the-ashen-stag · 6 years
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Ash • 27 • He/Him or They/Them
I no longer write publicly due to harassment & stalking. However I am still active in the role playing community.
Should you wish to write with me (or just talk) you may send me an ask/IM and either stick to tumblr IM’s or request my discord and we can communicate on there. Thank you!
I may send you a message via IM unless it’s specifically stated not to do so in your rules. If you wish not to be contacted as such please let me know!
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
;; I challenge all of you to send me URLs! Send me URLs of your Tumblr crushes, your best friends, strangers you like to see on your dash. Send me any URL you want, and I’ll talk about the things I like about them and their blog. You can do this on or off anon, it makes no difference, just send me URLs you want me to praise. just put ‘positivity’ in the beginning of the ask and I’ll know what to do.
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
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                                                  ‟ LIKE A ROSS !! ”
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
Reblog if you would notice if I deactivated my account.
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
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i thought of this last night lmao
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
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She smiled a little and shook her head. “This is fine Arin I’m just teasing.” she said softly before leaning her head onto his shoulder. “I think I brought my DS, we could do some monster hunter...” She offered with a little shrug. “Or we could make out in the back seat.” She teased with a coy little laugh.
Stranded // Arin and Suzy
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“I think you mean the best cover ever,” he laughed, pushing his hair back with his hand. “If you want,” he said over the music, “we could take turns singing something else. Or literally anything to make just sitting here not incredibly boring.”
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
“I don’t care if she had....” she said carefully with her fingers, shaking her head before smiling at him. “But it doesn't matter now. You’re okay, I’m okay.” She smiled ever so faintly and hugged him close. The bell rang softly and she lifted that gaze carefully to the ceiling. “We should get to class...”
“Oh, I do. But it could have gone a lot worse.” He signs with a frown as he pulls away from her slightly. “She could have hit you or something and I’d never be able to forgive myself if that happened.” He sighed softly, the frown remaining.
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
“You don’t call this crazy?” she signed carefully, frowning before she slipped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. She felt so bad about everything, about upsetting him. It was even worse that he knew why she was mad now. She was embarrassed. But she was happy that he knew too...because well...because this happened. She felt herself getting more confused and frustrated by the second.
He shook his head slightly as she apologized to him. “No, no, you don’t have to apologize.“ A very small smile gracing his lips. “All of this was my fault. If I hadn’t of been so dumb and realized how you felt all of this could have been avoided.” A soft chuckle escaped him. “I’m just glad things didn’t get to crazy.” That relieved him more than he could actually say. He wouldn’t have been able to forgive himself if the girls had gotten into some physical fight over this.
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
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There’s a bright little laugh when he turned the music on. “Oh good, just what I wanted to hear. Poorly sung six pence none the richer.” She said with a little smile, squeezing his hand before she leaned back into her seat. “This should be an amusing couple hours.”
Stranded // Arin and Suzy
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He smiled at the press of Suzy’s mouth against his own. He began moving his hand not placed in her’s towards the stereo. “Yeah, at least the rain may be good background noise since-” he stopped, as obnoxious music filled the car, “I put in a cd with only Game Grumps remixes in the stereo.” He laughed.
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
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“Ooh, is fhat an offer?” She teased, poking her tongue out as she turned back around, winking playfully as she walked towards him, getting a little closer to give him a better look.
"Arin? What do you think of this lingerie?" Suzy asked, turning in front of him in possibly the skimpiest outfit of lace black bra and undies. Poor guy was trying to draw and there she was. Interrupting him with her lace downed body.
Arin sighs. He didn’t really like being interrupted when he was on an art kick, especially when he was finally getting to an animation he’d been long postponing. But, it was Suzy. He couldn’t ignore his wife. “What was that, S–” 
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“O-oh, oh my god. Suzy.”
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
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She can’t help it, When he says that she turns and wiggles her backside a little, hands brought from her hips to her chest. “Look its even got a cute design on the back.” But of course no outfit can be complete without the perfect skull created out of lace on the back of the panties.
"Arin? What do you think of this lingerie?" Suzy asked, turning in front of him in possibly the skimpiest outfit of lace black bra and undies. Poor guy was trying to draw and there she was. Interrupting him with her lace downed body.
Arin sighs. He didn’t really like being interrupted when he was on an art kick, especially when he was finally getting to an animation he’d been long postponing. But, it was Suzy. He couldn’t ignore his wife. “What was that, S–” 
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“O-oh, oh my god. Suzy.”
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
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“That sounds great baby.” She said softly, leaning across the console and kissing the corner of his mouth softly. She leaned back into her seat, still holding hi s hand in hers as she looked out the window. “This rain is ridiculous, we go from drought to monsoon season overnight.”
Stranded // Arin and Suzy
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The man tilted his head up, happy to hear that Suzy was more just frustrated than angry. “I know,” he said comforted by the touch of her hand. “We’re going to be okay. How about I put in some music?”
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
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She smiled softly when he stopped and bit her lip faintly, doe eyes practically sparkling. “Do you like it?” She asked with a little laugh, hands finding her hips as she cocked it to one side.
"Arin? What do you think of this lingerie?" Suzy asked, turning in front of him in possibly the skimpiest outfit of lace black bra and undies. Poor guy was trying to draw and there she was. Interrupting him with her lace downed body.
Arin sighs. He didn’t really like being interrupted when he was on an art kick, especially when he was finally getting to an animation he’d been long postponing. But, it was Suzy. He couldn’t ignore his wife. “What was that, S–” 
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“O-oh, oh my god. Suzy.”
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
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Nothing as worse then seeing the usually chipper Egoraptor look upset. She wasn’t that mad, and she felt bad for making him think she was. “It’s okay Arin, I’m not upset.” She promised, resting her hand with his and tightening her grip. “I know it’ll be okay as long as you’re here.”
Stranded // Arin and Suzy
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Two for two. He had forgotten the gas for the car and his phone.“I’m sorry, Suz. I guess I just forgot.” He felt very defeated that he had to sit in the car unable to go back home. He hated the fact that Suzy was likely very mad at him; he didn’t want to disappoint her. This couldn’t be any worse. He took her hand in his own, to try to soothe his wife. “At least we’re together,” he smiled. 
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
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“Of all the days you could leave your phone at home...” She sighed softly and put her face in her hands for a moment before leaning back. “Well neither of us are walking out in this fuckin’ weather. We’ll just have to hope someone stops, and if not we’ll wait till the rain does...then walk till we get cell services.” She said as she plugged her phone in to charge it so they didn’t end up with a dead phone when the rain finally did let up.
Stranded // Arin and Suzy
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Arin reached into his jacket pocket and his entire body tensed up. “I definitely have service, because I may or may not have left my phone at home,” he tried to laugh. But his nerves got the best of him and he couldn’t pretend to not be freaking out. “What should we do?”
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
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Suzy sighed as she looked at her phone. “Well I don’t have any cell service, do you?” She asked with a slight wrinkle of her nose, reaching over to click on the hazard lights. Thankfully the battery was still charged and they wern’t on the interstate. It was really coming down too, the rain thundered against the roof of the car and there was a little rumble of thunder above their heads. 
Stranded // Arin and Suzy
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“Umm, maybe?” he sighed. Yeah, that definitely was the problem. “It’s okay, we just need to call Dan or someone to come pick us up or bring as gas or something.” He pushed the hair out of his face. “I mean, we’re not too far from LA right now.”
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the-ashen-stag · 9 years
She watched him practically inhale the pentagram cookie and Suzy continued to stare. Was this real? Was he real? “I...I would like to know considering you appeared in my house and are gladly scarfing down my cookies...”
“Cool!” Dan leaned down and practically inhaled the pentagram cookie, smiling as he finished scarfing it down. “You said you don’t know who I am? Did you need to know?”
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