thad-carter · 5 years
Mia huffed and moaned almost simultaneously as she had to wait for him to move.  As she felt him against her pussy the feeling was still so strong that her hips jerked and she came hard, her juices dripping over his tongue.  She didn’t hold back her yells as he made her feel so good and soon she was panting as her body started to calm down.  Deciding to tease him a little Mia let her legs fall down the side of his body and she smirked, “Right, you’ve had your lunch now I need mine before I go for a nap like you said.”  She jumped down from the counter, turned around and resumed making the sandwiches.
Thad made sure that one Mia came, he lapped up all her juices, and got her completely clean. “You are so delicious sexy.” He smirked as she jumped off the counter, “Yes, you need to eat up and nap, I’ll go make sure we have everything we need for the night, and don’t forget to pack a bag. If you could throw some clothes in there for me, I would appreciate that. I need to see if they have a VIP section in that club.” He smacked her ass, and headed to his office to make a few calls for the evening.
We Need To Talk
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thad-carter · 5 years
Mia’s eyes practically rolled back in her head and she let out a long desperate moan.  She no longer cared about anything that had been said before she just wanted used all day and night till she was sobbing.  Her hips began to buck and the way he spoke, all the places he was going to use her just brought her so quickly to her climax.  “Let me cum Sir,” she begged suddenly..
Thad was strumming her clit, and just the thought alone for what he had planned for tonight was making him so hot and bothered. Mia was begging to cum, but he needed to do something first, “Not yet sexy girl, I need to be in the right position, I told you I was hungry. When you feel my tongue on your pussy, then you can cum.” He leaned in and removed his fingers and replaced them with his tongue. He was ready to taste every drop of her.
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thad-carter · 5 years
Mia squealed as he lifted her up but as his fingers slid into the top of her panties she shifted her hips so that he could pull them down.  She draped her legs over his shoulders as he leaned in and her hand reached forward to twist in his hair, encouraging him to stay where he was.  “So hungry,” she groaned in delight as his tongue ran over her slit, tasting her as she kept him close.  “Plug me tonight,” she suddenly called out among her moans.  “I want you to fuck all my holes till I forget my name when we get to the hotel…..in fact I want you to fuck me in the club and then again in the hotel.”
His head was in the perfect position for what he had planned, and he smirked, “Oh I am starving sexy girl.” He was about to dive in, when he heard her suggestion, “I knew you were the perfect woman for me, I was going to suggest the same thing. I want you to have that ass filled all night, so when we dance, you can feel it.” He let his fingers dip inside her wet pussy as they continued to talk, “I am going to fuck you before we leave, in the car on the way to the club, in the club, and then finish you off in the hotel. So you better get all the rest you are going to need, because it’s going to be a long, hot night.”
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thad-carter · 5 years
Mia moaned in agreement, her mind wandering through combinations though the dress he wanted her to wear limited her too.  Her hands reached back to wrap around his neck as he continued to kiss her. “You know there is a long time until dinner and if you keep this up you might spoil yourself for tonight,” she said with a groan as her hips rubbed against him in a slow rhythm and she could feel herself growing wetter already.
Thad smirked at Mia’s words, “Oh please, there is no way I could spoil myself of you. I mean there is a such thing as pre-gaming, and drinking is not only way we can do that.” He turned her around to face him, and he lifted her up and sat her on the counter, “I’m starving, it’s time I had my lunch.” He smirked and lifted her skirt, wrapping his fingers around the band of her panties and pulling them off.
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thad-carter · 5 years
Mia headed into the kitchen as soon as he agreed and began to pull out ingredients.  She pursed her lips as she heard him calling after her and was getting ready for yet another fight when she heard him speak about going out.  As he started to kiss her neck and grind against her she was putty in his hand and his idea just got better and better.  “Throw in dinner first and I think that sounds pretty perfect,” Mia agreed with a smirk.  She pushed her ass back against him and grinned, “And I know you’ll enjoy getting me out of my dress every bit as much as you’ll enjoy seeing me in it.”
Thad smiled the moment he heard Mia agree to his plan, with one stipulation, “But of course, dinner is a definite.” He groaned feeling her push her ass back into him, “You do know me well, but I am going to let you decide what goes underneath that sexy dress, I want to be surprised when I do take it off. And no cheating by wearing nothing, I want to see what sexy ensemble you come up with.” He kissed her neck more, and continued to grind against her. 
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thad-carter · 5 years
Mia still felt on edge as he pulled her into his lap.  Hearing him promise that even if she wasn’t ready in a year he would wait longer at least gave her some peace.  “Ok, good.  I’m glad we are in agreement then.”  She slid off his lap and walked towards the kitchen, “I’m going to make a sandwich since we never got lunch after all.  Do you want anything?”
Thad could still feel the tension between them, and he hated that. He always wanted to make Mia happy, but it was hard when it came to situations like this. He was very clear what he wanted, but knowing she wasn’t didn’t feel good to him. But he meant what he said, he wanted her to be ready to start a family, not just him, so he was going to honor his word. He loved her so much, that he only wanted the best for her. He nodded at her question, “A sandwich will be fine.” He sat back, and then had an idea, “Hey babe, why don’t we go out tonight?” He got up and walked into the kitchen, seeing her making the sandwiches, “I hear there is a new club downtown that’s supposed to be amazing.” He walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist, and started kissing her neck, “You could put on that new sexy blue dress you just got that shows off ll your sexy curves.” He continued kissing her neck, and grinding into her ass. “And those amazing heels that shows off your incredible legs. We can get a car service so that we can drink freely for the night. And I think it is across from the W Hotel, so we can get a suite and have a good time tonight, what do you say?”
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thad-carter · 5 years
Mia listened as he spoke and her heart clenched.  She couldn’t help but throw it back at him even though she didn’t really want to.  “And what if you get a girl who is a tomboy and fiercely independent and doesn’t want to conform to pink fairy dresses or a son who is really shy and hates sports and just wants to  draw?  What is your child doesn’t have your work ethic?  What if they hate us?  A child needs unconditional love and when these ideas of what you want get stuck in your head then anything else is going to be a disappointment, trust me I know.  So yes I want a child with you, I want to watch them take their first step and hear their first word and let them know that they have our love and support whatever they choose to do but I won’t rush it.  I need to be ready, we need to be at a point where we are ready together and not just one of us.  Megan is five years older than me, she’s done a lot more than I have and she was ready.  I’m not and I’m not going to be made to feel guilty because of that.”
Thad listened to all the things Mia said, and he knew there would be tough times with kids, but he knew in the end it would all be worth it. “If I have a girl that is a tomboy, then great, I will teach her ho to play sports. And if I have a son that hates sports and wants to draw, then I will buy him art supplies. And if our child doesn’t have my work ethic, then we will help guide them to where they want to be in life.” He sighed, “Look Mia, I am not naive, I know that things I might dream of for our child might not happen, and that’s okay, we will just adjust. No one said we have to be perfect, I never dreamed that, all I want is to share that experience with you.” He was relieved to hear her say that she wanted a child with him, that gave him the hope that he needed. “That’s all I wanted to hear baby, that you still wanted to have a child with me. It doesn’t have to be right now, I’m definitely not rushing you, or trying to make you feel guilty. I am not even comparing you to Megan. I know she is older, but so am I, and that is why I might seem so adamant, but we said a year, and I am going to honor that. And if a year comes, and you’re still not ready, then we will wait until you are.” He pulled her on his lap, “I just needed to know that you did want to have a family, and not because you felt obligated.”
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thad-carter · 5 years
“It is what you do.  People have babies because they think it’s what society expects of them or they want a tiny person who will automatically love them.   Why do you want one?  If you really think about it what makes you want a baby?”
Thad listened as Mia threw the question back at him, “I want a baby because I want to have a part of me, and a part of you joined together out of love. Someone that we care for, and help raise to be a good person for this world. I want our family to live on through them, and watch them grow and develop. I love you Mia, and nothing would make me more happier to see a little girl that has your eyes, and your spunky attitude, with my nose and work ethic. I want to have someone to love me, the same way I loved my parents. And look up to me, like I could do anything, and I want to show them I love them enough to try to do just that...anything.” He let out a sigh, “That’s why I want to have kids. But I need to know for sure, if that is something that you really want, or do you feel like it’s a duty?”
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thad-carter · 5 years
Mia froze and looked at him.  With trepidation she edged closer and sat down beside him on the couch.  The temptation to pull her hands away was strong but she forced herself not to as she let him speak.  When she heard his question she looked away, taking her hands back and needing a moment.  “It’s what you do,” she replied honestly.   “You enter a claim, you have a baby or two and all live happily ever after.”  
Thad hoped and prayed that Mia would have a really good answer to this question. He wanted her to say that she wanted a family with him, because she loved him, and that she wanted their legacy to live on, or something like that. But that was not what he got at all, and his heart started to ache. “Because it’s what you do? Is that what you think? Is that the only reason?”
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thad-carter · 5 years
Mia stood up shaking her head, “A baby is not something you just put in a suitcase and cart around with you.  It needs love and attention and looked after.  This idea that you just toss a few things in a bag and go is delusional.  I mean did you see how exhausted Megan looked, Michael too?  And this is only after a few days.  And babies get bigger, what when they are crawling all over the place?  Don’t tell me you think we can have a meal in a nice restaurant with a baby crawling all around.”
Thad could see this conversation wasn’t going anywhere, because he didn’t say he wanted a baby right this moment, he was just concerned that she would never want to have a baby. He listened to Mia give all her reasons for not wanting to have a baby, and he could agree with some of them, but he needed her to answer one question for him. “Okay, you’re right about all of that, I get it. But I need you to first sit back down, over here with me, and let’s calmly talk about this. I only have one question for you. And I want you to answer it as honestly as you can.” He waited for her to sit down, so he could look into her eyes. He kept his tone at a low, calm tone. He took her hands in his, “Why do you want to have a baby? And not because I want it, but why do you want to have a baby in the future?”
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thad-carter · 5 years
“Don’t be ridiculous.  I know I’m not going to get pregnant from touching him.”  She sighed and went to sit in the chair on the other side of the room.  “You know Megan didn’t even want a baby until I thought I was pregnant that day.  She and Michael, they agreed to wait.  They had all these plans.  She opened her office, that was her dream, she was her own boss and things built up quickly.  Now what?  She’s still got her office but when is she really going to go back to work?  Michael keeps saying they’ll do all these things and nothing will change but that’s rubbish, everything will change.  They have Luke and he is their world.  I’m not there.  I’m not ready to give everything up and I don’t understand why you can’t see that.”
Thad listened to Mia talk about all the plans Michael and Megan had, and how things were going to change for them, and how she wasn’t ready for things to change. “I get that, and trust me, I am not saying we have to start a family tonight, I want the year that we talked about, so we can go and do all the things we said we were going to do. But I have a issue with you thinking we are going to have to give up everything once we have kids. Michael insists that things are not going to change, and they will still do the things they want, because that is how we were raised. My parents still did all the things they wanted, and all the things with us, when we were growing up. So we know that you don’t have to give up your life because of kids, you just make adjustments.
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thad-carter · 5 years
“So what?  Just because I didn’t fall over myself to coo at Luke, and heaven knows enough people were doing that, I’m lying to you?  Is that what you think?  I don’t have to be complaining that my uterus skipped a beat the second I see a baby.  I’m not one of those woman who can only ever see themselves as a mom.”
Thad sighed, he didn’t want to call Mia a liar, but she was not being honest with herself, and he knew it. “You know that’s not what I mean. I’m just saying, some of the comments you were making, made it sound like you would never be ready to have a baby. And you know how much I wanted a family. I have never lied to you about that, and when we were dating, you made it sound like that was something you wanted too. I mean, you wouldn’t even hold him, like if you touched him you would magically end up pregnant.” He rolled his eyes.
We Need To Talk
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thad-carter · 5 years
Mia spent the ride home staring out the window and fuming.  She was getting very sick of being made out to be in the wrong the whole time when this was something they had already discussed and talked about.  When they reached home she stayed back as Thad went to sit on the couch as the air hung thick and when the inevitable question came she just scoffed.  “There isn’t much to talk about.  We agreed on a year and what?  You thought I would see a baby and magically want to conceive tonight?  You were fooling yourself.”
Thad shook his head, “No, that’s not what I thought, and I know what we agreed on, and I still agree with that, but your attitude is what concerns me. You give me vibes that you are going to go back on your word, and once the year is over, you are going to tell me that you don’t want to have any kids at all, and that is going to break my heart..” 
We Need To Talk
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thad-carter · 5 years
We Need To Talk
The ride home was tense, neither one of them wanting to say anything to each other. Thad was shocked that this was even happening, he really thought that Mia seeing the baby up close, and spending time with Luke, would give her some feelings of wanting a baby, but it seemed to do the opposite. They pulled into their driveway, and made their way in the house. He hung up his coat, and walked to the living room, and sat on the couch, “So are we going to talk about this?”
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thad-carter · 6 years
Megan wasn’t in the least bit convinced by the argument about the men tightening their bodies with a last minute gym session but regardless she wasn’t amused by the idea of losing out of her time with him.  She was relieved to hear that Mia thought the same as her and she knew that together they would be able to persuade them to stop.  It didn’t take long until it had been agreed with Thad and Michael though and they were soon all in agreement.  Megan wasn’t thrilled that Michael wanted to go to the gym in the evening but it was a slightly better prospect and she had things to do to prepare anyway.  With a small nod of agreement she returned to her meal.
Mia grinned as Thad clearly understood where she was coming from and indeed echoed her thoughts.  The kiss was lovely but she was more interested in finishing lunch so they could head to his hotel room and get naked which also meant she could get the attention that she wanted before he wore himself out at the gym.  Returning to her meal with more enthusiasm she was keen to get finished and away.
Lunch went much smoother after that, and Michael noticed how fast Thad and Mia were eating. He leaned over and whispered to Megan, “You think they have plans for after lunch or something?” He chuckled and popped a fry in his mouth. “Maybe we can have some plans for after lunch too.” He smirked and slid his hand on her leg.
Thad was scarfing down his food, with only one thought on his mind, and that was pending some quality time with his future claim, before the evil people separate them for the night. He ate half his salad and threw his fork down, “Whew...I am full! I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t eat another bite.” He was making it very obvious that he was ready to go. “You taking care of lunch right bro? So Mia and I can head out and take care of more claiming plans?”
Claiming Lunch
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thad-carter · 6 years
Megan grinned as she saw Michael had out food aside for her and she reached over and stole a couple of fries to start herself off.  She was still listening to the talk as she ate and before she could stop herself she squeaked, “You’re hitting the gym at nine?”  Megan looked at Michael with wide eyes thinking that when he had announced that he was skipping his run in the morning it would be to have a long lie before they had some fun but if he had to be up and have his breakfast before nine then so much for that.  “I mean, I just thought you would give it a miss tomorrow rather than risk anyone getting injured.”
Mia was satisfied that Thad would be suitable dressed for the ceremony and began to eat her salad though she too didn’t look too happy at the idea of the men going to the gym.  “Megan’s right.  It won’t hurt you to give the gym a miss tomorrow.  Nobody wants to see you too exhausted to dance with me all night.”  She looked at Thad with raised brows in case he was in any doubt what she meant when she said all night.
Michael nodded, “Yeah, we always hit the gym before a ceremony, just to make sure we look nice and tight for the ceremony. I mean, you have to be ready by 10 right? So that’s why I was going to skip my 5 am run, so we could relax in bed longer.” He could see that Megan didn’t want him to go to the gym, and obviously neither did Mia. He looked over at Thad, “Why don’t we hit the gym tonight then, and that way, you could be well rested for the ceremony, and all night dancing.” He chuckled, knowing what Mia meant.
Thad didn’t think about being tired, because he knew working out gave him energy, and made him feel ready for the day. But it was very clear that neither woman wanted them to work out in the morning, “Alright, tonight is fine, after the rehearsal dinner, we can hit the gym.” He looked over at Mia, “Trust me baby, I will be ready to dance with you all night long tomorrow, you never have to worry about that.” He leaned in and kissed her sweetly, before diving back into his food.
Claiming Lunch
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thad-carter · 6 years
Megan nodded obediently at the question, “And my dress is in the car, my shoes are there too and my hair and make up is at 11 tomorrow.”  She was pleased to see the food coming over and her hand rested on her belly as she felt Bump saying he was equally happy.  As it was put down in front of her she grinned, “Oh this smells amazing.”
Mia tutted softly at Thad, “Well don’t waste time and go buy your socks first thing in the morning.  I don’t want you turning up without socks.  You’ll moan all day that your shoes hurt or your toes are cold!”  Looking at him with a cheeky grin to show she was joking, well sort of joking, she turned her attention to her salad.  “This does look really good but then so does everyones.  Let’s tuck in.”
Michael was ready to eat by the time the food came, and when he saw that juicy burger in front of him, he was more than ready to eat. “This looks so good.” He grabbed his knife, and cut the burger in half, and then cut Megan’s piece, and put it to the side for her, next to some fries. “There you go, I had to give you yours first, or I would have eaten it all.” He smirked. “So Thad, we hit the gym at 9 tomorrow morning right?”
“I know baby, I was going to get up in the morning before the guys git there, and go get the socks. I promise not to be sockless at the ceremony.” He smiled and shook his head. Everything did look good, and the more he looked at Megan and Michael’s food, the more he didn’t want that salad he ordered. But Mia had them both on a diet till after the ceremony, and he agreed to it, so he stuck with it. But after the ceremony, he is going to go in on all the food at the reception. He nodded ti Michael, “Yup, 9 we workout for about a hour, and then we shower, get dressed, and be heading to the venue by 1.”
Claiming Lunch
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