that1fukker-blog · 5 years
Welp its been awful. This sites full of crazies and porn is now banned
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
final self reflection
I think I probably learned more about what I need to learn then I actually learned about writing. Not to say I haven’t learned I definitely learned some things, mainly about small bad habits in writing to avoid, such as the over use of verbs and adverbs in dialogue. And I'm not trying to say that the number of things I found that I need to learn is bad either, the opposite in fact. The course really forced me to face my own shortcomings and gave me a clear path to follow on the road to improvement as I perpetually grow as a writer. All the criticism and support from my classmates both helped me correct my many mistakes as well as correcting others helped me to see the same mistakes I make in other people's work. Learning to set up and maintain my blog was an interesting experience that I wouldn’t enjoy doing again. Learning to write The query letter in addition to the plethora of ways to be published was genuinely interesting as I hadn’t even thought about researching myself. Finally the most enriching learning experience I had while in class was by far the group writing project where we were challenged to work beyond our very different writing styles in order to make something good out of a garbage fire base paragraph. I can genuinely and confidently state that I'm a better writer for having taken this class.
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
a piece of a larger story I've been working on, that I took for my writing final
Short story (kanna explanation)    
          The portal opened, spilling us onto my bedroom floor then closing with a dull fwamp. For a long moment, I lied there, unable to process what had just occurred. Turning my head I saw Kanna sat against the far wall, resting her head on her knees. I rolled onto my chest and pushed myself up. Brushing the sand from my person I began
She shrunk back, like hearing her own name hand the ability to physically strike her “master?”
“Come sit on the bed with me,” she looked fearful but complied. Slowly rising and crossing the room, and only when she was sitting beside me did I continue “Neither of us are going to leave this spot until I know what that thing was, what the top hat brigade wants with me, and what exactly this has to do with you. Understood?”
She was shaking her head “Master, you do not  want to know,”
“You’re right, I don’t  want to know, but I don’t think what I want matters right now,” I countered
“If I tell you, you will have live forever looking over your shoulder, And I am not able to shield you from this. So please master, please chose a different path,” she sobbed back
I reached over and held her hand “given the previous events of the night, I think my path has already been chosen for me,”
She took a shuddering breath “As you wish. Where would you like me to begin?”
“From the beginning, cover everything you think i'll need to know,”
She nodded then turned to face me, sitting cross legged “In the beginning all that I knew and ever known had been freedom,” she started slowly, with all the enthusiasm of someone walking to the chair. “All that was encompassed my domain. That where no being of consistent flesh dared venture I made my playground. My home was where I wished. None held my debt and I held none in kind,”
“Huh? Sound like the perfect dream to me,” I could hardly imagine something like what she was describing today
She chuckled “yes, I guess it would, but that is how I remember the way of things. Though I suppose i should mention that I was young, and I had not yet been equipped to understand the evils that dwelt within the man creatures.”
“Man creatures?”
“What mine called your earliest ancestors. They were so simple then. They were only just developing the base of what you call “Society”. In our few dealings with them we had learned that they called themselves man, though then they used the word manu. We thought them weak. Mear bug building dens in the dirt, stuck in their basic forms, with life spans no longer than a blink,”
“I know! We totally suck,” she ignored me and continued with the plot
“Whereas, my people viewed themselves as beyond all others, even our weakest were viewed as lions among ants. Our forms were what we pleased be it the most extravagant dragon or the simplest flower. We knew not the plague of aging as with it our power only grew. Our eldest found no limit in power. We had become so lost in arrogance that we did not see how fast your kind was advancing, how fast your avarice could move you.
My existence had begun roughly seventeen of your years before the bindings began. It started with our youngest, those of us for who power had barely begun to take form. And with their first slaves they had us all,”.
“So how did they manage to capture an entire race of supernatural beings?”
She paused before continuing slowly “nothing like the bindings had ever occurred before or since,”
“And since my people viewed all as free, we never thought to research such an act before,”
“And our enslavers had not taken the time to explain it,”
“So you don’t know?”
“I do not,”
I sighed “continue then,”
“Yes sir, They allowed us to have only the free will needed for the task assigned us, but our minds remained unbound, free only to struggle in vain as we were forced to watch our bodies commit horror after horror. I could only imagine the.dread felt by those first few as they lead our elders to the wizards circle, unable to yell for their brothers and sisters to flee, prisoners inside of their own minds
With our elders bound, your kind could move on us in force, attacking the strongest they could find with each raid. Some tried to flee, others to hind, many sought retaliation. It did not matter what course of action we took, the elders knew to where we would run to, how we would hid ourselves, and were far too powerful for any of us remaining to resist. One by one, day by day, those unfortunate enough to survive the fighting were stolen and bound. I was taken eleven months since the first binding and two months before the last.”
“So how did it happen?”
She took a deep, rattling breath this was taking its toll on her in an almost physical sense. “It was Ebrithil, my mentor and friend, who had been sent to find me. He knew my favored hiding places and was far too old for me to fight against. He found me atop the mountain you call Everest. I was taken within the space of a wing beat. Ebrithil enveloped me within himself and carried me away, begging him to end me, begging him to save me from the wizards circle, I never once heard A word of sorrow or apology from ebrithil weather from the bindings preventing him or from genuine apathy I never found out.” She was almost in tears now
I had to stop myself from reaching to hold her hand as Kanna didn’t like physical contact “You don’t have to keep going, if you don’t want to,”
She sniffed “no, this needs to be known. I can not expect you to place yourself at risk with no explanation why,”
“Ok but you don’t have to tell me anything you don't think I need to hear,” god i have no spine when it comes to crying girls
She nodded “Ebrithil deposited on to a cold marble floor and flew away, I never again saw him. I later guessed that I had been lain inside of a wizards circle, as I found myself forced into a metal vessel, into that ring you now bear, not a moment after I saw Ebrithil flying away,”
“Just like that?”
“It would not have been so effective had it not been so swift, they had have us bound before we retaliation was possible,”
“Oh! Duh, carry on,”
“I was left to myself for three years after my binding, being released only then as a gift to a prince's son. I was left in complete isolation for three years only to be given as a toy to boy not 5 years old. Looking back now I believe I should be thankful, Solomon II was kind to me for my time with him,”
“What did he do that was so kind?”
“He would use me to torment others,”
“Ok, you have to elaborate on that,”
I saw the faintest hint of an impish smile when she replied “His favorite task for me was that he would have me cloak him in a fire that did not burn, then he would run at the human servants, yelling that he was a demon to take their soul to hell,”
“I wanna do that now,”
With a sigh “Of course you do”
“Back to the story now,”
“He left me behind when he entered manhood and was gifted a more powerful djinn. Thirty four years later, I was again let loose, from other djinn that he has killed his father and become a dictator,”
“Who’da thunk that a boy who liked to set himself on fire would grow into a messed up adult,”
Aside from a slight nod she ignored my expert commentary and forged on “I was among the weakest djinn the royal family had kept for themselves, the rest being given to various lords and household members, so thus I became a child's toy, something for them learn how to control a djinn without the risk my elder brethren posed, as even with the bindings most humans can’t withstand the backlash using our powers sends through the metal vessel,”
“Is that why my finger always feels tingly?”
“And you’re like, a training genie?”
That pissed her off “I prefer Djinn, as thats what my people named themselves, but in a literal sense yes, you could say that. May I continue?”
“Yes, sorry,”
“I continued like this for roughly four centuries and after a while I grew content with my new station. My masters and mistresses were all young and lacked the sadistic cruelty I saw in the older human,”
“Mostly sexual in nature, I ask you not ask me more on the subject,”
“I ask you not to tell me more on the subject,”
“Then we are agreed,” clearing her throat “I spent most of my days performing small feats and acting the fool to the entertainment one small child or another, the particularly enjoyed that I could take the form of almost any creature they could imagine, so long as they could describe what they wanted to see,”
“so you just did whatever they told you without question?”
“The binding gave me no choice. And it had been a fairly swift lesson that compliance staved punishment,”
“Ok so what happened after your carrier in babysitting?”
“I grew detached with the happenings of the world. too busy locked away in the trappings of the wealthy youth to realize the decaying state, the kingdom my people had once been forced to build, now found itself in,”
“Ok, so what happened?”
“Human greed happened. Jealous servants had stolen some metal vessels from their drunken masters and now plotted revolution. Paranoia toward their people and their peers now gripped the lords and they now hid what vessels they wore not themselves, many of my people still remain lost to this day due to the desert sands. I too became lost in this manner. At first I was not hidden away because I was in current service to the kings child son and heir, I can still remember the kind, smelling strongly of wine, as he coached his son of four years through the commands he would have to give me so that I would be forced to defend his life in all matter and in no uncertain terms. And for three years I did, then one night I was taken from the boy and cealed once again. I would only later found out that I was hidden in a tomb for 6000 years. To me, it was eternal night, all I could feel was the ring, I could perceive nothing outside without a bearer to unseal me. With nothing else to do I simply endured. Making up stories occupied me for a while, but after a while I had to stop, realizing that i was losing the ability to tell true events from my fables. So I spent the rest of my exile relaying every detail from the events of my existence from beginning to end, over and over again. Even now I am unable to say whether my memories are true or not.”
“Wait! So you’re tellin me that everything we just covered could be complete bull shit?”
Reluctantly nodding “I am fairly certain that I have recalled the major events correctly”
Tilting my head in acceptance “better to have something than nothing. So how did you get out?”
“Many years after my hopes of seeing the sun again had been dashed, I was recovered by one of your ancestors,”
“Was he like, some kind of archaeologist?”
“I never found out, he was completely insane, living in a cave in the desert. He did little else than demand various foods of me, he eventually thought about a son he had not seen in years. Upon bringing him there he gave my ring to the boy,”
“He just gave you away?”
“ he was insane and there may have been some explanation from him but I was locked inside the ring, by the time the boy had donned the ring, I only had time to see my previous masters bare ass as he ran into the tree line,”
“Why was he naked?”
“He had always been naked for the entire duration I knew him. Had I failed to mention that,” she said with mock confusion
Shifting my weight to allow blood to flow back into my left cheek “ so what happened after that?”
“The boy, his son, and his great granddaughter used me in secret to ensure moderately successful lives. Your six times great grand aunt used me to build a crime empire, which, her son later used me to maintain, during the american civil war. Your four times great grandfather used me to impress and marry a woman he fancied, then used me no more. Then you donned the ring and you know the rest.”
“That was an interesting history lesson, but how did it answer my original questions?”
I got a lovely look of irritation for my incompetence “the entity that chased us through the museum is in all likelihood another djinn, one much older than I,”
That makes sense I feel stupid now  “anyone you know,”
I is always a possibility. I did not meet every other djinn, and our unknown assailant did not design to identify himself,”
“And the guys in the top hats?”
“The likely masters of the other djinn, probably in control of multiple others. As for what they want of you, I did say earlier that most humans lack the resilience to properly command a djinn,”
“And what of it,”
“That makes your ability to handle my power rare, and when something is rare it has value,”
“So they want me to join their genie cult?”
“I may have used a different set of words but yes. If i were to venture a guess, they want to stockpile djinn recruit those with the power to use them,”
“Ok, I think I understand now, I just have one more question,”
“And that is,”
“Do we want to join them?”
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
a little excerpt of a character I made struggling with a long held belief
crisis of faith
Those who rule are born to do so, that is absolute and without fail. Or at least that is what i have thought throughout these long centuries. Every time without fail from one ring bearer to the next, i have never had a say….. in anything. I was never permitted to question my station in existence, and even i had attempted so i would have met the same answer “you and your kind were created to serve.”, time and time again, throughout each and every century, without effect of changing cultures or religious beliefs, i was told the same thing by each and every bearer whos kings blood bound me to their will. That is until this one. I don't properly comprehend this myself but he truly seems to be uncomfortable with my servitude to him. This is most peculiar because all my masters preceding him took pure savage delight in the power they held over me, in the things i could be forced to do, or in the punishments inhuman they could inflict on my body. But this boy, appears to be almost afraid of making me do something that i don't want to do, even after assurances that “ i was accustomed to this and much more…. unsavory tasks.” he would still reply with,
“but it still doesn't feel right, making you do something you don't want to do.”. I truly do not understand why he is that way. He can summon and sustain me which proves he has the king's blood in his veins, the divine right to rule, the ability to command me, to force me to take any action he wants, and yet he refuses to use it. Instead he tells me to “ live as i wished without servitude”. Without servitude? Does he even understand what i am and how we are different? I am djinn and he is man, i am servant and he is master, that is how it is meant to be m, how it was always meant to be, and how it will always be…. right?
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
I forgot what the prompt was for this one, and what I wrote doesn't answer it
I’ve always liked rainy days….then again, growing up where rain was an everyday occurrence probably had something to do with that. Even as a child, rain and its accompanying thunder and lightning was always a comfort to me. I remember in my younger days, me and my cousin would often go outside on rainy days and play in the mud for hours. Naturally, I don't do that now, seeing as I’m a grown ass man in charge of doing my own laundry, but, I still enjoy the natural symphony. On occasion, I like to play music as loud as I can legally get away with, just to show the sky man that our music is better, in every way. One of my favorite pastimes comes when a rainy day also happens to be garbage day. As the garbage cans make their run to freedom, I stand on the sidelines and encourage those trying to catch them to run, run with all the might your fat legs can muster, you adorable bastard. In short, the rain is a beautiful thing that should be met with all the appreciation and large scale explosives it deserves. So just remember kids, most wild animals are probably friendly, and yes that does look infected
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
This is a collection of 5 minute stories ive gotten as bell work. Im proud of some and hate myself for making others
Upon reading the message I assumed that whoever wrote that had a great sense of humor and thought nothing of it. Because who in their right minds takes fortune cookies seriously? I then paid my tab and left the thought of the “ominous” message already fading from my mind and matters of actual importance needed attending to. Getting into my car and leaving the parking lot I looked into my rearview mirror and noticed a man standing on the metal roof of the restaurant, the sun bouncing off the steel made it too hard to notice anything specific about the man, I decided to push the issue from my mind “there are plenty of reasons for someone to be up there,” I told myself “it probably has nothing to do with me”. The rest of my day was uneventful, I went back to work, finished up, went home, ate dinner, and went to sleep. That night I had a nightmare about a monster chasing me, and when I woke up I was back in my bed. Nothing ever happened because it was just a stupid fortune cookie……or so I thought
Samantha could only marvel how fast Becky had gone from a mild mannered school girl to a vicious screeching beast, her long blond hair pulling back into her skull, her lips pulling back to reveal her teeth fusing and elongating into a beak, her light skin turning purple and her limbs distorting. “Why does this only happen to me?” sam said mostly to herself as she assumed becky could no longer hear or understand her
“SCREEEEEEEE!” was beckys reply,
“Alright,” sam said, psyching herself  for the up comming ordeal “i can do this”. Raising her camera slowly sam began to focus the lense while saying in a sing song voice “say cheese”, meanwhile beacky began to flap about the room. As desperation sam remembered what was in her back pocket, quickly removing from her pants, sam held the object high in the air and called out “oh becky!”, becky turned
“Scraw?” sam waved the objected and shouted
“Catch!”, and throwing the object straight at becky who caught the object in her beak. Becky almost immediatly returned to her former state. Upon compleating her transformation becky looked around the room in confusion,
“What happened?” becky asked, same smiled and said
“I gave you a snickers, you aren’t you when your hungry”
“If you keep talking like that,i think we might have a problem.” but we already did have a problem, i didn’t want to go through with this….this..thing that they wanted me to do.
“It’s not up to you” dad proclaimed
“I had my doubts when it was me but you’ll move through it” was moms input
“What else could you posibly do?” my older brother thomas chimed in
“Honestly sam I can’t believe you don’t want this, just look at how lucky you are,” my older sister Judy added “i got stuck with a dolt”
“I wish i get on like that when it my turn” my little sister kimberly chirped. But i don’t want to do this was all i could think to say in protest. The marriage had when i was only three and it was supossed to be my familys ticket into nobility and that was practically all they could see. They didn’t see how much my husband to be made my skin crawl whenever he touched me. They didn’t see how blatantly obvious he was about undressing me with his eyes. Or at least i chose to believe they didn’t see as the alternative meant they knew they were giving me up to a
He left the front door open, so when his wife got home she was surprised by the large stag in her living room. “Oh hello mister deer. And how did you get in here?”, the deer of course had no answer, she looked at her kitchen and saw that the fridge had been emptied, the cubbords had once been pleantied and the pantry was unstedied “i see youve made yourself a snack mister deer” the deer of course gave no answer. She turned her head to the dining room where the curtains had been munched, the table cloth had been crunched, and flowers had been lunched “ i see youve forgotten your manners mister deer” the deer of course had no answer. The lady turned to the living room where the deer was, and saw that her couch had been slashed, and that the tv had been smashed, and that her family photos had been crashed, “mister deer i see you made yourself at home” the deer of course had no answer. She took one last look around her destroyed house and wept “oh mister deer what are you doing here?” the deer then looked at her and in a deep voice replied
“Isnt it obvious? Im vandalising your house”
None today
She was Leath with a petite frame, long ebony hair and and olive complexion a hawk nose and dark eyebrows that brought attention to her dark brown eyes alight with interest in the world around her, slender lips parting as she smiled with amusement at her own humor or disappeared into her mouth as she pursed them when thinking, the entire ensemble flowing through different emotions as her long thin fingers with nails painted black moved intently as she typed, her shoulders rising and falling as the intensity of what she was writing escalated and descalated
When she told me she lived in a floating forest, i thought she was crazy, but no, there it was, just like she said. Granted it’s not technically an island, it’s a boat and it’s not technically a forest, there's not a damn tree here, mostly just ferns, vines, and flowers of various breeds, with the occasional cluster of medicinal roots, or tribe of cooking herbs. But even without trees the site was still breathtaking as the ferns and vines grew around a dome lattice creating a natural roof straight out of an elven city and the flowers, blooming full in every color grew everywhere under the canopy that the ferns didn’t, each gentle breeze causing the living rainbow to sway and shift each dazzling display fighting to be seen over the other,
And that's when the lights came back on.The room now filled to the brim with clowns and the disembodied screams of the damned, seemed to tilt on its axis as marry frantically tried to open the door, her desperation growing as the clowns began sharpening their balloon animals. With a final heave mary broke through the door to find herself stand in the exact room she had just exited screams and all, the door now sealed tight behind her, the balloons were sharp now. “Would this cyclical hell ever end she thought
When sam entered the restaurant she saw the guy she had been talking to online eagerly looking at the stakes being prepare in front of him. She immediately turned around and left the restaurant, she refused to give any of her time to a meat eating murderer.
If i were a snail. Even just for a day. I would get up with my shell on and take a fucking hour to go. Or if i were a goat not. for not even a day. Id eat all your tin cans. Cuz fuck you man I am just a goat.
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
This is a short story about a confrontation between two characters the class made as a whole. Im not really happy with the direction the story took so i didnt put my best effort into it
Walking in the gym i knew i had to be careful about how i did this, Mike was stubborn and he would clam up on me if I pushed him too far in round 1, i had to draw it out of him and finish it in the 3rd. Looking up to see me mike said “right on time, let go over and warm up on the bag,” he and i moved over the the old punching bag, him grabbing it and me getting into ready position, i started hitting once mike gave me the all clear look. jabbing, punching, and generally working on my already flawless form i decided that now was the time to start wearing mike down
“So mike?” without looking up so he could still critique my form he replied
“What?” me still jabing
“I was just thinking,” he sniffed
“About?” i shrugged, i needed him to think this wasn’t serious so that my feints could pull him in
“You know, about the past,”
“What about?” he was drawing in now and i don't think he noticed what i was doing yet, but i gave an extra hard punch to the bag, making him grunt and focus more on what were doing before i continued to speak,
“ All kinds of stuff really,” here was my chance “like my parents,” he wasn't as drawn in as i thought. He immediately, dropped the bag and looked at me, anger starting to burn in his eyes
“What about em?” i stopped punching and shrugged
“Just about them you know? What were they like?” he let out a sighed
“What’s there to know? Your ma’s a junkie who couldn’t raise a kid, and yer pap’s hanging with the grimmy reaper,” i had to try this now or never
“But is he? Mikes face was turning red now
“No shit he is who’ld told ya otherwise?” here we go
“I know about the photo,” Mike, face like a cherry, now raising his voice
“What photo?” i yanked it out of my pocket and yelled
“Who’s yer daddy?” i could feel the blood rushing to my face
“Do you think this is funny?”
“In a word yes,” he was almost hysterical in his laughter now. I couldn’t deal with him when he was like this. I stormed out of the gym with a “FINE BE THAT WAY!” leaving Mike rolling on the floor laughing at a joke only he understood.
I wrote the ending like this mainly because i felt like we escalated the story too quickly and that the story needs a bit more up and down before we get anything solid out of this mystery.
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
This is a two perspective short story about a blind date with a blind girl, and things arent what they seem.
Blind date pov (1st person)
         I can’t believe how well this date is going! That was practically the only thought going through my head the entire night, and it had been the perfect date. Arik had planned everything out. It all started with a picnic out in the cool night air, and when paired with the amazing food Arik brought, and the community orchestra’s public performance “Audial Journey”, I spent half the night in another world. After we grew tired of the music, Arik took me by the hand, and we walked through the woods. “It’s getting dark out,” Arik said
“Is it?” I turned my face to him and smiled sweetly, seeing people liked stuff like that.
“Yes it is. In fact it’s actually getting kinda spooky,”
I let my eyebrows shoot up in surprise “spooky you say!”
He squeezed my hand “ yeah very spooky. So don’t be afraid to jump into my arms at any moment”
“Uh huh?” we could still hear the music fairy hear the music and with my echolocation, yes blind people can do that, I could clearly tell that there were plenty of street lights and even if there weren’t the same skill would be able to spot any lurking spooks before any pair of eyes could, the music that spread throughout the entire park made sure I had a clear picture in every direction. But I had to throw him a bone somewhere. I waited till some birds flew off from a bush we were close to, then I did a small jump and buried my face in his chest. He smelled like… cheap perfume? Why would he be wearing perfume? Was he with another girl? I had decided then to ignore it. He probably just hugged his mom or sister or something. I told myself.
Arik hugged me and chuckled “I’ve never seen you get scared before,”
I pulled away from him and bantered “And you never will. I just wante-” the music had stopped and was followed by applause that stopped shortly after. The performance was done for the night.
Arik whistles to himself then said “It’s getting late” he was right its must be almost midnight if the shows ending
“I should be heading home soon,” I said, pulling out my phone to call a cab
“Or,” Arik said barely audible
“Or?” I replied, hoping thi was going where I thought it was
“Or, you could come over to my place,”. Finally he asks me!
“Oh, could I?”
“Well, yeah. I mean were both adults and its dangerous to take a cab this late an-”
I kissed him “Oh my god shut up 1’d love to come over”.
We were in his apartment after a quick cab ride. From the echos I could tell that the apartment was pretty big for New York. I didn’t mention my thoughts to him though. Seeing people tend to think its weird that blind people can see 360 without working eyes. It smelled like freshly done laundry and….. That same perfume? I thought it was weird but again dismissed it. His mother or sister must have visited today. That's how the smell got on him and his house. The air was warm and cozy.
“Hey where’s your bathroom?”
Arik took me by the hand and led me to a room mid way down the hall. Cutting out details a lady wouldn’t share I found what I think are tampons while feeling for tp. The first red lights were beginning to go off in my head, but once again I told myself that I was overreacting. I finished my thing and went back into the living room keeping my hand on the wall to guide me back, it was too quiet to use echos, I couldn’t even hear any air vents working.
Arik was waiting for me in the living  room. He handed me a drink and brought me to the couch. We talked and drank wine while talking and generally enjoying each others company. After a while we began to …..uh….. pip pip the diddly do, and as I lay on the couch…… um….. enjoying the diddly do, a piece of clothing fell on me. I lifted it up and felt around it. It was clearly a woman's sweater. That was the last straw, I pushed Arik off me
“Explain this!” I said holding the garment up to him
“A sweater?” He asked taking it from me.
“A WOMAN'S sweater! And not just that there are tampons in the bathroom and I can smell the perfume!”
“Oh those? My sisters staying over”
I was about to yell something back when I realized that what he said made perfect sense, his sister was a bum, and he had never lied to me before. I apologize for being rash and we got back to what we were doing. It was, after all my suspicion, the perfect date.
The second pov (Ariks wife Deborah)
“So he's with the blind one again,” Deborah said to herself as she observed her husband's date through a telescope “ He's been seeing that one a lot recently,”.
He was taking her to some orchestra thing in the park, blind people had the most boring hobbies, she thought.
Three hours later after nothing but eating and sitting, they finally got up and did something different. Deborah wasn't surprised when all they did was walk around until the awful music stopped, and they stopped, then they were talking. Deborah thought that they were making their goodbyes and that the show was over for the night. She began to pack up and was about to leave the rooftop when the text from Arik came “It’s on” that was what she wanted to hear. She ran down the stairs and got ready for the coming show.
She had pointed that girl out to Arik months ago and it had taken him till now to finally bring her in. Out of all the girls Deborah had chosen she had been the hardest to bring in. And the best part about tonight wasn't that she was finally coming in. It’s that she was blind! Deborah wouldn't have to watch from the closet tonight.
Minutes later they were here! Deborah swiftly moved to a seat in one corner of the living room before they entered and settled herself on a stool there.
As they entered she almost gasped. Her body was even better up close! Deborah quietly waited for the girl to go to the bathroom then she said to Arik
“Shell put on a good show tonight,”.
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
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The worst kind of person is the kind that tells you youre wrong about something, then gets angry that you had the energy to proove yourself right. Pic unrelated.
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
About my screen name
My chosen screen name, dispite how it looks, actually has innocent roots. My last name is spelled fuLLer and the L key is right next to the K key. So when my baby sister was born the nurse entered the double K instead of the L. So for a while my sisters last name was fukker.
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
Alrighty then! For the next two months or so this account will be for my creative writting class. If I decide to keep it after, then it will be mostly for memes. Im dyslexic so dont expect everything I post to have correct spelling, this will be the only time I appollogize for my mental thing. When writting I mostly stick to fiction because the real world is boreing and full of normies, that and ive never even heared of a tasteful romance novel. My actual writting style will vary between vary formal and out of date, weirdly structured, erratic, and even I dont fuckin know. Politically im an I dont give a craprican. My hobbies consist of and doing the thing. I currently have all the gender, and will not share so dont ask. The only person id pull out of a burning building is my dog.
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
Hello to all the people rude enough to exist
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
Hello to all the people rude enough to exist!!!
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
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that1fukker-blog · 6 years
The only thing I liked about the game was this
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