tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
“yeah,” taylor started, feeling anything but shame at the overused joke, “but is it really a new year without someone cracking it? i might as well be that someone, right? i’m just taking one for the team.”
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ashley was in the park with his two younger siblings, finally getting to spend some time alone with them over the holidays. he was on the bench while the two younger dwyer kids played on the swigs, looking up from his phone when he heard a voice. “whoever told you that was still funny is really lying to you, pal,” he replied nonchalantly, nodding at the brunette before turning his attention back to the text he was sending.
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
taylor threw him a smug grin, happy to keep his title of new year, same loser. to answer his next question would be to admit that he’s been bailing on plans and holing up in bed, catching up on every single lost hour of sleep –– or in short, to embarrass himself. instead, he falls back on, “nothing much. same old, same old. you?”
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Matthew sighed softly at the other male’s words, “Dude, you took away my thing.” He stated with an apparent gleam of disappointment through his features. He tried to shrug it off, “What have you been up to?”
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
it took taylor a second to fully grasp what the other was telling him. “oh!” he responded finally, still a bit shocked at his mistake. “shit, i’m sorry. you just –– you look like someone else, i guess. my bad.” 
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Patrick looked up from his camera, not recognizing who the voice came from. He was just going through some of the photographs he’d just taken of the landscape when the male spoke. He furrowed his eyebrows, “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know you at all?”
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
sms to taylor
kennedy: no way i had no idea it's not like ur accent gave it away
kennedy: /end sarcasm
kennedy: i've never been to america i should go sometime
taylor: U NEVER KNOW
taylor: also no don't go america sucks
taylor: unless ur going to disney world then yes go and yes bring me
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
“you’re not wrong,” taylor responded simply with a shrug. after a moment, he cleared his throat. “how was your new years’ eve?”
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“That joke is weak and untrue. You see me every time you look in the mirror.”
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
grateful for the few remaining weeks left of break, taylor decided to do something a little different with his day. he found himself wandering around the closest park, scuffing his sneakers on the gravel pathway, his eyes wandering between the food stands and the people lying in the grass. out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a familiar face and didn’t hesitate to make his way to where they stood. “hey,” he began, a joking smile growing on his face, “haven’t seen ya since last year.” 
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
what's the best thing about being with lizzie? ((totally not from mary))
“ it’s just so fucking nice to have someone who actually wants to be around me. it’s refreshing –– she’s refreshing. i’m really not good with words and feelings and all that shit, but just know that there’s too many good things to name a best thing. ”
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
Do you believe in destiny? What's yours?
“ i dunno. seems like some sort of backup plan, like, if your first plan doesn’t work out you can fall back on the whole ‘it wasn’t my destiny’ thing. i don’t want to believe i have a destiny –– i think i’d rather make my own. ”
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
favorite musical artist?
“ i don’t really pay attention to artists, actually. ”
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
what is your biggest fear?
“ not being enough for anyone ?? not being enough for myself ?? ”
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
what’s something you care desperately about?
“ in terms of a living something, i care about cody more than i’ve ever cared about anyone else before. in terms of a non-living something, i care about school –– does that count?? i care WAY too much about school. ”
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
what's your biggest long term goal?
“ long term goals scare me, and i’d love to say i live life day-by-day, but coming from a pre-med student, it’d be a lie. a long term goal is to get through med school. another is to get a good job. another is to not fear losing that job. but my biggest?? i really don’t want to jinx anything. ”
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tfwtaylor-blog · 9 years
ny resolution?
“ to finally stop rewatching grey’s anatomy. i’ve seen every episode probably four or five times each. don’t count on me to stick to it, though, i have very little self control. ”
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