thatdarlinbitch · 5 years
Relatable Rant List rrl#2
This little shit had held me back a lot. I had lots of questions but I couldn't ask them because I was scared and nervous to speak.
Even now, at the age of 19 I am still so anxious whenever I order at the cashier or talk to the delivery guy or even ask for directions.
Like the hell dude I need to do this but you won't let me.
Just stop, stop, stopit!
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thatdarlinbitch · 5 years
Friends are replaceable
I saw proof of that today.
My closest friend last year is now hanging out with someone who looks like me and acts like me but is the better version of me.
I made plans for us to hang out but you canceled on me last minute saying you had a family emergency.
I understand why you canceled on me, but it doesn't mean it hurts any less.
I make plans that make me look forward to ending the week, finishing projects or assignments early just to spend a day without worrying about anything and then nothing.
I sit alone inside the cafe we used to meet up and them I see you walk in, but you weren't alone. You both went up to the cashier to order and I heard part of your conversation.
"-should meet up with your old friend"
"Ugh! But she's so clingy and boring, I'd rather...."
And then I stood up.
I didn't see if you noticed me or not, but I didn't care.
I felt numb, my dearest friend had just said the two thing I was very insecure about myself.
Friends are replaceable, I know this because it happened to me more than once.
The moral is fuck them. Fuck them all. If you give 100 and never receive a 100 back then they aren't worthy of being your friends. Look for friends that will reciprocate your effort in making your friendship work and last long. A perfect relationship (be it platonic or romantic) is made through a lot of effort, compromise, trust, communication, loyalty and love. And if you feel like you aren't being given that then leave them to rot.
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thatdarlinbitch · 6 years
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thatdarlinbitch · 6 years
Relatable Rant List (rrl#1)
Now I don't know about you but I have a lot of them, and I'm not gonna embrace, overcome or do whatever those "enlightened" ones do to be more confident about myself. Well come to think of it, we all have at least one. Even if everyone around you doesn't think so (cuz you're in denial and shit) and even if you don't think so, all of us has something that makes us less confident than we'd like.
But hey,
Remember that these things are normal. Everyone you know has at least one little thing that make them like themselves less.
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