thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
The Batfamily, by proxy of being raised by Bruce (undercover pro, lies every other word) and Alfred (actor in another life and in possession of the world’s blankest poker face), are probably the best at just running with something (a con, a secret identity, an undercover job, etc) and acting it out 100% believably. With zero hesitation.
Someone runs up to Red Hood one night in an alley and says “pretend to be my boyfriend! please, he’s following me!” and suddenly that’s not Jason Todd, Crime Lord. That’s Todd from the upper east side, and what the fuck man? leave her alone, you’re fucking tripping!
Etc etc.
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
do you guys ever like forget you're interested in something until you start engaging with it again and you go "oh wait i'm like crazy crazy about this yeah"
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
being poor is so mind numbingly boring. you can't afford hobbies, leisure activities, games, books, music, transportation for going to places, some people can't afford internet or a phone. entertainment is seen as a complete and total luxury, but what people don't realize is that people need to be entertained.
there is nothing left to do for fun that's completely free. parks are tiny and meant for dogs, mostly, they're unsanitary as hell because there's mostly just dog waste everywhere. getting to the park costs money. kids and adults alike cannot just go "play outside". adults aren't even allowed to "play," we gawk at adults who stop to play with bugs or look at small animals. adults aren't allowed to play pretend it's seen as weird. kids don't have anywhere to go- they're considered "loitering" or an annoyance if they hang around anywhere for too long. not everyone can go to bars.
it is necessary for our mental health to have things to keep ourselves entertained with. people often get caught up on a poor person having one nice thing for themselves, but after a while, that 1 nice thing gets boring, too. people need variety. we need stimulation. we need input. we need to experience the world, too
i was told by my own therapist and case worker that people need entertainment and happiness to survive. humans are not wired to suffer 24/7, no one has to earn entertainment. if you think i'm pulling things out of my ass, i'm not. multiple mental health professionals in my own life have confirmed that people need to have fun or their health will suffer. mental health is connected to physical health. you know nothing if you think this is factually inaccurate.
poor people shouldn't be relegated to boredom and never experiencing life and what the world has to afford. the entirety of entertainment should not be paywalled. people should not have to pay entry for every single event in their area, or try to find free events and struggle to pay for the transportation. it's not good for your mental health.
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
Bruce would have interesting ways to discipline his kids.
Bruce: Listen to me, Damian! You can not steal my car and drive across country to visit Jon.
Damian: Then why do I know how to drive! And my mommy says I can! You don't own me!
Bruce: Young man, when you are under my roof you will follow my-
Damian: No I don't.
Bruce: If that's how it's gonna be. *Draws a circle around Damian* Stay there for five minutes.
Damian: D-d-d-daddy?
Dick: *swinging from the chandelier that has been pass down in Bruce's family for generations* I'm gonna swing from the chan-
Bruce: Get down here this instant!
Dick: I'm not doing anything.
Bruce: Richard Grayson
Dick: You're not my dad!
Bruce: *brings out a bag of m&ms*
Dick: What are you doing? Those are mine?
Bruce: *opens it slowly*
Dick: Bruce?
Bruce:*eats one*
Dick: STOP, I'm coming down. Don't eat them!
Jason: You can't make me. I'm not going to the party.
Bruce: *head vein throbbing* This is important. You can't skip this event.
Jason: *shrugs* You'll have to carry me.
Bruce: *takes a deep breath and walks away*
Jason: ahah, baby.
Bruce: *comes back with a bottle of castor oil and a spoon*
Jason: You sick sick man. Fine I'll go.
Bruce: Tim you disappoint me.
Tim: I didn't think it would blow up the Batcave. Or make mustard gas. Or create a sinkhole.
Bruce: *sighs* I have no choice. You going on a nature retreat.
Tim: Bruce!
Bruce: Over two weekends. With the Boy Scouts.
Tim: *tears glisten in his eyes* Bruce...
Bruce: As a junior member.
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Alfred: Right! That's it, Master Bruce. *Pours a spoon of castor oil8
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
Hello fellow disabled people of tumblr. I know that 2010s-2020s culture has turned against the notion of asking to speak to a manager. I know that “can I speak to a manager” is the mark of the beast.
And yet. If someone at the front desk is telling you they can’t unlock the elevator. If you get a ticket for parking in a handicapped spot when you have the dmv card. If the door to the big stall won’t close and you’re telling the front desk about it for the third time in as many weeks. If the bus driver won’t give you time to put on your breaks and secure your wheelchair
Ask to speak to their supervisor. Mention he ADA. Drop a reference to “my lawyer.” Make a nuisance of yourself. You have to get used to taking up more space, and that doesn’t just mean physical space. You have rights. You deserve access. You don’t have to just take it to be polite.
You’re allowed to ask to speak to the manager.
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
it is well established canon that my response to nearly any outlandish behavior that has impacted my day is to write the perpetrator a polite but firm letter
the letter i composed today and am about to drop off is perhaps less polite than I am typically capable of
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
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The Addams Family // New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
A lot of sentiments I see online about "just standing up for yourself" fall apart when considering that a common consequence of "standing up for yourself" is losing a key part of your current support network. It's hard to tell someone to stop being transphobic to you when you carpool with them to work, and it'll get a lot more expensive without them. Can your budget tolerate that cost, or is it the expense that stretches you too far? It's hard to tell someone that they need to be more polite to you when they're the one who helps walk you through legalese. Can you find someone else to do it for you, or are you left floundering? It's hard to tell someone to stop being sexist to you when they're the one writing your reference letter. Do you have someone else who can be your reference, or are they the only one whose letter would be accepted?
In order to be able to stand up for yourself, you need to be able to bear the potential consequence of that person leaving. You need to either have redundancy in your network, or be able to pay for what they did for you. Safety is about more than if someone will hit you.
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
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thatcrazycryptid · 2 days
domestic animals who would tell me riddles
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