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                              i.  king of the fuckboys                                     ii.  righteous little shit                                           iii.  probably already hates you
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for those of you who enjoy ben braeden as much as i do, and miss him as much as i do, i’m rebooting. basically i’m gonna throw out this blog and start anew. AGAIN. i’ve just missed him a ton, and coming on this blog gives me super bad anxiety for some strange reason. so my solution is to archive and start again. now, no one is under any obligation to follow me, but if you’re interested you can message this blog for the new link uwu
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for those of you who enjoy ben braeden as much as i do, and miss him as much as i do, i’m rebooting. basically i’m gonna throw out this blog and start anew. AGAIN. i’ve just missed him a ton, and coming on this blog gives me super bad anxiety for some strange reason. so my solution is to archive and start again. now, no one is under any obligation to follow me, but if you’re interested you can message this blog for the new link uwu
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someone tell my laptop to get its shit together
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someone help me, i’m literally about to throw my laptop out the window. basically, sOMEHOW, i managed to get dns unlocker and it’s doing my tits in. i’ve literally done EVERYTHING i can think of to get rid of it. it’s not in my extensions, it’s not in my programs, it’s n OWHERE, BUT IT STILL MANAGES TO FUCK SHIT UP. i’m about to have a technological breakdown ok
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Photo by @eazzyryder (x) Surf day photo by @eazzyryder (x)
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Why the /fuck/ not? - Kol
                           ❝    ————— use y’er IMAGINATION, kol.    ❞
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H O P E   M I K A E L S O N.  ❞
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She wanted him carefully, but she knew he would CAVE.  Hope had a way of manipulating someone so it was just to HARD to say NO…the threats she mixed in didn’t HURT either. The brunette rolled her eyes–He really was being OVER DRAMATIC. She wouldn’t let anything HORRIBLE happen to him, she could handle herself against her  parents if NEED BE.                                  “Stop being a little BITCH about it. I can                                   make SURE that my parents won’t kill you.”
                           ❝    HOPE, no offense, but y’er parents are PSYCHOTIC. an’ if it’s not y’er parents, it’s the REST OF Y’ER FAMILY.    ❞
     THE MIKAELSON FAMILY HELD a traumatic reputation-- whether it be for their RENOWNED FIGHTS between each other, or their BATTLES with other beings-- ben had EVERY RIGHT to be WEARY. he wasn’t SCARED, so to speak, he was APPREHENSIVE. and it was WARRANTED !! the male was STILL going to do what she asked of him; because he was obviously a SUICIDAL IDIOT.
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D E A N   W I N C H E S T E R.  ❞
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“Do we need to have a father son chat?”
                            ❝    -------------- i HOPE not.    ❞
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G R I F F O N   S I N G E R.  ❞
“Benjamin, this is a straightforward answer. They told me.  It’s an ultimatum. It’s me, or everyone else around me. I won’t do that to, I refuse–”
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                       ❝    that’s not Y’ER CHOICE ta’ make, griff. we’ll get through this, FIGHT THIS, together-- doin’ this is givin’ THEM what they want, an’ you an’ i both know THEY WON’T STOP there. just... GIVE ME the gun, an’ we’ll SORT THIS OUT like a team -------- a FAMILY.    ❞
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H O P E   M I K A E L S O N.  ❞
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“You know one of these days you’re gonna open your TRAP  to say something negative to me and I’m just gonna SNAP  and curse the absolute fuck out of you.”
                             ❝    yeah, MAYBE ---- but till then, ya’ should REALLY START listenin’ ta’ me.    ❞
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G R I F F O N   S I N G E R.  ❞
“Oh, like Mr. Benjamin doesn’t use a girl ever once in a while, now does he?         Hypocritical Braeden.”
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                           ❝    i have NO IDEA who y’er talkin’ ‘bout. but ‘m SURE that guy’s a REAL GENTLEMAN, an’ would NEVER do such a thing.    ❞
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laptop's being a piece of shit, continuously lagging and it's more than adamant i want to constantly close every window i have up. nO, NO I FUCKING DONT!! im gonna leave it off for a bit, and do starters and shit later. till then i'll be lurking mobile, so message me or smth.
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G R I F F O N   S I N G E R.  ❞
“–Do you see any other option, here?”
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                        ❝    YEAH -- the SMART OPTION !! just PUT IT DOWN, an’ we can figure this out. OKAY ??    ❞
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                        ❝    do you know how STUPID that sounds ?? ---- take what I USUALLY DO, an’ times that by SIXTY.    ❞
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H O P E   M I K A E L S O N.  ❞
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“Hey, you ever want someone turned into a toad,  I got your back Benny Boy.” She grinned, She KNEW  pulling the one night stand card would work. “I promise I won’t let them kill you. I’m not THAT horrible of a  person.” Hope’s grin didn’t dim as she spoke, “I’ll warn you though, it gets messy quickly with them… an argument usually breaks out within five seconds of eye contact between the two of them.” 
     NOT A SINGLE WORD that left her mouth held a COMFORTING tone -- they were MOCKING, if not a little DISILLUSIONED, and her constant grin didn’t help the feeling either. this was the story of how BENJAMIN BRAEDEN MET HIS UNTIMELY END, because he couldn’t say no to the (  FELLOW ONE NIGHT STAND BABY  ) card-- technically it was a WEEKEND, but he’d rather not think on that. the hunter rubbed the bridge of his nose, his face scrunching upwards in blatant DISCONTENT of the entire situation.
                               ❝    ---- so the plan is ta’ SHOOT one of y’er psychotic parents, while tryin’ not ta’ get MYSELF KILLED in the process. EASY PEASY.    ❞
oh how the SARCASM OOZED from every fibre of his being. he was not okay with this !!
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