thatonecrazygamergirl · 10 months
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we’ll be lazy bums together
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thatonecrazygamergirl · 11 months
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♔ Keyblade ♔
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I like kh3, I thought it did a really good job at wrapping up loose ends for certain characters and had really solid gameplay.
But nothing will ever make me more angry in these games then Yen Sid getting on Sora's case about not having the power of waking, not being strong enough, just generally belittling this teenager while doing practically nothing to help until the very end of the game. No wonder Kairi died, her "training" was just Yen Sid dumping her and Lea in a magic forest under the watch of Merlin who HAS ZERO EXPERIENCE WITH A KEYBLADE. The only thing he could have been helpful with is magic. I do not care if Yen Sid is retired, when the worlds are in danger that should obviously take priority. All the guardians are lucky that Sora is just a genuine and kind person, because most people would not have the patience to put up with how Yen Sid treated him.
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Unexpected meeting 🌃
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Tbh I’m starting to think the only reason I ship Sorikai is because I just want good things for Kairi
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Smol floof, big awoooo
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I am once again reminding everyone that blaming ea or simgurus for cc or mods breaking is fucking stupid. Game developers are not going to make the game around people's mods. That's insane
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If you have updated your game and your UI is messed up and looks white and glitchy, you’ll need to update your UI extension mod. Took me awhile to figure this out so I’d figure maybe I could save someone else some time.
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Sims 4 Townie Makeover- Goths
I’m jumping on the bandwagon! I revamped everyone and gave them appropriate summer/winter clothes. My goal is to make over all the game’s townies and reno their houses. Let me know what you think!
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So for Bella I wanted to keep her classic red dress but for her other clothes you can see more old-money Morticia Addams vibes. I also gave her a darker skin tone to make her look a little more like her Sims 2/Sims 1 self. I also gave her a gold locket which totally has pics of her kids inside. I completely changed her makeup because I can’t stand that bright colored blush. 
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I forgot to take before pictures for Morty! I changed his hair color and hair to give him a more salt and pepper look. I also gave him a snazzy suit to look wealthier.
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For Cassie, I wanted to go with more Wednesday Addams vibes with black/dark grey clothing. I adore her braided pigtails. I also gave her a locket like her mom and gave her some outfits that sort of mimic her mom with thick black eyeliner and black nail polish to give her that edgy teen look. I also gave her a darker skin tone.
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Alex is the one Sim I didn’t really change much. I gave him longer hair and a darker skin tone and rounder glasses because he kinda looks like Harry Potter and I think that is hilarious.
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Life in their new home suited the Dreyfus family well. With the space from the hustle and bustle of their careers, Leo and Valerie were able to spend more quality time with their girls as a family.
The girls especially loved their Dad and his playful, fun-loving spirit. Leo had finally decided to throw himself into fatherhood and be the father he himself wished he had.
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It wasn't long until the twins were getting bigger, and becoming little women of their own - though still identical in every way.
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