thatmagirl-blog · 8 years
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the white cloth represent the human state of mind ( boundless and unlimited )
the projection on the cloth will represent the human activity during the dream process. the colorful of motion will “paint” the canvas and create something that wonderful . This creation thus triggered the memories that will stay in their mind for a very long time.
When people playing with the interactive projection , by unconsciously they becoming childish and they wouldn’t know it. No matter how old the human is, they childish part inside them still remain and can be triggered with fun activities.
the RGB led will represent the human’s neuron that happening during process of REM( dream )state. It is still active even when we were sleeping.
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thatmagirl-blog · 8 years
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These are the example/ our precedent studies 
The link below is the example on how the interaction between visualisation and human would be.
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thatmagirl-blog · 8 years
Dream is a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep. Dreams can be vivid. They can make you feel happy, sad  or scared and they may seem confusing or perfectly rational.
 Dreams can occur anytime during sleep. But most vivid dreams occur during deep REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when the brain is most active. Some experts say that we dream 4-6 times per night.
 REM is one of the five stages of seep that most people experience nightly. It is characterized by quic, random movements of the eyes and paralysis of muscles.
The amount of time spent in REM sleep varies significantly with age; it normally makes up around 20-25% of an adult humas total time spent asleep and about more than half of an infant’s.
 Oneirology is a term that was first coined in 1653 by Marquis d’Hervey de Saint Denys. While the Marquis may have gotten the ball rolling, it was subsequent researchers, like Kleitman and William Dement, who made big discoveries in dream research.
 Dement and Kleitman discovered the presence of the first stage of sleep. The REM stage of sleep, or rapid eye movement stage, was first discovered thanks to the measurements taken by an electroencephalograph (EEG).
 The EEG showed that the activity going on in the brain during this stage of sleep resembled the activity that could be found when a person was awake. Increased brain activity and eye movement gave the impression that the sleeper was dreaming, or at least that they were in a position to be able to dream. In fact, further experiments by the two men showed that the correlation between dreams and REM sleep was approximately 80%.
 You may not think that you’re a big dreamer because most of us forget 95 to 99 percent of our dreams. Why you don’t recall most of your dreams remains a mystery, but one theory is that it’s simply because you’re not concentrating on them while you’re snoozing. (People who think dreams are important and are more interested in them are likelier to recall them—probably because they are motivated to pay attention to their dreams). Another theory is that our lack of recall is partly due to the hormone associated with memory (norepinephrine) being turned off while we sleep, so our brain doesn’t actually encode our night visions into memories.
 Lucid dreaming is the ability to consciously observe and/or control your dreams.
It transforms your inner dream world into a living alternate reality - where everything you see, hear, feel, taste and even smell is as authentic as real life.
Lucidity occurs during altered states of consciousness when you realize you are dreaming - and your brain switches into waking mode inside the dream.
In normal dreams, your self awareness is shut down. That's why they often feel fuzzy and distant. But when lucid, the conscious brain wakes up during sleep.
This is a safe and natural state. It is not anything spooky or paranormal (in fact, out of body experiences are thought to be explained by the lucid dream state). With lucid dreams, you are always asleep in bed.
And if you want to, you can wake yourself up.
But who'd want to do that! When you become lucid, your senses become alive. You can explore the inner workings of your unconscious mind with total freedom.
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thatmagirl-blog · 8 years
Clothes are the window to the heart
Artist Satement
Stylish, Garments, and Outfit of The Day have become a part of my life where I express my thoughts and consciousness through my outfit in daily basis. The Garment of Identity is a sculpture made of wire and paper mache. It is a representation of an individual identity thru the outfit. We wear clothes to give impression about ourselves to others. The idea sparks when I’m curious that why certain people wear different clothes to different type of event. They clothing behaviour is different with each individual. Sometimes people don’t care with their ‘fashion’ and just wear whatever they want as long as it is covering their naked body while others have fashion sense tingling where they have specific characteristic that they need to have in their garments for them to wear it. The wire in my sculpture represent the strong impression that is coming from the heart of an individual who wants to portray themselves to the world where as the heart represent the true fragility of an individual. It shows that we are all the same inside but different in what we wear. The light represent vibe and aura that come with the garment. RED is to represent the ‘confidence’ within that shines thru us. 
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thatmagirl-blog · 8 years
i decided to make a sculpture for the assignment.
wires, tissue papers, newspapers, water-colour, pliers, cutters, led light, mannequin, masking tape.
this worked has consumed me 3 whole days. workmates came to do their work with me and helped me as well. couldn't have accomplished it without their help! 
this video was not recorded til the end of my work. 
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thatmagirl-blog · 8 years
Media Art 3 Assignment 1
The first assignment is about our interest. So, the first idea popped up in my mind was about fashion. The idea was vague. But the idea developed by time.”
“The way we dress often says a lot about who are, what we believe, and where we come from. Think about this for a second. There’s an ole time saying that goes “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you who you are”. In the same way, clothing can be used as another measure for the same purpose. It is often said that first impressions last because subconsciously, we judge people based on what we see before we even hear a word that comes from their mouth. That’s probably how the saying “Dress to impress” came about.
Dressing is woven into every aspect of our lives both individually and communally, sometimes without us even realizing it. Did you realize I used ‘woven’ to describe relationship? See how clothing can be found even in language and literature? That’s because clothing and the way a thing is dressed up SAYS something about the object it refers to, and invites persons to think along a certain path of thought by just seeing; in the same way a logo is associated with a company. Why is this?
It’s because clothing is a basic human need not just for the body, but also for the inner person. That’s why it matters. If you were a film director, and wanted to portray a pirate, or a gangster, how would you portray them? Why portray them in that way? You’d most-likely portray them as the stereotype of such a character, no? Why does a priest wear what they wear? You see, Clothing is a means used for determining identity, belonging, expression, and importance of and for both the tangible and intangible. It is a SIGN that often points to a reality beyond itself, and that’s why we must take great care in the way we dress, and what we consciously or sub-consciously choose to label ourselves.”
“People throughout the world also view clothing as a reflection of current fashion trends within a culture. Clothing trends often change depending on the season, the popularity of designers and the attire of famous people. Wearing certain colors, brands and types of clothing allows an individual to affiliate himself with a particular group. Although clothing can be influential in a person’s life at any age, younger generations tend to be more influenced by fashion trends than older ones. Fashions inspired by past eras are often recycled into present trends.According to Discovery News, humans started to don clothing nearly 170,000 years ago. Wearing clothing helped primordial humans to survive during the last Ice Age. Eventually, humans began to use clothing as a way to express themselves, and nations around the world followed suit.”
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People often call eyes the windows to the soul. But what exactly do we see when we gaze into the eyes of another person? In fact, the eyes do provide lots of information about another person’s emotional state.
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thatmagirl-blog · 9 years
while i was testing it out, my sculpture toppled. it happened for a couple of times. it really tested my patience.i tried to make the stand/support for my sculpture as stable as it could, but it is still not stable. so i decided to just use masking tape to tape the stand/support to the ground. it kinda works.
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thatmagirl-blog · 9 years
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i was feeling a lil ambitious. i wanted to do my own diy lamp and diy lamp stand  from scratch but unfortunately i bought the wrong bulb. it wasn't the one that could be screwed in the bulb holder (if you get what i mean) wasted rm 11 there but I'm pretty sure i could do something out of it eventually.
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thatmagirl-blog · 9 years
Progression of my installation. Day 1 till Day 4 
Of course there’s some failures during the process of finishing the installation. will update later on.
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thatmagirl-blog · 9 years
Like the previous post i have written, i have stated that i would be doing an art installation. I have decided to do a combination of mirror art and garbage art. Shattered mirrors will be laid on the wood board. Lights would be emitted towards the shattered mirrors to make an effect to the wall. meanwhile the garbage art would have the shape of a human figure (homeless man). as the light reflects, the garbage art would appear as a silhouette. The materials i use are mirrors, recycled items, wood board, hammer, cloth. 
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thatmagirl-blog · 9 years
I will be doing an art installation on the theme of homeless. So as i do my research i found out that homeless means person without a home; typically living on streets. The interpretation of meaning being homeless employs the metaphor of homelessness as a whirlpool; hiding in plain. I also found out that rat, (yes, rat!) symbolises as a homeless. why? Rats have enormous symbolic power: rats have long appeared in popular culture as loathsome symbols of the power of nature, impoverishment, and disease.  The rat has won our grudging respect for its enormous skill to survive in a vast range of conditions, oddly linked to humans by our shared evolutionary successes.  Rats have gone wherever humans have gone, living and invading alongside us, occasionally surfacing from alley and basement margins to remind us of our waste, inequality, and deadliness as they nocturnally feast on our garbage. 
I see homeless people as broken people because, look at them, they don't have a home, a job or a family perhaps. They are invisible to the society. The society don't see them even if they saw, the homeless are nothing but a trash to the society. 
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thatmagirl-blog · 9 years
Design Persona
JAMIE, 23.
Jamie is a university student. He is a smart & hard working student. He is also active in sports especially in tennis & badminton. Jamie is a family man. He likes to spend his time with his family. He is the first out of three siblings. He comes from a well off family. Even though he comes from a wealthy he does not like to spend his parent’s money for unnecessary things. He likes to find his own money for his own expenditures. On the weekends, he usually does charities. He would go to old folk’s home, orphanage or feed the homeless. Jamie is a very caring & passionate as well. He dislikes discrimination & downgrading other people especially to those are in hard times, disable people & homeless because he knows how hard it is being those kind of people since he helps them on the weekends. He gets angry easily & disappointed if he overheard someone discriminating or making fun of the poor people. He sees everyone the same; he treats everyone the same because he believes that everyone should be treated the same and that poor or not we are still human beings and we do not deserve to be treated that way.
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thatmagirl-blog · 9 years
age :
gender :
1- what would you do if yo were to see the same incident happening  in front of your eyes? why?
2- if you were there, what would you say to the teens?
3- what do you feel when you watch the video? why?
4- what would you do/feel if you were the victim?
5- what colour best represent your feelings after watching the video? why?
responder 1
age : 20
gender : female
1- I would try to offer them Rm50 and ask them to do the same thing they asked the homeless man to do and see whether they are willing to do so or not. This is so that they realise what they did was wrong and to make them feel the same way they made the homeless man feel.
2- would ask them to immediately stop doing what they are doing and ask them would they want the future generations to be like them? What would they feel if the homeless man is someone they know?
3-pity. not everyone in this world is fortunate. sometimes people beg for money because they have no option. It’s better to be  a beggar than being a prostitue but somehow people misinterpret that.
4- feel disappointed with our generation as they have no respect for the homeless. homeless or not we are still human beings and we do not deserve to be treated that way.
5- black. to me it represent sadness.
responder 2
age : 26
gender :male
1- i’d stop hoping that someone else would stop until more people make a crowd around the bullies. then they’ll feel awkward and stop.
2- i’d say don't bother him.
3- odd since Malaysians usually don't make fun of them. we usually ignore or help.
4- i will be mad since I'm not a laughing stock
5- red since I was mad at the bullies.
responder 3
age : 23
gender : male 
1- I’ll go to the front and stop the incident. i they ignore me, i’ll call the cops. because this is ridiculous, these fellows don't know how to respect human.
2- “hey guys. please stop this & learn how to respect people.”
3- i feel disgusted. they don't know how to respect people and making fun of homeless people. besides that, i also feel glad that there were people who came and stop the incident.
4- i’ll leave the place and go to other places
5- red color. red shows my anger towards the teenagers.
responder 4
age: 20
gender : female 
1- i would call any guards , if there is any around that area, or call the police. 
2- i would say “do you love your family? do you have any brothers or sisters? any close friends? even you perhaps. imagine you're in his shoes. you fucked up so bad, there was no way out? things went out of your control. you lost your home, your love ones, your ability, those cloths on your back, those fancy gadgets, EVERYTHING.”
3- angry and sad. sad because even though this is just a group of actors doing experiments to the public, we know things like this or even worst are happening all over the world all the time. and angry because there are even people ignoring this event when it is occurring right in front of their eyes. it reminds me of how the world slowly lose its humanity.
4- i would feel more horrible than i already am. 
5- dull purple. A mixture of red that resembles anger an dull blue that resembles sadness.
responder 5
age : 20
gender : male
1- depends on what type of person i am. if i were a person that stands for justice i would've told the kids to stop harassing the homeless man. why? because skids nowadays can get anything they want with their parents money. they would never understand how the homeless man feels because they can actually get what they want form they parents. These kids should be taught on appreciating rather than using their superiority of “money” to harass people who has lower standard than them.
2-i would've stop them and tell them mind their own business and differentiate them with the homeless man and their parents. telling them what if he was one of your parents and what would you feel if you see someone harasses your mother/father publicly? and also i would tell them that money isn't something you can really get easily. 
3- it was a bit sad to see society mow days had change so much if you compare with the society back in the days. 
4- i’ll just accept the fact that I'm being harassed by those kids or i would just ignore the bullies. ignoring can be really helpful, particularly for one time cases. bullies are looking for a reaction from you and often lose interest if they aren't given the satisfaction of making you upset.
5- grey. because grey represent swollen an dale. seeing the old man face had made my heart shattered with the life he is going through and now he’s been harassed by teens that are so ungrateful towards themselves.
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thatmagirl-blog · 9 years
summary of video
Teens Harrass And Humiliate the Homeless | What Would You Do? | WWYD
This video shows a social experiment on how the public would react when seeing 3 teenager harass & humiliate  a homeless. Throughout the 7 minutes of the video, most passersby stood up and defended the homeless. Despite it was just an act, passersby stopped the teens from bullying the homeless and gave a piece of their mind. it shows that these people are actually caring and it shows that they see no different between them (normal people) & a homeless. Just because one is homeless doesn't mean that they do not have rights & dignity like the ones who has jobs and owns a house. Homeless or not, they are still human beings, they do have feelings.
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thatmagirl-blog · 9 years
links of social experiment video
â€ȘThe Real Blind Man Honesty Test (Social Experiment)
 Teens Harrass And Humiliate the Homeless | What Would You Do? | WWYD
Racist experiment at Malaysia. ( Look what they reaction )
â€ȘThe Real Blind Man Honesty Test (Social Experiment)
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thatmagirl-blog · 9 years
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thatmagirl-blog · 9 years
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Artist statement
Children are important to the country's human capital & every child has the right to the best possible start in life.
This artwork portrays that we should stop child abuse. The ‘A’ represents adult and the ‘C’ represents child. The other letters are behind/above ‘C’ to represent the thoughts lingering in their mind and things that can’t be spoken. The ‘C’ is in white as to show the innocence & purity of a child. ‘C’ is also chosen to represent child because the children tend to curl up their body when abused at times. “STOP” is bold and is in red as to catch the audiences’ attention. Blue was chosen to be the main color as it is the color for child abuse prevention. The background is grey as to show the bad day the child has gone thru.
 If animals have rights, why not children?
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