thatsallrightmama · 2 years
Priscilla, you must feel so heavy but you’ll all be together again in Heaven.
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thatsallrightmama · 2 years
“After my parents separation and divorce, I felt no animosity between them. He was always over the house talking to mom all hours of the night. He conferred with her about everything.” -Lisa Marie
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thatsallrightmama · 2 years
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Merry Christmas! Elvis always knew the true King is Jesus 🎸 🎶
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thatsallrightmama · 2 years
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I know it’s my avatar but just look at this stud
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thatsallrightmama · 2 years
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The least terrifying part of Live a Little, Love a Little
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thatsallrightmama · 2 years
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[SPOILER ALERT] what? It’s been out for decades.
“Blue Hawaii” is the absolute go-to Elvis flick. It’s the birthplace of the song “I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You” which is pure Elvis kino. Let’s get into the critique. So he’s just an overt cheating scumbag in this. I mean he deadass makes out with another woman right in-front of his actual woman’s face. He’s also a spoiled brat because the ‘conflict’ in the movie is that he doesn’t want to be CEO of his father’s pineapple company. So he spends the whole time avoiding his rich parents for his cheap endeavors to be a tour guide. Oh, did I mention he spanks THE SHIT out of a teenager? Full blown throws her over his legs and woops her ass. Her behavior was horrid the whole movie which completely kills the vibe altogether, so its hard to enjoy it. But then he deadass spanks her on-top of it. The movie would be so much more beautiful if they just deleted that character and the spank scene all together.
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thatsallrightmama · 2 years
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I would literally snort crackers off this guys head. He’s so attractive
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thatsallrightmama · 2 years
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[SPOILER ALERT] what? It’s been out for decades.
“Fun in Acapulco” is one for the margaritas! I rewatched this one and I still love it. The plot drags a bit but the beautiful scenery and memorable numbers make up for it. Elvis wiggles for the muchachas in Mexico, and gets himself involved with *at least* two of them, as he always does. He is a circus performer troubled by PTSD from accidentally causing his trapeze partner’s death. He escapes to Acapulco to heal, and winds up being the most demanded singer between two wealthy clubs.
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thatsallrightmama · 2 years
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[SPOILER ALERT] what? It’s been out for decades.
“Live a Little, Love a Little” has me all shook up with one crazy manipulative mama. She literally roofies him for long enough that he loses his job and apartment. So the guy literally finds two photography jobs to stay alive, and of course she sets up camp in his new house because he physically can’t make her leave. She continues to manipulate his personal life in ways that are just beyond invasive and horrid. In this way she keeps him captive to the point that he goes insane and somehow falls in love with her. This movie should’ve been called “Stockholm Syndrome”.
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