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for my Ethan’s stan.. you’re welcome
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Doing the tik tok trend on Ethan and Grayson
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if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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babyy 🥺
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My lane 😍😍
never a dull moment
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Imagine Grayson texting this to you 😍
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I’m on my period and I need period sex with Gray. Like you mention you’re horny and he brings it up, at first you deny it saying he shouldn’t have to deal with that but he convinces you to try it.
you’d always been against period sex, thinking it was too much or just too gross for your partner to deal with but god you were just so horny right now and you needed something to deal with this itch you had. so when you brought it up to grayson, he immediately thought of it but he sensed your uneasiness.
“wouldn’t hurt to try? it’ll feel good i promise” & after a few more words of convincing he’s ushering you into the shower, giving you a good fuck against the wall with your legs wrapped around his waist & after that your stance has changed completely & grayson can’t help but to smirk afterwards saying, “told you so”
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What it’s like to text Ethan Dolan
Turtle Man: Hey, you around to film this week?
Me: Yeah, I'm down. What did you have in mind?
Turtle Man: Grayson wants to a video where we compete to dress you and whosoever styles you the best wins.
Me: Sounds like a good video, you two always argue about who dresses better.
Me: One rule, no lingerie.
Turtle Man: Obviously, it's for a YouTube video
Turtle Man: But if you wanted to model Lingerie for Gray later I'm sure he wouldn't mind ;)
Me: You really need to stop saying weird things...
Turtle Man: Come over Friday at 2 pm.
Me: Avoiding the weirdness, I see.
Me: Okay I'll be there at 2 also didn't need to add the PM
Me: Why would we film at 2 am?
Turtle Man: I see you're not afraid to triple text. Brave.
Me: Don't roast me for triple texting. It's just you.
Turtle Man: What is that supposed to mean?
Me: Aw, you're offended XD
Turtle Man: You're mean. I'm going to tell Grayson on you.
Me: What's he gonna do spank me?
Turtle Man: Nah, you might like that too much
Me: I wouldn't talk too much piss boy
Turtle Man: I just got flamed.
Me: I think I'm going to change your name in my phone from Turtle Man to Piss boy.
Turtle Man: Please don't.
Me: Too late
Piss boy: I hate you.
Me: Love you too E!
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My very first Tuesday selfie. I feel like tumbler is nicer than twitter so here we go.
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Why is he so cute?
my lil sunflower ☺️🌻
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One weird dream later- Grayson Dolan imagine
I have tried not to think of either twin in a sexual way. I'd tried to see them as friends because let's be real, they'd never go for me.  I was pretty good at it until I had a dream; a stupid dream about Grayson.
We were in his room, he was hovering over me. I could feel his breath on my neck. His body pressed against mine, his hips working against mine. Lips press against mine as we climax together.
I shouldn't have had that dream. He's three years younger than me. I shouldn't have had a sex dream about Grayson. I felt so awkward around the younger twin ever since I had the dream because whenever he touched me I'd get so flustered. I could feel the heat rising on my checks when he hugged me when he kissed my check which wasn't uncommon. I'd been trying to keep my distance trying to avoid exposing myself and the dream I had. I couldn't help myself, it's like my brain did what it wanted. My brain wanted to think about what it'd feel like to kiss Grayson, how his body would feel pressed up against mine, admire his body as he built in the backyard. I felt like a pervert. So I tried to limit contact, physical especially with Gray without hurting his feelings. Though Grayson caught on quickly; he could sense the change in my demeanor. Talking with Ethan more and actually allowing him to touch me. I had done my best to avoid him and the questions he may have; I'd done a good job until he cornered me one night when I thought he was already asleep. I was staying at the Dolan household because we were going to film early the next morning. I had gotten up for a glass of water and Grayson was already sat at the table. I tried to hard to silently back out of the kitchen but he caught me.
“Alright, why are you avoiding me?” Grayson's voice says, annoyance evident in his voice.
“I don't-” I start but he cuts me off.
“And don't say you don't know what I'm talking about. You have been avoiding me, spending more time with Ethan and suddenly you don't want me to touch you?”
“Gray.” I start walking over to where he's sat. I sit on the other side of the table. He looks at me, sadness in his hazel eyes. I put my hands on top of his.
“You didn't do anything wrong...it's me.”
He breathes out, relief fills his facial features.
“Because if me touching you was making you uncomfortable, I could tell me and I would stop.” Grayson says, trying to find out what is wrong with me.
“It's not that Gray. You could never make me uncomfortable.” I assure squeezing his hands.
“Then what's wrong?” He asks, concern in his voice.
I try to retract my hands but he doesn't let me. His grip tightens on my hands, making me look in his eyes before he says “Talk to me...please.” his voice filled with emotion. “I want to understand.”
That's the thing about Grayson, he genuinely cares about people. He always wants to understand when one of his friends or family isn't okay, he makes a big effort to understand what and how they are feeling. A quality I greatly admire in him but am extremely annoyed with at the moment. I have to confess the dream I had. He'd know if I was lying. I really don't want to admit this. Sitting here his hands' gripping mine tightly makes me think of how he'd grip my waist, holding me close. God, this needs to stop. He stays silent, letting me take my time in talking. And boy did  I take advantage of his silence.
“Y/N?” Grayson says, voice small.  
My eyes find his as he looks at me with expectancy in his eyes.
“I uh...I had a...weird dream about you.”  I admit before fixing my eyes on our hands still intertwined.
“What do you mean by weird?” He asks leaning forward.
“I um...I...I” I stutter, unsure how to say this.
“Y/N, it's just me. Calm down, sweetheart.” He says running his thumb over the top of my hand.
My heart swells at the nickname. I let out a breath before whispering “A sex dream.”
“Oh,” he says not withdrawing his hand.
Silence falls over the room. He's processing what I've just admitted. I can practically see the wheels turning in his head.
“Is that why you didn't want me to touch you?” He asks, voice soft.
I nod.
“But that doesn't explain why you were avoiding me for so long. I mean, I get it you felt weird but why so long?”
I stay silent once again, not wanting to admit more embarrassing things to Grayson.
“Y/N...we can't work this out if you won't talk to me.” Grayson says, annoyance in his voice.
“It's embarrassing okay Gray?” I snap pulling my hands away from his.
“You liked it?” He asks, surprise filling his tone.
“No!” I protest “At least not a first...I was freaked out. I never thought of you or E in that way and it just...it opened my mind to it. I...I don't know. It's like I can't stop thinking of you...like that. I don't want to. You're one of my best friends and this...sudden attraction is just-” I frown not knowing how to finish the sentence.
“So what you're telling me...is that you're attracted to me now so you've been avoiding me?” Grayson asks, confusion still in his voice.
Grayson leans back in his chair with a loud sigh. He runs his hands through his hair as he takes in the information. I thought he'd need time to process this as much as I did. He suddenly looks up at me. His stare is intense as he leans over the table. His face inches from mine as he utters “On a scale of one to ten how bad would it be if I kissed you.”
“Ten.” I answer looking into his eyes.
“How bad do you want me to?”
As soon as that leaves my mouth, he's leaning down. Lips lightly brush mine before I grab the collar of his douche bag shirt pulling him into me more. He's the first to pull away, resting his forehead against mine.
“I like you too.” Grayson whispers.
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Grayson is that you?
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i??????? sksjsbzvsvshdhsbdb
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It didn’t hurt when you chose them- Dolan twins imagine
IA/N: This is a gender-fluid imagine
I knew Y/N wasn't okay. They wouldn't admit it but, They got dumped recently...so did I. So I knew heartbreak because I was going through the same thing. They didn't want to talk about it. They were there for me but wouldn't allow me to be there for them. The thing about Y/N is that they're literally only a phone call away; no matter the time, same country or not if I called they'd answer. The thing is...their not only like that for me, they're like that for Gray as well. They've always been there for us despite only knowing each other for three months. They're there whenever we need them, which had been a lot in the past couple of weeks. I'm dealing with the whole “I want a break” thing; Gray and I both miss Dad. I really appreciate them being there for Grayson like they are.  They also have a tendency to take on the thing for themselves; always trying to get through it alone. They're not used to having family or even friends that care when They're not okay. A thing I don't understand because they are one of the kindest people I'd ever met.
I lean against the sliding glass door that leads outside to our pool. Y/N was sitting with their feet in the water, their back facing the door. Thier Y/C/H blowing in the slight wind, their shoulders jerking slightly; they're crying, I think as I slowly walk over to them. They're  talking to someone, I notice the phone pressed against their ear.
“Fuck you. Fuck you for leaving. Fuck you for all the times you made me cry. Fuck you for giving up on me. Fuck you for making me feel special. Fuck you for saying things you didn't mean. Fuck you for lying to me. Fuck you for cheating.  But most of all, Fuck you  for leaving me when I needed you the most.” Y/N says, tears running down their face as they hang up.  
I sit beside them silently, they turn to me tears streaming down their face. They wipe their tears away using their DT hoodie. They offer the most ingenuity smile I'd ever seen from them.
“Talk to me.” I pleaded.
“I'm okay.” They say sniffing slightly.
“No, you're not.” I protest.
They turn to face me, sadness in their eyes.
“I'm not but I am.” They say, a small smile on their lips.
“I don't know what to say to that...”
“I'm not okay at this very moment but, heartbreak is temporary. I'll be okay. I just need to get over my ex.” They say still looking me in the eyes.
I admire their strength. They've been through a lot; just from what they've told me.
“So you're saying, you're not okay but you are because you know this is only temporary?” I ask still slightly confused as to what they meant.
They nod lightly “I'm okay because I know deep down, it's their loss.”
They have a point. If someone doesn't want to be with you, it is their loss. I smile at them. Why have I never noticed the way their eyes shine? How much I love their smile. How much better I feel from seeing them smile. They're so beautiful. They smile at me this time a real smile, my heart flutters. They place a kiss on my cheek before uttering “You'll be okay Ethan. There's never a shortage of people who think you're beautiful.”
“Is there a shortage of people that think that you're beautiful?” I ask face still a little flush.
“There always is.” They say their eyes trained on the water in front of them.
“Surely that isn't true. I think you're beautiful so does Gray.”
I can see their face flush at the compliment. I press a kiss on their cheek repeating the phrase “There's never a shortage of people who think you're beautiful. Because you are.”
From that night I've been so close to Y/N. They've really helped with my heartbreak. I'd never felt so comfortable around someone before. They seem to be doing better as well. Pressing kisses to their skin became a regular thing. The amount to times I wished it was their lips was insane.
But then, my partner wanted the break to be over. I didn't know what to do. I'd grown so attached to Y/N. I couldn't imagine a day without them. I'd gotten quite used to having them sleep beside me, kissing their skin, feeling them close to me. It was a hard choice but, I'd made up my mind.
I found Y/N sitting with their feet in the pool, their back turn towards me. I can see the hurt in their posture. I frown walking to sit beside them.
“Y/N?” I whisper.
“It doesn't hurt that you chose them over me. They're more beautiful than me, smarter than me, not as broken. Their smile is brighter than mine, eyes prettier, and their laugh is like the melody of the most beautiful song you'd ever hear. They're your favorite book, I'm just a page in it.  They were the obvious choice.  I'm happy for you two, honestly.” a single tear rolls down their face as they continue. “Sometimes I see you holding them and it looks as if you're scared to let go. I see them smile up at you, and I can tell you're lost in their eyes.  I'm glad you found love. I really am.  It doesn't hurt that you chose them, do you know what does? The fact that I almost had you. You almost loved me. You held me like that and I looked up at you the same way they do.  But something happened and suddenly you're all I can think about and I'm just a fading memory.”
“You're not a fading memory...I do love you.”
“Just not as much as you love them...” They add still not looking at me, tears pouring down their face.
“Y/N.” I plead
“Just got away Ethan, I think you've hurt them enough.” Grayson's voice suddenly says.
We both turn to face Grayson who was stood there, arms crossed.
“Don't get in the middle of this Gray.” I warn.
“I can't stand on the sidelines. They're my friend too and you hurt them.” Grayson says hurt on his features. “Just give them some space.”
I nod standing walking back into the house. I stand by the door watching Grayson take my place. Sitting beside them, throwing an arm around them. They lean into his touch, crying heavily. I really messed up. I really hurt them...I didn't mean to. They are the most caring person I've ever known. I frown as my partner comes over, wrapping arms around my middle, pressing a kiss on the shoulder blade. Their touch isn't the same.
I didn't seem Y/N that much anymore. I only saw them when they had plans with Grayson. I missed them. I missed their touch. I missed their laugh. It wasn't the same not having them around. My partner and I haven't been the same since the break. Their touch just wasn't the same as before, It didn't make me feel comfortable like Y/N did. I didn't want to constantly touch my partner like I did Y/N. I didn't miss my partner like I did Y/N. I've made a horrible mistake. I knew Y/N was here with Grayson in his room. I needed to talk to them.
I walked into Grayson's room not thinking about why the door would be closed if he's in there with Y/N. The sight that greeted me would break my heart. Y/N was on top of Grayson. Their legs on either side of his hips. Their hands-on his shoulders, his hands on their hips. Lips locked, hips slightly grinding together. I froze, not knowing what to do. The pair break apart and Grayson begins peppering kisses on their neck. He stops seeing me. Y/N was too engrossed on Grayson to notice me until he says “Uh...E?”
Y/N quickly moved off of Grayson, face flushed. I turn quickly slamming Gray's door shut on my way out. I sat in the same spot Y/N did when they weren’t okay. Minutes later, I hear the door open and close. I know it's them by the way they're walking towards me. Y/N sits beside me. Not a word was spoken between us.
“How could you.” I ask tears welling in my eyes.
“What do you mean how could I? You didn't want me, Ethan. You chose them over me. Was I supposed to pine after you forever?” They ask hurt in their voice.
“No...I just didn't expect you to move on to my brother.” I spat.
“He makes me feel wanted. Appreciated. Things you never made me feel. He loves me not because I'm there for him or what I can do for him. He loves me for who I am...you never loved me.”
“I do love you!” I shout turning to face them.
“You don't love me not like Gray does.” They say with a frown “And I don't love you like I love him. I really love him E.”
“You really loved me.”
“I still, love you...just not the same way. We wouldn't work.” They say voice soft.
“We could have!” I shout.
“E...you love your partner. I know you do, they are amazing for you. Perfect for you. I'm not that.”
“I don't think I love them anymore.” I admit eyes trained on the pool. “I love you.”
“Ethan.” They say making me look at them “There's a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. I loved you but I wasn't in love with you.”
“What's the difference?”
“Being in love with someone is...more intense. Yeah, sometimes things that get boring, and stale but at the end of the day, you can't imagine your life without that person laying beside you at night...I can't imagine not having Grayson in my arms every night.” They say a small smile on their face.
I let their words sink in. A comfortable silence fills the space before I whisper “I don't know how I feel.”
“And that's okay. But I think you should talk to your partner.” They stand and start walking back to Grayson. They stop at the door before turning around. “For the record, I do still love you Eth. You're my best friend.” They shout.
It took a while and quite a bit of talking between my partner and I but I figured out my feelings. I no longer was in love with my partner but I wasn't in love with Y/N either. I saw how Grayson and them we with each other. I couldn't break them up. I'm happy for them both.
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glitter ✨
(requested by the lovely @hmmmethan! hope you like it! <3)
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