thatalks · 7 years
Edition 180 - Whats News - Social Media Censorship Wars, Oprah V Trump?
In this edition of "Whats News" John and Paul discus the recent censorship from Twitter and Facebook, the most recent cases being the shutting down of David Ickes facebook page as well new subtle changes constantly being implemented by these platforms to control and monitor free speech.  We also discuss some politics regarding Mr Trump and the mainstream media, as well as the possibility of Oprah Winfrey running for President in the next US elections. 
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 179 - Paul & David - Christmas & Yuletide Special
Thats another year rapped up Peeps. In this video edition Paul and David discuss Christianity & Paganism in the Christmas & Yuletide season, as well as the state of the social Internet and political paradigm that is leading us into the new year.
Love and Light to you all.
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 178 - Rob Waterlander - "Children On Tour", Child Trafficking On Airlines!?
Rob Waterlander is the founder of "Children on Tour", a campaign which opposes the swift and easy trafficking of children through airlines. The group are are dedicated to exposing and stopping these child trafficking rings who transport their victims globally.  "Anyone can drop a child off at an airport, and hire an unaccompanied minor service to get the child through security and onto an airline. At the destination the child is escorted by another UM service through customs and handed off to whatever name is supplied to them in the UM paperwork. The trafficker doesn't even have to enter the departure airport. On the other end, it can also be a representative of the pedophile, brothel or trafficker - even a car service. Just so long as the ID matches the name supplied on the UM paperwork. We believe this is not enough."
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 177 - Sonia Poulton - Gender Identity Politics & The Mainstream Media
Sonia Poulton is a Writer, Broadcaster and Social Commentator. She began broadcasting for TV and Radio in 1991 and from 1987 - 1997 She was a music journalist contributing to titles including Q Magazine, Muzik, The Guardian Guide and The London Evening Standard. Her assignments included a tour of the War Child Exhibition with David Bowie and touring America and Europe with multi-million selling bands. She was one of the last journalists to tour with rap artist, The Notorious B.I.G. before his murder in 1997.
From 1997 onwards, Sonia's creative horizons expanded and she now comments on a variety of human interest issues for national and international press.
 She has investigated youth culture and knife crime (The Independent); Pushy Parents (Daily Mirror) Bad Manners (Daily Express); Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Daily Mail); The Sexualisation of Young Girls (The Sun); Home Education (The Times) and A Multi-cultural Society (Daily Telegraph) among many others.
Sonia is infamous for her outspoken views on State and parental neglect, global inequalities and a culture where people are famous for being famous. She has lamented the sexualisation of young girls, the feminisation of young boys and the dangers of raising children in a 'fatherless society'.
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 176 - THA➣HIJAC – Taking Control of your Health with Dr. Keith
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, qualified in medicine MB ChB (same as MD) in Manchester, UK in 1970. He almost immediately began research into controversial alternatives.
In 1986, he made medico-legal history when a UK Crown Court accepted his evidence that food allergy was capable of making a youth murderously violent.
Dr. Keith now writes and lectures internationally on the themes of energetic medicine and the new anti-ageing science, which is his current forte.
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 175 - Angel Millar - Islam & Freemasonry
Angel Millar is the author of "The Crescent and the Compass: Islam, Freemasonry, Esotericism and Revolution in the Modern Age." The book has been described as "a highly significant work… of extraordinary importance in this time of cultural and even spiritual conflict” by New Dawn magazine and as "an excellent reminder of the wisdom that can come studying the intersections of cultures, people, and places” by cultural historian Aimee Newell. Millar is also the author of "Freemasonry: Foundation of the Western Esoteric Tradition" and "Freemasonry: A History" And his writing has also been published in Quest magazine, and on Disinfo dot com, and elsewhere.
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 174 - Whats News - The Chicago Shooting, JFK Files & Trumps Year
After an interesting talk on the Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock in edition 170,  THA Talks have now set up a regular News discussion with John White and Paul Obertelli. In this first edition of "What's News" John talks with Paul about the recent Shooting in Sutherland Springs Texas, Trumps release of the JFK files and his first year in power, and more.
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 173 - Alison Williams-Bailey - Project Great Grandmother, The Ancient Vanir
Alison Williams-Bailey is a talented, versatile and creative theatre practitioner who has worked with many companies as a performer, workshop leader, choreographer and assistant director.  She is the artistic director of Root and Branch Theatre Company and also performs as a folk singer and a songwriter. She has performed internationally, recorded her own CD albums and performed on radio (UK & international).  Since graduating from her MPhil (Brunel 2006) & MA (Middlesex 1996) in performing arts Alison has taught in higher education (Brunel, Winchester & London University) as well as leading workshops and giving lectures at festivals (Tommy Makem International Festival of Song, Northern Ireland) and academic conferences (Winchester & Cambridge University, British Forum for Ethnomusicology).  She has performed as a folk singer at festivals (Sami Indigenous Music Festival, Kautokeino, Norway; Broadstairs and Tenterden Folk Festivals UK) and has toured in international theatre with Optik Theatre Company & Dudendance. amongst others.
In 2006 Alison set up Root and Branch exploring ideas from her MPhil and encounters with the Sami indigenous people in the Scandinavian and Russian Arctic.  The Sami have a story-based culture passed through the generations by oral tradition. This year she founded Project Great Grandmother as a Root and Branch Theatre Project to explore mythology, legend and lore in Britain with storytelling performance of the Norse Creation Myth.
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 172 – THA HIJAC Radio – Psychopathic Society with Thomas Sheridan
Thomas Sheridan is an author, artist and film maker from Dublin, Ireland who came to international recognition in 2011 with the book “Puzzling People: the Labyrinth of the Psychopath.” Sheridan offers a holistic approach to all the topics he covers believing that by re- examining everything from art, mythology, the occult and on to social engineering that this can equip us with what he terms a consciousness firewall in the face of pathological forces. His mantra of "Feck Em, If they Cant Take a Joke" has become a
clarion call for others to never allow the dark forces of this world to wash over us, as well as to never take ourselves, or what we believe in too seriously. His current areas of work are the megalithic sites and mythology of Western Europe as both a narrative of past catastrophes upon the landscape, as well as these
monuments serving as a petrified form of psycho analysis of the pre- Roman/Babylonian human mind and soul. To remind us all, that this present version of humanity is but a canvas that has been repainted over many, many times in the past, and that this process is still on going.
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 171 – THA HIJAC Radio – Scott Onstott
Scott Onstott was educated as an architect at the University of California at Berkeley and worked in a number of prominent architecture and engineering offices in San Francisco in the first chapter of his career. 
In 2009. It took him more than a year of full time work to create an epic documentary film called "Secrets in Plain Sight", a densely-packed series about patterns found in art, architecture, urban design and the cosmos. Volume 1 runs almost 4 hours long and has been seen by millions of people. He has also written related articles, done many interviews about his films and books and maintains a popular blog about many Secrets In Plain Sight.
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 170 – John White – ISIS Did Carry Out Las Vagas Shooting?
THA contributer, free thinker and independent maverick John White talks about his research and data which he believes proves ISIS, as they claimed, are indeed responsible for the mass shooting carried out on the 1st of October in the Mandalay Bay Hotel Las Vagas, and the implications and mysteries it may entail.
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 169 – THA HIJAC Radio – Steve Olson
Steve Olson is a researcher, cyber security expert, retired USAF and held a Top Security SBI/SCI Clearance. He joins Seana and Stefanie for a talk about Nibiru and Planet x and this very relevant time period.
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 168 – THA HIJAC Radio – Tracy Twyman
Tracy Twyman, author of numerous non-fiction books that explore esotericism, theory into deep black operations of military history and occultism, has written her first fictional novel. She joined Stefanie and Seana for a THA HIJAC conversation that runs the edge of the blade of taboo. Her book “Genuflect” has been described as “Not for the feint of heart, or the squeamish—“ but also “If you have an interest in the intersection between esoteric religious history and the bizarre obsessions of the worlds financial and political elite, I think you will find many breadcrumbs in this book that can help you go deeper and research the truths behind the fiction.” [Amazon.com Reviews]
An interesting conversation and hopefully the first of many between these three, we hope you enjoy!
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 167 - THA HIJAC Radio - Stefanie James, Total Solar Eclipse, Leo New Moon
On August 21, 2017, the continental United States will have a once in a lifetime opportunity to see a total solar eclipse. Resident Astrologist and co-host on the THA Network, Stefanie James, spoke with our bond from across the pond, Seana Collins about the eclipse and what it could mean for the United States, President Trump and humanity as a whole. We hope you enjoy this Astrological edition of THA-HIJAC.
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 166 - Ralph Harrison - The Odinist Fellowship
Ralph Harrison is the founder and director of The Odinist Fellowship, One of the leading Odinist societies in Great Britain, promoting the old religion of the English and related northern European peoples. In 1988 under English and Scottish law, it was the first polytheistic religious organisation to be granted "Registered Charity" status in the UK.
The Odinist Fellowship have also created the first heathen Temple in England for well over a thousand years in Newark where regular rites are held through the year, the temple is open to visitors. 
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 165 - ChickenWire - Youth In Politics, The Mystery of Brexit
  ChickenWire real name Chris is a up and coming Youtuber who makes videos about Politics, comedy videos and even attempted to predict the UK Election 2017. His most famous video “How Britain Broke” looks at how Britain has broken since Tony Blairs term in office through to the present day. The Iraq war, banking crisis, expenses scandal, phone hacking scandal, Scottish independence referendum and EU referendum have all happened within ChickenWire’s lifetime and therefore make him reluctant to side with any political party. But he is actively exploring the political picture of the UK more than once every week on his Youtube channel. Find it here:
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thatalks · 7 years
Edition 164 – THA HIJAC Radio – Gary Nicholls
Gary Nicholls is a British photographic artist taking the steampunk world by storm, he is preparing to release the first tranche of his conceptualised neo-gothic fairy story eponymously based on the Victorian fairground attractions of The Imaginarium. This fantastical tale celebrates the redemption of one woman’s journey from ruination to salvation. Gary doesn’t just take photographs. He uses photographs to create art. The 60-strong collection of images will ultimately be printed on metal and exhibited on steampunk easels alongside the handmade props and costumes that feature in the storyline. Drawing on varied and eclectic sources of inspiration such as Joel Grimes, Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter, Sting and his very own highly talented and creative team, Gary ‘sees’ images that weave themselves organically into an overall story. He then sets about building them in layers from multiple photographs taken personally from locations as diverse as New York City, Barcelona and his own back garden.
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