thatonegirlkat · 1 year
Do I dare click Next, tho? 🧐
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
My dumbass is so bad at seeing and understanding social cues when they happen tho. Lol
Coworker said happy valentines day to me on behalf of another coworker and my brain didn't understand why so I was like "uh thanks I guess" after a minute of silence. Now that other coworker requested to be my friend on fb and now I'm even more confused
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
Me trying to find the walkthrough for the new Kali Call of Darkness content cuz I don't trust my dumb self to make the right choices 🫠
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
Researching for WIPs : A Collection
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Patreon || Ko-Fi || Masterlist || Work In Progress
Historical Fiction
Resources For Writing (Global) Period Pieces : High Middle Ages & Renaissance
Resources For Writing (Global) Period Pieces : 1600s
Resources For Writing (Global) Period Pieces : 1700s
Resources For Writing (Global) Period Pieces : 1800s
Resources For Writing (Global) Period Pieces : 1900-1939
Resources For Writing (Global) Period Pieces : 1940-1969
Resources For Writing (Global) Period Pieces : 1970-1999
Resources For Writing Royalty
Resources For Crime/Mystery/Thriller Writers
Resources For Writing Dystopian/Post-Apocalyptic Stories
Resources For Writing Sketchy Topics
Resources For Writing The Mafia
Resources For Writing Injuries
By Genre
Resources For Fantasy/Mythology Writers
Resources For Writing Science Fiction
Resources For Romance Writers
Resources For Plot Development
Resources For Describing Physical Things
Resources For Describing Characters
Resources For Creating Characters
Resources For Worldbuilding
Resources For Describing Emotion
Masterlist | WIP Blog
If you enjoy my blog and wish for it to continue being updated frequently and for me to continue putting my energy toward answering your questions, please consider Buying Me A Coffee, or pledging your support on Patreon, where I offer early access and exclusive benefits for only $5/month.
Shoutout to my $15+ patron, Douglas S.!
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
Commissions are open, info at the bottom of the post.
So my grandma passed on Tuesday. She lived with my parents and I, and she was the sweetest soul imaginable. We’ve taken it pretty hard, especially my dad.
I hate to come on the internet and beg from help from strangers but we don’t have enough money for her funeral. We came up with the 600 for her gravesite but we cannot get the rest of the 2500 as she did not work and her life insurance policy wasn’t the best.
Her name was Hazel Dawn, which I always thought was a beautiful name. I love her more than words can say, she helped raise me, and I just want to be able to put her to rest how she deserved.
TL;DR I’m opening my ko-fi up for emergency commissions. They will be done over Jan/Feb/March. 500 words for $10, 1000 words for $20, and 2500 for $30.
The releases scheduled for January are still on track and on time.
My ko-fi is here. I appreciate all your support, even if you only share this.
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
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Hey guys, posting this here in case anyone would be interested in helping out. Due to the recent storms in the philippines, parts of our house has been rotting away bc of leaks. Our house is 30 years old and mostly made of wood, n we've been slowly repairing it; but bc of the rising prices of everything.. it's been hard to keep up. Im sharing my tipping jar in Case anyone would like to send any of their disposable income. I know everyone else is having a very difficult time so I understand if I won't get much. If anyone at all has anything to spare I'd be eternally appreciative. I work three jobs, all of them are related to art, but one of them is very labor intensive and rely on a lot of crunch time.. I'd prefer to work for money but bc all three of my family members are disabled and I'm the only one who is physically and mentally able to work.. I'm not earning enough for my parents medical bills and my sister's tuition fees and meals plus now.. the repairs. So.. again, if anyone can spare anything, id be super grateful. No pressure at all if you see this and want to help but can't, I appreciate you. Thank you very much for reading.
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
How to Use Character Flaws to Enrich Your Writing
Readers identify with characters who are relatable and peppered with imperfections. When a writer crafts believable character flaws, they open the door to interesting conflict, engaging personalities, and ample character development.
What Is a Character Flaw?
A character flaw is a trait that prevents a character from being perfect.
Sometimes this fatal flaw leads to a character’s demise or at least undercuts their character strengths and presents a prominent setback they must overcome.
Any character can have flaws, including a protagonist, antagonist, love interest, confidant, deuteragonist, tertiary character, or foil.
Why Give Your Characters Flaws?
A character’s flaws serve many functions, particularly ensuring that the character is relatable and engaged in inner conflict. Carefully crafted flaws can do the following:
Make the character relatable to an audience of readers or viewers
Present an obstacle that must be overcome during the course of the story
Create character weaknesses that another character in the story can exploit
Create an obstacle that prevents a character from immediately solving a conflict
Set off a character arc that allows a character to grow and change
Provide quirks that distinguish characters from one another and make them memorable to audiences
Emphasize broader themes that are amplified via specific character flaws
Create comedy—from Homer Simpson to Michael Scott, the best comedic characters are hopelessly flawed
What Is an Example of a Character Flaw?
In the Thomas Harris novel The Silence of the Lambs (and its subsequent film adaptation by director Jonathan Demme), Hannibal Lecter has what could charitably be called a personality disorder: He is a cannibal and a sadomasochist.
Lecter’s character flaws, however, are somewhat offset by his brilliant mind, which he uses to help the main character, Clarice Starling, apprehend a serial killer tormenting Appalachia.
Lecter is an example of how in fiction, even characters with the most severe personality flaws can embody a degree of three-dimensionality.
12 Character Flaws to Use in Your Writing
The array of possible character flaws is boundless. Here are 12 time-tested character traits that inherently generate conflict:
Perfectionism: A finicky perfectionist is never satisfied. They can rarely accept that a project has been completed, and they rarely accept the finished work of others. Perfectionism is a great flaw for a detective, a doctor, or an office worker.
A know-it-all attitude: An arrogant, self-righteous know-it-all has great potential to fall flat on their face, whether comically or dramatically. High school stories often feature a know-it-all foil to the main character. These archetypes work particularly well in comedy, especially when the know-it-all suffers from a broader lack of intelligence.
An inability to move on from the past: Many police procedurals and superhero stories feature heroes haunted by their past, such as murdered parents or the victim they could not save. This major flaw presents obstacles as they work to solve crimes—but when the obstacles are overcome, the story’s happy ending feels earned.
Laziness: Laziness is a flaw that leads to obvious conflict, some of which can be quite funny. Lazy sloth detectives and doctors can be either hilarious or the source of grave conflict, depending on the tone of your storytelling. A lazy character in a position of authority can generate a lot of tension for your plot.
Physical vulnerability: Some characters suffer from a physical weakness that can escalate into a fatal flaw. Superman’s tendency to wilt in the presence of kryptonite hamstrings him, while the great warrior Achilles was undone by his fabled heel.
Low self esteem: People who fundamentally dislike themselves make for fascinating characters. Jesse Pinkman’s self-loathing leads him down all sorts of dangerous paths in Breaking Bad. On the other end of the spectrum, the young adult author Judy Bloom has crafted gorgeous character arcs from youthful characters, like Linda Fischer in Blubber, who begin their journeys with low self esteem.
Vanity: Vanity is the undoing of many real world characters, and so it also works beautifully in fiction. Politicians, artists, models, and athletes in stories are routinely undone by vanity as they gradually develop a bad reputation. Ordinary people can be wrecked by vanity as well, so it’s a common character flaw in many forms of fiction.
Lust for power: Unbridled thirst for power has undone many a character, from Mr. Kurtz in Heart of Darkness to Frank Underwood in House of Cards. Power is intoxicating, and characters who seek it are both relatable and easy sources of conflict.
Lack of maturity: Many character arcs begin with a person in a hopeless state of immaturity who then grows over the course of the story. Immaturity can also manifest as rudeness, like when a bigmouth makes tactless remarks.
Fear: Common in action dramas and comedies alike, fear—be it cowardice in the face of duty, a specific phobia of spiders, or an irrational fear—is a great character flaw that naturally drives a story.
Hedonism: Some characters cannot resist temptation, whether that involves an illicit drug, food, or a fetish. Sometimes this excessive desire is due to addiction—it’s no secret that many famous protagonists are alcoholics—and sometimes it’s due to a general lack of self-restraint and willpower. For a character like Fyodor Karamazov in The Brothers Karamazov, hedonism and lechery make him both tragically amusing and subtly sinister.
A gruff exterior: Some characters seem initially impenetrable because they are taciturn, standoffish, or even hostile and lewd. Typically these characters house a vulnerable interior beneath their coarse shell. Bringing out that vulnerability and lack of self-worth can be a strong driver of story.
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
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wearing lace vintage clothes, reading spooky novels, staying alone in a big house with a large library, drinking lots of coffee, painting under the moonlight, being charming to your neighbors and listening to Chopin
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
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Kim Kassas | Into the Woods
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
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Blood and Ash is a darker romance IF that will hopefully have you falling in love.
Setting: Tyreia
Genre(s): Romance, Action/Adventure, and Drama.
Warning(s): This story is rated 18+ for depictions of violence, blood, darker themes, explicit content, alcohol consumption, profanity, mentions of past torture, mentions of past child abuse, and death.
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The Nation of Tyreia was founded by Seven Families. Each one giving its own unique resource to help the fledgling country become the powerhouse it was always meant to be.
It was a structure that saw harmony and centuries of peace within Tyreia’s borders; until the Great War erupted and the Founding Families divided. The very seams of Tyreia slowly falling with it as they grew further and further apart.
You were the heir of one of the Founding Families— The House of the Pegasus— but without your age old allies it was slowly falling into disrepair. Will your prospective betrothal bring back the times of peace?
Especially when the other Founders arrive to accept your hand? Will you be able to protect not only your House but Tyreia as well while war slowly approaches on the horizon?
Will you find love along the way?
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Play as the Heir of House Pegasus. Will you be able to protect your family and all the innocent people that depend on you? Or will everything crumble?
Customizable MC: name, nickname, gender, appearance, sexuality, and a smattering of other things.
Customizable Pegasus: name and coat color.
Romance 1 of 6 of your potential suitors (choosing one will lock you into their path). Will you choose the Lord of the North? Also known as the Wolf King? Or the Emerald Demon that is the Lady of House Basilisk?
Will you discover the people hidden underneath the masks that the harsh world has forced onto them?
Will you be able to stop the incoming war that threatens to tear Tyreia apart completely?
Are you prepared to become a leader?
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Lord Adryael of House Vyleyth
~House of the Wolf~
Having been thrown to the wolves when he was just a youngling, Adryael returned to his home years later leading the pack. With a brusque attitude, and rather imposing demeanor, he isn’t an easy man to get close to; unless you happen to be one of his wolves. Will you be able to get closer to him? To showcase that not every human that is supposed to care about him means him harm?
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Lord Orion of House Hyrael
~House of the Phoenix~
With a generous heart, and compassionate attitude to everyone he comes across, Orion is one of the few Founders that you’ve actually seen before. While the rest usually keep within their own domains, Orion usually tries to keep tabs on his neighboring dominions. Even if his temper does get him in trouble more often than not, you can’t help but feel like you get lost within the shimmering gold of his eyes.
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Lord Talyn of House Gryeia
~House of the Griffin~
Lord Talyn is rarely ever seen outside of his home within the Breor Mountains. Renowned for being one of the best archers within all of Tyreia, Talyn is known to shoot first and ask questions later. He doesn’t like people intruding on his solitude, but his soft spoken demeanor usually belies the power he’s able to wield. Will you be able to get through to the reclusive lord?
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Lady Esmeralda of House Oisea
~House of the Basilisk~
It is said that if you get close enough to Lady Esmeralda to see the shimmering emerald of her gaze then it’s already too late. Known commonly as the Emerald Demon, Esmeralda is known to show no mercy to her enemies and leaves fields bathed in blood. With an aloof demeanor, Esmeralda is a hard woman to read. Will you ever be able to be part of the few that can?
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Lady Vylara of House Vihurel
~House of the Dragon~
Hailed as the Greatest Warrior within all of Tyreia, Lady Vylara is rarely ever seen outside of her dominion to the east. Though rumors say she hasn’t picked up a blade, or any other weapon, since the Great War. Will you get the gentle hearted woman to stop seeing herself as a monster? Or will she forever hide herself within the shadows she has cast over herself?
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Lady Leona of House Lancaster
~House of the Lion~
An ambitious woman, Leona isn’t one to allow anyone to get in her way. What she wants, she will get. She isn’t afraid to tell you what she thinks, even if it hurts, and she’s never been one to pull punches. Will you be able to show her that her plans aren’t the only things worth living for? Or will she forever be blinded by what her future could be?
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
Just learned the hard way acetone and plastic cups don't mix 🙃🙃
Let's hope my foam mattress survives the acetone that soaked through my sheets 🥲
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
Chapter Four Early Access
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Chapter Four is up for Patreon members. This chapter contains two distinct routes to choose from and takes you through new areas of the market to try and figure out the mysteries behind this world. Join either Belladonna and Gabriel in a journey to the gates, or Milo and Hazel to an underground city. Public release will be July 29th!
Link to my Patreon is here
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
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Shattered Elysium is a 18+ Rated IF— coded within CScript— that combines fantasy elements within the modern world. Your new journey awaits you, Harbinger.
Setting(s): Proelium (Immortal Realm) || Briar Glen, Washington || Seattle, Washington.
Genre(s): High Fantasy, Romance, Thriller, Action, Drama, and Dark Themes.
Warning(s): This story is rated 18+ for depictions of death, violence, blood, gore, profanity, sexual themes, dark themes, and mentions of torture.
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It was a word, a darkly whispered title, that haunted your dreams at night. Images— that seemed almost tangible enough to be called memories— filling your mind, but it only ever caused more confusion once you awoke.
After all there was no way in hell you were the Right Hand to an ethereal being that was older than you could ever imagine.
You weren’t ever anyone of note— even being a Detective in the Briar Glen Police Department— always passing through life on the aftershocks of those around you. You couldn’t imagine, least of all see yourself being, someone of such importance.
Dreams of sweet smelling meadows, bell-like laughter, and the overwhelming feeling of safety quickly turn to nightmares of snarling beasts; whose burning red eyes promise nothing but death. The change, while horrifying in its intensity, was chalked up to nothing but your brain ruining a good thing— as it usually did.
That is until bodies start piling up within Briar Glen— bodies that have been torn to shreds by an animal that could never be from the forests surrounding your sleepy town.
It was only when you saw the symbol— carved into the hand of the latest victim— that you truly realize that your dreams, your nightmares, weren’t what they originally appeared to be.
They were warnings of what is to come.
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Play as an MC that has no idea about the life they used to have. Will you be able to become the Harbinger once more? Or will your new form hinder who you’ve always been?
Customizable MC: name, gender, sexuality, appearance, hobbies (some), and skills.
Fight the incoming darkness that not only threatens the people of Briar Glen but the world as you know it.
Reincarnation is a fickle thing— will you be able to manage the intricacies of it?
Romance 1 of 6 ROs! (Some of which will be marked with a red flag symbol as a forewarning to you all.)
Will you be able to put together the pieces of your past life? What happened to you? Or will everything shatter before you’re ever able to grasp the prices of those memories?
Be ready, Harbinger. You’ll need every weapon in your arsenal if you wish to survive.
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Aelius [M] - The Lord 🚩
1000+ [6’6” | Slate Gray Eyes | Onyx Black Hair]
The God of the Sun— and all that falls under such a domain— and one of your old Commanders. While he’s much softer than his sister— there’s still a dangerous aura lurking just beneath his sparkling smile. Every time you grow near you’re reminded of Icarus and how he, much like you, flew way too close to the sun.
“I’ve missed you, my dear Harbinger. I don’t think I’ll be able to let you slip through my fingers again.”
Céline [F] - The Lady 🚩
1000+ [6’4” | Crystalline Blue-Green Eyes | Golden White Hair]
The Goddess of the Moon— and all that falls under such a domain— and one of your old Commanders. With a cold air, stoic persona, and unwavering confidence, the Goddess isn’t someone that’s easy to get close to. You, however, always caused a soft spot to form in the wall of ice that surrounds her heart.
“Dearest Harbinger… did you really think that Death would stop me from finding you again? I’d tear this world apart if it meant keeping you, surely you know that.”
Gabriel [M] - The Warrior
500+ [6’0” | Hazel Eyes | Light Brown Hair]
A man that’s forever stood in the background of Céline. Forever at her side, doing whatever she commanded, without wavering. Silence is the solitude that he knows and understands. Will you ever be able to get him to break it? Will you find the man that’s hidden behind years of duty? Find a person behind the warrior?
“My life will always belong to Céline, Harbinger…. My heart, however? Will always belong to you if you’ll have it.”
Natasha [F] - The Guardian
500+ [5’4” | Forest Green Eyes | Golden Brown Hair]
Just as Gabriel was forever by Celine’s side, Natasha was rarely ever away from Aelius. With kind eyes, a gentle smile and demeanor, you’d never expect that she’d be considered one of the most dangerous amongst his army— following his orders with a ruthless precision. Will you help her find something worth living for besides her duty to Aelius?
“You’ve let me see many things clearly, Harbinger. For that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough. I hope my love, and my devotion, will be a good start.”
Gray/Grace [M/F] - The Partner
32 [5’8” | Light Brown Eyes | Dark Brown Hair]
The one person that seems like a calming anchor within the hellish whirlwind that has become your life. Your best friend, and the only person that’s ever truly believed in you, doesn’t truly understand what it is that you’re doing— or fighting against— but they’d never hesitate in backing you up. Will something more grow between you both because of it?
“Loving you… it just feels right. Like I finally know how to stand on solid ground again.”
Damian/Diana [M/F] - The Criminal 🚩
33 [5’11” | Sapphire Blue Eyes | Dark Auburn Hair]
Granted employing the help of an elusive criminal— although they’ve never actually been caught— isn’t your smartest idea, but when you need to get into the criminal underbelly of Briar Glen there’s no one better you can think of. With a flirtatious smile, cocky attitude, and penchant for violence, you’re certainly going to have your hands full with them. Will you end up getting something else from your time together too?
“At first I wasn’t sure you were worth my time. In fact I was close to killing you, but I’m glad that I didn’t. I quite like you, Detective. More than I have ever liked anyone. You should feel lucky.”
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
there's??? Nsfw scenes??? Since when?? How do you get them?? How many things have i missed😰
There are three sex scenes in Episode 2: one with Aeran (technically two because there's two variations of it), one with Melchior, and one with Veyer.
The scenes are not explicitly NSFW. It cuts to black before you get to any explicit sex acts, but there is quite a bit of a steamy lead up in all three cases.
If you want to know how to trigger them, best to ask in the Wayfarer Discord server. But in general:
Don't get drunk. There are no sex scenes on drunk route.
For Aeran's: you need +60 romance, +60 approval and to go back to the apartment early (don't go to Mel's party). You also cannot have told him about the letters or have killed Rhodarth in Episode 1.
For Mel's: you need to have flirted with him enough in both his pavilion scene and his gallery scene (after the fight). You need 10 romance points to trigger it, which can be tricky to gauge because his profile is locked. Talk to him, accept his invite to the party, go outside (you can play pavrat with Kit if you want), then don't tell him to leave you alone later. If you don't play pavrat, do not grab the bottle of wine and start drinking.
For Veyer's: Get a single impression point during the Lethalis library scene (best done by being sassy or snarky, or showing interest in the ring they're playing with). Tricky to do because the mechanic is hidden. If you have the impression point, they'll show up in the gallery after the fight with Aeran. Talk to them and they'll eventually propose a one night stand.
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
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The Northern Passage has relaunched!
This version of the game includes various edits throughout the prologue and chapter one, including:
Noel is now genderlocked as non-binary.
f!Lea is taking hormones.
Some scenes with Lea have been edited to now include their tattoos.
Dialogue and various scenes with Noel have been tweaked to improve his characterization as well as improve his overall branch in chapter one.
The Sanity stat has been replaced with the Humanity stat. It will still function the same.
A lot of code has been cleaned up throughout the game - this should help prevent stats from stacking and also prevent variables accidentally being triggered in certain instances, especially if you tend to use the back button.
Please let me know if you run into any errors! Everything should be in working in order, but since I did mess around in the code there’s always a chance I may have broken something. Also let me know if you find any scenes where it seems like I missed Noel’s pronouns. I tried to go through the chapter naturally, but my passages are not saved in chronological order, so I had to jump around a lot.
Thank you everyone for your patience and support, and thank you for reading.
Play the demo!
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thatonegirlkat · 2 years
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The Lure of the Gallows by Killian Faust is a modern urban fantasy interactive fiction novel developed using the Twine format and updated through Itch.io on a chapter-by-chapter basis. Originally posted as the first entry in a trilogy through Dashingdon, it is now adapted to be one novel with three main arcs.
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In the unsuspecting small town of Washington Bay, Delaware, you have just become the last living seer after a fatal house fire killed your parents. When the town’s designated Council of the Paranormal descends into havoc and refuses to pursue the investigation into the murders, you are forced to launch your own campaign to find the person responsible, even at the cost of your own life.
Across the country, in the modest tourist town of Melchior, Oregon, you are its most dangerous secret after the sudden disappearance of your father. Ever since you were a child, you have mastered the ability to control cell regeneration: with a wave of your hand, you can decay living organisms to the point of no return… or even revitalize them, if you so choose. In your greatest time of need, your father has vanished with only one, simple instruction: go to Washington Bay, and find the last Seer living there before it’s too late.
You are not alone: you have allies and friends, enemies and family. The truth of your ancestry is an ancient, terrible beast, and he has a familiar face. Yet as worlds collide and burn in fantastic light, you may find that the face you recognize the best, the one you’ve known in the mirror your whole life, could be the only thing you cannot turn away from.
And it could be the very thing that finally, truly kills you.
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There are two playable protagonists and nine romancable options:
Keep reading
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