thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
“yeah. i mean…i like to think that i’m a good dad. he’s allowed to be sad…we both are. i don’t think suppressing our emotions is a bad thing.” 
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“you are, don’t doubt yourself. he is allowed, i’m not saying that, i’m just saying, showing too much emotion will make him feel as if he did something to make her leave, and i’m sure you don’t want that.”
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
“She definitely does.” Teagan’s heart fluttered at the words. She did her best to keep herself from grinning like a fool. She still loved him. When her mind wasn’t on Blake, it always strayed to Cameron. He had her complete heart. “Sure,” she nodded. “Hm… a burger sounds good. Or Chinese.”
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cameron hummed happily at teagan’s agreement, his eyes flicking over to the screen for a moment then back to the femme. “i think i want chinese, or well, no a burger is fine, french fries are on my menu.” he admitted opening his phone to dial for delivery, “cheese burger with fries, anything else? think i’m gonna have a milkshake, also.”
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
“Ooh, croissant actually sounds wonderful,” she brushed the tip of her finger on her bottom lip. Audrea watched the interaction between the man next to her and the server in the truck and chuckled. “Well I’m not opposed to croissants. I usually eat avocados and egg whites on toast, but to be honest I’m looking for something new, so why don’t you both surprise me,” she said. “I’m allergic to prawns and shrimps, though.”
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the boy eyed the femme, an innocent smile on his lips as she mentioned her daily breakfast, “no meat? are you a vegan or something?” he stupidly questioned knowing a few of his sugar momma’s preferred that for breakfast as well. “wow, shrimps? have to be my favorite seafood. you’re missing out, love.”
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
He hadn’t really wanted to go home, but that was probably a good idea. Even before one beer, he was already causing problems. “I know, how many drinks…I’ve had or, haven’t had,” he sighed, “what sort, of person, can’t keep just that fact, in their head?”
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cameron chuckled at how belligerent the man seemed, “uh, a drunk person, it happens to the best of us, bro. just sit here and try not to run into someone who’d be willing to beat your ass because you allowed yourself to get this way.” cameron warned, “i’ve had my experience with those people and it’s better to wake up...just hungover as opposed to bloodied.”
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
Zoe laughed. “Oh, thank you.” she said, shaking her head. “I was offended, I mean, just because I’m older doesn’t mean I can’t shop there.”
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“Couldn’t agree more, but obviously that woman was a prude. I think you would look rather hot in a pink victoria secret set, you shouldn’t allow that to stop you from doing some lingerie shopping.”
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
“Honestly, I need to buy an iron.“ She admitted with a laugh. “Well, you definitely look comfortable.“ She agreed as she tucked hair behind her ear. “Nah. Honestly it looks like you’re living your best life.“
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“we’re neighbors for a reason...you can always come over and borrow mine.” the man offered with an innocent smile. “thank you for noticing. i certainly am for the next few hours. to be able to kick my feet up? who doesn’t want to live that kind of luxurious life?”
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
“so, you’re just the tiniest bit badass, aren’t ya? i’m surprised you didn’t do worst, i’m proud of you darling, just a sweet embarrassing coffee stain to help get her through the day. good job.”
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“So, I bounce my little self into Victoria’s Secret today, right? And this lady’s standing there, like any ol’ saleswoman does. I walk up and asked to get my bra size measured, since I haven’t shopped there in a while, and she looks right at my chest with this completely judgmental look and goes, “Shouldn’t you be shopping somewhere a little more…your age?” Let’s just say her blouse was covered with my latte by the end of our little chat.”
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
Scar laughed at his joke. “Finally moving in more like it.” She responded to the other. “I’ve been living out of boxes for two months and honestly if I have to wear one more wrinkled dress, I may have a fit.” She joked with a smile. “How are you today? You look… comfortable?” She said motioning at his outfit.
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laughing at the femme, he nodded his head, “tell me about it, i’m such a freak when it comes to wrinkled clothing, i don’t know how you got through it.” at her next inquiry, he looked down at his attire with an innocent smile, “yeah, got off work early decided i’d get as comfortable as soon as possible and start enjoying my next few hours off.” he admitted, “issit weird for a grown man to be dressed down this early in the day?” he wondered aloud, raising a brow at the other.
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
Technology was taking over the world and while Callie wasn’t completely oblivious to it becoming bigger and more larger in society but there was a time and place for it and this gentleman definitely wasn’t watching where he was going and if he was he would have seen that she herself was struggling. But she wasn’t going to say that out loud as it would be impolite; “I am sorry if it’s broken. Is there a reason you were on it in the first place?” trying to ask without her frustrations getting in the way.
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cameron was completely taken aback by the woman’s question, taking a second to process what she had asked. “uh, yeah, because i wanted to be on my phone.” he simply replied as if it was the obvious choice. finally the man would lean forward picking up the phone to see that the case had properly protected it from cracking, “it’s good.” he smiled to himself wiping the dirt off the screen. 
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
She had to smirk with that one because it was definitely a compliment on her behalf; “You would like my tongue wouldn’t you?” tilting her head slightly to the left analysing him; “I bet you do. But you know Cameron-… The thing is, I prefer to get myself off just because I know how I like it and well men-… always disappointments”
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licking his lips, cameron would nod, “i’m sure your tongue won’t do much besides the bare minimum.” he clucked his tongue, giving the femme another wink. “good thing i’m not an ordinary man. i’m a great man, with a big dick that would have you fucked up.” he whispered, voice deep as he stepped into her personal space pressing his chest against her shoulder to let her get a feel of his above average physique.
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
She had to smirk with that one because it was definitely a compliment on her behalf; “You would like my tongue wouldn’t you?” tilting her head slightly to the left analysing him; “I bet you do. But you know Cameron-… The thing is, I prefer to get myself off just because I know how I like it and well men-… always disappointments”
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licking his lips, cameron would nod, “i’m sure your tongue won’t do much besides the bare minimum.” he clucked his tongue, giving the femme another wink. “good thing i’m not an ordinary man. i’m a great man, with a big dick that would have you fucked up.” he whispered, voice deep as he stepped into her personal space pressing his chest against her shoulder to let her get a feel of his above average physique.
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
“Whoa, whoa. You know how much I love you but Blake is definitely the best thing that ever happened to me. I was a mess before.” Teagan chuckled, finally parting to put Blake down in her crib. She pulled her hair out of its messy bun and flopped back down next to him. Immediately, she picked up Cameron’s arm so that she could snuggle against him. She peered up at him. “So? What’d you pick?”
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“this is excluding blake, she wins in the both of our lives by a long shot.” he smiled, “but yes, i know, i remember the mess you were. still loved you.” cam added taking a deep breath. as he searched his phone for what they should order in, he let teagan get comfortable by his side, the man shrugging his shoulders, “i figured i’ll order the food first and then we can pick the movie. what are you in the mood for?”
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
“shit, sorry. i didn’t mean to make you cry.” thoren apologizes, chewing on the inside of his cheek. “yeah, it’s just…shitty. really fuckin’ shitty.” 
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“i’m not crying...” cameron trailed, chuckling at how awkward he tends to be. “i know, but you know, you just have to step up and be a great father to him, you can’t allow him to feel that loss of his mother, don’t dwell on it, either. you have to be strong for the both of you.”
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
The really sad thing was that he hadn’t had anything to drink yet. Sebastian was entirely sober just not very coordinated. He wasn’t exactly surprised when the other man cursed at him, although it did make him grab the napkins faster in the hopes of at least mitigating the damage. “I’m not…drunk,” he replied, making a rather small attempt to defend himself. 
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“you fucking sure about that? you just randomly run into people while at bars while holding a beer in your hand?” the curly-haired man groaned, taking the napkin to dab his shirt. “tonight’s your lucky night pal, i’m in a good mood. you heading home? i’ll pay for your car.” he looked over to the bartender watching them, giving them a nod to call a car for the stranger.
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
i overthink, overlove, overfeel and overstress
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thatwolfeboy ¡ 6 years
going out to check the mail in just shorts and a robe that laid loosely against his body, cameron yawned, the boy fully intending to get straight to bed when his father mentioned that the mail was still in the mailbox. smiling at his neighbor, the boy waved back, “hey, you’re moving already?” he asked jokingly, the femme being someone he saw around constantly now since she moved across the street from him.
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Scarlett broke down the final box of the day. Was she done unpacking? Nope. Was she over it? Yup! So instead she took her arm full of boxes out to the street by the garbage bin to be picked up tomorrow morning with the garbage truck came by. Smiling at the passerby she waved politely, getting used to this town, she realized you always chatted people up. “Oh, hey there!“ She said unsure if the person would keep on trucking or stop for a conversation while she adjusted the flat boxes so they wouldn’t fall out into the street.
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