Please Do NOT send asks or remarks to any Germany or France Hetalia blogs about what is currently happening (Nov. 13) in Paris.
[ Please, PLEASE, stay respectful to what is currently going on currently in Paris, France. Do not mix fiction and reality by any means. Do not be insensitive and ignorant.  Current Live Coverage
At least 26 Dead, 60 possibly* held hostage. ]
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“The Doctor is in”
Re-blog if ya like this little scenario and I will do more.
*Misaki sitting in her computer chair leaned back, miserable with her illness*
Laito: ♬ ♫ ♪ Bi-t-ch-ch-an? ♬ ♫ ♪ Dr. Laito is in!
Misaki: *peeks open one eye* Hmmm..?
Laito: *holds out his hand* Come here ~Fufu
Misaki: Laito…I’m sick you know this…I’m not fit to play any games…I just wan..
Laito: Tut tut Bitch-chan, don’t argue with me, you’ll make me upset.
Misaki: ……..*takes his hand as he pulls her out of the chair, quickly hoists her up holding her princess style* Wai!
Laito: ~Nfufu Don’t overexert yourself, now we go this way. *starts walking down the hallway* Does it seems so much surprising for me to hold you like a princess? Well, for you to catch a cold, half of it was because of me, drinking so much of your sweet blood. Since it can’t be helped, I thought to do the things that likely will make you happy.
*Laito carries her to his bedroom. Misaki’s eyes widen, thinking he is up to something*
Misaki: *coughs and sniffles* Wha?
Laito: *Lays her down on the bed* You need rest, you can’t sleep in the chair silly Bitch-chan. You’re different from me, a very delicate one. If your fever rises, things will get complicated. Here, drink this…Reiji made it up for you. *hands her a small bottle* It’s safe, I made sure, I watched him make it.
Misaki: *Looks at it unsure but swallows it down* But..I can’t breath when I lay down…..
Laito: *Crawls in behind her pulling the covers up. He wraps one arm around her waist and rubs her back with his free hand” Shhhhh…you are so exhausted Bitch-chan. Laito-kun is going to rub your back and hold you till you fall asleep. *starts to softly hum*
Misaki: *Closes her eyes, giving up. No good comes from defying Laito*
A few hours later
*Still rubbing her back and humming. Misaki is passed out finally, sleeping quietly*
Laito: *whispers* I’ll wait until you’re better to drink from you again Bitch-chan. You’re no fun when you are ill, so I will stay here with you till you wake.
*Laito giggles softly*
Laito: *whispers again* But don’t think I am going to go easy on you once you are well. *kiss* ~Fufu
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So this is me in my Kanato Cosplay! It’s a bit small so that’s why the vest isn’t closed and the shirt is different. The bottom pic is one that I took at school the day before Halloween and my friend lent me her flower crown and my other let me borrow Teddy. The collage is just some pics that i tool like an hour ago because I got bored! I hope you like them!
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I haven’t been on tumblr in like weeks now and thats because I’m behind on the episodes of season 2 and I don’t want spoilers. Anyway It’s our little Tsundere’s birthday so have the female version of him, Sakura. In the video description it explains why Sakura is her name. Enjoy and Happy Birthday Subaru!
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If Kanato was your boyfriend - pt.1(?)
↳ requested by @lacedxunlaced & @hadairono ❀
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More Blood Cast Interview
From the Nov 2013 B’s Log, thanks to Mitsu as always for the lovely scans!  They asked a few questions of each of the Sakamaki cast members, and next issue there will be an interview with the Mukami cast members.  Only one month until the game…!
Keep reading
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The Boys Want To Tell You Something...
Ayato: IT’S
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Laito: NOT
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Kanato: BLOOD!
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Kou: It really isn’t.
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Yuma: That nasty stuff isn’t blood.
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Azusa: It’s gross…
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Subaru: Goddamn, don’t you know we want quality blood!
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Reiji: I can’t stress enough how it isn’t blood. Of course there is some blood, but it truly isn’t blood.
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Ruki: There’s clots in there,
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Carla: There’s tissue that’s falling out of a female body.
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Shin: A founder wouldn’t want that. It’s frankly nasty, Toy.
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Shu: It’s not quality blood, let alone, clean blood.
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Subaru: So quit saying that we want that stuff!
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Laito: It SMELLS. Smells.
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Reiji: Reconsider, what type of blood we want. Because that is not blood.
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So I ordered a Kanato Sakamaki cosplay on Amazon and it came today! This is great! Except for the part where I ordered an extra large and they shipped a small! Halloween is literally a week away and I don’t have time to send it back and get a new one! Not to mention the fact that it  was $120.00! I’m grateful i got the cosplay but I don’t think I’ll be able to where the pants. I don’t know what to do.
UPDATE: The pants and jacket fit but the best, shirt, and belt don’t :/
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This magical new underwear could replace tampons and pads 
Menstruation is a natural part of life, but it has long been and continues to be stigmatized. Three women have come up with a way to change all that. Twin sisters Radha and Miki Agrawal and friend Antonia Dunbar innovated THINX underwear, which completely eliminates the need for tampons or pads and could also help in need in the developing world.
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Are you fucking kidding me? Like, no, Shakespeare wouldn’t tweet a sonnet cause 140 characters is a bit short for that. Wrong medium. But you know what he would have? A very active twitter FULL OF DICK PUNS AND YOUR MOM JOKES okay. (And probably also a blog for the sonnets and longer works, that cross-posts links to twitter anyway.)
Get out of here with that pretentious anti-technology bullshit.
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Mom: Aha
Me: what?
*goes on for like 5 more minutes*
Me: You’re a Nerd!
Mom: You’re a Haiku nerd! *Inside joke* No You’re an Red-Diabolic Nerd!
Mom; Would you rather me call you a Purple-haired People Eater
Mom: *laughter*
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Advice on OCs and OC Blogs paired with a Canon.
Updated! 10.19.2015
This has been asked for me to do so here we go!
**Keep in mind these are tips, take them or don’t. This is my advice and it may not work for everyone. I have maintained a successful blog with over 1.5k followers. So I must be doing something right.
With that said, an OC can be any way you want in the long run. I really don’t feel right telling anyone how their OC should be. But these are general tips if you so desire them. Stuff I have heard and picked up on in the OC/RP community.
NOTE! I also want to state that I started my blog slowly. First I was nothing more than a muse blog, a place to post Laito pics and Diabolik Lovers info. Second, I slowly started easing in to portraying Laito and answering asks as him also known as being a Mun. After a month of that, I added my OC (Me) Misaki into the mix. Spending my time working out the kinks and flaws to have her blend well with Laito Sakamaki. I maintain a balance so 1) Misaki is not a Mary Sue and 2) Laito is more dimensional. I balance his perverted nature, cruel nature, sad nature, silly nature and a dash of fluff when I deem is necessary, etc.This way all his sides are seen and not just eg: The Hentai.
I will be using Diabolik Lovers as reference through out this post.
Your OC
1) Have a good understanding of the universe you are partaking in. Read up as much as you can on the universe and canons. You don’t want hardcore fans knocking you for mistakes. It does happen. Represent the fandom as accurately as you can!
2) Decide where you are placing your OC, are you starting at the very beginning or has your OC been around the canons and universe awhile. Be sure your followers have an understanding of this so they do not get confused. Really try to put yourself in your OC’s shoes.
3) Try to avoid ‘build clones’, OCs that are copies of a canon that your OC might be replacing. It’s ok to keep some things but add stuff to make your OC different and unique.
eg: Diabolik Lovers: Sacrificial brides are common but they all died, why did Yui stay alive? Cause she was special. So it is ok to keep that aspect, other wise your OC will just end up dead or should be dead. But change up the personality. Give her a different look, age, etc. Or you can come up with some unique reason why the boys won’t kill her.
eg 2: Canon you want your OC to replace is meek, shy and passive? Make your OC opposite of this as much as you can.
4) Avoid giving your OC weird traits that don’t appear in the universe you are doing. eg: Tails, cat ears, they are a kitsune, etc. While these are cute they just don’t fit and can throw off your universe. Not talking costume, I’m talking real tails and ears. Now if the world you’re in has them, go for it!
**In regards to #4, if you are in an AU (Alternate Universe) do whatever you want in that aspect!)
5) Give your OC some flaws, avoid making them perfect, steer away from being a Mary Sue. 
**For Misaki, she is the ‘heroine’ and therefore ‘special’ to Laito. But I make sure she gets a fair share of torment and abuse. She does not get off the hook easily at all. She is far from being perfect and that gives my blog a more realistic feel.
As for your Blog
1) Again know the universe you are in. Read up and make sure you are clear on everything and any canons that will be joining you.
2) Make rules and make sure your followers are aware of them. You can check out my Rules and FAQ to get an idea. http://diabolik-misaki.tumblr.com/rules Just don’t copy them please. ^.^;
3) Your blog is for you. You need to be happy with it and comfortable. Your followers are second. Admin is happy, followers should be happy. Just because you run a fan blog or ask blog doesn’t mean you have to bend your ways to please others constantly. If what someone wants doesn’t make you feel right, DON’T DO IT!
4) Expect haters, if your lucky you won’t have any. But don’t let them chase you away from what you are doing. Best option, ignore their asks, delete them and move on. Replying only feeds them and also clogs your feed up with drama. Your followers don’t want to see it. I have been guilty of feeding the fire as well, I have learned it is best to avoid it. You are interacting with the World Wide Web of opinions, You will need some thick skin and the strength to not let it get to you.
5) Keep communication open, be polite and courteous to your followers. Even when/if you get popular, don’t forget where you came from and don’t let it go to your head. If you are going to be away, busy, hiatus or whatever, be sure to post that, so nobody thinks you just stopped blogging.
6) Tagging is important but you don’t need a ton of tags. Only recently have I stopped tagging my OC and Laito under ‘Diabolik Lovers’ cause it was clogging the tags up….not good. That was my mistake. Now I only tag news regarding DL and anything with Misaki and Laito I tag with their respective tags.
7) Keep reply re-blogs to a minimum, they clog feeds. Nobody likes clogged feeds of the same post being re-blogged over and over just to reply to each other. Doing this a couple times is fine, but don’t abuse it. Tumblr has rules on spamming, you don’t wanna lose your blog over it. If you do insist on doing this, after replying go back and delete the one your did before. =)
8) Don’t post fan arts without the artists permission!! If someone says re-blog only do not re-post, you re-blog only! This goes for written works and scanlations too.
9) If you are running an Ask blog where you will play mun for canons. (Mun: one who speaks for the charc.) Be sure you can portray them right! Fans can be very nit picky about this. You have to take yourself out of the equation and put yourself in their shoes, what would they say to this? How would they react? Just like the universe being known you need to know your canons well too.
With #9 in mind, decide if you want to be IC (In Character) or OOC (Out of Character) eg: Lots of blogs have the Diaboys more fluffy aka sweet and lovey dovey (OOC). My blog contains the Diaboys as IC as I can make them. With a sprinkle of fluff on and off. Your call on what you wanna do here, some fans like fluff other prefer the boys raw and unfiltered. Or do a balance of both! Your call!
10) If you are doing an RP Blog, PLEASE make sure your followers know this. Especially if you do RPing with your Ask Blog. RPing tends to clog up feeds and might upset followers if they do not know this. Best advice, create a side blog for your RPing.
11) Don’t get discouraged! Asks and interaction won’t happen right away. I didn’t get any asks at first. Be sure you are tagging well so people can find your blog. In the meantime while you wait for asks, show others how well you can do your blog. Do mini scenarios, skits, etc. =) Rome wasn’t build in a day!
That is all I can think of for now. Sorry this list is so long but I hope it helps some of you out. Never been asked to do a list of advice like this before, so forgive me if it’s not amazing lol.
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if you're wearing a binder right now
raise both your arms and stretch upwards / keep your biceps by your ears
with your arms still raised / breathe in + dip to your right / hold 
then breathe out + return to the upright position
breathe in + dip to your left / hold
then breathe out + return to the upright position
twist gently to your right
twist gently to your left
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Is this character from Touhou?
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