thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
"Thank you."The news that Stiles was free of his handicap had been welcome and good even if the joy was short-lived.Errors would’ve been disastrous. "I’m not blaming you. If he wanted to tell me, he would have.” It seemed a lot of that was going around. Allison about “dying.” Stiles about Allison and removing his handicap. Sheriff Stilinski about Stuart. Stuart about turning himself in for Stiles. Scott about how conflicted he was about his role in any of this."Just let me know.Always willing to help.” And he hadn’t felt as if he had been very helpfu lately. Finding a law professor to help Sheriff Stilinski wasn’t him helping. Visiting him was, but… With Stuart’s situation? He wasn’t sure what help he could possibly be. He just wanted to feel like he was moving towards something worthy and helpful. Stuart was important to Stiles and the rebellion. And Noah if he ever found out. This was another instance in which it wasn’t someone’s place to spill a secret.
She didn’t seem overly concerned, to be honest, if the male blamed her or not for keeping Stiles’ decision from him. While it helped keep them on a more civil level, it had been Stiles’ decision alone on whether he wanted people to know the dangerous situation he was undergoing or not. And while she personally understood the upset about it not being shared, it really was none of her business. “I will let you know,” she reassured the other. They certainly would need help when it came to actually going and getting Stuart once Akilah came through for them -- and she knew already that Stiles would likely help. And if Stiles was putting himself in danger, with their track record, she expected to see Scott there as well. But, history also showed that it wasn’t in her favor to ever assume anything.  “And you let us know if you need anything -- or if you hear anything. None of us can be everywhere at once.” Ears on Topside were irreplaceable. 
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
“Thank you.“The news that Stiles was free of his handicap had been welcome and good even if the joy was short-lived.Cora’s betrayal and the Sheriff held hostage had followed quickly.Kara said it hadn’t been her place to tell Stiles’ friends. "I’m not blaming you. If he wanted to tell me, he would have.” It seemed a lot of that was going around. Allison about “dying.” Stiles about removing his handicap. Sheriff Stilinski about Stuart. Stuart about turning himself in for Stiles. Some of it was connected to temporarily sparing him or others from pain or worry, but it lead to other problems.What if something had happened to Allison before Stiles tricked them into confronting each other? What if Lydia and Kara’s project had gone wrong? Scott would’ve been even more blind-sided. And The Pariah’s decision? It had complicated an already tangled problem. He risked exposing himself and what if they didn’t accept him as Stiles? Who knew what was happening to him? And how would any of this affect the Sheriff? Kara’s words were measured here,too. Scott arched a brow at the new piece of information. She could only mean Stuart’s friend. Stiles didn’t know anyone on the other side. "If you need more people to work on it…Let me know. ”
She could relate to Scott’s disappointment at the fact that Stiles never told him about what he was doing -- she could sympathize. Even if, Underground, she wasn’t exactly close with anyone. She had hopes that she could consider Allison a friend -- and the possibilities of Lydia. But she knew better than to make any kind of assumptions. So, instead, she merely nodded to Scott’s comment about Stiles telling him if he wanted Scott to know. She could also see Stiles’ side of things -- no use in worrying about something that might not have ill-effects. She was sure that Stiles’ father worried enough for him -- as well as the alpha before her. But, she wasn’t approving his actions of keeping it to herself -- it just merely wasn’t her business. “It’s in a sensitive state right now,” was the best way she could word it in public. “Best to let her do her part for now.” Akilah had strings she could pull, not to mention her relation to Aleksander and her actual position. She would be much less suspicious going to visit Stuart than any of the members of Le Chassé would, even if they were registered. “But, we are looking for people to help her close it once the research is done.” 
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Somewhere Inbetween
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
Allison tensed slightly when she saw Kara, fear for the anger she knew the older huntress would be feeling causing her muscles to tighten, bringing a wince to her lips. She skewed her gaze to the floor - because she felt guilty for going behind Kara’s back, for not telling her and for going in alone, she just… hadn’t been able to wait any longer. And it was a good thing she hadn’t. “They just changed my bandages,” She offered by way of explanation, not bringing her eyes up to the other.
“No, you can stay.” Allison finally brought her gaze to Kara, brow drawn together in both pain and worry - an apology on her lips that she was too afraid to speak aloud.
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The huntress didn’t want to overstay her welcome. While she was certainly upset with Allison for having gone behind her back and taken her plans -- she also understood that the younger huntress needed her rest to heal. Her own anger, her sense of betrayal, needed to wait. The corners of her lips twitched before they sat into a thin line -- stepping her way into the infirmary more so to regard the girl. “ -- I’m glad you’re alright ; considering,” is what she choose to open with ; carefully guarding her tone.
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
Waking up to Stuart being kicked out of the infirmary had left the huntress unable to settle back into sleep, shoulder freshly aching with the exertion of moving around to have her bandages changed. The nurse left, silence consuming the area around Allison and her slightly shaken, pained breaths - the woman was less than gentle as she had rubbed more of the pain-numbing herbs on her shoulder.
Before she could move to lay down, the door was opening once again and Allison was sucking in a sharp breath as she looked up to the face that was likely there to scold her - sleep not an excuse to avoid confrontation now that she was seated.
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Kara hesitated in the doorway when the other brought her eyes up to her -- a frown dancing across her lips before she was clearing her throat and ducking her head down. “I thought you were asleep,” the huntress mused softly, “I’m sorry.” Lips thinned -- there was a slight bit of guilt, that she hadn’t kept the plans Akilah had given her hidden more -- and a fair bit of anger as well. Simply because she was concerned that her plan could’ve gotten Allison killed. “ -- do you want me to leave? I can come back later.”
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
❛ That’s all I’ve heard from the whispers around here. Maybe I’ve been focusing too much on the handicaps that I’m missing something more important. It’s definetely worse than the handicap, it’s taking away their freewill. Cora doesn’t let anyone near her even without one of those in her head. There’s gotta be another way. ❜
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“If we can find a way to grab her and take her back to the Underground, I’m sure we have someone down here who can remove it. That’s the only option I can think of. It’s much too dangerous to ask one of our people to volunteer themselves to get one put in; seeing the state Stuart was in when we got him, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
❛ It doesn’t make sense. What does it do to their brain? I wish I could get my hands on one… Maybe I could figure something else out then. ❜
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“From the information The Shadow gave Stuart, it seems like it’s a strong persuasive device -- much like the theory it gets its name from. It doesn’t seem to actually control the mind, but instead influences its victim through a threat of massive amounts of pain, or uncomfortable noises, to get what the puppeteer wants. At least, that’s what I’m understanding. And I don’t think Cora will let us get close enough to get the one in her head out.”
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
❛ I… I don’t know and honestly, I don’t know if I want to right now. They clearly have dark enough minds to use them for awful purposes. We need to find out before it’s too late, even if the answer concerns me. ❜
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“ -- from what I understand, it’s the reason Cora exposed Stiles. And why she hasn’t come back Underground. And Stuart claims, that if Allison hadn’t gotten there in time, they wanted to do the same to him.”
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
Kara pointed out even little thing were harmful. “True.” A word from a sociology class came to mind: micro-aggression. Though, he wondered if this counted as more than that.He kept his gaze on Kara. His outburst earlier had proved the teens were affecting his concentration. He didn’t intend to give them more fuel. Kara’s disapproval had the welcome effect of one of the teens turning off their annoy supernaturals app. He counted three sources of the sound now. If she worked with the Underground, should Kara even be up here? He supposed either she was human or unregistered. He didn’t see a handicap or sense the electric hum some of the devices gave off.“I like learning. Not sure about studying. That part’s more trying to memorize things. I’m trying to become a veterinarian. Eventually.” If they’d even admit him to veterinary school.Or if he hadn’t been forced Underground by then. Kara chose her words with care. Scott was definitely paying attention now. She’d helped Stiles remove his handicap.“A successful collaboration with unintended consequences.He should’ve told me.” Scott sighed. But they had more pressing issues to worry about now: Cora was acting strange –Topside of all places–and the previously mysterious Pariah had turned himself over in place of his brother.“Any progress on the more urgent project? I understand if you’d rather wait until everything is in place.” They were Topside.If she couldn’t talk about it, he’d understand.
Kara let out a soft sigh when Scott mentioned that he -- Stiles, obviously -- should’ve told him. “I agree,” was her soft reply, “But -- it was not my place to tell his friends about his decision. It was only my place to make sure that everything went without error.” Without any disaster. Without Stiles dying -- or worse. She did her part, but he did agree with the alpha that Stiles should’ve at least told the people who cared the most about him what he planned to do. She was convinced that the only reason Lydia had known was because she had to know -- being part of it. Stiles probably would have kept it from her as well if she was not involved. She then hummed at the next question, a frown forming on her lips as she tried to think of the best way to phrase it without drawing attention to herself -- or what she was saying from ears that shouldn’t be listening. “It’s in the works,” she finally said, voice soft but still casual to not sound overly suspicious. “He has a friend on an opposing project that I believe can help us.”
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
" -- what do you think they’re planning on doing with these .. Pavlov devices? “
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
Scott concentrated on the stranger’s voice and tried to ignore the sound. Allison. Kara was with Le Chasse,then. Or she knew about the list and that people close to him were on it. He wondered if suspicion would lose it’s grip any time soon. Could it swing far enough for people to want to start trusting each other again? “The difference is this kind of ignorance can hurt a lot of people on all sides.” He amended his statement.“Not this case…” He waved towards the phones responsible.“This is just distracting.” He didn’t ask how she knew who he was. Was his picture in a Le Chasse file somewhere on the dark web? He knew the government had at least his driver’s license and passport picture.The hunters probably had one,too. “They’re interrupting.You’re not. I needed a break from biology anyway.Meet me? Sorry to disappoint. Studying is a pretty boring first impression of someone.” His ready excuses for avoiding the Underground and by extension Allison: Senior year of college, working at the animal clinic, consulting with a law professor who’d taken an interest in Sheriff Stilinski’s case. And change Topside wouldn’t happen unless they could counter the fear the government used to manipulate the public.He knew the compelling counter arguments,too. Veterinary school might not consider a werewolf’s application even if he did graduate from the local college. The curfew laws forced Scott to take less hours at the animal clinic. The Underground needed people committed to the cause.
She took a few strides closer -- moving to lean against the back of the bench as her eyes watched the teenagers in question; a disapproving frown against her lips. “Maybe not this case,” she breathed with a slight shake of her head before letting her eyes fall back down to Scott. “But even the most simple ignorance can be hurtful. Sometimes, it’s just a chain reaction. A side effect.” She shrugged one shoulder, bringing her gaze back up to the teenagers as if trying to dare them to try anything else. “Not so boring,” she told him, eyes skimming the park as if afraid someone who would recognize her would catch wind of her being here. “Productive, but not boring. I used to like studying -- it put me in my own little world. That’s why I decided to become a teacher before all of this mess.” Her eyes finally -- for a second time -- returned to the alpha. “ -- I worked with Lydia,” she began carefully, phrasing her words cautiously in case others were listening. “On her project.” The project that had removed Stiles’ handicap -- and thus led to a domino effect of Stuart taking his place after Stiles’ exposure.
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
“…No. It won’t turn on at all.” Stiles was nowhere near as technologically savvy as his brother, and Stuart had been deliberate in whatever he had done to his computer to stop anyone from accessing it.
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If it wouldn’t turn on at all, it was likely that Stuart didn’t think he would be coming back. But, she was sure Stiles already assumed that. “What about his friend? Akilah? Do you think she would help?” For now, she left out the fact that Akilah had previously reached out to her.
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
Nate thrived off being undercover. He never really had to worry about who would recognize him. There were, of course, certain hunters that knew who he was, but not many. His cover protected him, and even if he wouldn’t admit it, maybe part of him was weary of who - of what - would come after him if anyone knew more about who he was.  Thus he always kept his cover up - even if it meant making idle small talk he’d rather not partake in. “I’m the same way. I look at the menu thinking about going for something new, yet always resort to the same in the end. I should break the habit because, believe it or not, black coffee can get a little boring.”
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Kara knew to be cautious of anyone. No matter how pleasant they were -- or welcoming. But, it’s not like she was Topside to make friends, as much as she wished it. Underground, most of them didn’t trust her because of where she had come from -- even if she had helped Allison Argent escape the hunters. But, despite that, she wasn’t going to let that effect where her feet stood, where she rose her flag. “I do the same thing with restaurants. I always get stuck going to the same place. And, see, I can’t do my coffee black -- you are a braver soul than I am. I like a little coffee with my sugar.”
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
His gaze travelled over the words on the page,but his brain did not comprehend any of them.He shut the book and closed his eyes. He’d chosen to study in the park hoping actual fresh air would help. But parks reminded him of woods. Woods lead to that night years ago when his most pressing worry was staying ahead of a recognized, manageable, normal disease.
Not friends acting strangely topside.(They still hadn’t figured out what was going on with Cora.) Or people he cared about on Most Wanted lists.Or how to stay calm when a device was wrapped around his throat and a constant reminder of how not calm and not pleasant and not okay he and everyone else was. And what the hell was that noise? He covered his ears. If it was another stupid teen who thought those ‘annoy supernaturals’ apps on their phone was funny, he’d run them over with his motorcycle.
Okay, not really, but the thought was tempting.“It’s a public park! I’m allowed to study.That hasn’t been outlawed yet.”
The yelling startled the woman, pulling her out of her phone while she was on her way to meet up with The Insider -- Akilah. The government employee who apparently had a past with Stuart to a point that his safety outweighed her concern for her job. Emotionally compromised. Kara knew the term quite well, and she would use Akilah’s emotionally compromising position to their advantage. No, she wouldn’t actively willingly throw the girl under the bus just for the hell of it; but she would use it to their full advantage to get the hacker back. Besides, it was emotional compromise that seemed to get the witch in the position in the first place -- covering for his brother. Kara had never had a sibling, so she couldn’t understand it quite on that level. Even if she knew that Stuart and Stiles had only known each other for a short time. She wondered if both of them being supernatural had anything to do with it; or if a twins’ connection was just that strong. The huntress didn’t pretend to understand. But -- that yelling made her pull her guard up and stumble back, a thin frown on her lips as she mentally reminded herself where her gun was before dark eyes was falling on the source of the yelling.  Scott McCall, her brain supplied. The leader of the pack of misfits that used to seemingly protect the town, before the laws were enacted. She should’ve kept walking in order to not draw attention to herself, but she hadn’t had the chance to meet the true alpha, since he didn’t venture Underground much. And she shouldn’t venture Topside. “Kids are always too impressionable. It’s likely they learned the prejudice from their parents -- or their friends at school. Prejudice is just ignorance,” the woman spoke, rounding where Scott was sitting and bringing her eyes down to him, “I’m Kara, by the way. You’re Scott, right? I hope I’m not interrupting. I just wanted to met you while I had the chance. I’m a friend of Allison’s.” She was sure that Allison was a sore subject for any of her old friends, but it was the easiest way she knew how to introduce herself without her codename -- a name that was planted on every wanted list in the city. It was far too public -- far too many ears.
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
“I think we have a plan, or … most of a plan, for now – I will just need some people to come with us once I get all the information I need.”
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
It was no wonder that Akilah was eager to see Stuart - not only to ensure that he was alive but to figure out how to get him away from whatever he was enduring. Allison herself felt the urge like a hot knife at the base of her neck, each moment that ticked by cooled the urgency in a way that made Allison sick to her stomach. She was aware of the older huntress’ eyes on her, likely picking apart her every movement in the silences that Allison left between them. “I know Lydia wants to help. And Stiles.” She offered, eyes fixed on the woman’s.
Her question, however, shook Allison’s guards dangerously. The carefully caged emotions rattled at their bars at Kara’s inquiry, threatening to drown the huntress with emotions similar to what she had felt waking up alone in Stuart’s bed. Her voice was weak when she answered, betraying far more information than she would have been comfortable with but this was Kara, who understood more of her life than some others did. “I need you to ask me that another time.” Her expression was earnest now, pleading and vulnerable, “I can’t right now.” Because if she stopped to think about it for too long, if she vocalized it, she was afraid she’d break.
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Kara merely nodded when Allison told her that the banshee and the twin were eager to help. “We will need all the help we can get to get Stuart out. I have no doubt that they will have it highly guarded. Whether at the point we get him, if they think it’s Stuart or Stiles, he’s still a magic user. He’s still handicapless. And he’s still an enemy of the government. They will want to make sure that his allies can’t get to him.”
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She almost felt guilty for her loaded question. Almost -- when she watched the mask that Allison had put up crack momentarily; ducking her head down with an apologetic sigh before she was nodding. She didn’t press anymore on it, she didn’t need to. Allison’s response was all that she needed. “We’ll get him back, Allison. We will.”
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
Allison felt a fist curl itself around her stomach at the idea that Akilah could walk in on him not in one piece - the knowledge of what she could find burned into Allison’s mind like a fresh scar, bright and angry with the memory of pain. Still, she kept herself controlled despite the revolution of her insides, the anger and fear that she felt trying to win over her rationality. It did not, the lessons from her grandfather too burned into her mind. “So we play the waiting game for now.” Allison pursed her lips, hating the idea that she had to wait for others to give her the information she needed. “When is she going?”
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Kara let Allison have her moment of pause. To let her bounce around the information that she had given her before Allison was finding the words to respond. And, just as quickly, Kara was answering her, “I don’t know yet,” she replied, but quickly tacked on, “Soon. As soon as she can. She was very eager to start almost as soon as I left her.” Akilah had almost just as much of a fire under her to get Stuart out as Allison seemed to. She did not doubt it would take her long. Albeit, the older huntress knew that a lot could happen the more that the days went on. “So, yes, the waiting game,” she concluded. “I will begin working and collaborating with others to make a mock plan where we can later fill in the details once we learn the floor plan of where he is. That is all we can do right now. I’m sorry.”  She took a breath, folding her arms across her chest and dropped her voice, “ -- do I need to ask why this is bothering you in particular so much? I understand the need to get him back, I do as well -- as does much of the Underground. But, your reaction is on par from what I would expect from his brother.”
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thcblairwitch ¡ 8 years
Allison’s eyes remained fixed on the huntress - it was times like this that she was grateful for the other, for the skills she had that people like them worked their whole lives on. A flash in her expression - a moments falter - was all she gave Kara in recognition of Akilah’s name, of her lack of surprise that the other had wanted to know that Stuart was safe. Anyone that had seen his worth would be stuck on him for a lifetime. Though, there was surprise in knowing that she’d gone to Kara - that she’d met with Kara. “Has she told you where he is?” She asked, because she had an idea - an inkling, but inklings were not good enough to get others to let her go.
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She didn’t miss the falter -- she had too much training be so focused in that moment to miss it. She also hadn’t missed all the time that Allison and Stuart had spent together, but now was not the time to mention it. She just assumed, by the flash in her eyes, that Stuart had spoken to her about Akilah. And, it made it easier -- at least Kara didn’t have to explain her intentions of why she assumed that Akilah was truly in this for Stuart’s best interests. “She doesn’t know where he is,” she told her ( that would be too easy, too convenient ), but quickly added, “But - Akilah has strings she can pull. She’s going to visit him. Both for her benefit, to see him still in one piece, and to mentally map out where he is. She’s brilliant, and one look at wherever he is will be all she needs to give us the information we need. We just have to give her the time to do whatever she needs to to get in.”
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