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Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.
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I've enjoyed my time in this small town off the Thames river the people, my roommates I'll forever cherish but it's time for me to head North. I'll be moving to Manchester in a few days and I couldn't be more thrilled.
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I taught myself many years ago that happiness is a choice and since then my life has been nothing but a positive stream.
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Over the past few weeks I made sum huge changes for myself. Today I finalized one of the biggest endeavours of my life I will soon face. I accepted an offer I had for a job in the United Kingdom. My position won’t be anything spectacular, in fact ill just be bar tending at a tavern. (Something I cant find here) Alongside this job offer comes with living accommodations, which means four and a half months of my life will be spent working in Europe. May-Aug work period while Aug - travel time. I thought moving to Toronto was leaving home but nothing will compare nor prepare me for the distance I’m I will soon leap.
I’m frightened and overwhelmed with joy at the same time. It still hasn’t sunk in, but I guess I have the winter months to help this settle.
Aside from these plans, last week i started a new barista position at a snazzy lil cafe in Kensington market, called Nü Bägel (german of course) anyways The hours have been racking up already, and the semester is almost coming to an end.
Overall my life is grand!!
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Hey, in my messy room after a week/month long bender. 
I anticipate turning 20 tomorrow ~ but life has just been too good lately for complaints now. All around smiles. 
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