thatomoruri-blog · 5 years
The internet (Mass Media) is affecting how we communicate in the 21st century.
In today’s day and age media is the quickest and most relevant way to gain information and stay in contact. whether it be social, sports, politics and anything in between and as a species that thrives on technological development, we need to consider how easy access to a plethora of resources through the internet affects the way in which we communicate in person.
In 2019, everyone wants to be different, everyone wants to have something unique to say or add to the conversation. There is nothing wrong with that, but if it means making things up just to have a sense of individuality, then that’s where the issues lies.
We live in the world where FAKE NEWS EXISTS. It doesn’t matter what is said, where it comes from and or who said it, as long as you said it it first then you must be correct and what you said must be true. if a country, furthermore, a planet is infested with false information, pure, true and genuine communication will be something very rare and valuable to come by.
everywhere you go someone has access to the internet, which means they can alter and manipulate data online to trick people for their own personal gain. Some will pretend to be sick/injured, some will pretend to be assaulted/abused just to gain attention and fame or publicity. but these same people forget or overlook the fact that if it was so easy to make up these stories it will make it possible to expose them eventually. Even for those who genuinely have been affected by these issues, they may find it easier to go to the internet and express their sorrow allowed, yet in anonymous ways to avoid any back lash from their offender and insensitive people. We all go through emotions, but society has somehow deemed it immoral to express your emotions in public without any negative feedback. causing most of the population to believe that in this world emotions are sign of weakness. This causes a lot of people, mainly teenagers and young adults lost and helpless. and feeling like they are part of the problem that they themselves are facing
That’s when someone would go seeking advice or help from a person who might be able to sympathies and maybe guide them, but since mass media is easier to access its seen as the go to, and only when that has nothing remotely relevant to help solve the problem then we decide go seek human help . that’s usually when its sometimes too late or the issue is so far gone that they have been changed forever.
Although it maybe contain a lot of false information and content that disrupt a persons mental and emotional values and morals, the internet can really help and develop a lot of people, emotionally, psychologically, socially, ect. it has as many, if not more, benefits as there are issues. The internet has the capabilities of allowing you to purchase a house in Spain while you live in japan. learn languages of countries you’ve never been to. understand cultures you never experienced. you can even start a multi billion rand company in your moms backroom and meet your soul mate the next week. 
the possibilities are endless. both good and bad. it is some what like a two-sided coin. yin and yang so to speak. it isn’t all bad but its not all sun shine and rainbows either.
With that being said, we need to consider how much it has taken away from human interaction and activity to give us a sense of efficiency and productivity.
for instance when you and your partner go out for diner. instead of having deep and meaningful conversations with each other. you and your partner will be face deep in your phones and take pictures of each other and the food just to prove to people, whom where not even invited and couldn’t care less about you and your partner, what you two are eating and how much of a good time you are having. Which is not a problem at all. to each his/her own, but where does the connection come in that interaction. what do you learn about your partner. what do they learn about you. because mass media made it so easy to share our moments with the rest of the world, we now forget to take in our moments for ourselves and enjoy them to their full potential.  sharing with the rest of the world can be bad thing. because people filled with insecurity and jealousy and envy will see/ hear what you said/did on the internet and hate you for it, and some will take it overboard  threaten you  or even hurt you all because you where doing you for everyone else to see. 
some could say you where asking for it. but you are not wrong for wanting to express yourself. and how you do it shouldn’t matter to anyone but you. That is unless of course it harms others, then you must reconsider your methods.
I personally think the world needs to have some sort of  intervention. Day of disconnection if you will, where all forms of mass media are banned and people must actually interact with and learn about each other and grow and eventually develop a strong sense respect and pride for your fellow brother/sister as well as themselves. which is an outrageous thing to want to happen, but in a world where people would rather pull out a phone to record than a hand to help, something outrageous is exactly what we need.
but those are just my thoughts.
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