that-quote-whore-900 · 2 months
”The pain of realizing everything you felt and cared about was all a lie. You’ve been played and now you don’t know your own reality.”
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that-quote-whore-900 · 2 months
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that-quote-whore-900 · 2 months
My love language is when you communicate your feelings in a direct way so I don't have to do the emotional labor to try and decode wtf you're even trying to say.
-Todd Baratz
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that-quote-whore-900 · 2 months
“When you first get out of a toxic relationship, you often feel numb and isolated. You WILL push away family and friends. You WILL want to be left alone… That’s okay for a season but don’t stay there. You have to get back up and go back out. Not EVERYONE is out to “get you” or “hurt you”. You will have to learn who to trust and you’ll have to regain your self worth. You CAN live and love again. You do not have to impress your abuser anymore. Block their number and move on. Leave them be. Let them live their life however they choose, even if they don’t learn from their actions or if they throw dirt on your name. Let them! Why, you ask? You’re the bigger person. Choose love and peace. Grow yourself and have a glow up! Show that person how to change into a better person! Let them see that love always wins! ❤️‍🩹 ”
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that-quote-whore-900 · 2 months
I lost everything loving you
I lost my sanity
I lost My identity
I lost my standards
I lost my morals
I lost my boundaries
I lost myself loving you
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that-quote-whore-900 · 2 months
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that-quote-whore-900 · 2 months
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that-quote-whore-900 · 2 months
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A Good Thing…
i think it’s a good thing, how we can struggle in such desperation for clarity and still never find a way to make any sense of how they treated us… i think it means we’re just not capable of that same cruelty within ourselves. and i think that’s a really good thing.
- butterflies rising
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that-quote-whore-900 · 2 months
A demon, if you prefer the term; although to be honest, the difference between god and a demon is really only a matter of perspective.
Joanne Harris
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that-quote-whore-900 · 3 months
Now that I have lived with it for years, depression doesn't appear to me as a monster. It looks like a guest I never quite learned how to host.
Sabina Yesmin
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that-quote-whore-900 · 3 months
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i want it all to stop
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that-quote-whore-900 · 3 months
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that-quote-whore-900 · 3 months
i would do anything to stop feeling right now
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that-quote-whore-900 · 3 months
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that-quote-whore-900 · 3 months
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I don't know when I became a stranger to life itself...
June 23, 2023
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that-quote-whore-900 · 3 months
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everyday i have to face the fact that i don’t belong here
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that-quote-whore-900 · 3 months
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