How blogging changed my life, twice
For me, Deepak Kanakaraju has this great perseverance. Being a succesful one, is a very long way to go and it takes a lot of everything for you to proceed. His humble attitude also made him a very good example od a person who has determination.
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How blogging changed my life, twice
Digital marketing blogger Deepak Kanakaraju unfolds his journey and key insights on how blogging changed his life,twice and talks about the power of internet in enabling entrepreneurs to embark alternate career. He also provides guidance on how youll become a succesful blogger. Deepak is in Digital Marketing Consultant from Bungalore, India.
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Technology is a Reinventing Humanity
Through technology plays a large role mainly in our daily lives, also meanwhile advantages and also disadvantages now and in the future. It make sense to distinguished our future but making another 'me' floating around is a different story.
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Technology is a Reinventing Humanity
Being in this computer generation-aged, Everyone must really adapt to the latest technologies. For this, will be more hi-tech in the future and obviously everyone will be more dependent on it.
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The Myth of Globalization
The means of good communications can often lead us to a peaceful and a better understanding. Literally, for me, globalism is the necessity to find solution not by global dialect.
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The Myth of Globalization
Being able to learn, our own cultures a a Filipino is not that harf but later on, after we understand it well, we can improve our ability to communicate other cultures also.
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How to Spot fake news
It is true that before you spread the information, you should really know and check at the same time the auntheticity of the news and also for the, check the context and article first.
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How to spot fake news
Due to the crucial purpose of real news, everyone must be very vigilant and be aware in knowing in evrything first. We all know that having and a reliable source that make us be confident in sharing with.
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How fake news grows in a Post-fact world
When he talked one on one, i found out that he sounds fair and hold both parties to account and honest. For me, the real news is from reliable and trustworthy people. But it is upon on the reporters on hour would be going to interpret.
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How fake news grows in a Post-fact world
Think about how some people were trying to emphazise to us that he just got his word in a reliable sources where it has some basis of accuracy. Spreading some fake news were not good to our society where some illiterate exist.
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The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies
Digital literacies for me is a gaining importance with the increase in the adoption of information and communication technologies in educational context. The focus of these was predominantly on students and not much on teacher.
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The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies
Digital literacy can be understood in different ways. There are several ways to approach media education. It is not really possible to speak of illeterate and literate persons as two diferent categories. Literacy is a variabilityin understanding ang making sense of the world.
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