. Lin’s eyes went wide. He was going to be this man’s play thing. That was clear now, despite Lin not understanding the man’s English. He was a straight boy, a proud muscular jock. This couldn’t happen. This wouldn’t happen. Daddy squeezed Lin’s balls, making the boy groan.
“Stop struggling” said Daddy in perfect mandarin and then went back to English. “That’s all I’ve learned from your language, but I hope the message got across that i’ll keep squeezing these balls until you settle down” 
Lin got the message and stopped kicking his legs. Daddy let go of the balls and moved to a set of drawers in the corner of the room. He took out a pair of white briefs and calf length white socks. He slowly fitted both of these items onto Lin and then tied Lin’s legs to the bondage table, securing the boy’s ankles into cuffs on either end of the table. Lin was now spread eagle, painfully stretched. Daddy caressed Lin’s (now white socked) feet, playing with the fabric of the socks a bit, and then let his hand drift to massaging Lin’s crotch through the briefs. Lin pleaded with the man through his gag. 
“Please stop this! YOU SICK MAN! YOU SICK FUCK! LET ME GO!” said Lin in Mandarin. 
“Such a pretty boy, Mr. T knows how to pick a good stud. You may be wondering why I dressed you up. You see I put my boys in a uniform, white briefs and white calf length socks. I think it helps you boys to get in the mindset that I control everything now, even what you wear. It makes boys like you feel vulnerable to have a man dress you to his pleasure. Seeing you like this, in briefs and white socks, makes me hard. It makes me even harder to see you tied up and gagged too. I know, I know all of this is so tough for you. But I promise, this is where you belong” 
Lin tried to close his legs from the man’s caresses, but it was useless. Daddy reached into the briefs and brought out Lin’s cock through the fly, jerking it. Lin had never been touched by a man like this. It was disgusting. He couldn’t believe that this was happening and that a strong boy like him was helpless to stop it. He was straight damn it! 
“Such wild energy in you jocks, need to milk that out of you” said Daddy as he continued to jerk Lin’s cock and caress his balls. Lin finally passed out, the drink and panic overtaking him, as Daddy took out a vibrator and placed it between the boy’s legs. 
Lin’s memories of the next few days (weeks?) were hazy. Daddy kept feeding Lin that special drink to keep him subdued. So when he tried to sort out what happened ….he only had images….
-Waking up with his arms tied above, stretching him onto his tip toes, as Daddy relentlessly whipped his back and abs. 
-Being tied to a chair in front of a projector that displayed the phrases “I’m Daddy’s Asian Whore” “Please sir, fuck me” “Thank you sir’ “Please sir, give me cock” “Thank you for your cock, sir” “I’m sorry i’ve been a bad boy, punish me” on a wall. Daddy pointed to each phrase and waited for Lin to try to speak them in English. If the boy didn’t learn a phrase or say it correctly, Daddy would whip his balls with a riding crop until Lin mastered each phrase in English. 
-Being tied in a tight hogtie, the boy’s feet almost touching his head and then being suspended into the air like that, as Daddy jerked off below him. 
-Being held over Daddy’s lap and spanked with a wooden paddle. 
-Being forced to eat his meals from a dog bowl with just his mouth. 
-Countless milkings and fuckings, in his mouth and ass. For weeks, he was gagged with an O ring gag to keep him from biting down on cock. Some day, Daddy told him that he’d be trusted to suck without that. The first time that Daddy fucked Lin’s ass, the boy was blindfolded and hand gagged/tied again to the bondage table, as Daddy’s thick cock pressed between the boy’s firm ass. Lin couldn’t believe how big the man was, the cock stretching his hole. 
“Say it! Say it while I fuck you” said Daddy, releasing the boy’s mouth from his hand. 
“I’m Daddy’s Asian whore! I’m Daddy’s Asian whore!’ cried Lin, before the hand came back over his mouth and Daddy thrust harder.  “Good boy” 
- Being largely kept tied up. When Lin wasn’t on a bondage table or tied standing up, Daddy put a leash on him and forced him to exercise in the large warehouse. 
-He was very rarely without a gag, Daddy preferred Lin in a ball gag, but O ring gags, panel gags and muzzles were also used. 
-The daily putting on of new briefs and new white socks, which Lin was never allowed to dress himself in. Daddy would put them on Lin every morning. 
Months later: 
“I love how submissive he is” said Mr. N. 
Mr. N was an older man in a suit, a few years older than Daddy – probably mid sixties. He was seated opposite Daddy in the warehouse, Lin was on his knees next to Daddy. Hands tied behind his back, ball gag in his mouth and briefs/socks on, and a large metal collar around his neck that made it tough for Lin to keep his head. But he did keep his head up, because he knew that any other action would result in a whipping. Daddy petted Lin’s head as he spoke to Mr. N, running a hand through the boy’s hair. 
“Yes, Lin has learned a lot these past few months. He’s become such a good boy” 
Lin moaned a “thank you sir” through his ball gag. This was a regular occurrence now. Almost daily, new men would show up at the warehouse to use Lin for a few hours in-between Daddy using him. Lin had forgotten about his old life by now, no hope of escape anyway. He was starting to understand more english, besides the phrases that Daddy had taught him. And in some ways, Lin was content. While this hadn’t been the adventure that he had wanted, he at least had purpose now in some sort of work. Sometimes he would still fight though, his straight boy frustration coming to the surface, but Daddy knew how to punish him for that. 
“Can get a closer look at him?” “Sure. Lin go over to Mr. N” 
Lin crawled on his knees towards Mr. N, his head now down as Daddy taught him to approach men by not looking at them. Mr. N grabbed a fistful of Lin’s hair and forced him to stand and then sit in Mr. N’s lap. The man’s hands immediately cupped Lin’s crotch through the briefs, and caressed his nipples. He too began petting Lin like some pet. 
“And you say he’s from China?”
“Yes he is” 
“He’s beautiful” Mr. N began grinding into Lin’s ass a bit, pulling on the collar, so Lin was forced to lean back into the man’s arms. 
“Can I cum in him?” 
“You can cum in every one of his holes” 
“Fuck he’s so hot. Is he ticklish?” “Find out” 
Mr. N grabbed one of Lin’s socked feet and tickled it, causing Lin to flinch. Mr. N smiled and licked Lin’s face, the old man’s tongue leaving spit all over him. Mr. N threw Lin off his lap and began undoing his own pants. 
“I want him to suck me now” 
Daddy got up from his seat and undid Lin’s ball gag. 
“What do you say to the man, Lin?”
“Please sir, give me cock” said Lin. His accent was still heavy, but the phrase was getting clearer. 
“Fucking hell that’s hot” said Mr. N as he roughly grabbed Lin by the face and began fucking the boy’s mouth. Mr. N pumped fast and hard into Lin, the boy gagging. Lin almost came off the cock, but Mr. N gripped his hair and kept him down.  “FUCKING SUCK MY COCK, YOU SLUT! SUCK IT!!” screamed Mr. N. 
In moments, Mr. N came deep in Lin’s mouth. Hot cum running down the boy’s tongue. 
“Swallow it” said Mr. N. Lin did as he was told. 
“Thank you sir” said Lin. 
“Gag him again, I don’t want to hear him talk anymore” Daddy put the ball gag back in Lin’s mouth and tied it tight. 
“Shall we go into the dungeon and I can show you what you can do to him with our equipment?” asked Daddy.  “I want to sniff his white socked feet and tickle them, I want to tie him up and fuck him….and so much more”
“There a lot of options, come on, let me show you” 
Mr. N grabbed Lin by the hair again and lifted the boy to his feet. He followed Daddy into the dungeon, almost dragging Lin behind him. 
Another day in the dungeon, Lin thought….Another day. 
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tf-stories · 10 months
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Ben, the 4.0, goody two-shoes Computer Science junior, lost himself everytime the stoner fuckboy walked into his studio apartment and made eye contact with him. It's like everything left Ben's mind in a single flick of the wrist when Jared unceremoniously barged into his apartment. Everything Jared said or wanted to do, Ben would do so willingly, no questions asked, and he wouldn't even remember about Jared after he left until Jared is back once more to Ben's surrounding. The stoner really succeed in messing up Ben's head and savings as he drained the willing beta out of its monthly allowance to finance his insatiable needs for the good life. He's seriously planning to get his hands on a brand new car, maybe it's time he should use Ben's circle of friends and see which one he can drain and use like a cum dump when his regular bitches bored him
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tf-stories · 10 months
Think Pink
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It’s impossible to find a decently priced apartment in this town. These last few years, it feels like all the prices have doubled. And sure, maybe it’s a great investment, but I’m a twenty-six year old bro who’s just trying to make life work.
I’m not doing it alone. I’ve got Jesse, my heterosexual life partner. He’s a great friend and roommate,. He’s got a steady job as a cook, so he always pays the rent on time. I’m a personal trainer – the money isn’t as good, but I get to spend a lot of time coaching the ladies on how to use weights correctly.
I like being a trainer. Ladies always need help, and I like any exercise that gets their glutes pumped. I’m an ass man, and I’m not subtle.
We lost our last place when the landlord kicked us out so his daughter could move in. I thought about hooking up with her, but she was a real ugly duckling. Besides, like I said, Jesse’s my bro.
We were looking for a two bedroom. Two bathrooms if we could. Close enough to the bars that I could still bring girls home. And dude… there was literally nothing available for less than $2000 a month.
After about a week of searching, Jesse texted me this sketchy website. It didn’t seem legit – the web design had some serious ‘1995’ energy to it. Did you ever see the old Space Jam site? It looked something like that.
But it had new listings. Jesse found an apartment that was close to downtown. Two bedrooms. Only one bathroom, but whatever. For $1200 a month, I’ll share a bathroom.
We called the number and I was kinda surprised it was still available. When we got there to have a look, I was even more surprised. It’s a nice building, even if it is a little old. The place was huge compared to our old apartment. The only real problem was… this is silly, but the master bedroom had one wall painted bright pink.
“Dude, this is your room,” I joked, giving Jesse a punch on the arm.
“Fuck that,” Jesse winced. “It’s bigger. You should take it.”
“Bro, I’d never get laid again,” I laughed. “When was the last time you even brought a girl home?”
“Twice this week?” Jesse said, rolling his eyes.
“Exactly. You never hook up,” I insisted.
“I don’t wanna live in a pink room,” Jesse whined. “Girls are gonna think I’m gay or whatever.”
I glanced over at the realtor. She was a foxy lady in her thirties.
“Not that there’s anything wrong with the queers,” I said magnanimously. “We’re open minded.”
She pretended like I hadn’t said anything.
“For real, we should find another apartment,” Jesse pushed. “I don’t think either of us are really comfortable with this one, and we’ll find something else.”
“We’ve got two weeks til we gotta move,” I said. “Dude, I don’t think we’re gonna find another deal. Not as good as this.”
The realtor gave a heavy sigh.
“I’m sorry,” she said, leaning against a wall. “I’ve just heard this conversation a couple of hundred times. This place has been on the market for months, and it’s because of that stupid wall. Here… I’m not supposed to say this kind of stuff, but… you know you can just paint, right? Any colour you want. It might take you a few coats to cover up the monstrosity in there, but this apartment is half the price it should be.”
“I mean… I guess we could paint,” Jesse said, warming to the suggestion.
“You should,” the realtor moaned. “Look, if I didn’t own my condo already, I’d rent the place myself. We reduced the price so much. This is the best deal in town.”
“Okay, so we paint,” Jesse agreed. “I think you’re right, I definitely get the big room.”
“Whoa,” I put up my hand. “We should talk about that. Why should you get the better room, just cause I made a stupid joke.”
We argued about it while the realtor fished a contract out of her briefcase. Eventually I gave in and told Jesse he could take the damn room – the price was right, and mine was plenty big too.
She was stoked when we signed the lease.
“Alright guys, you’re gonna love this place,” she said, shaking both our hands. “Now, I’m going to go buy myself a drink. I fuckin’ deserve it.”
“How about I buy you that drink?” I asked. I’m pretty smooth.
“Some other time buckaroo,” she laughed. “You’ve got moving to do.”
We didn’t paint it right away. After moving all our stuff we were so exhausted that we just threw on a movie and drank a couple beers.
“Enjoy your pretty pink wall,” I teased as we both left for bed.
“First thing tomorrow bro,” Jesse laughed. “You and me are gonna paint that shit over.”
The next morning I woke up first. It was a couple hours before Jesse stumbled out for his shower.
“Hey sleeping beauty,” I joked. “Did the pink keep you up all night?”
“Mmmm…” Jesse mumbled. “It’s actually not so bad. Looked kinda cool this morning.”
“Yeah, whatever dude,” I laughed. “You’re such a fuckin’ fag.”
Jesse ignored me and went for his shower. I expected we’d spend half the day trying to paint over the thing, but Jesse never even suggested it. I guess maybe he actually liked the wall?
But the next morning it got weird.
When Jesse stumbled out of his room, the first thing I noticed was his ass. I’m not gay – it was just impossible to miss. Jesse’s always been your average bro. A little heavy on the beer, not enough time in the weight room. But looking at his ass, you’d think the dude spent his life at the squat rack.
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“Holy shit bro,” I laughed, not even trying to hide my stare. “What happened?”
“Your ass! Dude, you can’t pretend like you don’t know.”
“Oh that,” Jesse laughed. “Yeah, I’m wearing that pair of sweats Melissa bought me last year. I dunno why I never tried em before, but yeah, they make my ass look great, huh?”
“You’re such a fuckin’ fag,” I laughed.
But seriously, I spend half my life inside a gym. I don’t care if you wear baggy jeans or a pair of fitted sweats, I can tell someone’s build at a glance and that ass was HUGE. Honestly, it kinda freaked me out.
Somehow, the next morning, it got even weirder.
I was in the kitchen cooking up my famous bacon-and-eggs when Jesse stumbled out of his room.
“Mmm… dude, that smells so good,” he said.
“You want some?” I asked. I had my eyes on the stove, so I hadn’t clued in yet.
“Yeah dude, that’d be great,” he agreed.
“Here, you take the first batch,” I said, sliding the mess onto a plate and spinning around to hand it over. His plate crash landed on the floor, hot bacon grease splattering against my bare feet.
Jesse had pecs. Like… serious, massive, heavy pecs. Instagram worthy pecs. Magazine cover pecs. Holy fuck, those were the pecs I’d wished for my whole life…
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And he got them overnight.
“Holy fuck…” I gasped. “Dude, okay, that ass was one thing… but you gotta tell me how you’re doing this!”
“Is it that obvious?” Jesse blushed. “The hair?”
I hadn’t even noticed his hair. Jesse’s hair was typically Italian, pitch black and slicked back. Now it was shorter, spiked up, and platinum blond. But whatever – you wanna be blond, the drugstore’s got you covered.
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I wanted to know where he got those pecs.
“No, bro!” I begged. “Those pecs are fuckin’ amazing. C’mon you gotta tell me what you’re taking. I’ve tried it all dude, but I’ve never gotten growth like that. And overnight?”
“Oh, these,” he grinned, flexing first the left and then the right. “Sorry dude, I’m not taking anything. I just woke up and uh… here they are. Just like the ass, I guess. And the hair.”
For just a second I let myself wonder… was there something magic going on here? Something with his room? That fucking pink wall?
But no, that was ridiculous. He had to be on some kind of super steroid. Something top secret or from North Korea or whatever. I had to find out. He sure wasn’t telling.
“Whatever,” I said shakily, trying to sound like I didn’t care. “You’re such a fuckin’ fag.”
“Yeah,” he laughed, flexing them again. “A fag with great tits.”
I was just joking about Jesse being a fag, but maybe it was true.
He kept making these comments at me all morning. Telling me that even though I’m not big like him, I’m still pretty hot. Telling me maybe he’ll get abs like mine next, or a pair of boulder shoulders to match his pecs.
Needless to say, I hid in my room after work.
When I woke up in the middle of the night, I really needed to hydrate. I was grabbing water from the kitchen when I heard a weird noise from Jesse’s room. The door was shaking, like it was windy and he’d left the window open. And there was a hissing noise like nothing I’ve ever heard.
I glanced out the window. The trees outside were perfectly still. No wind.
“Hey, dude… everything okay?” I called out. He had to be awake in there. Probably jerking off to his new muscle.
No answer.
I forgot about my water and knocked softly on Jesse’s door. Still, no answer.
So I cracked the door open and looked inside.
Jesse wasn’t there, and that was the least weird thing. It was the pink wall… the glowing, quivering pink wall. It didn’t look like paint anymore. Instead it looked like… I don’t know how else to say this – it looked like socially awkward jello. Quivering and shaking and translucent.
That couldn’t be real. There was no way it was real. It looked like something from the movies.
I stepped forward and reached out my hand. The surface was cold and slimy. I tried to pull away, but sticky pink tendrils stuck where I’d touched it. They wrapped themselves around my hand, playing with me, the same way an octopus plays with a scuba diver.
That didn’t last long. A few seconds later the jello wall shook even harder. The whole mass surged at me, covering me in pink slime and sucking me inside.
It was only a few seconds before I landed on a hard surface. I took a cautious breath. Thank god, I could breath again. I blinked the pink goo out of my eyes and took a look around.
I was standing on a bright yellow platform. It was circular, and I’d been dropped in the exact centre. I didn’t see any trace of the pink jello. The platform wasn’t large – you could probably park a city bus on it, but just barely.
I could see hundreds of other platforms around me, stretching off into the distance. Some were taller or shorter, but all of them were held up by giant yellow poles that vanished into a pink mist below. It reminded me of mushrooms in a foggy forest.
Except these mushrooms were connected. There were slides and spiral ramps and bridges linking them together. I had no idea how far it went – the pink sky and the pink fog blurred together in the distance, and there were platforms as far as I could see.
“What is this place?” I asked out loud. There was no echo, like I’d asked my question from a mountaintop.
I heard a giggle behind me. I spun around and found myself staring down a clown. White painted face. Pink hair. Yellow stripes on his clothing and big floppy pink shoes
“Welcome to the Pink World!” the clown laughed joyfully.
I hate clowns.
“Um… what’s going on?” I asked suspiciously. Maybe he had some answers.
But the damned clown gave me a theatrical shrug and another grin.
“Okay… where’s Jesse,” I asked. If Jesse got sucked through that… whatever it was, maybe he was still nearby.
“I don’t know anyone named Jesse,” the clown laughed, giving me another theatrical shrug. “But I never ask for names!”
“Uh, he’s like…” I tried to describe Jesse. A few days ago I would have said he’s just an average bro.
But now…
“He’s hard to miss,” I said. “Big ass. Bleached blond hair. Massive pecs.”
“Oh!” the clown said with a menacing smile. “The new boy! Yes, he’s just that way!”
The clown pointed at a platform in the distance. I barely got a look before the clown vanished into a puff of butterflies.
Whatever was happening, it definitely wasn’t normal.
I tried to head towards the platform I thought the clown had pointed out, but there was no direct path. Instead I had to pick from three different paths leading off my own platform. Eventually I settled on a zig-zag ramp that was going in roughly the right direction.
The ramp felt slippery under my feet. I went slowly, careful not to fall. It was a long way down to the pink mist, and I didn’t want to die here.
I felt safer when I reached the next platform, but it wasn’t exactly a haven. There was a plant sitting in the middle of the platform, growing right out of the yellow ground. It had light green steps and vibrant pink leaves. It looked sort of like an orchid, but with way more flowers on it.
Each of the flowers was spitting out tiny pink bubbles. They were floating through the air and flying past me. At first I thought they were moving in the breeze, but after a few seconds I realized they were attracted to me, targeting me wherever I went.
I dodged them as best as I could. One or two of them hit my skin. I was shirtless, only wearing a pair of pyjama pants. I wished I had a hazmat suit.
Every time one of them hit, I felt my ass jump and quiver a little. I glanced back in horror… was this where Jesse’s dumptruck ass had come from. I’d fallen through the looking glass, and I was ready to believe in magic.
I don’t need an ass like Jesse, and even if I did, who knows what the side effects were. I thought back to Jesse’s flirty behaviour over the past few days…
If you’re gonna believe in magic, you gotta believe it can turn a man into a fag.
So I dodged the bubbles as fast as I could. Whatever happened to Jesse, it wasn’t gonna happen to me. I was gonna find Jesse and get us the hell out of there.
I stumbled backwards, as far away from the bubble plant as I could get. My foot hit empty air and I screamed as I tumbled off the edge of the platform. Lucky me… I fell down a slide. It twisted and turned as the air rushed past. I was losing all sense of orientation.
But I landed in a net. A big net suspended above another of those yellow platforms. It was filled with balls, like something you might find at a carnival – except, of course, all these balls were different shades of pink.
The balls seemed to cluster around me as I struggled to get free of the net. As I thrashed around I realized – despite the situation – I was having fun! I hadn’t played in a ballpit since I was a kid, and it was bringing back some of that joy.
I laughed and grinned as I jumped up and down in the net, diving into the balls over and over.
As I played, I felt a weird sensation – my own balls were feeling big and bloated. They were brushing up against my legs in a way they never had before. God… I could feel them churning.
I was being changed, but the balls were so much fun! I just didn’t care!
I reached down into my pyjama pants and played with my own balls for a while. They were so full and heavy. My dick was hard too. I was getting so horny, and every second I spent in the ballpit was making me hornier and heavier.
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You’re a guy. You know – it’s hard to think when you’re hard.
I probably would have stayed in the ballpit forever. Except the net opened up and dropped me down onto the yellow platform. I stuck my lip out and pouted as the balls bounced off the edge.
Fuck… I was so horny…
I heard a giggle behind me. I dropped my dick and pretended like I hadn’t just been feeling myself up.
“Are you having fun in the Pink World?” the clown asked, chuckling and staring at my dick. My pyjama pants were seriously tented.
“Don’t lie to me,” the clown said, showing his teeth. “I’ll know.”
“Um… yeah, I guess so,” I admitted. “But I’ve got to find my buddy and get outta here. This place is too weird.”
“Too weird?” the clown giggled. “There’s no such thing! But I do think I saw the new boy. Over there!”
He pointed, vanishing into a flock of small birds.
I glanced around… there were ramps and slides pointing off in a couple of directions, but nothing that got me closer to Jesse.
But there was a clicking sound coming from that side of the platform. I crept close to the edge and watched as yellow planks flew into place, creating a rope bridge between me and a nearby platform.
Just what I needed.
I dashed across the bridge. If it could form in a few seconds, it could fall away just as quickly. I was almost across when I heard a snap behind me. The bridge dropped from under my feet. I screamed again, grasping for a handhold.
My shoulder took the brunt of it, but I managed to stop myself. I was hanging from a plank with one arm, and my knuckles were turning white from the effort. Fuck… I’ve been bulking, and I just don’t have the strength to do a one-armed pull-up. I felt myself slipping…
Bouncing off a trampoline.
This place was fucking ridiculous.
I crash landed on another platform. This one had a giant flower on it. I glanced around, checking to see if there were any bubbles trying to give my ass a makeover. It looked like I was in the clear.
This plant had one big pink flower on it. As I leaned down, it’s petals unfolded and I saw a giant yellow stamen in the middle. Without warning, it quivered and squirted something into my open mouth.
Salty. Thick. Delicious.
“Mmmm…” I moaned. I’d never tasted anything like that. It was amazing.
And there was more, dripping off the end of the stamen.
I leaned down and took a little lick. It quivered again and let loose with another squirt into my mouth. I swished the liquid around.
I loved it. The taste, the texture… I wanted more.
My heavy balls rumbled as I swallowed.
The plant was short, so I got down on my knees and buried my face inside of it’s flower. I wrapped my mouth around the stamen, licking it in hopes of triggering another squirt of the liquid.
It didn’t take long for the flower to reward me. My mouth was full of the sticky substance. I swallowed fast – it was releasing spurt after spurt of the delicious liquid into my mouth. I wanted to take it all in.
I knew it was changing me again, but I still didn’t care. I just wanted that taste on my tongue. That feeling as it slid down my throat.
I didn’t stop until I was full. I slumped back on the platform, watching sadly as the flower folded its petals back up. A salty burp escaped my throat.
Mmmm… my cock was leaking. I slipped my hand inside my pants, instinctively scooping up the drip of precum. Without thinking, I brought it up to my mouth and licked it my finger clean.
It was the same taste. The taste of cum… and it was goddamn delicious.
I wanted more.
I had to find Jesse.
But maybe I could just stay here. Near the flower. I’d be hungry again soon…
But I had to find Jesse!
When I finally pulled myself away, the clown was standing right there.
“Oooooh…” the clown said playfully. “Look who’s got a taste for the finer things in life!”
“I… I need to find my friend,” I sputtered. “I can’t get distracted. I need to find Jesse and get out of here.”
“Well, you’re getting close,” the clown said, clapping his hands rhythmically. “In fact, I just saw the new boy over there!” He pointed at a nearby platform and exploded into a cloud of goldfish. They swam through the air, quickly vanishing into the distance.
I looked where he’d pointed. It wasn’t far – just the next platform over. And he was right, there was a blond guy there with big pecs and a huge ass. His shoulders and back had developed far more than Jesse’s ever had. Given my adventure so far, it seemed only natural that Jesse would have a few changes too.
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There was a doorframe in the middle of the platform. Jesse opened it and stepped through. He didn’t come out the other side. Oh fuck, had I lost him?
I was almost there. And there was a path! A long balance beam between my platform and his. I gave a wistful look at the flower… maybe I should fuel up, before I went? No! I had to be strong. I had to keep going.
I stepped cautiously onto the beam. I could see a pool below, filled with a shining pink liquid. What would happen if I swam in the liquid? How would I change? I was tempted to dive in and find out.
But Jesse was so close.
I walked across the beam carefully. My stomach rumbled, craving more cum already. My cock was hard and dripping, so I licked my fingers as I went. I felt so lucky to have a big hard cock with juicy balls…
Even if it was hard to concentrate.
God I was horny. I needed to satisfy my cock soon.
I just kept moving forward one step at a time, trying to ignore my sex drive. Jesse was so close now.
I finally stepped off the beam. I couldn’t believe I’d gotten all the way across. It felt like the first thing that had gone right since I arrived. Maybe the clown wanted me to find Jesse?
I ran for the door and pulled it open. There was a misty pink fog ‘inside’. I circled around – the other side of the frame was empty. I’ve watched enough movies. It wasn’t a door – it was a portal.
So I took a deep breath and stepped through.
I glanced back. Of course the doorway was gone now. Whatever realm I’d entered, I’d have to find another way out.
But I could see a blond figure through the mist. Big perky pecs. A beautiful ass. I ran towards him, shouting his name.
“Jesse!” I called.
He spun around and grinned happily.
“Oh my god, Smith,” he gasped, wrapping me in a big hug. His arms felt good around me, strong and muscular. “It’s like… so good to see you!” he giggled. “And I think you’re happy to see me,” he laughed, reaching down and groping my dripping cock through my pyjamas.
God that felt good. I loved the way he played with my balls.
“Mmmm…” I moaned. “I finally found you!”
We stayed like that for a minute, me wrapped in his strong arms. I was feeling lightheaded. Was it his smell? Jesse smelled like a hard workout at the gym. Or was it the mist? The more I breathed it in, the harder it was to…
I heard myself giggle.
“Um… like uh… what is this stuff?” I asked. Jesse relaxed his hold on me and I stepped back regretfully.
“I don’t know,” he laughed. “But it feels good, doesn’t it?”
“We need to…” I started. Wait. What was I saying?
“We need to… why can’t I think?” I giggled. "All my thoughts are like… so fluffy and…”
There was a long pause.
“I know, right?” Jesse giggled back. “I feel like so… like… pink! And slutty! Yeah… mmm… my ass is like, so hungry!”
“And I’m sooooo thirsty!” I whined. “Can I suck your cock?”
Jesse nodded eagerly. He was wearing a pair of plaid boxers that hugged that beautiful ass… he kicked them off so I could get at his cock. I fell to my knees and swallowed his thick pole.
“Mmmph…” I moaned, tasting another man’s cock for the first time.
I swished my tongue around it, just like I’d done to the flower. It seemed like a lifetime ago, even though I knew it had only been a few minutes. Or hours? Time worked differently here… I couldn’t keep track of it.
But I had a cock in my mouth. Everything was perfect.
“Yeah dude…” Jesse moaned, grabbing my hair and pulling me up and down his length. I almost choked a couple of times. I needed more practice. I wanted more practice.
“Mmm…” I moaned over and over. 
“I’m gonna cum!” Jesse grunted. It seemed like an eternity before he finally released his load to me. His cock pulsed in my mouth. He flooded my throat with delicious cum.
I didn’t waste a drop.
“Ready to return the favour?” Jesse giggled.
“C’mon Smith,” he begged. “Fuck me with your hot cock.”
I felt my balls churn. I took another deep breath of the pink mist. Yeah, I wanted that ass. I wanted to split it open with my stud cock and fuck him til he screamed.
I dropped my pyjama pants and kicked them away.
“Get on the floor,” I ordered. I took another deep breath of the pink mist. I knew exactly what to do.
Jesse dropped onto the floor. He propped himself up on his elbows and his knees. I lined my thick cock up to his hole. He was shaved clean down there, and my cock pushed inside easily.
His ass felt incredible. Tight and thick. It grabbed my cock, sucking me inside until I was balls deep in my best bud’s hole. It felt amazing, better than any pussy I ever had, that’s for sure. I giggled, thinking about how I used to like pussy.
I’m such a silly little slut.
I grabbed his hips and braced against them. In and out, I pounded his ass as hard as I could. I only slowed down cause I felt my balls ready to release like… way too soon. I wanted to keep fucking my bro forever.
“Unf…” Jesse grunted under me. “Uh… uh… uhf…”
“That’s right bro, take my cock,” I giggled. “Take my hot cock. You’re such a fuckin’ slut.”
“You know it!” Jesse moaned under me, thrusting his hips back to take it even faster.
“Take it!” I growled.
“I want it!” he screamed.
I pounded faster, loving the way his ass jiggled as my cock pushed between his cheeks. Jesse had such a hot ass. How had I never seen it before? I wanted to fuck him forever.
“Mmmm…” I moaned, thrusting harder.
I loved fucking him.
“Uh… uh… uh…” he grunted.
I loved fucking ass. Dudes are so fuckin’ hot.
“Mmmmm…” I groaned.
I took a deep breath. The pink mist filled me again.
“I’m cumming!” I screamed.
I felt my cock pulse inside him, squeezed tight. That’s the thing with dudes. They’re so strong. So muscular. It was like nothing I’d ever felt before.
I’m done with pussy. I’m all about that ass.
“Uhhhhh…” Jesse moaned. I could feel his cock jerking under him again.
I fell to the side, laying on the floor. Jesse collapsed in the other direction, leaving a pool of his cum on the ground. I rolled over and lapped it up. I couldn’t let a delicacy go to waste.
“Mmmm…” I giggled. “I love your spunk bro.”
We both stared at the pink sky for a long time.
“Hey,” Jesse finally asked. “Where’d like… where’s all the pink fog?”
“I dunno,” I giggled. “Where’d our clothes go?”
Jesse sat up and looked around. We were back on an empty platform under the pink sky. Just him and me, fuckbuddies forever.
I heard a giggle behind us. The clown was back.
“Those clothes… they don’t really suit you anymore,” the clown said. “And don’t worry, all that pretty pink mist is safe. You sucked it all up, so now it’s filling up your empty little heads.”
“Huh?” I asked. It was still so hard to think. All I wanted was to fuck Jesse again. And maybe like… a couple dozen other guys. I wanted to bury my cock in so much ass… I thought about my clients at the gym. Too many women, not enough bros. I’d have to fix that.
“Don’t worry about it,” the clown smiled knowingly. “The new boys always worry so much!”
“But it’s so hard to think!” I whined, groping at my heavy balls. I could feel them filling back up, ready to fuck again. They were never gonna be empty. I couldn’t drain ‘em fast enough. Not anymore. I laughed with joy.
“Yeah… it’s just like… y’know?” Jesse giggled.
“Why do you need to think?” the clown asked innocently. “I mean… you already found your boyfriend. What else do you need?”
“Huh?” I said, confused by his question.
“Boyfriend?” Jesse asked hopefully.
“I mean… you two look like boyfriends,” the clown said. “Look at this boy… when he came here he was so confused, but now he’s learned some new tricks. He’s got a cute little butt. He’s got a big cock and heavy balls to do the thinking. He’s loves sucking cock and he’s addicted to your cum. He searched the Pink World for you and he found you! That sounds like boyfriend material to me.”
“You came looking for me?” Jesse giggled, biting his lower lip and giving me a flirty glance.
“Fuck yeah!” I laughed. “You’re like… totally my boyfriend!”
I stepped forward and kissed him hard. Our tongues twisted around each other. I loved the feel of his thick lips on mine. We groped at each other for years, and it ended like… way too soon.
I had to come up for air.
“Good boys,” the clown said, looking at us critically. “I think it’s time. Are you ready to return to the waking world?”
“Wait!” Jesse cried out. “We lost our clothes! We can’t go home without clothes!”
The clown gave an exaggerated sigh.
“Beautiful boys like you shouldn’t worry about clothes,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “Your society is soooooo boring. Fine – what sort of clothes do you want?”
I glanced at Jesse. We didn’t need words, not for something simple like this. He returned my empty-headed grin.
“Something pink!” we chorused.
The clown gave us a big grin too. He snapped his fingers. The whole world faded to pink.
We woke up in our bed, tangled in the sheets and each other.
The morning sun was just peeking over the horizon. I loved the light – it made our pretty pink wall glow with an energy that… it was totally magical.
“Morning babe,” I mumbled, my face still mashed against my pillow. I watched Jesse as he woke up. I love the way he stretches that powerful body. He turns me on like… for sure.
I reached down and groped my cock. I could feel the string of my thong between my cheeks. I didn’t have to look… I knew it was pink. That’s like… our favourite colour.
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“Hey stud,” Jesse moaned, stretched out like a cat in the warm glow.
I ran my hand along his pecs, then around to his ass. He was wearing his favourite boxer-briefs – that neon pink pair with the glittery waistband. I wanted to rip them off him, but he’d kill me if I wrecked them.
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“How’d you sleep?” Jesse asked, rolling to face me. He’s so pretty… I love his hair. It’s like… totally fierce.
“Mmmm… I had the weirdest dream,” I said, suddenly remembering. “There was like… this clown or whatever… shit… it’s all slipping away…”
I can never remember my dreams. But I know they’re good. Maybe I’d dream it again.
“Weird,” Jesse giggled. “I dreamed about getting fucked… You and your big cock… Me and my big ass…”
I love him. He’s not smart and he’s not deep, but damn, I love my hung muscle stud. His pretty pink brain is the perfect match for mine. And when we walk in a room… you know everyone stares.
“You know…” I giggled. “I don’t gotta work til ten.”
Jesse leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips. He reached down to fondle my balls. I’m so fuckin’ easy… just play with my balls and I’m ready to rock.
“C’mon boyfriend,” Jesse teased me. “Show me what you got.”
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tf-stories · 10 months
The stud slave should have been out meeting model women at bars. He should be taking over his father’s firm and enjoying living a life of luxury and easy life. But ever since he met his owner at that bar in Miami things have taken a turn for the rich boy.
He meets his owner whose words were smooth and easy to listen to. As the man talked to the young stud the stud become more and more relaxed. Soon the stud was following the man back to his place. There that night in the man dungeon the stud went from alpha playboy to beta slave boy. He moved in with his master who opened his world to many different kinks and fetishes. The slave quickly learned he loved all of them. After a few years, everyone in his old life had left him behind. But that was fine now he was a slave to a great master.
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After his rich dad cut him off the slave now moved into his owner’s house. He went from a massive luxury apartment to a small dog cage at the foot of his owner’s bed. He also no longer owned clothes. What he did have were the outfits that his owner wants to see him in.
Mostly that was leather, rubber, sports-themed or anything else sexualized that the owner found attractive. The slave did not care.
He did not care when he had daily hole training and workouts. As his build was being built up and his hole was being stretched out, his mind was being broken down. Soon the slave IQ had dropped so low. He was dumb beyond belief. But that is what his owner wanted a big strong dumb sex toy. That is exactly what the slave was now. He knew every kink imaginable and was a master at it as he enjoyed being used and abused by his owner. This was his new life and as the years went on he forgot that it ever was anything else.
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tf-stories · 10 months
A Spider’s Web (Part 3 - Conclusion)
So, I’m in a room, naked with three skinheads, somewhere in the town I live in.
“Right”, the skinhead with the nose ring said, “let’s get started. Sit here.” He pointed to a seat right in front of him.
No sooner had I sat down than I hear that ‘clack’ sound that meant the clippers had been switched on. Like a sheep being sheared, he made quick work of the hair on my head. 
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He turned the clippers off. “Don’t move”, a very clear instruction given had been given. Then he walked into another room, I heard water running.
I could feel the cool air on my head, so I lifted my hand to touch my head. Where a few minutes ago there had been a full head of brown hair, now there was only stubble. I was about to get up, when the older skinhead spurted out “Stay there lad, you’re no where near done”.
The skinhead with the nose ring returned, carrying a bucket, which must have been filled with hot water because I could see the steam. He also brought with him a can a shaving foam and a razor. He instructed me to lean back. I did as I was told. He sprayed some shaving foam into has hand and started spreading it all over my head, and I mean all over my head. 
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As he was doing this I had a strange feeling in my groin, I was getting hard. “You’re enjoying this aren’t you lad?” I couldn’t find any words to respond, so I just nodded. He brought his face close to my ear, “Yes, you’re gonna be one of us soon. It’s what you’ve always wanted. We’ll take care of you lad. We’ll make you one of the Boss’ crew”. I could smell his smokey breath. I had butterflies in my stomach. What was happening? Was I discovering something about myself at the hands of this skinhead who was meticulously shaving my head?
Twice, he shaved my head. First he went ‘with the grain’, then he applied some more foam, and swiped the razor ‘against the grain’. I don’t know what was happening to me, but down there, I was as stiff as I’d ever been. 
He got a flannel out of the bucket and wrung it out and placed in on my head. It was so very hot. I was sure it would leave a burn mark on my newly shaved head. Finally he used it to wipe what was left of the foam from my head. He passed me a towel and told me to dry myself. 
As I was doing this, someone else came into the room. He was topless, wearing jeans with bleach marks and braces. He also had a cap on his head. I couldn’t be sure whether it was one of the skinheads I’d encountered the previous day. In his hand, I noticed he had a collar and chain. 
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The older skinhead saw that I’d started to fret, and spoke very quietly in my ear. “Calm down lad. We’re not going to hurt you. This is what you want, who you want to be. We’re helping you, giving you a big ‘nudge’ because you’re not bold enough to do it yourself”. He also had smokey breath. As someone who’d never smoked, I thought I’d be repulsed by the smell, but actually I was beginning to like it.
The panic abated, and I watched the skinhead with the collar approach me. 
I looked over towards the older skinhead. Reassuringly, he spoke, “That’s the easy part done lad. The next bit is gonna get a bit more painful, so it’s best if we ‘keep you on a tight leash’”, he said starting to laugh. 
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Within a few seconds the collar had been placed around my neck and my raging hard on was going nowhere. The older skinhead spotted my predicament and said, “I think you’re enjoying this lad, and you’ll enjoy what’s going to happen to you next, maybe not straight away, but you will when you get used to your life as one of us”.
That second another huge guy with cropped hair a short sleeve shirt, arms full of tattoos entered the room. 
An expression of panic must have manifested itself on my face, because the older skinhead came over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and calmly but firmly spoke, “Now lad, it’s time for the next stage of your journey to being a skinhead. It’s time to get you some ink. I’ve decided what you’re getting today, but after this session I know you will pine for more and more ink, until there’s no virgin skin left. I’ve told you not to worry, this is happening, so make the best of it”. With that he nodded at the tattooist, who came and sat down next to me.
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For many hours I sat perfectly still, whilst the tattooist applied various designs, in different places. He spent a long time working on my left arm and what felt like between my shoulders. I couldn’t believe how hard I was going through this process; what was happening to me? Each time I looked up, the older skinhead was standing there, smiling like a proud father. As each design he’d chosen was applied, he’d be there reassuring me, telling me this was my destiny. He would remind me that he only got involved because he knew it’s what I wanted and he knew I would never do this for myself.
The tattooist finished the last design and packed his gear away, I started to feel some relief that this was all coming to an end. I was about to stand up when the topless skinhead came towards me. Instinctively, I knew I should sit down. 
I looked to my left to see that the tattooist had taken a tray out of his bag. On the tray I could see several needles, along with some rings and other bits of metal. The older skinhead told me to stay perfectly still, and to do as I was told.
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By the time he was finished I had stinging in many places, my ears, my nose, top and bottom, and my nipples. “I think that’s enough for today. We will do more when this is all healed”, the older skinhead chipped in. “Lad, I’m so proud of what we’ve achieved so far, but now comes the best bit”. He turned to the topless skinhead, “It’s time to the lad kitted up”. “Yes boss”, and with that he nodded in the direction of another room. There, already laid out in front of me was all kinds of skinhead gear.
“This is for you, boi”, the topless skinhead smiled at me. “Everything is in your size”. 
“But, but, how do you know my size”? I asked.
He ignored my question and went on to explain what the different items were.
“These are bleachers, there’s camouflage trousers in khaki and grey, there’s a black MA1 and a green one too.”
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He undid my collar and handed me a maroon polo shirt whispering “here, put this on”. I recognised the logo it was a Fred Perry, and there were others laid out in white, black and green. 
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He spoke up again, “let’s finish getting you dressed. We wear jocks, and so will you now boi”. As he passed me a new one, then he pointed some white football socks, which I put on. He handed me the bleachers, they were cut off just below the knee. Although they fit me perfectly, I did struggle to confine my stiffy as I buttoned them up. 
“Nice”, was all he said. He went to the other side of the room, where there were a couple of boxes with the word Grinders printed on side. He opened both boxes, glanced in each one in turn, then picked the contents from one of them.
I think you can wear these today. He brought me a pair of Cherry Red Grinders. “Remove the black laces”, came the instruction, so I pulled them out one boot at a time. When I’d done that, he handed me some yellow laces, and began talking me through the process of ladder lacing. 
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When I’d laced them up to his satisfaction, he smiled. “You did a decent job for a first timer boi, now here come the finishing touches”. First of all he attached some red braces to the top of my bleachers, but instead of putting them over my shoulders he let them hang down by my sides. Then he handed me the green MA1 jacket, which, unlike lacing up the boots, I had no problem slipping on. 
Next, he grabbed my arm and pulled me through an open doorway. Here I was being led into a yard at the back of some building by this skinhead. I’d been shave, inked and pierced all in a day. My mind was spinning. I looked around it was just him and me - none of the other skins were anywhere to be seen. 
He turned my head to look at him. His face was just a few inches from mine. There was something about him, did I fancy him? He spoke up and broke my thoughts. “Boi, you’ve only just started with your ink and metal, but you look fucking great as a skin”. With that, he leaned forward and pulled me into a kiss. 
At first I didn’t know what to do, but it didn’t take long for me to respond. My lips parted and our tongues started exploring each other’s mouths. His tasted of smoke, he pulled back “I can tell you like that boi. Well, yours will also taste that way very soon when we get you started on smoking”. I put one hand on the back of his head and pulled him back in for another kiss, whilst feeling my dick which was desperate for release.
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All of a sudden I came around.  Where was I? It took me a few minutes to gather my thoughts. 
Noooooo. I was in my living room. The television was still on, but a different programme was being show. Oh no, I must’ve fallen asleep watching the film. 
Then I noticed my right elbow was really sore was really sore. I looked at it in disbelief, there was a fresh tattoo of a spiderweb, with “Oi” in the centre. How had that happened?
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The End…or is it?
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tf-stories · 1 year
Curse of Yes/No
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My name was Jace, I was 26 living in the suburbs of Sydney, it was getting close to the end of my year at uni and my girlfriend Sherry wanted me to go out and have some fun. She slid over a flyer for a local festival. A Halloween festival.
We don’t really celebrate Halloween in Australia. But as time has gone on it seems to be more and more present. Decorations being available to buy in stores, kids talking about trick or treating and festivals and street markets advertising Halloween themes.
My friends wanted me to go to one that was on tonight in town. It promised Fall themed food, spooky rides and classic Halloween fun. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to go or not. Usually I let others decide for me. And it was hot as hell. Fall themed food wasn’t what I was looking for when it was 35 degrees c in the shade. But as I said I wasn’t big on making decisions. 
So my best mate Ricky said he would pick me up at 8pm and we would go and have a look. Sherry was working late and said it would be good for me to get out and try to relax. Being a third year accounting student it didn’t come easy. She said go relax just don’t let Ricky get you drunk.
He picked me up at 8 as he said and I climbed in his car, “Jesus man, for a doctor you don’t exactly promote healthy lifestyle  do you?” Smoke was billowing out of he car “it’s my one vice, I know it’s not healthy but hey I’m addicted and I enjoy it” “is that your professional opinion?’ ‘Shut the fuck up and let’s go” we drove towards the fete.
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He picked me up at 8 as he said and I climbed in his car, “Jesus man, for a doctor you don’t exactly promote healthy lifestyle  do you?” Smoke was billowing out of he car “it’s my one vice, I know it’s not healthy but hey I’m addicted and I enjoy it” “is that your professional opinion?’ ‘Shut the fuck up and let’s go” we drove towards the fete.
As we walk into the festival it has this classic spooky horror theme of a gypsy caravan.. There are rides and haunted mansions to walk through but mostly it’s to theme. Ricky spots a fortune teller carriage at the end of a line. ‘Perfect” he says. ‘This is what you need. Go get your answers as you can never decide for yourself’. I um’d and ah’d if I should do it or not. Ricky just said ‘exactly” he put $50 in my hand and pushed me in the tent yelling”I’m going to hit on the hot carnie, have fun”
I tumbled inside and looked around seeing a man lounging in a chair having a drink. ‘I’m so sorry’ I said gathering myself.
‘My Friend was being pushy, literally and wanted me to have my fortune read, but I don’t know if I should or not. It’s not a very me thing to do, I mean it sounds like fun and all but, you’re here I don’t see an old crone and a crystal ball anywhere. Haha ‘
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Old crone and crystal ball. Well that’s not a very nice stereotype!’ The man said. ‘ but I wouldn’t expect a ginger accountant named Jace to come for a reading in Australian either, so I guess we are even.’
‘How do you know my name? ‘ I said in shock and backing towards the door.
‘We are not all old crones or female, that was just to show you I’m the real deal. Com now sit. Ricky has paid for your thirty minutes, let’s not waste this.’ He says as he walks behind me and guides me to a chair across from him. ‘Hold out your hand, palm up’ I do so in shock and almost trance, I’ve never been a big believer but I always believe  in what I experienced.
He looks at my palm only briefly and starts to speak. ‘ you are not on the right path’. I snap out of it. ‘Really ?” ‘I thought accounting was the right fit.’  
‘Nothing is right’ accounting, your clothes, Sherry. All wrong, because all were not your choice. You simply let others decide for you, so now you are on the wrong path. Ricky. Ricky is the one right thing in your life. He will be the one to correct it. Trust in Ricky. Ironically it will take someone else to tell you what to do to make you get on the right path and choose your destiny’
As I snatch my hand away I get upset ‘what do you mean, all is wrong with me. Who says that to a person. And I love Sherry, I’m going to marry her,…. I think’ ‘I don’t know who you are or how you know these things but it’s wrong.’
As I go to storm to the exit I feel like I’m in a tumble dryer the world spins on its axis. I look back and the Gypsy  is muttering and then spits at me. ‘ I give you a Curse! Not to hurt but help’ as I steady myself he walks towards me. ‘Use this to your advantage, not all curse’s can be detrimental. Until the clock strikes 12. Any question that is asked of a Yes. Or. A No. the opposite will be a reality. It has the power to rearrange you future your past. So be wise young Jace. And remember my words Ricky is the one to put you on a try path. Go now
I stumbled out of the carriage dazed wondering what had just happened. I looked at my watch. It was 9:15 pm. Sherry would be here soon and we can go home. I wasn’t looking and a bumped into a guy. “ watch where you’re going mate!” He yelled. “ hey do you smoke? Can I bum one?” 
As I went  to say no it was as if time slowed down and rewound very quickly to the day in the 8th grade when Tommy Doyle asked me to meet him behind the sheds at school to try smoking, he stole a pack from his dad. I had said no, but in this flash I has said yes. I joined Tommy, I had memory flood through my brain of school and uni and clubs always smoking, my friends were a little bit different to,, Ricky was there of course but they all didn’t seem so straight laced, my clothes seemed to feel looser, darker a little more edgier, I felt slightly more confident and strangely fitter, felt my arm tingle as a tattoo appeared as the spin came back to reality.
‘Yeah sure man”  I think passed him the packet and lit the lighter from my pocket, “ sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going”
 ‘No problem” as the guy walked away I looked back and the gypsy was standing in the door way, laughing.
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Something didn’t seem right, I turned to to go taking an another deep inhale on my smoke. I needed to find Ricky and get home to Sherry.
This is the first of a few chapters, let me know if I should continue.
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tf-stories · 2 years
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tf-stories · 2 years
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tf-stories · 2 years
Alley Oops
Cameron was not in the best part of town and he knew it. It was getting dark and he only had a small window of time to get home. Something was up in his neighborhood. People have been going missing - particularly men. The female Police officer - come to think of it, almost all the Police officers in the area that he has seen recently have been women - reminded him to head home soon.
Everyone was encouraged to use the main streets where they would be in the most public view for safety purposes, but Cameron grew up here and knew all of the back routes. That hubris is what led him to take the alley...
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As Cameron absentmindedly walked into the alley, looking down at his phone with his air pods in his ears, he didn't see what was in front of him until it was too late. He ran into a wall of muscle. He dropped his phone and one of his ear phones fell to the ground. As he looked up, Cameron immediately said, "Excuse me, I didn't expect anyone to be here. I'm so sorry!"
One of the men turned toward Cameron, with a smouldering cigar in his mouth. His muscled physique, covered with tattoos, didn't necessarily make him look intimidating - but definitely tough. As the man made eye contact with Cameron, he said, "Look kid, I'm not done with this guy yet. You're just going to have to wait."
Cameron was definitely confused. He had no idea what the guy was talking about. As he stood there, he realized that he was now watching what was happening in front of him. He wanted to run, but he couldn't. The smoke from the cigar seemed so pleasant, he just wanted to stand there and watch...and these guys were hot.
"Ahh, looks like we have an audience," the man said, "what do you say we give our guest here a show?" With that, the other man just grunted "uh huh" and went back to worshipping his partner's body. The first man took a haul on his cigar, removed it from his mouth, and exhaled into the other man's mouth.
With that, he looked back at Cameron and said, "looks like you could use this." He held out the cigar, turned it around, and Cameron immediately took it and placed it in his mouth.
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As the two men continued to make out and Cameron began pulling on the cigar, he swore that the man's tattoos were moving. The quiet dude didn't have many tattoos, but as he caressed the other, it was as they were transferring to him. Cameron also noticed he was becoming more defined, matching the physique of the other man. It was all too much...and so damn sexy.
The man again turned around and looked at Cameron. "That cigar looks good on you, kid," he said, "it's doing wonders for your cock, too!" That's when Cameron looked down and realized he was fondling himself openly. He didn't even realized he'd undone his fly. As he stared, the guy was right. Cameron's member had grown in length and girth. This made him begin stroking harder.
A few moments later, the man looked back at Cameron again. "Yeah, bro, take off that shirt and your hat," he said, "I want to see all those tats and piercings...you got 'em, you need to show 'em off!" After he turned back to making out with the quiet dude, Cameron did just that.
Not only did he have tattoos, but they were all over his body - sides of his head, chest, back, and legs. Barbells were in his nipples, small tunnels in his ears, as well an industrial in his left ear. His beard had also grown in, despite having fully shaved earlier in the day. Fuck, he was sexy! He took another drag on the cigar as his eyes and mind came back into full focus. He was horny!
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Cameron approached the 2 men in front of him. He didn't even think twice as he shoved himself between them and began making out with the first guy as the quiet guy began caressing his body. The first guy said, "About time, brother. I thought I was going to have pull you in by your big dick!"
Cameron was in heaven...as a hard-bodied, tatted, peirced, cigar boy. He couldn't wait until the next man came wandering down the alley. Secretly, he hoped it would be one of remaining male cops. With that, the neighborhood claimed its newest "victim".
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tf-stories · 3 years
I’ve always loved the idea of transformation and change.
I’ve been a workie now for the last ten years.
Before that I was an office worker wearing a suit to work every day. After my redundancy I sat down with my partner and thought about what I wanted to do next.
I come from a family of generations of coal miners and we have all been used to working in severe and difficult dirty working conditions. I’d also been in the Army previously as an infantry soldier. That was where I’d met Steve. I thought that I’d broken free of a manual life but it became apparent that I might need to move back down the social ladder.
I gave manual work a go and found that I enjoyed being outside, instead of in an office all day.  I enjoyed becoming fitter and harder doing manual work. The work was very physical and dirty so it took some getting used to. It entailed a change from suits and being clean and smart all day to a uniform of more robust boots and hi-vis PPE coveralls.  
My dad had worn hi-vis coveralls down the pits and my older brother was an HGV Truck mechanic. He was always covered in oil and grease and my Dad in coal dust. Coveralls were very rarely washed as they soon got filthy with work dirt within a day. Dirty faces and sweaty hard jobs were the norm.
Steve became very turned on by my new workwear.
I shaved off my hair.
As I searched for work I was forced to move to a more manual, lower paid job. I signed up to become a sewer cleansing operative with the Water Company.  I found myself no longer being in charge and having to do as I was told by the Boss. Any authority I previously had was removed.
I was forced to wear the Company uniform, which in my case was a pair of orange hi-vis Dickies coveralls, rubber boots or waders, hard hat and rubber gauntlets. This was the start of my forced transformation mentally and physically.
Steve would often try on my PPE and he would soon  develop a raging hard on.  The sex was very hot!
I had to get used to leaving home in my hi-vis uniform in the morning, six days a week and returning home in it after a long days hard dirty work. Consequently me and my uniform became covered in work dirt.  Gone were the days of smart suits, a clean apartment and a fancy car.
Steve resigned from his office job and signed on with the Water Company as a sewer cleansing operative.
Steve shaved off his hair.
My new Boss was strict with me and sat me down one day and made me understand and accept that as I was now a workie, the public and all of my friends and neighbours would expect to see me in that work dirt covered state each day. I should also feel proud to follow in my Dad’s and brother’s footsteps of being seen in my hi-vis uniform every day. He explained that me being so filthy with work dirt just showed everyone that I was not afraid of working hard for my Boss all day doing what I was told to do. It showed them that I was disciplined.
Steve and I worked hard together and we were soon promoted. 
We now had our own white van filled with pervy work gear in the rear.
We quickly got used to being seen like that in our PPE all of the time and it even started to feel strange not being in it.
It eventually felt like a second skin.  Our long hours and no changing facilities at work meant that we were seen in our hi-vis going to and from work and on our 10 hr shifts, 6 days a week.
Being seen dressed in our hi-vis outside work hours soon became the norm as we went straight to the pub. People got used to it and we even ended up with the nicknames MUCK & GRUB as we were always so grubby and mucky. As workies our Boss refers to us and all our workmates by our Manual Operative Numbers printed on our coveralls. 
Our attitudes changed. We stopped needing to be smart and clean. As a workie people just expected less of us.  They spoke to us slowly and clearly.  We often just grunted back in monosyllables.
We were told today that we would have an apprentice joining us in the van.
We lived in our work clothes 24/7.  We had the hottest workie sex ever.  We found it hard to keep our rubbery hands off each other.
Not needing to make decisions was great and now we just do exactly as we are told.  We are happy to work hard for our Boss.
We met Rich today – our new apprentice.  He is 6’ 6” of prime beef and he has size 15 feet. 
The company had to get his coveralls, rubber boots and waders specially made to fit him.  I think we will call him BIG DICK.
OK the money isn’t great but it’s a basic workie life we live now. We sold everything and moved to a working class area full of fellow workies in uniform or hi-vis. We don’t need to be well paid so we’ve adapted to our life and now it seems like it’s all we’ve ever known to be honest.
DICK has moved in with us.  He has shaved his head.  He is a filthy young fucker and is teaching Steve and me a few new tricks.
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tf-stories · 3 years
This is my first attempt at a haircut story. Give pointers if you want or just read. No matter what, I hope you enjoy.
The Boy Stripped
I couldn’t believe my luck when he walked in. Two in one day was rare. And to sweeten the deal his face was unfamiliar. He was at least six foot tall and muscular with overgrown brown hair. The top was maybe 4 inches while the sides were around a number 6 guard if I had to take a guess. Very slight stubble on the face. He wore the standard camo outfit of the soldiers and his name patch read “Knight.” Jackpot.
We greeted each other and he took a seat. My shop was a small hole in the wall with only enough room for one chair along with a mirror and barber station setup. The look was classic, catering to the watchful eye to let them know they were in for a treat. The rest of the space was the utilities in the back and a makeshift shower I had made. I positioned myself behind the chair and set my hands on his shoulders. I took a deep breath and started the routine.
“Before we get started I just wanted to tell you that I offer a, um, ‘special service’ to active military members. It helps, uh, relieve tension some would say. Interested?”
He looked puzzled for a moment before the realization dawned on him. He was awestruck by the opportunity and he sat motionless as his brain whirred and he began to shake and pant. I looked to his crotch and saw a bulge signalling his answer. Their bodies usually betrayed them. Finally, his head began to bob up and down in affirmation.
“I need a verbal yes,” I responded kurtly. He collected himself and his body stabilized.
“-Sir.” I finished for him. I smiled and clapped his shoulders before moving to the entrance. I flipped the sign to closed and lowered the blinds, blocking the sunlight and any unwanted eyes.
“So, you’d touch me?” He asked in a deep, fake-confident voice.
“Only if you want. Besides sexual touches, I control everything. Don’t move without my word. Even your head. That includes the haircut.” He simply nodded. A sacrifice he was willing to make. They never had much alone time, so this shop was heaven for the soldiers from the base close by.They’d do what they had too for my services..
“Just a high and tight. Nothing you haven’t had before.” I informed him.
As I came back I ordered him to stand up and strip. He complied and faced me, his camo outfit now piled on the floor. He was a bit bulky and very muscular. His skin was a golden brown tan except for his midsection where the sun had never gotten a chance to touch. I had him sit back in the chair and watched as he cringed at the coldness of the chair’s red leather.
“Hope you aren’t busy. I want to enjoy this.”
I took a paper strip and pulled it tight around his neck then caped him. I turned him away from the mirror. I grabbed a comb and began to run it through his hair.
“Getting out the knots. Shouldn’t be allowed to even get knots.”
His hair was thick. That was fine. More fun for me. I snatched my scissors and turned around.
“This is going to take a while. That’s because you waited so long to get a haircut. No matter, I can fix that.”
First I wet his thick hair to prepare it for cutting. Then I put my comb into his hair and began to pull up hair and cut it as I pulled the comb backward.
“While I reduce the bulk, answer this: How many weeks should you wait between haircuts?”
“6?” he said unsure.
“I asked the question.”
“6.” he said decisively.
“If you want to look like an animal.” I chided
“4.” He tried.
“At least you’re human.” I said, trying to steer him into the answer
“Stop guessing.”
“And why?”
“It’s when the haircut starts to lose freshness.”
“Good boy.” After that was finished I swapped my scissors for thinning shears.
“Thinning your thatch out. If you clog my clippers, I’ll shave you bald.”
I remember the one time that happened. The boy moaning as I rubbed his bald scalp. How embarrassed he was when he left. How he begged me to shave him against the grain when he came back the following week
In the present my new recruit didn’t react. More hair came off his head from the previous trim. His top was now at least two inches. When I finished the thinning, I used the blow dryer to clean him off. I played with the hair a little bit. Satisfying softness on my fingers was the reward for my work. He moaned a bit at this and beneath the cape there was slight motion. I pulled the cape to the side and found him stroking himself. Anger filled me as hair toppled to the floor.
“Hands off! On the armrests! For that you’re losing the cape!”
He whimpered and his hands released his excited cock and listened to me. To his horror I removed the neck strip and cape, leaving his body exposed to the shop air. I took a breath to calm down and waited a second before trying to continue.
“Excited are we? How excited?”
I ordered him to spread his legs apart so I could measure his excitement.Next, I took one of his hands and ran it through his hair. I watched his penis twitch and leak as I did so. So sensitive. Just how I liked them. I picked up my oster clippers and attached a guard.
“This is a number 2 guard. If a barber tries to use a bigger clipper size on you: leave. He doesn’t know anything. This will be your top length unless you try something funny again. Then it’ll be a zero.”
Suddenly a nasty thought entered my mind and I followed it without hesitation. I turned on the clippers then put them right next to his ear and moved them through the air to mimic cutting. They roared in the air, but no satisfaction came from their noise. Nonetheless his body responded out of habit. He squirmed in the chair as they droned on and mimicked cutting noises. I watched him further leak onto the red leather of the chair. I would have to clean it later, but this was worth it. I used my free hand to strongarm his head and pulled it back so his eyes were locked on to mine.
“Are you gonna misbehave again or do you want the clippers?”
“Yes, sir! I’ll behave!” He moaned out.
“You want a clipper cut like a good boy?” I pushed further.
“Like a good boy!” He whimpered.
“Say the whole thing.” I ordered
“I’ll behave so I can get my hair buzzed down like a good boy!”
“Maybe you are a good boy after all.” I remarked.
I let his head go and rubbed it as a reward. He was a fast learner albeit too eager if there was such a thing. Finally the real cut could begin. I pulled his fringe back, then put the clippers on his forehead and gazed at his shaking body. I pulled the clippers backward, making the first swath of hair tumble off and the first path of stubble appear. With the first cut made, I turned off the clippers and set them down to admire my work. Though his hair was thick, white scalp poked through. I took two fingers and rubbed the soft bristles. I felt the first inkling of an erection begin in my pants as the boy moaned to the touch. It was hard to believe that in not too long his hair would like that all over. I picked a hand off the armrest and forced him to rub it too. I smiled as he moaned gently at the touch. I decided that was enough and picked the clippers back up. I repositioned them and made another pass through his hair. Intentionally, they were slower than normal, but not painfully so. Finally the boy relaxed into the chair as the cut began for real. His eyes drifted shut. He was trying to escape the shearing. I couldn’t let that happen. I wanted every reaction.from him. He needed stimulation.
“Tell me boy, do you have a fixation on hair like me?” A question to make him squirm.
“Yes, sir.”
“What started it?” I prodded
“Summer butch cuts, sir.” his breath on the word butch as he answered.
“Continue.” I said, pretending to be intrigued. Intrigued. In reality it wasn’t a story I hadn’t heard before.
“My dad would haul us to the garage and take off our shirts. Then he would pick a random guard or sometimes none and shear us.” Brutal. Not sure how much you’ll have left. My cock twitched at the thought of such a game. Maybe I would do that to a boy someday.
“And the rest of the year?”
“Bowl cut or a very short ivy league. Our choice.” Humiliation either way. The choice was whether or not to look presentable to others.
“And you chose?”
“Ivy.” Smart boy.
“Your father was a smart man.” A genius of a man. I’d have to find out more on future visits.
Finally the top was finished. I couldn’t help, but chuckle as the shorn locks slid down his perfect body. It must have been so itchy, but he couldn’t move it off. I leaned his head to the left and moved his ear away before the whirring clippers came tightly around his ear. I moved the clippers up again and cut away the hair on the ridge of his skull.
“Why do you think I’m giving you this haircut in particular?” I asked.
“Because it’s your favorite haircut.” Good answer. Quick learner.
“True, but that’s not entirely why.” With the right side finished I shoved his head downward to cut the nape. He let out a slight yelp at the sudden movement and he squirted a bit onto the chair. I chuckled a bit and rubbed his top playfully.
“The hair stays out of your eyes, it always looks neat, and it has soft bristles and rough stubble at the same time.”
“Perfect answer!” I said gleefully. I began to palm his head vigorously. He moaned loudly as I closed my eyes and appreciated the sweet mix from my senses. The soft bristles mixing with his moans and the twitching of my own cock. He grunted loudly and his breath quickened.
“Sir I can’t..ungh!” he moaned even louder. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening. I leveled the clippers on his nape and pushed upward slowly, watching the hair collect on the clippers. I used my free hand to catch some of it and as my boy cried out I sprinkled it onto his chest and began to pet his nape against the grain. His hands jumped into action suddenly and collected his shorn locks over his crotch as he exploded. I rubbed his half shorn head as he came down from his orgasm whimpering. I quickly finished the buzz on his left side before hanging my clippers up.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” I said with a smile and rubbed the buzz another time, sending hair clippings into the air.
I used a towel to collect the hair and cum mixture and dispose of it into a trash can. I pulled Knight out of the chair and walked him to the shower. The stall I had made lacked a door so I could watch. And watch I did as water washed his body down. When he finished I held up a white fluffy towel for him. Hesitantly he walked towards me. When he was close enough I embraced with the towel and started to dry him off. He sighed gently as I pushed his head into the crook of my neck and let him rest there while I dried what I could. I again used one of his hands to feel the damp bristles. This caused him to elicit a sigh into my shoulder. After I was done I looked him in the eyes and shifted back to business.
“You look so handsome, but we’re not done. How long until you can cum again?”
“5 minutes, Sir.” A short refractory period and sensitive? He really was a perfect boy.
I led him back to the chair and used his towel to obscure his view of the mirror. I grabbed my clippers again and pulled the guard off.
“This is no guard. Not quite a complete strip but very close. Close as these clippers can go. I’m using this to strip your bottom.”
I used the clippers to shear his back first. I stopped the clippers high up on the head. I gave him a feel and my cock twitched stronger than before. Even in his cooled down state the boy sighed at the feel of the shorter bristles. I continued the clippers over the sides, leaving him with an awkward shelf. I put a number one onto the clippers, and for the next couple of minutes worked away at the fade.
“While I fade this I wanted to ask, how long did your father control your hair?”
“Until I was fourteen.”
“What happened then?”
“As the eldest I got the big slap in the face. On my fourteenth birthday he gifted me a pair of clippers and told me he was never giving me another haircut or bringing me to the barbershop again. When I tried to go with my own money, the barbershops refused me. I had to learn to cut my own hair.”
“Why are you in my chair?” I asked.
“I can only cut a buzz cut,” he said, embarrassed, “I want some style.” I nodded in understanding. Finally his stubbled graduated beautifully into dark bristles. He moaned as I ran a hand over the fade. His cock was once again erect and sprinkled with clippings. I walked over to the hot foam machine and filled a bowl with cream. Behind me, he whimpered.
“You’re gonna shave it?” he asked as I dipped my brush in and rounded the chair.
“Yes. Trust me you’ll love it.”
I listened to the rasp of the bristles as I spread the foam around the bottom of his head. My pants throbbed as my razor scratched away more of his stubble. The boy moaned as I felt the exposed skin. Eventually, I took a towel and wiped away the last of the foam. I grabbed the foil shavers and listened to their loud loud whir as they ate more stubble and erased the point I had shaven at.
“Be a good boy for this last bit.”
I reclined the chair and got more foam. I spread it over his cheeks and throat. The razor reemerged as I took away his five o’clock shadow. He let out small whimpers, but tried not to move so much with a razor at his throat. Half way through I retrieved a towel and wiped down his abdomen of bristles as a tease. He quivered in response and leaked more. It took all my willpower not to take a taste of him, or grab my clippers and cut away the bush around his rod. I reminded myself of the shave on pause and pulled myself away.
I again wiped away the cream when I was finished and put the chair back into normal position. He hissed as I finished with aftershave on his face and head.
I rubbed the boy's head all over. Different lengths let out different noises and feels, but every one was equally euphoric. Suddenly I whipped the chair around to the mirror and the boy saw himself. He groaned loudly and began to stroke himself as he remained mesmerized by his own image. I continued to feel his head and my cock throbbed in pleasure. Eventually the boy reached his breaking point and let out a loud moan as he exploded. At the same time I became overwhelmed and pulled my pants down as I released my load onto the floor.
After panting for a moment, I pulled my pants up and helped Knight out of the chair. He took a minute to feel his head and see how it looked with clothes on before he asked how much he had to pay.
“Nothing,” I said, “I enjoyed this too much.” Knight took out his wallet and shoved two twenties and a ten into the pocket of my apron. I nodded in understanding of it being a tip. Knight tipped his head to me and I gave it one final rub before he set off toward the door.
“Come back in two weeks. If you come in here with more than an inch I’ll make you give yourself no guard buzz cut. If you have more than two it’ll be a headshave with growth retardant.”
Knight looked temporarily shocked at the harsh punishments before smiling and walking out of the shop. I smiled two myself as the next appointment was booked. As I looked back at the shop and the mess we had made and knew it was worth it.
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