thatgirlnamedhana · 5 years
here’s some dumb shit!
basically i have nowhere else to put this but need to freaking vent! so i deleted all other social media besides this one cause i can’t handle life right now. it’s gotten to the point where every other night i’m crying and just waiting for it all to end cause yeah that’s where i’m at. for whatever reason, the same thing has been triggering it, and overall i feel exactly like i did when i had manic depression and cried myself to sleep every night, this should be a fun adventure and fun hole to dig myself out of, night y’all!
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thatgirlnamedhana · 6 years
Rant Numero 2
Alright this one is about something a bit more touchy than the last. I am here to talk the frick out of slut shaming. I don’t get it and I don’t think I ever will. Why do men and women think that it is okay to shame someone for their personal choices?? I guess my philosophy in life has always really been that unless it is hurting you personally, then you should have no complaints about it. So if a girl decides to hook up with a couple guys, then so be it! If a guy decides that he doesn’t want to stay tied down and does not want a relationship, then, once again, so. be. it. What someone does with their love life is a personal choice and whatever they decide to do should not be shamed because it is “not the social norm”. It is completely reasonable for a person to want to have multiple partners in a lifetime and if they want to have more than the usual person does, then they damn well should be able to without becoming the subject of someone else’s scorn. Now I know that there are a lot of people out there that disagree with this “live and let live” thing, which is perfectly okay everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but honestly slut shaming is never okay and it never will be.
Signing off, 
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thatgirlnamedhana · 6 years
Rant #1
Honestly it is a wonder that I did not make this sooner, considering that I have quite a bit to say about the world. But, I have thought long and hard about what I would say in this first post and I finally settled on talking about the one thing that bothers me the most: school. In highschool your whole life is measured by your achievements: who got the highest GPA, who got the star athlete, who won class president.... And these things are cool and all, but wouldn’t life just be so much more fun if none of these things mattered? 
For me I have been smart for a long time and growing up with an Indian mother really pushed me to just achieve everything I could. I won class VP my freshman year, I am third in my class, I get good grades. I am in honors societies. But in all actuality I don’t care much about any of those things. Yes I care about my future and how my actions now affect what my life will be like in a couple of years, but the things I really care about and really remember are the things that are just dumb fun. Yes it’s cool and all that I brought my SAT score up 200 points and that I got an A+ in AP Calculus. But what I remember as some of the best things in life are the times that my friends and I went to a haunted road at midnight and got insanely scared. I remember going to a pool party on a wednesday my freshman year and not caring about the consequences. I remember going to half-apps at applebees after every friday night football game with my best friends and then scream singing Alicia Keys in the “trap van” afterwards. I remember countless late night drives that I would have with my best friend where we would just talk about anything and everything. I remember having sleepovers where I’d only get three hours of sleep but it didn’t matter because I was having fun and loving where I was. I remember going to wildwood with my friends for three days and making a list of memories so we can go back and have a laugh at how dumb we were anytime. 
I guess what I am trying to say is that the things that matter most to me and have always mattered to me are the experiences that I have. The things that I do while I’m young that one day I can tell my kids when they’re teenagers. But all anyone around me seems to care about is achievements. Colleges just want to see how much crap you’ve wracked up on a resume, parents just want to see how scholarly you can be.... and I see the value in these things I really do. But I think everyone would be a bit happier if we all just measured life by the experiences we have, not by the achievements we get. Because in the end I know I won’t remember that time I got an A+ in junior year calc, I’ll remember the good times I had and all the fun memories that came with them. 
Signing off for the first time, 
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