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John doe my lovely boy❤️❤️❤️
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Me: hey you want a sandwich?
My friend, James: yeah sure
Me: ok, I made it with my grandma
James: thanks! *bites into sandwich*
Me: I made it with my grandma's ashes
James: ...
Me: ...
James: *spits out ashes*
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This is my rough draft of a little story called
The Bright Day
It was a bright moring when the old man woke up, he blinked, and slowly rose up from his bed, his bones popping and creaking like a un-greased door. With His dark blue two piece pajamas with little ships on his back, he was ready to battle the day, he lifted his legs, one by one into this wheelchair that called his name, the day he got it, he named the wheelchair Jimmy.
Right as he got right to pulling himself up too the wheelchair, his caretaker bursted inside his room. "RISE AND SHINE MR.MODI, ITS TIME TO GET UP" yelled steven, a bright young man, Mr.Modi never knew why a boy like him would spend his young life taking care of an old fart like himself. But he was also glad he would stay for a while, the young boy looked about in his early 20s, handsome and youth basically radiated off of him. A charming smile, and baby blues for eyes. Its a wonder why the boy took nursing instead of modeling, over the years, Mr.Modi came to see him as his grandson, Not that Mr.Modi would ever tell him.
"if you cared to open you're eyes, you would see that I was already awake" grumbled Mr.Modi with his deep scruffy voice. "Aww but wheres the fun in that?" pouted Steven, his fluffy curly white hair bouncing as he talked in a animated way, Steven was as hyper as there is as many stars in the sky, its pointless to count
Steven was always a chatter box, so it wasn't a surprise when he chatted although out the routine of theirs, get up at 12, eat at 12:20, and go with the flow of the day. Mr.Modi's saying of the day, go with the winds.
Mr.Modi lived in a secluded area of land far from technology and people, his Neighbors? He doesn't have any in a 100 mile radius.
When Mr.Modi married his wife, Kara, they wanted to live in solitude, they wanted many children. They waited and waited, but they never came. Kara then became sick, when they went to the hospital, she was diagnosed with cancer and by the time they noticed, it was already at stage 3. She died 6 months later.
His wife loved all animals, so he tamed all the animals in his area. Now his house looks part of the snowy woods.
Steven came to him in the 2000s, the PTSD was to much, and he called for a helper, the Vietnam war made him paralyzed from the waist down. His body may still be in the present time, but his mind is still in the battlefield.
"So, Mr.Modi, what shall we do this beautiful evening?" said Steven, his smile brightened up the room, Mr.Modi had to close his eyes for a second before anything, 'too....bright...' thought Mr.Modi.
Moments flew by as he thought, should they stay inside? Or finally adventure into the wilderness called the city?
Right as he thought that, Steven spoke out, as if reading Mr.Modi's mind, "I think its time to see the outside for once, all You've done is stay inside, lets get some fresh air shall we?" Steven then ignored the grumbles of Mr.Modi as he undressed the old man out of his ship pajamas and into black khakis, a white collerd shirt with a silk black bowtie, and brown suspenders, and Oxford black, steel toe shoes to go with it.
Steven had a black hoodie that said 'my ancestors are smiling down upon me Imperials can you say the same?' Mr.Modi looked at the saying in confusion, all Steven had to say was, "you wouldn't get it"
He then wore some loved,worn out Black tennis shoes to match his pants.
when they rolled down to the truck, Steven gently put Mr.Modi in the front seat. And tucked him in with the seatbelt, closed the door and went to put up the wheelchair.
Mr.Modi thought real hard about if he should bring an animal with him, a bird? Or maybe a bear? When Steven came in the car, and turned on the ignition, Mr.Modi asked the question that was on his mind. Steven laughed, "you would want to bring a bear to the city? Nope, we are not doing that, how about the bird? Who would you like to bring today?" Mr.Modi thought for bit, before saying "perhaps fluffybuns?" Steven looked at him, his baby blue eyes said 'really?' and Mr.Modi looked back with puppy eyes.
After a few minutes of a staring contest. Steven sighed a very big 'Oh my god' sigh and stepped out of the truck and into the woods.
Moments later, Steven came out with fluffybuns. A Shoebill, a very dangerous species of bird. Or at least, to other species, Shoebill storks are very docile with humans. Researchers studying these birds have been able to come within 6 feet of a shoebill stork on its nest. The shoebill stork will not threaten humans, but will only stare right back at them.
After Steven gave Mr.Modi Fluffybuns, they set of onto a journey. The journey to the city.
Before they even made it into the city, they could hear the noise a mile away.
" Reminded me why we wanted to go the city?" Mr.Modi's gruff voice could be barely heard over the loud heavy death metal. Steven glance at Mr.Modi, and shot him a grin.
Mr.Modi rolled his eyes and grumbled. Next thing he knew, Steven gently dragged Mr.Modi onto his wheelchair. They first stopped for coffee at Starbucks. Because "Just because we're here on official business does not mean we can't have extra stops" said Steve as he rolled Mr.Modi disabled staircase, or how Steven called them "The slippy Slide of death"
Steven then opened the door and pushed Mr.Modi in, with a frown on Mr.Modi and a shining grin on Steven's face. They made a odd of friends.
when Steven came to the front counter with Mr.Modi, the person who took there order was a plain young girl, it looked like she hadn't slept in ages.
While Steven ordered his drink, Mr.Modi looked at a window to his left, and saw a shady black van pull up, men rushed into the Starbucks, and started to shoot. Steven yelped and tried to shield Mr.Modi.
It had seemed as if time slowed down, Mr.Modi could almost see the bullets pass him.
It was time.
He saw a bullet head straight to Steven,
and with strength he had never thought he had. His heart pounding, legs shaking, pushed up from his wheelchair and pushed Steven out of the way.
Before Steven even knew what happened, Mr.Modi was bleeding out from a bullet shot to the chest. The scream the came out of Stevens mouth was horrible. it was if the sadnesses and anger came alive through his scream.
Steven dragged Mr.Modi behind some seats and placed pressure on the wound. His hand was shaking with shock of what just happended. Tears started to cloud his eyes as he saw his grandfather figure dying right infront of him. And there nothing he could do.
"don't leave me" Steven whispered, his hand covered of the blood of Mr.Modi, Steven's crying became louder and louder the more Mr.Modi looked close to dying.
"my..boy...." Mr.Modi whispered "save your strength Mr.Modi, please, your going to be ok" Steven whispered back. By now the territories have left the scene and police are on there way. "I'm.....not...gonna..make...it" whispered Mr.Modi as he shakily raised his hand and placed it on Steve's cheek. Whimpers and muffled crys escaped Steves mouth, his right hand raised up to cluch Mr.Modi's hand and his left hand covering his mouth. "its...My..time..to..go...you were always....like a grandson...to..me" said Mr.Modi weakly, he could feel his minutes were numbered. He could feel the darkness creaping in.
"Steven...Can you sing me a lullaby?" whispered Mr.Modi, Steven laughed, his tears came like a waterfall "of course, anything for you.."
" You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me and love another,
You'll regret it all some day:
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between.
But not you've left me and love another;
You have shattered all of my dreams:
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
5:24PM is the time Mr.Modi passed away, and he left Steven with his will, he left Steven with his money,house, and everything he had once owned.
Steven went to college again and got a Doctorate degree in nursing. At the age of 30, he had adopted 5 kids, And told them about Mr.Modi, about the storys Mr.Modi told him, and the journeys they had.
At the age of 80, he died in peace, surrounded by his loved ones, while Mr.Modi did not, while Steven had a peaceful death, Mr.Modi did not.
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A masterpiece
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