thatsjustrwde · 11 months
Okay I 'm that one anon who prefaced that I wasn't attacking and I mention that because I didn't know how to re-identify myself
Anyway I agree without you on how poorly they handled Ironwood's downfall but what else you said continues to baffle me as a writer and as one whose trying to grow and trying to incorporate more characters how would you suggest going about topics of emotionally "throwing away ones humanity" if said character has prosthetics?
Like...and understand I'm trying to figure out how to word this. If you were to take...let's keep rolling with James. As he was before the absolutely asinine commentary on what him sacrificing his arm meant. If his prosthetics are just that and not meant to symbolize anything. Can you talk about him or any character or original creation under the idea of what they could be doing to themselves emotionally or mentally?
I'm really trying to find where to go cause it just seems that with disabled characters writing certain things for them is heavily limited as to what can be done because certain attempts at things could be labeled as ableism when that wasn't the intention either in an a stumble at the execution of an idea or because the audience (and I'm not saying this is Rooster Teeth cause holy shit is it not them) took something about what was being done and applied it to an aspect of the character that the creator wasn't even looking at.
On that note what they did in general with Penny and whatnot was odd but what would you do about a character that if they had the choice didn't want a disability? This is a more of an out of somewhere questions cause typing this I always think of the Spirit Fairer discourse where there was apparently a character who had a wheelchair and I guess at someone point didn't have it anymore and was happy about that. But people got so mad that the developers rewrote the story so the character remaind wheelchaired bound, but that just makes me ask is it wrong for a character to want to be able to not have a wheelchair? Like is it wrong to write a story where a character wants to be able to walk? Like how would you go about having a character having a disability and not wanting their disability anymore?
Honestly anon as I said before I just
.wouldn’t. To put it another way, what does having someone throw away their humanity add to the story? Why do you feel like you need it? And why does it need to be the disabled person? All people have humanity because they’re human. Trying to have someone throw away their humanity is
dangerous territory because more often then not those stories tend to rely heavily on either disabilities or mental illness to “justify” that and for obvious reasons that is extremely ableist. And even without using either of those things it still can be interpreted by audiences to be the disability or mental illness’s fault and what made them lose their humanity. It’s
far too tricky a subject for me to think ever is worth it to be in a story.
If you’re asking how to make a disabled character evil that’s entirely different because evil people can still have their humanity because they’re human. They just happen to be an evil person who does bad things. Making Ironwood evil isn’t inherently a bad thing, but CR/WBY saying that losing his arm is a symbol of his lost humanity is. Then repeatedly having the villains be disabled is a problem. It’s important to ask “why does the disabled character have to be evil” when making them a villain because so often disabilities are used a short hand for villainous traits which is ableist and harmful and tells disabled audiences that their disabilities are seen as villainous.
It is generally the job of the author to really think about these things and the tropes that they are relying on for their story. As a society so many people view more metal = less human which just isn’t true and is actively harmful towards disabled people. Do you remember at all the Mars Rover Opportunity? How emotional people got when her last words came out “My battery is low and it's getting dark”. My friend from my discord group put it perfectly: Oppy is all metal but she’s human. She wasn’t born, she was created but she was alive. We loved her to humanity. People mourned when she passed. NASA played a love song for her. Her being metal didn’t matter, just as James being half metal shouldn’t matter, just as anyone having prosthetics shouldn’t matter. They are still humans with humanity, and I just don’t see any reason to write a story about someone willingly throwing away their humanity.
So Ironwood "wanting" to throw away his humanity and becoming more monstrous is ableist. Doing this to any disabled character is ableist because their disability will inherently be used as a shorthand for said monstrousness either by the author or audience.
Here are a few good videos that discuss the topic further and really discuss the issues with disabled villains:
Some great points the video discusses:
A lot of villains motivation is being "cured" of their disability which stems from this idea that disabled people are miserable and hate being disabled and can only be whole and happy if they are cured. Yes some people would like to have a curse for their disabilities, not everyone wants that and having most villains want that is a problem as it stems from the idea that being disabled is inherently tied to misery and suffering which just isn't true.
It also makes the point about how oftentimes disabilities are used as a visual shorthand for inhumanity in their villains and them merely being disabled and looking "other" is a clue to the audience that said person is evil and even inhuman in far too many cases. We repeatedly see this in RW/BY with Tyrians tail, Cinders Grimm arm, Salem, and James's new prosthetic. All are framed as evil and monstrous to show us how evil they are.
At the end of the day, I think it is crucial to talk to someone who has the disability you want to represent in your work about how you are portraying them. I cannot and do not speak for all disabled people in this discussion and can only really discuss my feelings/the feelings of those I have talked with. When writing disabled characters it is critical to include people with those disabilities in the discussion of how the characters story should go.
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thatsjustrwde · 11 months
Can sbd please explain to me why Taiyang remains in Patch living ordinary life and doesn't go find his daughters whose whereabouts he's had no clue of for years now? Does he even know what his daughters have been doing?💀 At the end of v3 he rightfully freaked out when Ruby went missing, in v4 he tells Yang she's still too inexperienced and not ready to go out to the real world yet, and later says she's the reason he doesn't go look for Ruby, meaning he was planning to at some point. Then he lets Yang, who still hasn't fully recovered from PTSD, go find Ruby alone, which god knows how long would take. And then they threw him out of the story.
in short: the writers didn't want him to. they didn't even bother to try & give a legible explanation for taiyang staying behind like his duties to the students in signal or helping the reconstruction of beacon after the fall; he's just there watering his sunflowers.
& it's because the writers are too inept, lazy & stupid to actually come up with a reason beyond "we don't want him there" because qrow is there & having taiyang would not only add to the character bloat but hamper team rwby's cute little "we're so much better than the adults (sinks an entire nation beneath the sea)" girlboss moment.
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thatsjustrwde · 1 year
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this is official art
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official art
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thatsjustrwde · 1 year
I think it's valid to say that enjoying trash ass, mediocre media isn't bad, but to be absolutely vapid and cruel about any criticism towards such media is not only childish, it just seem insecure as fuck. Dude, if you like RW/BY, go ahead. The majority of RWDE liked it before the chucklefucks at RT got exposed for the rancid shits that they are, and even then there's still many of us who managed to make something cute, meaningful and nice about it in our AUs and fan arts.
Just,,, stannies, just like your shit. If it gets criticized, YOU are not unless you decided to harass people over pixel. I like trash ass shit too, and any criticisms about it wouldn't be on me as a person when I myself agree with them. And even when I'm not, it's a much better option to reflect than to retaliate. It's just that simple.
This is from a Creepypasta fan ffs, just enjoy your shit while still acknowledging the bads of its themes and/or creators. You ain't gonna die.
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thatsjustrwde · 1 year
There aren't nearly enough wlw canon ships in media to get so childish about it. As far as I'm concerned you're doing the bigot's work for them.
what. so just cause sapphic representation may be limited, i have to suck it up and not be critical on the shitty ones?
fuck that.
I rather call out bullshit on a barely developed pairing that the writers only made canon to cover up the multiple callouts made against the company itself.
oh? it was found out that crwby/roosterteeth was terrible to their queer staff? nah nevermind all that - look Blake and Yang kissed!
and yes sapphic rep can still be limited but nowadays more and more media forms are showcasing them more.
why should i just settle for a shitty underdeveloped pairing when it couldve been so much more?
like listen - im not against bumb/bleby , i feel like they couldve been good. but the way it was executed in the show and with the writers... its shit. and like ya shouldn't have to scrape at the bottom of the barrel to accept this , to give credit to a team that clearly doesnt give a shit.
dont you want more, instead of licking roosterteeths boots by just accepting a barely developed, poorly written ship when it couldve been good.
turn to media that would actually give you good representation and doesnr treat their queer ships as a means to sell merch or cover up allegations of a company.
i do aplogise for my previous rant post, i was both tired and petty - not a good combo.
but the overall point still stands, you dont need to settle for a pairing just cause its sapphic. dont we deserve better representation than that?
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thatsjustrwde · 1 year
Yang in V5:
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Yang in V9:
“Man I sure love Blake and *looks at smudged writing on hand* 
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thatsjustrwde · 2 years
Vol 9 Ch 2 Review

Spoilers for Chapter 2
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thatsjustrwde · 2 years
i watched the first two episodes

oh boy.
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thatsjustrwde · 2 years
RWBY Volume 9 Trailer
Hello, everyone!
There’s no real need for introductions anymore, so let me dive right in by saying it bluntly: I don’t think this is a good trailer. Not just when it comes to the story we’re getting, but also in regards to the construction of the trailer itself. It tells us incredibly little while merely looking like a complex, exciting adventure.
Let’s start, as always, with our opening shot.
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We saw the whole of this Wonderland in our teaser, but this time the map is accompanied by Weiss narrating all that’s happened to them since they were separated. This tells the audience that a) the girls reuniting will not be a focal point of the Volume’s conflict and b) the journey is highlighted by its comedy rather than its hardships. We learn that Ruby has befriended a talking mouse, Weiss and Blake dealt with killer vines (and were rescued by an army of more talking mice, so presumably Ruby finds them?), and Yang had her arm stolen by a purple raccoon carrying a wagon full of trash.
Do I really need to point out how misguided the tone is here?
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thatsjustrwde · 2 years
Ya know whats funny? (in a ugh way) The more you think about it the more V9 Trailer Proves they don't pay attention to what they've done in the last volume and neither does Most of the Fandom. Showing a 'Knight' and making it a possibility that its Juane in some form or fashion for RWBY to discover? well that'd be pretty hard since fell after them. Voice saying 'friends she made and lost' ? Well that's gonna be tough to make Juane a surprise of being the possible bad (ik ik) for it if he's the only one who would know about it. Said Voice saying about lessons learned when infact no real lessons were learned other than 'Do crime! It helps you and only you! =D' The 'What are you' part of the trailer just adds annoyance when that wasn't a consideration: She was acting so much like she knew what she was: 'huntsman' ( ' ' for obvious reasons) Girlboss (the bad kind that flunks everything and hurts everyone) Silver eye warrior that seems to have so little importance that no amount of extra cash grabs-sorry 'novels'- could fix the questions that get brought up. (Also alot of people bring up the area looking like PS2 Graphics and i'm like 'bruh even PS1 games had sharper power than this'.)
sorry last part maybe a rant but I had only seen parts of the trailer through images and didn't actually watch until now so its sharp in my mind..
The trailer sadly reminds us over and over again how little CRWBY and fans pay attention to the previous seasons. With the "and lost" portion we think the trailer shows when Weiss tells Ruby at least Penny is gone so that technically can be covered, but if Jaune is a bad guy I am not sure how CRWBY will build that tension with RWBY given they have no idea he fell.
Oh anon, do not get me started on my furious feelings regarding the whole "lessons learned" thing. If the show wants to act like it had the mains learn lessons, the show did jack shit to actually show it. The mains just have the narrative bend backwards to assure the mains they did absolutely nothing wrong and are perfect protagonists. They are not perfect though, they screwed up, a lot. And that isn't a problem anon! It really isn't. It's interesting and character building when characters screw up, the issue is, the narrative pretends their failures and screw ups are not in fact failures and screw ups. The mains will literally retell history to paint themselves in a better light and the fans of the show eat it up and treat it as law rather then being willing to analyze what is happening on screen and have an honest discussion about it, never mind the fact that the characters don't even do that. I could try and guess what the line "lessons learned" refers to but I don't have very high hopes that it will actually be something meaningful.
That is just as confusing a statement to be tossing around. We had no hints even that Ruby and co was questioning their decisions to be huntress's, and if the show is going to toss that in now? Well one I don't believe they will, but two if they are now....I mean it would be long long long overdue lolz. After all the shit they've pulled and lived through it would make sense for them to be questioning their choices but it also feels like it would be way to late to do that to have the same impact you know?
Hey don't apologize anon! I should apologize if I go all over the place I am very tired but I really wanted to reply to this tonight while the trailer was at least somewhat fresh in my mind lolz.
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thatsjustrwde · 2 years
I have this theory that RWDE types always viewed Ironwood as infallible and perfect from the very start, solely because he was a badass dude, and rather than reconcile the fact that they ignored his flaws only because they saw him as an "alpha male" they would rather attack not only the writers but every woman who disagrees with and acts against him.
This is so funny, because I'm an openly feminist queer woman who doesn't hate any of the main characters, loves the female characters, and happens to view Ironwood as very flawed and I've criticized things like his 'go to space' plot, and will NEVER defend things like him shooting Oscar or Sleet or his frankly absurd levels of clear and present villainy in Volume Eight. Most of the RWBY characters I hate are men like Port, Cardin, Hazel and even Adam (though I like his concept,) and most of the women I hate are villains I'm MEANT to hate, and I don't criticize any character in RWBY nearly as much as I - a woman - criticize the majority male writers, but you apparently feel the need to defend people like Miles Luna. I have never once said Ironwood is perfect, I've VERY CLEARLY stated repeatedly that he's flawed. Also I hate alpha men and dudebros and btw your fandom is lousy with them (and maybe start with Miles Luna if you're interested in criticizing misogyny.) You're literally accusing me of misogyny JUST BECAUSE I pointed out flaws in anti-rwde logic, criticize a show that was created by and mostly written by men, and like a fictional character.
ALSO, just so we're clear, you didn't even TRY to refute anything I said, just threw out some buzzwords, accused me of saying something I didn't say (that Ironwood is perfect) and then pretended you did something. 0/10 Very unoriginal comment, and you exposed your cowardice by being on anon.
ALSO also, it's always funny when people accuse me of seeing Ironwood as an alpha male, because I always write him to be a very emotional person who lets his friends get away with way too much, admires Penny more than any other person alive, looks to Glynda as a confidant and role model, and hasn't had a relationship since his teen years because he's been pining after Qrow since they met during the first Vytal Tournament. Like, maybe unpack your stupid assumptions, stupidhead.
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thatsjustrwde · 2 years
i’m almost certain that crwby forgot about what happened in volume 8. i cannot believe they are trying to make this weird, upbeat, flashy filler season after destroying an entire city, forcing a massive population of people to move into the middle of nowhere in arguably the most dangerous kingdom in remnant, committing ACTUAL murder against a ptsd stricken war general that they fucked around with and toyed with his trust, AND NOT TAKING ANY ACCOUNTABILITY FOR ANY OF IT!!!
this volume is going to be such a mess i just know it and i can’t wait to see this fuckin shithole of a company finally crash and burn
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thatsjustrwde · 2 years
do what you want cause a pirate is free,
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thatsjustrwde · 2 years
I regret lamenting that the colors in RWBY got more washed out and bland after Volume 3. Holy fuck does this new volume look ugly except now in a painful way instead of a boring way. There is no winning when everything in your show looks like it's made of the same textureless clay
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thatsjustrwde · 2 years
RoosterTeeth: We know we made our workplace intolerable for POC and queer people but pweese don’t pirate our stuff 😭
My queer ass looking for a way to pirate it harder:
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thatsjustrwde · 2 years
Big news, or whatever news if you don't care about RWBY V9 anymore: it will now be hosting on Chrunchyroll.
if you had a First membership, well oopsie. You'll have to wait a year until you can watch it on RT's website.
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Also, Geoff brought up the pirating:
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I still highly suggest pirating the show since this guy isn't acknowledging the REAL reason why people would rather pirate the volume than give them money for their abusive work culture.
"But they needs the money," yeah and they need to learn how to be better people, so fuck off with that bullshit.
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thatsjustrwde · 2 years
So I finally watched the volume 9 trailer
..oh boy. 
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