thatonechaoticbeing · 11 days
Happy Pride!
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thatonechaoticbeing · 11 days
Mongolians are cool because they’ve merged their traditional and modern ways of life so rather than having poverty due to losing all their important skills they just live in their yurts with their cows and 827474874mbs internet
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thatonechaoticbeing · 11 days
do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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thatonechaoticbeing · 21 days
petition to see beast sun?
i planned to keep it Patreon exclusive content til i write Sun's beast in the fic. i get that, it's not gonna be nowadays..
so let's make a deal followers
if this post get's 500+ reactions (no spamming), I make that design full public and post everywhere. How many people it will reach, it's up to you guys :D
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thatonechaoticbeing · 1 month
Reading amazing fanfiction, then forgetting to bookmark it
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thatonechaoticbeing · 2 months
And they did it so well.
One thing I am living for in these Monsterverse movies is their complete shamelessness about making Mothzilla canon. Like, so many movies these days want to de-emphasize romance like it's too embarrassing to escape containment from the genre of romance/chick flicks and Legendary went and said, "Here's a giant bug and a giant lizard. They're married. No, we're not kidding. They're not 'just really good friends'. They're in love, bitch."
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thatonechaoticbeing · 2 months
We love Malewife Godzilla in this house.
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thatonechaoticbeing · 2 months
i just watched scott's session 7 and noticed a pattern: every single person forgot about grian.
grian hasn't been caught yet, cleo and scott establish. barely a minute later, scott is leading cleo and bigb by the hands to his secret spot and saying "i think we're the last three." like the name has slipped right out of his hands.
as etho tells the other zombies that no, actually, he doesn't want to kill cleo, it occurs to him suddenly. "actually, i kind of want grian to succeed on this, don't i? he's my teammate," he says, not like he doesn't care for grian, but like he's shocked he even forgot in the first place. (seconds later, he lifts his gaze to the sky, and he sees where grian is hiding. he's the only one who sees. he carries this secret with him as he watches grian run, an apology of sorts; sorry I forgot. I hope this makes it better.)
but it got me thinking: this is what grian does, isn't it? even since 3rd life, where he hid in the shadow of scar, whose face was always, always in the light, as he burrowed under doorways, covered in redstone and days-old blood. no one thinks of him as scar sells them the coffins grian will put them in.
grian has mastered the art of becoming nothing. he's so nothing, in fact, that his presence glances off the skin of even his friends. his name slips away from them. he disappears time and time again, falling through their fingers like sand. there are brief moments: "where's grian?" someone asks, but their blood is boiling and their fingers are itching. the image is a mirage and the sand crumbles at their fingertips. it's gone as soon as it comes; back to cleo, green cleo, uninfected cleo.
a reminder, perhaps from the universe itself. he is nothing but a ghost of a memory, a whisper of a promise. this is by design. the universe is telling him this, as it strings grian up limb by limb: you were only ever meant to watch.
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thatonechaoticbeing · 2 months
There's no WAY they're just gonna try and make the whole internet babysit kids rather than actually TARGET THE PEOPLE HARMING THEM or holding parents accountable??
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If this bill passes I may not be able to post here or on Youtube anymore
I may not be able to talk to my friends on Discord
I'll lose some of the most important people in my life
I'll lose some of the things that make me the happiest
They're going to censor anything the extremist people government don't like- queer content, bipoc content, content related to sexual health, content about racism and discrimination, ANYTHING.
This bill absolutely CANNOT pass, I'm literally begging that this doesn't pass
everybody go to the KOSA Masterpost and FIND A WAY TO HELP. Call your Senators/House reps, email them, reblog posts, spread the word, ANYTHING.
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thatonechaoticbeing · 8 months
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thatonechaoticbeing · 9 months
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a more serious comic, about depression
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thatonechaoticbeing · 10 months
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thatonechaoticbeing · 10 months
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Words from two kinds of sifu
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thatonechaoticbeing · 10 months
LMK Incorrect quotes#34 Boobs
Wukong: Oh no Mk is hungry-Crap where did Y/n leave her milk bottle? *Trying to calm him down*
BabyMk*Is crying as he fusses and punches Wukong's chest, Looks in the direction he hears someone enter*??
Azure*Walked in hearing Mk’s cries*??
BabyMk*Squeals happily towards his arrival, he is looking at Azure chest*“ Booobs~” ah haw nom nom nom!
Wukong*Eyes widen and red face*WHA-!!?!
Azure*Covering his chest with a blushing face*!?!
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thatonechaoticbeing · 10 months
Hamilton in 7 Minutes : MONKIE KID STYLE!
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thatonechaoticbeing · 10 months
BIG PSA: if you're an artist, I wouldn't recommend using @inprnt . If you already have, archive all your work until this is resolved. They aren't giving satisfactory responses (if any) or being clear why many of us aren’t receiving payments until MONTHS after their ETA for balance withdrawals, and only respond after numerous emails, if they ever do.
If you sell a print on @inprnt as of summer 2023, you'll have to wait 30 days until the money appears in your site balance, and then potentially up to 4 MONTHS for your withdrawal request to appear in your paypal account. As a reminder, the site's service terms still say withdrawal requests "should take" 3-10 business days.
If you're a supporter of artists, I'd recommend not buying prints from @inprnt. They need to explain what is going on
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this all being said, I am no longer offering prints on @inprnt until they come clean or this issue is taken care of.
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thatonechaoticbeing · 11 months
Macaque stop being gay for 5 minutes she is going to kill you.
“Hey Mac could you come save us please—”
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