thatwitchygirllyssa · 3 years
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
House Witch’s Chores and Witchy Home 🏡
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🧺 Ward the doors and windows to protect your home and family from negativity.
🧺 Brew and stir intent into your tea and coffee.
🧺Use kitchen witchery when cooking and baking in your home.
🧺Place a glamour spell or enchantment on your make up brushes and hair brushes or combs. Make an herbal hair rinse to use and turn it into a daily glamour ritual for yourself.
🧺Color coordinate your clothes, candles, and furnishings to match your intent.
🧺Place a piece of black obsidian in the left side of your windowsills to banish negativity from your home, and place howlite in the right side of your windowsills to invite positivity and calm. This is great for bedroom windows.
🧺Meditate in the garden in the sunshine and meet the Sun in meditation. Ground yourself too through meditation and feel the earth and grass beneath you.
🧺Put peanut butter on pine cones and dip them into bird seed to create nice treats for the birds and squirrels in your garden.
🧺Take ritual baths and showers to cleanse yourself after a tough day.
🧺Talk to your houseplants, use your pendulum to ask them if they need more sunlight or water, and bless pitchers of water to welcome new houseplants into your home.
🧺If you have dream catchers hung in your home, always remember to cleanse them regularly. Dream catchers can easily become “nightmare catchers” if they are not cleansed and cared for regularly.
🧺When knitting, weave protection charms and protective energy into your projects, especially if your making sweaters, scarves, hats, or gloves for friends and family.
🧺If sewing and repairing stuffed animals like rag dolls and teddy bears, place some lavender or small rose quartz tumbled stones if possible inside the body of the stuffed animal to not only make it smell good, but imbue it with love and soothing energies.
🧺Open the windows when you clean and smoke cleanse with sage to clear out negativity from the home or use rosemary to protect it.
🧺Mop your floors with salt water to cleanse your space.
🧺Sweep dirt and negativity out of your home through the back door.
🧺Place a protective charm on you and your family’s shoes or coats.
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
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All About Auras
An aura could best be described as the energy given off by someone or something. Supposedly, everything has an aura, even an apple. Many people are able to either see or ‘sense’ auras, which may appear as a haze of light or colour surrounding something.
The colour an aura appears can have many correspondences, which can relate to someone’s mood or spirituality, or can be because of external factors such as light intensity. It’s even said to be possible to tell if someone is pregnant from the way their aura appears.
Common misconceptions about auras:
It is always the same colour.  - This is untrue, as auras tend to change colour when affected by many different factors. However one colour may be dominant.
It is always the same shape and texture.  - Nope, they could appear hazy, smooth, or spiky. Some could have auras spanning an inch from their bodies, but others could have auras reaching out to a metre.
There is scientific evidence for auras.  - Again, untrue. Despite many people being able to see auras, there is no way to measure them or comprehend why it is even there.
Your aura is a shield.  - Whilst it’s possible to utilise your energy to shield yourself from things through visualisation, your aura alone is by no means a barrier against spirits and vampire-like entities looking to ‘feed off’ your energy. Learn how to ward yourself.
There is only one colour at a time.  - Your visible aura can actually be a mix of colours. However, there are also seven different extents of your aura, ranging from physical to spiritual, which could all be a different colour at one time.
It is especially important to note that auras are constantly changing. This could be seen as Anicca, or impermanence, in which the Buddha taught that nothing is permanent and everything is constantly changing. The aura reflects this truth in ourselves and those around us.
Seeing Your Aura
Some people are able to see auras with ease without a whole lot of practice, whereas others might never be able to comprehend the aura. It is common for many witches to practice with seeing their aura.
Here is a simple exercise which will help you to begin seeing your aura. This is what I tend to get people to do often when starting with auras. If inexperienced, it is important to practice often in order to get better!
You may want to begin by meditating or casting a circle in order to have a better focus on your aura. Make sure you are calm and in the mindset to concentrate.
Find a blank area, such as a white wall or a sheet of paper, and hold your hand out to it. It is important that you don’t get distracted by the colour of the wall or anything on it.
Rather than focusing directly onto your hand, shift your gaze to look just past it. For instance just past your fingers, but not the space directly between your fingers.
Focus on this space. To avoid distracting yourself, practice steady breathing as you would in meditation.
Eventually, you should begin to see a haze of light surrounding your hand. At first it may appear small and even colourless, but keep practicing and you will start to see it even better.
Colour Correspondences
The colour of an aura can have many connotations, and can be dictated by thr shape and texture too. But here is a guide to help you with the typical deciption of simple aura colours.
Centred/grounded, passion, anger, energetic.
Power, confidence, outgoing, good health.
Spiritual awakening/awareness, playful, happiness.
Healing, good communication, jealousy.
Intuition, calm, clairvoyance, honesty, fear of the future.
Daydreaming, spirituality, artistic, psychic abilities.
Newness, purity, reaching enlightenment, angelic.
Negative feelings, blocked energy, potential illness.
Grounded, tied to the outdoors, afraid to let go.
Loving, sensual, psychic gifts, dishonesty.
Physical and spiritual wealth, awakening of higher thought.
Enlightenment, protection from divine entities, guidance.
A rainbow aura can indicate a healer, a new soul, or reaching enlightenment.
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
How Magic Works
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These are just some of many different theories about how spells work. For anybody who really enjoys “magical theory” like I do or is looking for validation that there’s something to all these weird spells! None of these serve to discredit magic, but rather add a deeper level of understanding to it. The success of a spell could be credited to more than one of these, or something else entirely!
Law of Attraction. Basically, the idea that you attract what you focus on. A popular example is focusing on the color red, and seeing how much red is around you that you didn’t notice before. This is most effective for spells involving personal matters and success, by formally opening your eyes to details and opportunities you may have missed otherwise. 
The Placebo Effect. It’s a proven fact that our bodies can heal ourselves merely by belief that what we’re doing helps! This can extend beyond health spells to things like confidence, performance ability, and other things that aim at personal improvement. The placebo effect may be all that spell needs to be successful ( and it wouldn’t have happened without the spell!)
Direct cause/effect. Something about the spell and the way it was cast directly affects the outcome. Example: a sigil designed for protection, when looked at, serves as a constant visual reminder that you are protected, subconsciously strengthening your wards.
Science/chemistry. This is most true for kitchen witchery and herbalism. Chamomile, lavender, and other herbs aren’t corresponded with calmness and sleep for nothing… they’re made up of chemicals that have been scientifically proven to calm the nerves and aid in sleep!
Quantum physics. There’s a phrase called “Quantum Woo,” where people use quantum physics (often incorrectly) to explain any type of magical thinking or practice. While the ultimate theory behind quantum physics was recently disproven, the discoveries made through research still hold true. Basically, we know particles behave differently when observed, and our energies can effect this. We just don’t know why that is. This is the baseline behind a lot of energy work.
Divine string pulling. Ask and ye shall receive. This is where we depart from the physical to the spiritual side of magic. Many people do magic by appealing to divine forces, Mother Earth, God(s), the Universe, whatever you want to call it. This could be with an offering, a ceremony, or even just bedside prayer. The divine force hears the request, and grants it by affecting change and “pulling strings” to cause the desired outcome.
Spiritual string pulling. Very similar to the previous point, but with entities that are not worshipped or seen as divine. Many believe that spirits can still affect change “behind the scenes.” A spirit worker may make a deal with a spirit for luck or protection, or someone may ask their ancestors for good fortune and health.
Personal string pulling. Instead of asking an outside entity, this is the idea that we, as the practitioner, pull the strings. This is most seen through the “cone of energy” method of casting, where we raise a lot of concentrated energy and intent in a space, then release it all at once to do its thing. You also see it with sympathetic magic, where by doing something to a poppet, we actively affect that change on the target. No middle man included.
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
It’s really common to find witchy mental illness/health related content that is catered towards specific illnesses (usually anxiety and depression). This is more catered to specific symptoms.
Witchcraft is to be used as a supplement to proper medical care, medication and therapy - not as a sole alternative!
Amethyst anger release spell
Easy anger release spell
A quick way to cool anger
Anger dispersion magic tea
Anger reducing bath
Bath spell to release anger
“I channel my anger in a healthy, safe and productive manner” sigil
“My anger is under control” sigil
This masterpost
Anti-anxiety shower spell
Soothing bath spell
Rainy day anxiety spell
I will be okay spell
Anti-anxiety spell jar
Anti-anxiety spell charm
Anti-anxiety tea
Brain Fog + Memory:
ADHD concentration spell bottle
Brainfog lifting
“Brainfog begone” sigil
Rosemary memory spell
Finding things/ memory spell
Memory and concentration spell
Memory and awareness spell bottle 
Post depressive episode bath spell
“Last hope” spell for depression
Anti-depression tea
Gems for depression
Spell for dissociation 
Witch’s dissociation bracelet 
“I am protected from dissociating” sigil
“No dissociation” sigil
“I am grounded and in control of my emotions + reactions” sigil
Spell to release emotional blockage
Piece by piece trauma healing spell
Healing from childhood trauma spell bottle
Spell bottle for reassurance 
“My trauma does not hold me back” sigil
Insomnia + nightmares:
Restful sleep and sweet dreams sachet
Sleep crystal spell
Stuffed animal sleep spell
Sleepy witch tip
Nightmare repellent
Nightmare prevention - crystals and herbs
Dream witch nightmare tips
Intrusive thoughts:
Spell to help against intrusive thoughts preventing sleep
OCD assistance bath
Spell to banish intrusive thoughts
Spell to control intrusive thoughts
Banish intrusive thoughts incantation
Intrusive thought banishing spell
“I am in control of my OCD” sigil 
Panic attacks:
Panic attack relief pouch
Anti-panic attack spell earrings
Rose quartz calming spell
“Ease my panic attacks” sigil
“I have less panic attacks” sigil
Crystals for paranoia
“My paranoia does not control me” sigil
“I don’t let paranoid thoughts overcome me” sigil
“My paranoia does not affect me” sigil
Picking (hair, skin, etc.):
Ease skin picking spell
“I resist the urge to pick my skin” sigil
“I keep from picking” sigil
“My trichotillomania is under control” sigil
“I don’t pull out my hair or eyelashes” sigil
“I am in control and resist the desire to pick my hair” sigil
Mood Swings/Emotional Balance: 
Crystals for BPD
“I regulate my emotions well”
“I am happy and do not have mood swings” sigil
If anyone has content on a category I wasn’t able to include, or for a category that is lacking, feel free to send it my way and I’ll get a part two started for this post! Click [here] for the chronically ill symptoms masterpost. 
Links updated May of 2020. Please inform me of broken links via askbox!
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
Witchcraft 102 Masterpost
So. You’ve covered the basics. You know what every kind of ritual tool does, you understand all the terms that seemed alien to you before and you think you’re finally starting to get a feel for this witchcraft thing. You’re not a baby witch anymore, but… where to from here? Making the move from beginner witch to intermediate witch is a lot more difficult than it seems, purely because resources aimed at intermediate witchcraft are few and far between. But there’s a good reason for that.
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There are general rules and ideas that can be applied across all of witchcraft. There’s so much to learn from other witches, but your greatest teacher will always be yourself. There is a reason witchcraft is so customisable to the individual: some things just work better for certain people. Not to mention pretty much every magick practice in history was developed by witches using their intuition! Because of this, it’s hard to create resources that tell somehow how to go from a beginner to an intermediate. However, they do exist! You’ll just find that most of them will act as prompts or scaffolds. They’ll instruct you on how to figure things out for yourself.
This next stage of your craft will involve a lot of introspection, and a lot of trusting your gut. It’s the reason you learnt all that baby witch stuff in the first place. This is where most of the personal growth happens. It can be scary, but it’ll also be magical. It’ll be a while before you actually qualify as an ‘intermediate witch’, and there’s no shame in that. The process of moving from beginner to intermediate is one that can take years, simply because witchcraft is such a deep and complex art. I myself definitely wouldn’t identify as a baby witch, but I’m still a beginner in many aspects despite having been a witch for years.
Without further ado, I present to you witchcraft 102.
The Problem with Sharing Advanced Magic
Using Tumblr as a Resource
How to Stop Being a Beginner Witch
How to Deepen Your Craft
Developing Your Craft Beyond Tumblr
Creating a Spiritual Calendar
SOAP Journaling: a Devotional Framework
Devotional Journal (for deity worship)
Questions for a Deeper Spiritual Practice
When reading through information, I recommend taking notes on the content, as well as your thoughts on it. Do you notice any connections to other texts or ideas? Do you have any questions you’d like to follow up? This will not only help you remember the information, but encourage you to look at it critically and see the bigger picture. Here is an example of my personal note-taking scaffold which includes some of the notes I took a while ago. I adapted it from the Cornell notes system based on my personal needs.
At TechnoCoven, a recent online witchcraft convention, there was an hour-long panel about planning in witchcraft called Spirit Papers. Here is a link to the recording. It goes over different organisation systems, notebooks, etc.
Why you should cite sources
How to cite sources
What is an annotated bibliography?
I would highly recommend setting aside a specific time every day to study witchcraft. This way, you will be improving your craft every day. Even if you only set aside half an hour, you will be doing three and a half hours of study a week. An hour a day totals to seven hours a week. If you can’t find a specific time every day, then find a specific time every week. 6pm-8pm on Tuesday and Saturday, for example, or reserve all of Sunday afternoon. This structure obviously isn’t compulsory, but with it you will advance at a much quicker pace and probably find your craft more fulfilling.
You should definitely have a grimoire already, but if you don’t, get one. It can be on paper or online, if you’d prefer. OneNote, Evernote, Microsoft Word and Google Docs are all viable digital options. You probably have lots of loose information lying around, whether its physical, in note form or on your Tumblr blog. Categorise it and order it. Then go through it. Document the important and useful parts in your grimoire.
Elemental Magick in Science
Elemental Systems
The Darker Elements
History of Magick Part 1
History of Magick Part 2
History of Magick Part 3
History of Magick Part 4
How Location and History Affect Spiritual Practices
Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health (ebook)
Stop Learning Tarot Like Flash Cards
Learning the Major Arcana
Learning the Court Cards
Reading Tarot Cards Vertically
Reading Reversed Cards
How to Take Notes on a (New) Tarot Deck
Understanding Yourself Tarot Mega-Spread
Conceptions of the Self Through Spreads
Shadow February Divination Challenge
Daily Tarot Journal Printable
Introduction to Shadow Work
6 Phrases for Shadow Work
Safety Planning (good to have one of these if you’re doing shadow work and have a mental illness)
Shadow Working with Stuck Points
Shadow Work with Hillbillyoracle (pt. 1)
Shadow Work with Hillbillyoracle (pt. 2)
Hillbillyoracle’s Personal Shadow Work Framework
Good Things to Research When You Don’t Know What to Research
Areas of Research for the Intermediate Witch
Masterlist of Journals, Articles & Books on Folklore, Mythology and the Occult
Index of Old Grimoires
Working with Plants
Tips on How to Google Correspondences
The Cornell University Library Witchcraft Collection
Sacred Text Archive
Bocastle Museum of Witchcraft
Occult Library
Hermetics Library
Project Gutenberg Paganism Bookshelf
Legal Free Ebooks Masterpost
Good Pagan & Wiccan Publishers
How to Get Use Out of Older Texts
Finding Experienced Witches
What to Do When You Fall out of Practice
Making Your Own Correspondences
Pendulum Dowsing for Correspondences
2019 Grimoire Challenge (a year of grimoire prompts)
Stones for Advanced Practitioners
On Tools and Psychodrama
A Way to Astral Project
Energy Alignment Identification
Magic in the Body
Spell Circles
Irish Concept of “On the Breath”
Sky Catch
Verbal Sigils
Tea With the Gods
The Hillbilly Oracle
Hex Positive
The History of Witchcraft
The Empowered Modern Witches Show
Academy of Affluence
A Samhain Fairytale
Foundations of Diywitchery’s Practice
Devotional activities
GET OFF TUMBLR (AKA GET SOME VARIETY IN YOUR SOURCES) I’ve got some examples listed here but there are definitely more out there!
Bree NicGarran’s Blog
Luna Luna Magazine (Blog)
Witchy Words (Blog)
Mumble & Things (Blog)
Down the Forest Path (Blog)
The Travelling Witch (Blog)
Prisoner’s Apothecary (Blog)
Harmony Nice (Youtube)
6 Books for Advancing Your Craft
Hellenic Polytheism Books
Walker Between Worlds by Robert Kirk (I haven’t read it so I can’t vouch for its quality but I’ve heard its a valuable resources for those wanting to learn about the fae)
The Study of Witchcraft: A Guidebook to Advanced Wicca by Deborah Lipp (I will link to my book review here; this book is essentially a study guide)
Evolution of Goddess by Emma Mildon (book recommendation) (especially good if you are looking to find a deity but are unsure of where to start)
The Occult, Witchcraft & Magic: An Illustrated History by Christopher Dell (a fantastic starting place for looking into occult history)
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
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thatwitchygirllyssa · 4 years
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