the-asmp-wt · 2 years
asmp characters react to you having a tapeworm
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a!god: the clocks are quiet... your tapeworm may have fixed everything, y/n
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a!tommy: awesome! that could really help with our revolution, y/n!
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a!dream: so do i. you're not special.
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a!bur: o-one of my s-spouses used to h-have a tapeworm...
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a!waters: i look like a tapeworm!
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a!quackity: i dont have a canon design, y/n
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a!ghostbur: *turns your tapeworm blue*
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a!wt: what the fuck you guys
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
Dear a!WT,
Hey, guess who's not dead. Yet. I know it hasn't been that long since our last letter exchange but, I just wanted to check on you, to see how things are going. I'm sorry I couldn't really reply to your last message on time, I've... I've been busy. Getting some help and all, proper help.
Anyways, I can't exactly tell you what I'm up to, just stay sure that for now I am safe and sound. Tomorrow's the meeting with a!Dream so, feeling a bit anxious about that. But I mean, there shouldn't be any real danger, right? We both know that if daze wanted to hurt me daze would've done it already. Yet just in case, if I suddenly go missing or whatever you know why heh.
And, hey... About that whole visiting L'apoloburg thing... I'm not sure about it anymore. Trust me, I would give anything to be there at least 5 more minutes, but I don't wanna put you or myself or Apolotopia as a whole in danger. Maybe when a!Wilbur gives me permission.
Stay safe, best wishes n' shit,
-Big T
Dear a!Tommy,
Oh, that’s good. Always glad to hear you haven’t kicked the bucket somewhere without me, and it’s good to hear that you’ve got people who are able to help you.
I… I understand not being able to tell me. Wouldn’t want your plans to be disrupted if I was found out or shit properly hits the fan- and I totally understand you not coming to see me. Even though it’s as safe as it could possibly be right now since it’s practically fuckin’ empty here boss man… y’know, maybe it’s for the best you don’t want to come, it is kind of depressing to see it so empty.
Good luck visiting a!Dream again. Just because faze hasn’t hurt you yet doesn’t mean daze won’t ever cause problems for you… I don’t really trust a!Dream, no matter how many meetings people make with daze. I would say have fun, but I doubt fun is a word in your vocabulary right now, haha. I sure know it’s not in mine anymore.
Ps: I haven’t heard from the President since they left, but I have heard from… but I have heard that both a!Wilbur and a!Ghostbur arrived safely.
It’s too quiet here without you,
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
Dear Wilbur,
Thank you for wishing me good luck, I think I’ll need it. It’s good to hear that all is well with you! I’m glad you’re able to get out and about back on your ship. If you’re trade route takes you by L’Apoloburg do stop by! It’s a bit lonely empty at the moment, not exactly thriving with life, but it’s still home.
This… may be a long shot, but have you run across a ship headed towards Atlansimp? The President and a citizen of my country are traveling there and should have arrived by now. I haven’t gotten a letter saying they arrived safely, so I’m a bit worried. They can both take care of themselves of course, but I crossed that stretch of the ocean as well, and it could be even worse depending on the weather. The ocean is dangerous and I can’t help but worry… don’t worry if you didn’t run into them, I’m sure they both arrived safe and sound and were just too busy to send back a letter to me.
Where are you headed? Somewhere exciting? I’m not too great of a sailor myself, but I can get the job done if need be. I’m a better navigator if I’m being honest.
Hope the waters are peaceful wherever you are!
Your friend,
Dear Wilbur! If that’s what you are still going by, that is,
Hey there! How are you doing at Atlansimp? I’m hoping for your sake it’s a bit quieter than where I’m at- oh, this is a!WT, by the way, we met when I was there as the Ambassador.
Things are getting a little… complicated, over here, since we are at war. War is never pleasant after all, especially when you are supposed to be fighting people you once cared about are on the other side, and you’re the Vice President of your country. But we are working through it, trying to prepare as best we can.
How is Atlansimp? Is your ship all good? Have you started up traveling again? It must be nice to be able to just sort of travel wherever you want.
I realize I’ve started to ramble, so I’ll sign the letter off here.
Hope you are alright,
Ps: I haven’t forgotten about my promise that one day we will sit down and have ourselves a meal, and I hope our paths will cross again in person someday so we get the chance to do that.
Hey a!WT,
Yes, it's still Wilbur for now, no worries! Things have been well - and thankfully - quiet here, thank you.
Ah, yes. War's a hard time for all, I'm sure. I'm very sorry your country has been put through such a thing... Good luck, my friend!
Ah, she's doing just fine now that she's repaired. Yes! I've been tasked to deliver trades, fortunately. Thank you very much for asking, friend.
I hope we do meet again soon. It'll be nice to talk to a familiar face again. See you soon!
Best Regards,
(The last name is scratched out to be unintelligible.)
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
(QUICK OOC COMMENT ABOUT MY POST. This is a nightmare, so characters WILL be out of character. Everything italicized is the dream. Have fun!)
The ground was sand. This was something that was unusual, because a!WT knew in her heart that this was L’Apoloburg, but nothing remained past the sand. No walls, no homes.
“Hello?”, she called out, squinting to try and see if she could see anybody in the sand. The wind kept pushing the sand over her feet, and she kicked it away, deciding she may as well walk since there was no answering call.
a!WT walked for hours, or maybe only minutes before reaching what looked like the walls of L’Apoloburg, crumbled and fallen, and a figure standing in front of it. The closer she got, the easier she was able to tell that the figure had its back to her, and that it was the President.
“a’Wilbur! Where are we- what happened to our home? What’s going on?”, a!WT asked, reaching out a hand to grab onto a!Wilburs shoulder, but instead of the other turning around the scene changed.
They were now both standing in L’Apoloburg, brightly colored grass beneath their feet. a!Wilbur was facing a!WT, and they were by the walls. The look on a!Wilburs face was a look that a!WT had never seen before, it was unsettling.
“D-did you r-really think I w-wouldn’t know?”, it asked, and a!WT froze. No. No no no no this wasn’t right this wasn’t something that happened or was going to happen no.
a!Wilbur was advancing now, grinning, and a!WT backs up, until her back hits the wall, panic shooting through her stomach. That was wrong she shouldn’t ever be scared of a!Wilbur this wasn’t right why was this happening-
“D-did you re-really buy that I’m that stupid? Come on a!WT, really? Was that what made you think you could pull this shit off? Of course I know your working with the enemy. I knew since the day I made you my Vice President.”, a!Wilbur sneered, a sword appearing at its side, and they rested a hand on it.
a!WT couldn’t comprehend what was happening. a!Wilbur knew all along? This was just some stupid fucking game that she was a pawn in?
“Then why not say something earlier! Why wait until I’ve told a!Tommy things!”, a!WT responded, pretending like her voice wasn’t shaking as hard as her hands were, eyes wide.
a!Wilbur laughed coldly, a dark gleam in its eyes that was never there before. At least, never a look that was directed at her. Once the laugh faded, the words that came were just as cold,” You think I care? You think I told you the truth- do you really think I’d trust You? Of all people, why you? It was just a stupidly easy way to distract the poor whining opposition…”
It was then that a!WT felt the eyes on her, and her gaze drafted from the healed but entirely unrecognizable face of a!Wilbur to the area around the pair. They were surrounded by residents, both ones who had been exiled and those who stayed. Ghostburs, a!Niki, even the a!Techno and the Wilbur she had met on her journey. They were all watching with impassive expressions, meeting her gaze and the longer they looked the more disdainful they became, faces warping in expressions of pure disgust or betrayal.
But the worst was a!Tommy.
a!Tommy’s eyes were filled with disgust and hurt, but also grim resignation. He was up in a tree, their bracelet-less arms wrapped around a branch, making no move to help.
“Help me.”, a!WT mouthed, aware that a!Wilbur was speaking but she paid them no mind, pleading for her friend to somehow be able to save this. Surely she had a plan, or some sort of saving grace that would get a!WT out of this. They were a pair right? Best friends?
Though a!Tommy was far away, his words echoed around a!WT.
“Why would I help you? You didn’t even fucking give me useful information- you got yourself into this situation. I don’t need you, and never did. You weren’t careful enough, and now everyone knows. Everyone knows everything except me. You’ve given me nothing… you are nothing to me…”, a!Tommy’s voice echoed, a!WT wilting back against the wall, the wall now fully supporting her weight as the weight of the words crashed down around her, unable to help but whisper back a helpless,”You don’t mean that.”, but a!Tommy’s cold eyes and careless shrug confirmed the Vice Presidents worse thoughts.
Everyone knew everyone knew everyone knew-
“Who are you talking to? Praying to some god you’re hoping will answer- why would they help you? Everything was in your hands… you could have saved me.”, a!Wilburs tone suddenly changed, and a!WT straightened, instantly looking back at the President. It’s face was now covered with a mask a!WT knew they got from a!Dream.
“What?”, a!WT asked, feeling incredibly wrong footed with how this had changed, but not questioning when it had had the chance to put on the mask. She also didn’t question the way a!Tommy was now standing beside a!Wilbur, and the feeling of being watched became stronger.
“You could have fixed things, fixed us. You could have not betrayed everyone you ever met, but everyone knows, and always did. We are all damned to a cursed existence because of you. And you are not going to escape punishment for your crimes”, a!Tommy and a!Wilbur spoke in unison, voices eerily similar as they both drew weapons, a!Tommy hoisting a bow and a!Wilbur with a sword.
There was chanting now, and the clicks of a clock. “We all know”, was being repeated over and over, in perfect time with the ticks of a clock that were getting steadily louder, and quicker as the pair in front of her advanced.
“No, no- no nonononono- NO-please, I’m sorry Please-“,a!WT couldn’t back up any further, shrinking down and she finally realized that tears were streaming down her face. The clocks were getting louder, and a!Wilbur was drawing its sword back, preparing to swing.
The sounds reached a crescendo before all the voices merged into one, sounding like every single person she’d ever loved or cared about. She was surrounded, but completely alone, with no one on her side. Only the ticking of the clock was there now, echoing in the silence.
“They all know. Traitors like you deserve to die alone, and your time is up.”, a!Wilbur said, mask disappearing to reveal their grinning face swinging it’s sword swiftly at a!WT’s face, as a!Tommy let the arrow fly in the same direction.
Right before the weapons hit, a!WT woke up, gasping for air, pushing herself away from the desk she had been sitting working at until she’d fallen asleep. The force of her startled push pushed her backwards in the chair, hitting her head on the ground once she fell.
“What the fuck-“, she mumbled, sitting there for a moment with a hand over her face and her other under her head, staring up at the ceiling. A!WT’s chest heaved with frantic breaths as though her body was making sure that she was still alive.
For a moment the girl simply laid there, staring up at her ceiling, unaware of the tears streaming down her face as she tried to convince herself it was all a dream. But was it? Maybe everyone did know…
“I’m so fucking stupid.”, she mumbled to herself, sniffling slightly as she crawled out of the chair and stood up shakily, glancing out the window, glad to find it was only barely sunrise. That would give her some time to try and make herself perfectly presentable before any of the remaining citizens saw her. She couldn’t let them see her like this, she was all they had left right now. The president hadn’t sent a letter, and a!Tommy hadn’t replied. Maybe they didn’t need her….
Deciding to busy herself in her work, a!WT stumbled back over to her desk, setting her chair the correct way around before flopping down onto it, and pulling the papers towards her. Might as well try and finish figuring out the details for the weaponry they had.
As she tried to distract herself, and the sun rose, the girl couldn’t quite shake the feeling that everyone around her knew, and were just waiting for the right time to expose her as a traitor. The morning sun and the tedious work may have burned away her clearest memories of the dream, but a!Tommy’s words were burned in her memory. They didn’t need her, and her time was running out.
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
*sobs* i miss asmp!gods lore ;--;
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
I’m glad the meeting went well… I don’t think you need me to tell you to be careful around daze, so I won’t say it, I’ll write it. Be careful around a!Dream, please.
And yeah, a watchtower. It should be a cool build, but the idea of watching our own citizens is a little uncomfortable to me… and then whoever is the one watching may be able to see us send letters back and forth which would be pretty bad. It is pretty bad over here, but I’m trying to make sure everyone is okay- well as okay as they can be.
Toms it’s… it’s not your fault that I am in this position. I offered to uh… help you out. Sure I didn’t know that a!Wilbur would trust me enough to make me VP but this gives me an excuse to keep checking up on them.
I… I know it’s dangerous and stupid, but a!Wilbur is gone, off on a boat. The trip will take a while and I’m sure the discussions even longer so… if you wanted to come and sneak in you could. None of the other citizens could see you though. Then we’d both be in trouble. I’d like to see you, I miss having you around. I keep going to tell you things and then realize you’re not here. It’s emptier without you. This place and my life.
But that’s enough sappy shit for now, you know you’re not allowed to die on me, right? Sorry, not allowed, I’ll have to pull my Vice President card and make it literally illegal if you have the nerve to go and die without me. We’re in this together, just like always. Together.
-Your WT
I need you. I need you more than ever. I know I've been trying to stay in the shadows but, I can't ignore the problem anymore and just hope it'll go away on it's own. I need info, I need intel, I need allies and weapons and resources and above all, I need a friend. Please reply to this letter as soon as you can, I don't even care if it's risky for me anymore.
I miss you a lot God I'm so scared
please help me
With love,
Dear a!Tommy,
HOLY SHIT YOU’RE ALIVE! I hadn’t heard from you since you said you were going to go talk with a!Dream and I was trying not to think that the worst happened but that happened but I was kind of worried and then the war so I figured you at least weren’t dead but- sorry, that’s not what this letter should be about, but I am still wondering how your meeting with daze went?
I’m here for you. It’s probably dangerous to be a friend in person now, but you’ve still got me through letters at least, right? You’ll figure this out… I’ve been trying to fix things but the problem doesn’t lie with me and nothing I’ve been doing seems to have made any difference.
As for intel, a!Wilbur has several different plans they are gonna try and start doing. One of them… one of them isn’t something for you to worry about yet. I mean neither of- The other is to build a sort of watchtower to see everything. Tommy, they want to keep an eye on our citizens too, not just to see if you are going to attack. It’s a thing used in prisons I… I don’t like it, but it’s harmless enough. The president and a citizen are going to Atlansimp to gather materials for this build, I think they’re leaving pretty soon.
It’s pretty much just gonna be me here, Toms. I wish you were here. Gotta try and keep this country up and running as long as I can, can’t let a!Wilbur or myself down. At least we’ll be able to send letters without worrying about a!Wilbur getting suspicious.
As for allies or weapons or resources I don’t think I can be of much help. I… I don’t know what I can say that would help, but I believe in you. If anyone could figure out how to get us out of this mess, I’d believe you could. Good luck planning.
Reply soon,
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
I need you. I need you more than ever. I know I've been trying to stay in the shadows but, I can't ignore the problem anymore and just hope it'll go away on it's own. I need info, I need intel, I need allies and weapons and resources and above all, I need a friend. Please reply to this letter as soon as you can, I don't even care if it's risky for me anymore.
I miss you a lot God I'm so scared
please help me
With love,
Dear a!Tommy,
HOLY SHIT YOU’RE ALIVE! I hadn’t heard from you since you said you were going to go talk with a!Dream and I was trying not to think that the worst happened but that happened but I was kind of worried and then the war so I figured you at least weren’t dead but- sorry, that’s not what this letter should be about, but I am still wondering how your meeting with daze went?
I’m here for you. It’s probably dangerous to be a friend in person now, but you’ve still got me through letters at least, right? You’ll figure this out… I’ve been trying to fix things but the problem doesn’t lie with me and nothing I’ve been doing seems to have made any difference.
As for intel, a!Wilbur has several different plans they are gonna try and start doing. One of them… one of them isn’t something for you to worry about yet. I mean neither of- The other is to build a sort of watchtower to see everything. Tommy, they want to keep an eye on our citizens too, not just to see if you are going to attack. It’s a thing used in prisons I… I don’t like it, but it’s harmless enough. The president and a citizen are going to Atlansimp to gather materials for this build, I think they’re leaving pretty soon.
It’s pretty much just gonna be me here, Toms. I wish you were here. Gotta try and keep this country up and running as long as I can, can’t let a!Wilbur or myself down. At least we’ll be able to send letters without worrying about a!Wilbur getting suspicious.
As for allies or weapons or resources I don’t think I can be of much help. I… I don’t know what I can say that would help, but I believe in you. If anyone could figure out how to get us out of this mess, I’d believe you could. Good luck planning.
Reply soon,
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
It’s uncomfortably nearby.
And yeah… I’ll see you around. Glad I had a chance to chat with you though, since I hadn’t before, but I should get going.. it was nice meeting you.
Oh hello… I have seen you around L’Apoloburg occasionally, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually met you. You are an a!Ghostbur or an a!Wilbur, right?
Both, actually! We've never actually interacted before, no. What's your alignment?
(Bedtime, C U tomorrow)
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
Where would you go? I mean, we are at war with Apolotopia, and Atlansimp is quite a journey.
Oh I’ve been Vice President for… well, I don’t really know. It doesn’t feel all that long but it was after people got kicked out and before we went to war. Some days it feels like forever and others like it just happened.
Oh hello… I have seen you around L’Apoloburg occasionally, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually met you. You are an a!Ghostbur or an a!Wilbur, right?
Both, actually! We've never actually interacted before, no. What's your alignment?
(Bedtime, C U tomorrow)
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
Yeah, it’s just me as far as I’ve seen. Anyone else who wasn’t also an a!ghostbur or a!wilbur wouldn’t be able to be here anymore after all.
Oh and uh, thank you? I’m not sure how to respond to that, it’s still a bit surreal that I’m Vice President.
Anyways I just wanted to check in and make sure everything was as it should be, nobody sneaking in or anything.
Oh hello… I have seen you around L’Apoloburg occasionally, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually met you. You are an a!Ghostbur or an a!Wilbur, right?
Both, actually! We've never actually interacted before, no. What's your alignment?
(Bedtime, C U tomorrow)
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
Oh good, I was hoping that nobody else would end up having to leave. I go by a!WT (Wilbur and tubbo apologist,)but the first part is pretty much the only important one these days haha.
I am also the current Vice President of L’Apoloburg, if you were curious.
(see ya then!)
Oh hello… I have seen you around L’Apoloburg occasionally, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually met you. You are an a!Ghostbur or an a!Wilbur, right?
Both, actually! We've never actually interacted before, no. What's your alignment?
(Bedtime, C U tomorrow)
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
Oh cool!
I did just check but it doesn’t look like asks are on on that blog.
If I was to interact with your asmp character would I send an ask here or is there another account? Thinkin’ about interaction
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
YES HELLO UHMMM so im kinda doin a thing were i draw my mutuals personas do i was wondering if you had one i could draw because we r mutuals?? if u don't want me to draw u thats okay tho (also i do not know ur main so i had to ask here im sorry sjsjsj)
Oh hello! Sorry I haven’t been logged in since not much has been happening. Uhhh I can send you my Minecraft skin or like a description in like a chat if you wanna tell me what account to message!! Also my main is RoseTheBookworm if you wanted to send me a message there lol
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
👀 pirates is like one of my fav things so if you’ll have me 👀
anyone wanna join mine and yailea's pirate rp?
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
Oh maybe? That would be nice. I don’t think I happened to ask.
Thank you, and I’ll be here when you return!
Hey so I think I found a good spot! I searched pretty much everywhere so that’s why it took me a bit. In the place I found you can see pretty much the whole area, and I bet the view would be even better once The Panopticon is built. I built up a bit to see and it looks like I’d be right about that. It would be on a little hill almost smack dab in the middle with a few trees around. I think it would be a pretty good spot. There’s some other spots too that could work that aren’t quite as central as that main spot would be, some closer to L’Apoloburg and some closer to Apolotopia.
Th-that's great!
A-all we need now is resources! And th-those will be easy to get now that I-I have a mask! *a!Wilbur shows the mask with a sense of ironic pride at the fact nobody will see the face under it. Pride in shame.*
I w-was planning on going to Atlansimp for the resources.
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the-asmp-wt · 3 years
An elect- oh uh, no problem! I hope I’m right too. I mean, I’m sure I’m right but that would sound pretty arrogant so- sorry, I’m rambling.
If you happen to see someone who went by Wilbur- they showed up to that country after being shipwrecked I believe?- tell him I said hello! They were pretty much the only friend I made there- well hope I made, I haven’t sent it a letter yet. He may not be there though, maybe sailing- forget it, nevermind, don’t worry about it, I’ll just send a letter saying hi.
And if I don’t see you again before you leave, I hope you have a safe trip and that the seas are calm enough to not give you any trouble on your journey. I’ll keep an eye on things here. Try and stay safe out there, okay?
Hey so I think I found a good spot! I searched pretty much everywhere so that’s why it took me a bit. In the place I found you can see pretty much the whole area, and I bet the view would be even better once The Panopticon is built. I built up a bit to see and it looks like I’d be right about that. It would be on a little hill almost smack dab in the middle with a few trees around. I think it would be a pretty good spot. There’s some other spots too that could work that aren’t quite as central as that main spot would be, some closer to L’Apoloburg and some closer to Apolotopia.
Th-that's great!
A-all we need now is resources! And th-those will be easy to get now that I-I have a mask! *a!Wilbur shows the mask with a sense of ironic pride at the fact nobody will see the face under it. Pride in shame.*
I w-was planning on going to Atlansimp for the resources.
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