thatmothpimp · 16 hours
reblog to give the person ur reblogging from an ikea shark
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thatmothpimp · 17 hours
Some of you need to learn that there are bigger issues then indis with complex identities that you don't understand.
"But they say they're achillean and use she/her pronouns !!" Good for her, there's bigger issues. "But they're a lesboy !!" That's cool, there are bigger issues. "But they use mew/mewself pronouns irl with no 'normal' pronouns !!" So glad mew found pronouns that suit mew, there's worse things in the world. "They identify as the literal concept of time !!" That's so swagful, indis are dying. "They identify as transmasc and transfem !!" They're probably intersex, plus, there's bigger issues. "But- !" It. Doesn't. Matter. There are individs who are suffering and you'd rather argue about the validity of a stranger's identity and gatekeep labels. Focus your energy on things that actually matter instead of the validity of complex identities.
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thatmothpimp · 17 hours
happy pride month to intersex people and multigender people and everyone else who's sick of dealing with exorsexism from "accepting" genderqueer people. you are appreciated and understood as you are. have a nice day :3
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thatmothpimp · 17 hours
this pride month can we please at least listen to intersex people. for example
people who claimed intersex people didn't want to be included were largely perisex bigots
stop using amab/afab to refer to or infer sex characteristics and life experiences
stop using transfeminine/transmasculine to infer someone's agab (and subsequently their sex characteristics and life experiences)
stop using tma/tme to mean "trans women"/"everyone else"
man and woman aren't opposites, gender isn't binary
male and female aren't opposites, sex isn't binary
"contradictory" labels aren't the death knell of queer people
intersex people aren't "sexually disordered" they are fucking intersex
"intersex" is not a thing you can transition to be
intersex people don't owe conformity
intersex people don't have to tell you shit about their bodies
the "cis kids being given hormones" a lot of people mention in their trans activism include a lot of intersex kids being medically abused
can we all understand this like really really quickly. is any of this very hard to wrap your head around ?
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thatmothpimp · 17 hours
"Are you TMA or TME?"
Good question! I don't fucking know!
I'm intersex and nonbinary with visible tits and facial hair. I am neither transmasc nor transfemme. Baeddels have called me a "vaguely transmasculine butch-ish whatever theyfab" and terfs have called me a "stupid fucking tranny who will never be a woman." Doctors look at my natural body and call everything a symptom. A doctor once lowered his voice and apologized to me like someone had died when prescribing a blood hormone test, because the assumption was that I would be shocked and in mourning over my "condition."
Assumptions get made about what I want to do with my own anatomy. I get mistaken for a trans woman and a trans men by both cis and trans people. People have complemented me on the effects of both testosterone and estrogen based HRT, when I'm not on any form of HRT. Trans people act just as fucking weird about my body as cis people do.
I'm pretty sure I lose no matter what. I'm pretty sure my actual identity doesn't matter to anyone involved in trans discourse as long as they can feel superior to it and me.
TMA and TME are two sides of yet another false binary, and intersex people have repeatedly said this only to get ignored.
Am I TMA or TME?
I don't know, and I think a better question is, "why do you need to know in order to treat me with respect as a trans and intersex person?"
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thatmothpimp · 17 hours
Reminder for this pride month.
Here is a list of sources you SHOULDN'T listen to about intersex issues & bodies
Anyone who uses the term "DSD"
The medical establishment in general
The trans community
Trans forums
Perisex (non-intersex) people in general
Futanari porn
Here is a list of sources you SHOULD listen to about intersex issues & bodies
Intersex advocacy groups
Intersex people
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thatmothpimp · 20 hours
I wish there was more actual intersex allyship in the queer community. I don't think "you're valid!!" counts as Actual Allyship.
I hate talking about the normalized medical violence faced by intersex people and getting a "oh that sucks :(" or "sorry about that" or "this reminds me of trans people and [insert completely different issue]" from perisex allies.
Like what the fuck, do none of you grasp the absolute horror of it? Of literal actual graphic violence against group that is so normalized that nobody bats an eye, even when it's right in front of them? When you Google my variation the first thing that comes up is surgery gore photos of children and babies being "treated" for being intersex. THAT IS APPALLING. Imagine if you couldn't Google "transgender" and the only thing that came up was violent gorey hate crime footage. And what if that was just normal and nobody cared.
That doesn't make you fucking mad? That doesn't make you sick? What the fuck kind of response is "you're valid!!" "So sorry" "*hugs* :<" to that.
Perisex allies, I need you to get pissed off with us.
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thatmothpimp · 2 days
Reminder that micropenis jokes are inherently intersexist, and as an intersex person (this used to say woman but I feel I was simplifying my identity for the benefit of others) with a pseudo-phallus/micropenis it really fucking hurts to hear people use my body as the short hand for "crude", "uncouth", "violent", "lacking", "of poor character", and nearly any unpleasant trait imaginable.
It hurts me, it has never not hurt. Stop.
Also every single cis man with a micropenis is intersex, trans women with micropenises are intersex too, as is anyone born with a micropenis or clitoromegaly or who naturally developed one, and trans people on testosterone with micropenises hear your vitriol. You have always been punching down.
Small dick jokes aren't ok, big dick jokes are just small dick jokes in mirrored text, it's all just body shaming.
(edited 23 May 2023 to be more inclusive of a variety of experiences/bodies, original post was a personal rant that despite being untagged got popular by surprise.)
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thatmothpimp · 2 days
let 👏 bisexual 👏 girls 👏 love 👏 boys
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thatmothpimp · 3 days
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thatmothpimp · 3 days
Hiii!! I just found your stunning art from seeing your pride dragons which are freaking adorable 💛 could you maybe do an Intersex Pride one if you haven't yet? We're part of the acronym that gets forgotten a lot, so it would mean the world to me 💜 Thank you!!
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#118 - 雙性人 (shuāng xìng rén / intersex) - Here to remind everyone there are no binaries in sex or gender! 💛💜
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thatmothpimp · 3 days
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thatmothpimp · 3 days
I'm sorry, but I just don't think jokes about lobotomies are funny. I don't think the deliberate physical destruction of millions of mentally ill and mentally disabled people's brains, often without consent, frequently just to make them easier to manhandle, is a laughing matter. I think it's a humanitarian tragedy
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thatmothpimp · 3 days
Speak English poorly. Speak with an exaggerated accent or with the pronunciations easier for your native language. Add your language to it. Speak with direct or poor translations of your words into English. Don't conform. Sound obnoxious, sound stereotypical. Be free. Fuck the americanization of the world. Prioritize your native language. Prioritize languages other than English. Listen to them. Listen to your own language.
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thatmothpimp · 3 days
so loving men isn't a curse. loving men isn't "unfortunate". loving men isn't a bad thing. yes, we can joke about how awful men can be, but it gets to a a point where this mentality can really hurt. it can really feed into you hating yourself for something you can't control. loving men is something special. loving yourself is just as beautiful.
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thatmothpimp · 3 days
Anyway for those of you not enmeshed with tumblr’s transgender mycelial network, or otherwise on its periphery, basically every damn day of pride month another couple trans bloggers have gotten wiped, regardless of blog content, following, blog age, anything, and it shows no sign of slowing. In general it seems to be hitting transfems more liberally, but transmasc and nonbinary friends of mine have also been wiped for their steadfast solidarity or Just Cause. There’s also been an uptick in posts being almost immediately marked mature by community tags for no discernible reason beyond “Posting While Trans”. This is a time to stick together like goddamn epoxy resin. Vocally defend and support each other. Block and ignore any wretched cunt spreading callouts or stirring up shit. Make sure you have a way to talk to your friends beyond this site. Don’t buy badges, don’t blaze, cold shoulder the fuck out of mod blogs, and give voice to your discontent.
Bite the hand🖤
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thatmothpimp · 3 days
Some facts about being intersex
being intersex is not a privilege
no, it's not a privilege even if an intersex person is also trans and their intersex variation makes them pass more easily
no, it's not a privilege even if an intersex person is also nonbinary
no, it's not a privilege even if an intersex person is also cis
an intersex cis person is not considered to be cis by society
an intersex man is not considered to be a man by society
intersex people are always considered to be "wrong" and "other"-- cis privilege is complicated when it comes to cis intersex people
being intersex in a perisex society is traumatic
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