th3wicked · 9 years
I love people who make me forget that I’m shy
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th3wicked · 9 years
how are middle schoolers sexually active I wasn’t even socially active
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th3wicked · 9 years
You’re not a bad person for the ways you tried to kill your sadness.
(via dignitea)
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th3wicked · 9 years
realize it was fun while it lasted and get the fuck on with your life
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th3wicked · 9 years
I’m the type of girlfriend that loves clingy. You can’t sleep at 3 am, maybe 4? That’s okay, call me. I don’t mind if you wake me up. You’re never annoying to me, no matter how many times you call or text me. I love it. I love that you care so much.
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th3wicked · 9 years
*tries to act cool and detached* *is uncool and deeply affected by everything*
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th3wicked · 9 years
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th3wicked · 9 years
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th3wicked · 9 years
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th3wicked · 9 years
To the one who loves her next: She likes her toast without the crust, and she won’t eat it if there’s the smallest bit left. She has her days, she won’t want to talk to you for hours but the minute she misses you she’ll call you until you pick up. Spoil her, spoil her so much that even she knows she spoiled. If you shower together, wash her hair, wash her body, kiss her like you’re on fire and she’s the only water source that can put you out. Know that she won’t cuddle you, unless she’s in the right mood. She’s always the little spoon until she decides that your chest is a better place to lay her pretty head, only to make you spoon her again ten minutes later. She loves summer, and she loves chocolate ice cream so every change you get make sure you stop and grab her some. She’ll go out with her friends and ignore you all night but you’ll get the drunk 2am phone call from her, she’ll keep you up so she can confess her love to you. Stay and listen, no matter how many times she repeats herself. Listen to her, always. Believe me when I say she’s a hurricane, a beautiful one. She’s beautiful and destructive in every way, she’s sunny one minute then she’s pouring down rain. Hockey will always be the priority, it lasts all year. When she’s back in school you’ll never see her for weeks, she’ll always be gone somewhere doing what she loves most. But you’ll never see her eyes light up brighter than when she comes off the ice after a win. She’ll need you more than anything when it’s a loss, but sometimes she won’t even want you around. Accept that, she needs her space. When it all comes down to it, love her big and love her far. It’ll pay off in the end. When she wants to give up, talk to her, then leave her be. If she comes back then hold her tighter than before, if she doesn’t don’t blame yourself. Sometimes only time can heal the wounds we leave, but no one will love you half as much as she does.
I hope our paths cross again (via lanndscape)
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th3wicked · 9 years
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th3wicked · 9 years
I loved you. God, did I love you. But now you’re different and I don’t think I know how to love this you.
EY (via latelycravingmore)
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th3wicked · 9 years
I am the kind of girl that you take home to meet your mom and she loves me when you are mean to me and lose me, she will ask why I’m not around did she ever do that before? I am the kind of girl that you give up the late night text messages with your ex-girlfriend for she makes you feel like shit anyways and the reason why you stopped being on your phone all the damn time trying to flirt with someone you hardly even know to fill a void but if you don’t drop that for me I won’t stay long I’m not the kind of girl who gets caught in a web with someone who doesn’t look towards the future I am the kind of girl who would rather be alone than with someone who always puts me second (never again) and I am not to be pushed to the side I am not an option I am all or nothing does that intimidate you? I am the kind of girl that makes you wonder why you didn’t look more carefully at the sky before you met me you probably trust me and think I could complete you (maybe I will) and the kind of girl who is terrified of you because she doesn’t know how to let someone in because I like your mom too and I don’t want her to text me six months from now saying it had been a pleasure to know me and she wishes I was still around
i write dumb poems (via olivia-ross)
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th3wicked · 9 years
you deserve someone who isn’t embarrassed to love you and tells all their friends about you and saves your selfies, whether they’re good or bad to look at when they miss you and loses sleep to talk to you and tells you how much they love you and how beautiful you are all the time and i really hope you find that one day because you deserve to be loved
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th3wicked · 9 years
People without big boobs: OMG I WISH IHAD BIG BOOBS
People with big boobs:
can’t run
over sexualized
cant wear tank tops without being inappropriate
cant sleep on stomach
no bathing suit fits
people staring down shirt
creepy jokes
people grab them
no cute bras
no sports
three+ sports bras
can’t take any kind of selfie with cleavage because “YOU’RE DOING IT FOR BOOBS”
shirts dont fit
if the boob bit does the stomach doesn’t
mocked by the media if your stomach isn’t flat but your boobs are huge
leaning over to drink from water fountain, boobs in fountain
no suspenders
crumbs are gone forever
boobs hang out of bra and everyone can see the lines
people automatically think you’re more sexual if you have big boobs?
no button up shirts, buttons pop off or constantly open
have fun with a vest for work
things smash your boobs flat and make you have a weird puffy flat chest
people constantly talk about them
dont bend over, they fall out of bra
can’t war pajamas with no bra
people think touching them is okay
people ask if they’re fake
people saying big boobs dont count unless you’re thin
people who think you’re stupid because of boob size
people who wont take you seriously because of boob size
finding costumes is impossible
nothing if you want anything in asian sizes
most bra stores dont go past DD
people you don’t know ask their size
if you have long hair, it gets stuck in your boobs
no artistic nudes allowed because you have big not “artistic boobs”
there are more
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th3wicked · 9 years
I have lost and loved and won and cried myself to the person I am today.
Charlotte Eriksson, Empty Roads & Broken Bottles; in search for The Great Perhaps (via neutral)
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th3wicked · 9 years
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