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Sneep snorp
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[text ID: Five userboxes, all with the text: "This system has a caffeine addiction."]
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tying a little bow around my scorpion tail so it looks cute and nonthreatening <3
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Your twitchy and unsteady hands are NOT from an excessive consumption of sugar and caffiene. You come from a bloodline that traces back to mighty sorcerers, your nerves are less suited for activities like surgery and more for the swift and sporadic movements needed to cast spells.
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DID isn't just having fun people in your head
Along with shifts in personality, it's often times:
amnesia: 'waking up' with no memory of what's going on
travelling and having no idea where you are or how you got there
spacing out
feeling broken & worthless
not knowing why or how you're wearing what you're wearing
finding things amongst your belongings you don't remember acquiring
time loss
suicidal ideation & action
spikes in inexplicable emotion, especially anger, fear, and shame
body and voice dysphoria
depersonalization & derealisation
loss of control
hearing voices
finding injuries you don't remember getting
self harm
not recognising friends/family/colleagues
forgetting important events (birthdays, parties, graduations etc)
mood shifts with seemingly no trigger
finding notes in similar handwriting but something about it is slightly off
flashbacks: somatic flashbacks, nightmares, split second flashbacks to 'little things' but not getting more detail
bed wetting
age regression
inadvertently lying, or being questioned if you have
feeling like your body isn't yours
knowing something is wrong, but not what
wondering why your body doesn't align with your perceived sex (for alters whose gender/sex don't align with the body)
watching your body do things and having no control over it (feeling like a puppet or like playing a video-game in 3rd person)
mass fluctuations in libido: fluctuations from hypersexual to zero sexual desire
not being sure if things really happened, or whether you imagined/thought about them
identity confusion
+ many more
I have two book recommendations DID experiences: "All Of Me" by Kim Noble, and "The Girl in The Green Dress" by Jeni Haynes. Please check trigger warnings.
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Fellow plurals. I need to know
(Reblog? Maybe?)
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Me: Oh! Someone new. I hope they’re nice:)
The someone in question:
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Shout-out to alters who have horror themed appearances. Shout-out to alters who have monster themed appearances. Shout-out to alters who have non human anatomy. Shout-out to alters who feel underrepresented when depicting themselves in media. Shout-out to alters with scary features.
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Begging people to stop the fucking misinformation about alters not presenting until young adulthood. As far as I've been able to tell, this came from an ANONYMOUS TIKTOK COMMENT of some random person claiming to be a counselor and people took it and ran with it so hard. I've seen multiple trauma/dissociative specialists and all of them have said it's incredibly common for alters to be developed and presenting in childhood. I've not found a single reliable source actually stating alters do not develop until adulthood, just people parroting this information with no sources
A lot of the people I see spreading this are the ones apparently dedicated to calling out misinformation about the disorder, but if you actually read up on it you'd know that alters usually DO emerge in childhood, age 5 and a half approximately is the average according to most studies I've found.
This also makes no sense considering what we know about how DID develops. Host states are alters - they are not any more real and not necessarily more developed than other identity states. It makes no sense that only the host state would be developed until adulthood, especially considering that alters have roles they formed to take, meaning they inherently had to be fronting during childhood in order to cope with and take on trauma.
You're not anti-misinformation if you listen to randos on tiktok over specialists in the field and actual studies. Read a fucking book.
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The beginning of a new series of Casual Explanations: “Understanding Dissociated Parts”! My hope is to explain how to critically examine dissociated parts–the ways they present, communicate, and more, in order to help others understand their own systems.
First up is the basics of understanding Part Appearances! Please note that not all parts have an internal appearance–it is simply one possible form of expression/communication! Not having an internal appearance does not make a part (or system) any less valid!
When considering why parts have the appearances they do, think about role models, people you’ve known in the past, characters from different media–anything is fair game. Often they may pick and choose different traits from different places, to express different beliefs. Their inspiration may surprise you!
(sources: The Haunted Self, and Coping With Trauma-Related Dissociation)
[You can find more casual explanations about DID/OSDD here]
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Welcome to Understanding Dissociated Parts: All About Introjects! This is a general overview of introjects–the specifics are going to be a bit different for each person!
Some additional information:
Introjects do not have control over how they form and what beliefs they hold, but in the case of negative or harmful beliefs, they can be worked through in therapy
Introjects can take the form of real people and fictional characters, but they are not those people or characters (no matter how good of a copy they may be)
Introjects may experience “pseudo-memories,” or a transference of memories from their source. For example, they may long to return to a place you have never been (or that doesn’t exist), or mourn the absence of the friends/family of their source. These are real feelings put into the context of constructed memories, and should be handled sensitively (Don’t just tell them “It wasn’t real, get over it.”)
As always, the most important thing is to foster communication and compassion between parts!
[Missed part 1 of the series? Check it out here!]
[For more Casual Explanations, check out the masterpost!]
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being an introject is so stupid sometimes. host is going through shit ass fucking time and the brain goes "ok ^_^ guy from my shows will deal with this" and youre guy from his shows. and now you have to deal with it
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This has been on my mind, it needs to be said. There is *no such thing* as a mixed origin system. Listen to me. You do not have endogenic alters and traumagenic alters. Because not every single alter in the system has to be a trauma holder. There are Emotion Parts (EPs) that hold trauma. Then there are Apparently Normal Parts (ANPs) that do not hold trauma. ANPs normally handle daily activities of living. Often, they’re able to do this because they *dont* hold trauma. This doesn’t make them endogenic. They exist within a traumagenic system. They system itself is traumagenic, but not every member of the system holds trauma. Once DID forms, alters can be split for many reasons, it doesn’t necessarily mean that every single alter splits to handle a trauma.
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chronic fatigue makes every day feel unproductive, which is hell for someone who feels pressured to constantly keep busy
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really i think one of my favorite character dynamics is “i don’t actually like you but we’ve been through so much together that i’d trust you with my life and know that we will always back each others calls. but i still wouldn’t trust you with my car keys.” like “we aren’t really friends but we’ve been thrust into an intense situation where you are the only other person i know so now we’re besties.” and “if it weren’t for our years of history i would have literally nothing to talk to you about at this work dinner.” Enemies to lovers has NOTHING on general disinterest to begrudging acknowledgment to discovering that this person is now an inextricable part of your life
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those of you who toss away people who have achieve final fusion & integration of their parts can eat cowshit. as if a whole life & complex therapy experience is suddenly rendered useless b/c currently all parts are fused . thats little bitchboy behaviour and i wont have it here . shoo
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I've had a conversation with an old college friend a couple months ago and she told me where she lives now, it's not permitted to have your children share a bedroom, which surprised me. And she also thought it was abusive to do so. So, yeah, poll time.
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