thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
Jenna looked over at Ric but she didn’t say anything. Everything just felt…different. Everything looked different. She wasn’t really sure how she was supposed to react to any of this. She was pissed and confused and didn’t understand why any of this happened.
Ric took in a breath he wasn’t sure if he should approach her or simply stay in his spot he looked at Klaus and then back to Jenna a few times to finally saw and move closer to her. “Jenna..” he breathed out softly as he shook his head and looked down. “I’m sorry” he said quietly it was almost impossible to hear but she was sure that her new hearing could pick up on it. He kept his eyes glued to the floor he felt guilty and he should this was his fault for thinking he could get away with leaving for even a second for allowing Damon to convince him to take a few days to pretend he had his old life back it was selfish and stupid and here were the consequences of it.
Klaus rolled his eyes a little, "She's going to have to feed you know. Should probably get on that. You two can...bond." He shrugged before moving to leave his room deciding to give the love birds a minute.
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
“I would back off if I were you Ric. I would hate to have done this to Jenna for her to live eternity alone. Although I’m sure I could keep her company,” Klaus watched Alaric before continuing, “They’re in Mystic Falls. Alive and well. Don’t worry. I didn’t touch a hair on their pretty little heads.”
Ric growled as he moved away well his kids were okay he was satisfied with that he looked back to Jenna. “Let her go back” he said sitting at the edge of the bed as he watched her, why was it taking so long? Did he take this long to wake up? “The whole point of this was so my kids could grow up with their mother” he said shaking his head as he ran a hand through his hair. “You didn’t have to do it” he whispered mostly to himself than for Klaus. “You didn’t have to go after her” he added looking up. 
"Now what would be the point of letting her go back?" Klaus asked with a tilt of his head, "That would defeat the purpose of me doing this. I figured you'd at least be happy. I mean you won't have to spend the rest of eternity just with me anymore."
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
“Did you really think I would be clueless about your absence?” Klaus asked as she watched Alaric. “Did you think I wouldn’t know where you went?” He almost smirked with his question, “I figured if you miss her so much why not just turn her? Make things easier doesn’t it? Although she didn’t really see it that way.”
Alaric growled as he turned to look at Klaus, hate and anger filling his eyes. His thoughts were on his children he was at a loss what was he going to say to Jenna once she woke up? How could he explain this to her? “You could have done anything else” he said under his breath. “Anything else!” he yelled out as he looked up at Klaus. “My kids, what have you done with my kids?” he said this time getting up in his face. “Where are they?” he demanded once again not really bothering to keep any distance from him.
"I would back off if I were you Ric. I would hate to have done this to Jenna for her to live eternity alone. Although I'm sure I could keep her company," Klaus watched Alaric before continuing, "They're in Mystic Falls. Alive and well. Don't worry. I didn't touch a hair on their pretty little heads."
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
“Would you like to see what I have in my room?” Klaus asked with a straight face as he watched Alaric. He turned around and began walking figuring that he would end up following. He opened the door and walked inside motioning to Jenna who was laying perfectly still on the bed, “Don’t worry she’s not dead or at least I hope not. Transition is kind of a bitch and it’s taken her a while to wake up.”
Alaric raised an eyebrow, he was going to make some smart ass reply but he figured he might as well hold his tongue and he just followed him to his room and his eyes grew wide and it was only a matter of seconds before he was next to Jenna. “Transition?” he said looking up at Klaus. “You said you wouldn’t touch her!” he yelled out making his way back to him. He would tear him apart, or die trying. “That’s the whole damn reason I’m here with you!” he spat out once again, as he turned to look back at Jenna and took a hold of her hand. “God Jenna” he said turning his back to Klaus as he shook his head.
"Did you really think I would be clueless about your absence?" Klaus asked as she watched Alaric. "Did you think I wouldn't know where you went?" He almost smirked with his question, "I figured if you miss her so much why not just turn her? Make things easier doesn't it? Although she didn't really see it that way."
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
Alaric thought that it would be best if he left without saying anything to Damon because he knew that he would attempt to stop him and that’s the last thing he needed right now all he wanted to do was be as far away from Mysfic Falls as he possibly could, for his sake, for Jenna’s and his kids he...
"Would you like to see what I have in my room?" Klaus asked with a straight face as he watched Alaric. He turned around and began walking figuring that he would end up following. He opened the door and walked inside motioning to Jenna who was laying perfectly still on the bed, "Don't worry she's not dead or at least I hope not. Transition is kind of a bitch and it's taken her a while to wake up."
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
“Would have saved your doppelganger the trouble,” Klaus replied as he came out of the kitchen and tossed Katherine a blood bag, “It could have all ended with you Katerina.”
“Yes. Well I only look out for myself.”she said. She snatched the bag out of the air. At least he was feeding her. She dropped the bloody knife on the floor and concentrated on the liquid crack in a bag. She wasn’t exactly going to be polite around Klaus. “Point is you’ve got what you wanted, what is your purpose now? Just to torture me? I didn’t think I was that special to you.”
"Well I'm not going to take it easy on you Katherine," Klaus replied with a tilt of his head, "I plan to make you suffer first. Who knows, maybe I'll make you suffer for the rest of eternity."
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
“Oh come on Katerina,” Klaus said with a smirk as he approached her, “I could be doing worst. I’m sure there are other things I could make you do.” He tilted his head to the side a little as he watched her before he walked away to go into the kitchen. In his mind Katherine...
"Who else would I do this to Katherine?" Klaus asked from where he was in the kitchen, "The only one I have a problem with is you." It was true. Elijah was dead so it wasn't like he was someone on his list.
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
It wasn’t so much that Klaus was really doing the torturing when it came to Kat and really, he didn’t think this was even considered torture. A knife to the leg every now and again wasn’t really the worst that he could do but they had an eternity for all of that right? Why...
"Oh come on Katerina," Klaus said with a smirk as he approached her, "I could be doing worst. I'm sure there are other things I could make you do." He tilted his head to the side a little as he watched her before he walked away to go into the kitchen. In his mind Katherine should have been thankful he wasn't doing something else to her but like he had mentioned before they had eternity to play this game and he was just getting started.
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
Torture KLAUS || KAT
It wasn't so much that Klaus was really doing the torturing when it came to Kat and really, he didn't think this was even considered torture. A knife to the leg every now and again wasn't really the worst that he could do but they had an eternity for all of that right? Why lay all of his cards out on the table so soon.
He came inside what he was calling home for now and shrugged off his jacket before glancing over to where he had left Katherine, "Bored?"
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
Don’t let your heart do anything stupid
Klaus, The Vampire Diaries (via tellmeyouloveme-likeastar)
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
“Don’t play with me Katherine,” Klaus said taking a step forward, “as much as I would love to kill you I would much rather kill the person you care about. If you have it, the give it to me.”
“If you want it, you have to leave him alone. That was the deal. I expect you to keep up your end of the deal Klaus.”she said in a more serious tone. Her eyes were fixed on him, deadly like daggers. She waited quietly, she would hand it over if and when he decided to reassure her that he would keep up his end of the bargain.
"You should know me better than that Katerina," Klaus replied almost as if he were offended by what she had said, "I don't make deals with people and then back out of them."
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
“I assume you’re not finding me on your own for nothing,” Klaus replied as he turned around to face her, “What do you want Katerina?”
“What do I want? I thought you wanted something from me.”she said simply putting her hands on her hips. “Do you still want it or have you changed your mind?”she asked. Katherine smiled coyly, she was quite terrified by Klaus but right now she felt that he was going to kill her, and she’d rather go out guns blazing.
"Don't play with me Katherine," Klaus said taking a step forward, "as much as I would love to kill you I would much rather kill the person you care about. If you have it, the give it to me."
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
“I’ll be as careful as I can be,” Klaus replied with a smile, “You be careful too.” He leaned in to kiss her forehead before pulling back, “Goodnight Abigail.”
Abigail managed to get inside without much effort and locked the door behind her. She wished her home wasn’t two stories. Because she knew she would probably break her neck trying to get up the stairs so she walked into the living room and pulled off her shoes. She flopped on the couch and passed out there.
Katherine hadn’t actually seen Klaus bid Abigail goodnight, she had managed to track him from the Grill though. She just wanted this over with. She walked behind him, two yards to be exact. She tilted her head to the side, “Oh Klaus.”she said in a sing-song tone of voice. She was not happy about this, but did she really have another choice?
"I assume you're not finding me on your own for nothing," Klaus replied as he turned around to face her, "What do you want Katerina?"
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
Klaus chuckled, “I didn’t get you drunk to have my way with you Abigail. I would much rather prefer you sober so you wouldn’t have any excuses in the morning.”
“Very good point.”she said and slowed as they came across her little town house which was next door to her shop. “I’m sure I can manage it from here.”she said standing up straight. She touched his face, “Be careful dear. But even if you aren’t, I’ve got an eye on you.”she said and stood on her toes to kiss his cheek.
"I'll be as careful as I can be," Klaus replied with a smile, "You be careful too." He leaned in to kiss her forehead before pulling back, "Goodnight Abigail."
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
“They’d have to get close enough to me to do that,” Klaus replied as he looked at her, “and somehow I’m thinking they won’t get that close.” He was pretty confident that he wasn’t going to end up dying in the sacrifice. It just wouldn’t happen.
“Your confidence might be the end of you.”she said softly, her voice slightly slurred from her previous alcohol consumption. She sighed slightly and stumbled holding onto Klaus for dear life. She started to laugh, “I’m blaming this on you. Trying to get me drunk so you can have your way with me.”
Klaus chuckled, "I didn't get you drunk to have my way with you Abigail. I would much rather prefer you sober so you wouldn't have any excuses in the morning."
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thathybridklaus-blog · 13 years
“Is this where I play the gentleman role and walk you home?” Klaus asked with a teasing grin as he got up, taking her arm so they could leave The Grill.
“Yes that would be nice.”she said and leaned against him as she took his arm. She was using him for support, it wasn’t like she weighed a ton. She breathed deeply, “Let me know when the whole sacrifice goes down. I’d like to make sure you didn’t get your head chopped off.”she said and smirked.
"They'd have to get close enough to me to do that," Klaus replied as he looked at her, "and somehow I'm thinking they won't get that close." He was pretty confident that he wasn't going to end up dying in the sacrifice. It just wouldn't happen.
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