thatschaoticnico · 22 days
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𝕳𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖞 𝖂𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗
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thatschaoticnico · 25 days
god i love the smell of rain it’s such being with henry winter country house candle light summer nights coffee drinking reading having sex realness
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thatschaoticnico · 4 months
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La Nymphée by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1878)
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thatschaoticnico · 10 months
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thatschaoticnico · 1 year
why are girls so attractive??? i’m not complaining just impressed
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thatschaoticnico · 1 year
Fluffy / domestic OTP prompts
A and B decide to have a cozy night in, making homemade pizza and watching their favorite movies together.
A surprises B with breakfast in bed when B is feeling under the weather; complete with their favourite pancakes and freshly brewed coffee.
A and B go on a fun date to the fall carnival, where they ride the Ferris wheel and win stuffed animals for each other. (Bonus: A never leaves the stuffed animal alone as it’s B’s first gift to A)
A teaches B how to play their favorite board game, and they spend hours laughing and strategizing together.
A and B take a spontaneous road trip to a nearby town, stopping at quirky roadside attractions and trying out new restaurants along the way.
A surprises B with a homemade picnic in a park, complete with a basket of sandwiches and a bottle of wine. As the night falls, they lie on the grass to watch the stars together.
A and B have a lazy morning, snuggled up in bed together. (Bonus: B shows his whiny side as he does not want to let A go to work.)
A surprises B with tickets to a concert or show they've been wanting to see, and they have an unforgettable night out.
A and B spend a rainy day inside, baking cookies and playing board games while listening to their favorite music.
A surprises B with a special date night at home, complete with a fancy dinner and candlelit ambiance. (Bonus: this is made more special because B has been having a tough time lately.)
B surprises A with lunch at A's workplace because they miss A too much. [Bonus: A's ex is their colleague, and B gets funnily jealous when B sees the two having a conversation that is too long for B's liking.]
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thatschaoticnico · 1 year
"You're scaring me."
It was not uncommon for Whumpee to be woken up from a nightmare, but it was the first time they hadn't come out of it.
The way they looked at Caretaker with wild eyes, like they didn't even know who they were. The lights were on, they were awake, but they still held the lamp up as though to defend themselves.
"Where is Whumper?" Whumpee asked harshly.
Caretaker blinked. "They're... gone, Whumpee. They've been gone a long time. You were just having a nightmare."
Whumpee didn't move. "You're lying. Where did you take me?"
Dread pooled in Caretaker's stomach as Whumpee took steps closer. They couldn't back away any farther. "Whumpee, you're scaring me. Do you know who I am?"
They stood in the bedroom at a standstill. Whumpee, bristling and defensive, and Caretaker, with a gentle hand outstretched. Whumpee shook their head.
"I'm Caretaker, you know me. You're safe at home," they tried. "With me, and with Teammates who are down the hall. Whumper's gone. You're... it's been over for a long time."
In the dim light, Caretaker could see the shine of tears wetting Whumpee's eyes. Their hands trembled around the lamp, now less of an imminent threat as they lowered their arms.
"It's over?"
"Yeah, it's over. Just sit down for a minute, let it come back to you."
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thatschaoticnico · 1 year
Dialogue Prompt:
Tw: Strong Language
"That’s your fourth cup of coffee today."
"You hate coffee. You mostly drink water and soda. Maybe tea when you need to get some rest or feel sick. You've always hated coffee."
"Maybe I've changed my mind."
"Since you're not gonna stop being a smartass, I'll just ask. When's the last time you slept, Whumpee?"
"Why does it matter?"
"You have eyebags darker than the coffee you're guzzling. Your hand won't stop shaking. And you keep looking past my shoulder as if there's anything there."
"OK, I haven't been getting a goodnight's rest. And you're one to talk, A."
"B's worried, C's voiced their concern to me about it, Caretaker bought melatonin for you. Hell, even D's noticed. What's wrong?"
"Is it nightmares? It's okay; anyone who had been with Whumper for even a fraction of the time you spent with them would be having them too."
"...I don't want to talk about it, A."
"I think you should talk to someone about it. Maybe it'd help-"
"I don't want to talk about it! If every single time you closed your eyes, you were back there, you wouldn't want to sleep either! If you woke every night screaming because you can't stop thinking about the literal *torture* you were put through just because some God decided you should clean up their mess, you would be staying awake no matter what too!"
"Whumpee, I'm sorry, I-"
"Don't. Just don't."
"Shit, Whumpee!"
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thatschaoticnico · 1 year
Nightmare Prompts
"Hey, you okay?"
2. "You were hyperventilating in your sleep."
3. "Do you want to talk about it?"
4. "Breathe, baby. It's okay."
5. "Scoot over. I'm staying with you tonight."
6. "I'm right here. You're safe."
7. "It was just a dream, honey. It wasn't real."
8. "You have these a lot, don't you?"
9. "Shh. Go back to sleep, darling."
10. "As your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, it's my duty to cuddle you back to sleep when you have a nightmare. Come here so I can do that."
11. "Stay. Just until I fall asleep."
12. "Please don't leave me." "Never, sweetheart."
13. "Are you sure you're okay? You're sweating."
14. "Were you having a nightmare, darling?"
15. "It's over. You're safe now. I've got you."
16. "Look at me. I'm real. Hold my hand if you need proof. I'm real and your dream wasn't."
17. "Nothing can hurt you when I'm here."
18. "You were screaming so loud I bet the neighbors think you were being murdered."
19. "Is there anything I can do to make it better?"
20. "Don't worry, love. I won't let them hurt you."
21. "Just let me hold you for a minute."
22. "Close your eyes. Listen to the sound of my voice."
23. "Darling, you are shaking."
24. "Open your eyes, baby."
25. "I'm sorry I woke you up." "No, don't apologize, honey. I had to make sure you were okay."
26. "I know it scared you. But it's over now."
27. "Deep breaths, love. Just like that."
28. "I can wait until you're ready to talk about it."
29. "What made it so scary?"
30. "Do you want me to get you some water?"
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thatschaoticnico · 1 year
Noticing Trauma Prompts
1. “Who did this to you?”
2. “You don’t have to tell me what happened if you don’t want to, but I want you to know that I’m here for you.”
3. “I heard you screaming.  Are you okay?”
4. “Would you like a hug?”
5. “You do this thing with your hands when you get nervous.  Why?”
6. “That’s it, baby.  Just breathe.  In and out.”
7. “You’re safe.  I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”
8. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”
9. “You don’t deserve to be hurt like that.”
10. “I’m here to listen if you ever need to talk.”
11. “I can’t make the pain go away.  But I can at least try to make it more bearable for you.”
12. “Did something happen to you that I don’t know about?”
13. “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to trigger anything.”
14. “Talk to me.  What’s wrong?”
15. “Hey.  You know I love you, right?”
16. “I know it hurts, but you’ll get through it.  I promise.”
17. “It seems like that really rattled you.”
18. “Look at me, darling.  You’re gonna be okay.”
19. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
20. “You’re right.  I don’t understand.  I may never fully understand what you’re going through.  But please let me help you get through this.”
21. “How often does this happen?”
22. “Would you feel more comfortable talking about it if I turned around?”
23. “Don’t focus on them.  Just focus on me.”
24. “I know how strong you are.  I need you to be strong for me.”
25. “It upset you, didn’t it?”
26. “It’s okay.  I won’t hurt you.”
27. “You’re always safe with me, love.”
28. “Nightmares again?”
29. “Do you want to talk about it?”
30. “I’m not gonna make you do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
31. “You’ve been through a lot.  Too much.”
32. “I’m here.  You’re safe.”
33. “I’m gonna find the fucker that hurt you and reduce them to the sorry son of a bitch they are.”
34. “No one’s ever gonna hurt you again.  Not as long as I’m around.”
35. “I’ll stay as long as you need.”
36. “No one’s asking you to get over this immediately.  Take your time and heal.”
37. “Your health, safety, and wellbeing take precedence over everything else.”
38. “You’re doing great.  I’m proud of you.”
39. “It’s in the past.  It can’t hurt you anymore.”
40. “I wish I had a time machine so I can go back and stop that from happening.”
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thatschaoticnico · 1 year
Soft touch prompts
Those types of touches that are feather-like and make you feel tingly in a good way. Touches like:
The soft caress of your lips after the very first kiss.
Caress to the cheek after a moment together.
Gentle wipe of your spilled tears after heavy arguments, a simple gesture that shows you how sorry they are for making you shed sad tears instead of happy ones.
Gentle wipe of dirt on your cheek after enjoying your food too much.
Chin lift to make you look directly at their eyes that just make you follow aimlessly and without much force really. (bonus if they kiss afterward)
When they hold your face in their hands and just look into your eyes and just hold the other softly.
When they lightly wipe the blood off your lip from bitting it too often and softly "kiss it better"
Helping you gently put your earring on and tuck a hair behind your ear to inspect how the accessory looks beautiful on you with or without them.
Helping you put your necklace on and sneak a quick kiss on your neck before complimenting you.
Softly pulling your hair back after being food poisoned.
Worriedly inspecting your temperature after noticing your lack of mood and giving you a chaste kiss on the forehead.
Soft hand touches with a light comforting squeeze that instantly assures you they're there.
Softly massaging your hands when you ask them politely.
Loosely holding your hand while you watch and walk around on your date.
Cradling your cut finger after an incident with the knife and tending to your wound with a kiss afterward.
Caressing the back of your hand absentmindedly.
Softly toying with your ring and wondering when they'll get to replace it with a wedding ring.
Softly running their hands on your arms and feeling how cold to the touch your skin is before wrapping you in a hug to share their warmth.
Softly pulling your wrist to pull you closer to them.
softly intertwining your fingers together to hold your hand or twirl you in the middle of the night dance session.
Edit: holy heck guys!!! Thank you all so much for the notes and reblogs!!! I didn't expect this to get this much attention!!! Love you guys!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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thatschaoticnico · 1 year
affectionate things that makes me fall in love:
(tag me when yall writeee, feel free to use <3 @urfriendlywriter )
hugs. warm hugs.
when they accidentally fall asleep in your arms
just looking at each other fondly :(
holding hands !!
giving head or shoulder massages
when they're so patient, and understanding with you
cuddling and eventually falling asleep
when they're always giggling at your behavior
when it's hard for them to contain a smile, so they grin so wide it lights up your world >>>
the kindest "i hate you" followed by a contagious laugh
shifting glances all around the room when they get caught staring at you
the hand behind their nape, when they're embarrassed
they have never raised their voice around you, always talks softly
"I'm eternally yours, sweetheart" ^~^
when they lie on your lap
feeding you their cooking and hoping you'll like it
cheek kisses (can i pls evaporate)
adorable big eyes that widens a little when they listen to your rant keenly
the corners of their lips turning up before showing the most beautiful smile
the way their hair looks in the morning :')
when they play with your hair
gets shy or easily amused around you
says random "i love you"s throughout the day
the way their eyes crinkle when they smile
back hugsssssss
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thatschaoticnico · 1 year
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The Bridge of Sighs, St John’s College, Cambridge, England
by El
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thatschaoticnico · 2 years
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illicit affairs and clandestine meetings.
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thatschaoticnico · 2 years
ENTP telling INTJ they're beautiful over text.
ENTP: Hey, INTJ, want to come over for a movie?
INTJ: Okay, but first I need to get ready. My appereance is not even close to decent
ENTP: What? INTJ, I saw you today. You looked fineeee ;)
INTJ: No, I was wearing too casual clothes. I looked like a scruffy hipster lol
ENTP: INTJ, you aaalways look fine, despite what you aaaalways say
INTJ: Not true
ENTP: Yes INTJ, and besides, you are already beautiful, who cares about what clothes you wear? Now come ooon 
INTJ: What?!
ENTP: You heard me, now get your ass here or… do I have to keep telling you that?
INTJ:  Please don’t
INTJ: I mean thank you
INTJ: …I’ll be there in 15 minutes
ENTP: You are always welcome… to my house as well ;)
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thatschaoticnico · 3 years
trusting people is getting harder and harder
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thatschaoticnico · 3 years
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☽ love this vibe
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