thackett-trashpit · 2 years
Chris: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant.
Travis, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you.
Laura, who broke into their house to kill Chris an hour ago: Two sugars please.
Travis: Coming right up.
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
The real Hag of Hackett’s Quarry was Constance Hackett all along
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
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Hilarious that the "hard stuff" that you can see the names of is literally Ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin) and Paracetamol (Tylenol).
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
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The Hackett Family Tree that was on the wall in the house. Transcribed it out of it’s cursive to something more easily readable in case others wanted to know what the tree looked like lol. Only bit of info I wasn’t able to figure out was the line that was written under Nathaniel Hackett’s date of birth and death.
Transcript under the cut.
Keep reading
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
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You can go ahead and take off early today.
The bus is going to be a little delayed and I don't want you waiting around on my account.
I'll make sure the kids get home without any bumps or bruises!
Thanks for all your help this summer.
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
Been thinking about uncle!Travis and his relationship with Caleb and Kaylee. Sadly, we didn’t get to see any of it (bc of the plot, yeah, yeah) but even the few lines we do have are enough, imo.
Travis calls his niece “one of the kindest, gentlest souls to ever walk this earth”. That’s sweet enough on its own but what’s even more important is the way he talks about her and Caleb’s involvement in the whole Werewolf Situation.
These kids were the cause of numerous deaths, including that of Travis’ predecessor, Hank. They unleashed a literal curse which affected (to put it mildly) their entire family: their father turned into a monster, their grandfather and two uncles risked their lives every month for six years, Travis - a sheriff now! - had to break law numerous times and do some other… questionable things. (I’m not counting the decision to keep the summer camp up and running, that’s on the adults)
And yet when Travis speaks of her and Caleb, there’s not a hint of anger or resentment, not even a “Stupid kids, didn’t know what they doing” line. All he does is defend them - genuinely. Sure, his parents drilled the “Family is the most important thing” motto into his head, but come on, the situation is so FUBAR that he should be allowed to at least swear or rant, especially behind the kids’ backs. But he doesn’t. All of that is reserved for the adults of the family, the kids are sacred.
tl; dr: Travis is the best uncle and this is the hill I’m willing to die on.
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
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The dominant rock at the Quarry is Quartzite.
Quartzite is a non-foliated metamorphic rock, which was originally pure quartz.
It was previously used in prehistoric times for making stone tools.
Pure quartzite is usually white to gray, but can be found in various shades of pink and red, yellow, green, blue and orange.
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
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Dear valued employee,
I regret to inform you that your services at Hackett's Quarry will no longer be required.
It is my intention to return the site of the central quarry to an area of natural beauty by flooding it and allowing a lake to form in its place.
You'll be paid until the end of this coming week, and then asked to vacate the premises.
I'd like to thank you for your continued loyalty and wish you well in all your future endeavors.
Yours faithfully,
Septimus Hackett
Tight bastard just can't pay us! Last time I trust a Hackett
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
It's a cruel world
But it ain't hard to understand
You got your sheep, got your shepherds
Got your wolves amongst men
It can be hard to tell
You might find a wolf in shepherd's clothes
And now and then you're gonna find sheep
In amongst all those troubled souls
You know more folks that's most afraid of the wolf
If you really stop and think
Throughout time, between a wolf and a shepherd
Who do you think has killed more sheep?
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
God damn it
*makes a playlist for Travis*
It really do be like that
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
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The search continues for Ann Radcliffe & Edward Benson (pictured above) who were reported missing 4 months ago after they failed to return from a camping trip.
Despite the multiple thorough searches of the areas surrounding North Kill, authorities have been unable to uncover any evidence that the two hikers were ever there in the first place.
Though a small number of conspiratorialists suggest their disappearance could be some sort of government cover-up, most speculate that they fell victim to an animal attack, possibly a bear or cougar. Local wildlife expert Helen Pratt, however, is certain this isn't the case, as there are too many inconsistencies when compared with the history of documented attacks:
"Though it doesn't happen often, when a bear does attack a human there are usually quite obvious signs left behind -- blood, remains or torn clothes and belongings." Helen went on to suggest an alternative fate for the missing hikers: "The local area can be treacherous if not properly traversed. It's far more likely that Benson and Radcliffe were washed into fast-moving rapids."
The families of the missing pair, on the other hand, dismiss these speculations, adamant that Ann and Ed were experienced hikers who always prepared for any eventuality when out on trails.
They remain hopeful that Ann & Edward are still alive and well, and urge anyone who may have seen them to reach out and get in touch with any information they may have.
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
#could you PLEASE imagine max and kaitlyn teaming up to teach kids a thing#im shrieking
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Activities List 2021
1) Art Class - Mondays
2) Bike Rides - Tuesdays
3) Sports - Wednesdays
4) ???? - Thursdays
Rainy Day Plans *
5) *** Days - Fridays
6) *** - Saturdays
7) Friday Saturdays BBQ Every Sunday!!
8) Rowing - Mondays
9) Picnic - Tuesdays
10) ???? - Wednesdays
11) Rowing - Thursdays
12) Shooting Stars - Fridays
13) Movie Night - Saturdays
Kaitlyn Ka - Activities Coordinator
Emma Mountebank - Theatre Coach
Laura Kearney - First Aid Support / Wildlife Training
Dylan Lenivy - Announcements / Scheduling
Abigail Blyg - Art Tutor
Nicholas Furcillo - Cook / Kitchen Supervisor
Max Brinly - Activities Assistant
Ryan Erzahler - Sailing Coach
Jacob Custos - Sports Coach
*Share no show responsibilities among remaining counselors.
*** Slumber party!!
Everyone stays at lodge!!!
Reservation for last* day of camp NOT TOO LATE!!!
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
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Activities List 2021
1) Art Class - Mondays
2) Bike Rides - Tuesdays
3) Sports - Wednesdays
4) ???? - Thursdays
Rainy Day Plans *
5) *** Days - Fridays
6) *** - Saturdays
7) Friday Saturdays BBQ Every Sunday!!
8) Rowing - Mondays
9) Picnic - Tuesdays
10) ???? - Wednesdays
11) Rowing - Thursdays
12) Shooting Stars - Fridays
13) Movie Night - Saturdays
Kaitlyn Ka - Activities Coordinator
Emma Mountebank - Theatre Coach
Laura Kearney - First Aid Support / Wildlife Training
Dylan Lenivy - Announcements / Scheduling
Abigail Blyg - Art Tutor
Nicholas Furcillo - Cook / Kitchen Supervisor
Max Brinly - Activities Assistant
Ryan Erzahler - Sailing Coach
Jacob Custos - Sports Coach
*Share no show responsibilities among remaining counselors.
*** Slumber party!!
Everyone stays at lodge!!!
Reservation for last* day of camp NOT TOO LATE!!!
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
Travis, after accepting the fact that he is now papa duck of the Hacketteers: I just wanted to say that after everything we've been through, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
selling my soul to the devil so i can draw ted raimi
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thackett-trashpit · 2 years
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Hi mom,
Camp is sooo fun! Mr Hackett is teaching us so much about nature and being safe in the woods.
My friend Josh said he saw a ghost. I think he is lying just to scare me but I drew a picture of her anyway.
She looks quite angry but I think sometimes when people are angry they are just sad instead.
We're going sailing on the lake tomorro I can't wait!!
Love from Rowan .
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