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Independence day Marrakech,morocco
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Riad massin
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Riad massin
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Independence day in Marrakech
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Halloween fun with liquid latex
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Cyborg arms!! Jessica prepping for Halloween
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Really??? Why has this novelty (and lets face it) not worn off yet? Ps if your keen on this and never want to be taken seriously these belts are now available in primark!!
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Jessica representing in a floral urban outfitters tracksuit! Im not really sure what to make of the whole situation- when did floral print tracksuits become a thing? She actually got the jumper in the end and i have to applaud her cause home girl was rocking it!!
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haha just seen a post i wrote a while when when i was in a rage!
glad my sister told me not to publish it the language was just a bit unforgiveable as im trying to curb the swearing.
here it is the edited version(without swearing):
Since when pray tell, did it become ok for people to wear suit jackets with hoodys??
I kind of feel like this is completely beyond me. I have always had trouble with such a combination because it JUST DOESNT MAKE SENSE!!!!
I need to know what are these people hoping to convey to the world by juxtaposing suit and hoody???
and why has spencer mathews from Mic decided to take it that one step further with a dinner jacket Eurgh!!! sicko
Are you an offender?
Do you know any Offenders?
can you explain this? feel free to reply
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New wax prints!!!
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hahha made me giggle
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Amp up your grill game with Thug Kitchen.
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Gatsby Waistcoat update
I have finally bought the fabric for my waistcoat! it is gorgeous!!
I haven't been able to get to London recently therefore i just decided to make do with local the john Lewis! once i find my memory card lead i shall upload a picture! The fabric is quite a heavy duchess satin and I found it whilst despairing and rummaging  through the remnants box. The colour is really beautiful my only concern which my charming sister voiced, is that my might look too wedding, she took one look and said its the kind of colour a bride that doesn't want to wear white wears!
I consulted a number of books and websites on 1920's fashion and style
so whilst drafting the pattern tonight a number of difficulties or questions have arisen such as:
DO i do a welt or double jetted?
The second which frankly i am beyond relived to have overcome is do i have a full shawl collar?
How far do i cross the lapels?
how many pockets?? 3 or 4
How many sets of of buttons 3 or 4??
Im praying to the high heaven something comes to me whilst i sleep cause this is too stessful!!!
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The village
The village is a new BBC drama chronicling the lives of a tiny village in the peak district from the 1914 to the 1920's. This programme is insanely addictive, every Sunday evening i feel like I've just been through the biggest emotional roller coaster. It seems like everything happens to poor ol' Bert Middleton in one episode:
- His dad gets accused of rape
- His teacher basically attempts to beat him to  death
- he has to cut an old ladie's vein open and drain her blood
- his father tries to kill himself
and he has to deliver his mothers child
what actually could come next?
it was interesting to watch something which seemed extremely realistic in its depiction. Most dramas about the World Wars  period always seem to concentrate on hugely bombastic dramatic scenes.
The show  really inspired me to create a lapeled waistcoat(Plus my Great Gatsby one is going a bit slow as i actually have no fabric or pattern.) out of a boiled wool. i need to do some research first though!
Hopefully i can create the pattern today!
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Countdown to Gatsby!!!!
The Great Gatsby is finally coming out on the 10th of May!!!! This May will be an iconic month in my life for these reasons :
The Great Gatsby on the 10th 
MY 20th birthday on the second( this isn't iconic per say as 20 is wubbish and i have nothing planned but it is what it is.)
I am off to amsterdam and then to the rest of europe 
I hope to add more to this list as its pretty pathetic and currently actually not that iconic. 
So as the great gatsby is coming out and robert Redford is my style icon i want to make a 1920's waistcoat to celebrate!
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  Kinda need a second to digest the image-
double breasted waistcoat in a fresh white
clean cut hair
the colours just work mellifluously the grey and yellow compliment each other perfectly and then are totally of set by the brilliant white (oh how i wish people would take note!)
This is one of my favorite pictures ever! I remember watching the great Gatsby in English lit for the first and just being astounded at how homeboy Redford was rocking it!
The costumes for the movie were created my Ralph Lauren aside from the shirts which i belive were Turnball and Asser. Despite the foray into "polo" for bringing to life jay Gatsby, lauren shall always be one of my icons.
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 Well what can i say aside from total perfection!
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Photo by Sarah Kjelleren
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Malaysia has declared V-necks gay.
HAAHHAAA i LOVE Malaysia- that's badass 
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Welcome back Post
I haven't written a post in a while mostly because of the lack of response to my foray into the blogosphere  mainly because I am a lazy  and I don't really get tumblr. I have decided to use this week coming to update on what I have been up to in the intervening time. 
Zara has always been a store that really spoke to me-  Every season it has the most gorgeous items which I know I need and were designed for me. sadly I am broke or I don't believe in their prices( h&m way more reasonable). So anyway this past summer their collection of jackets have been beyond fab and I have had my eye on a fair few.  ergo..
The tiger print jacket was originally priced at £79.99!!!  disgracefully!! So anyway during one Saturday was tempted by the 10 foot sale signs in Zara en route to H&M  I made a mad dash in and by Gordon Bennett it was like a high class jumble sale!! Honest to god this actually happened- I was casually browsing through the rails when out of nowhere this claw comes down on the hanger IN MY HAND and tries to snatch it away WHATTT!! I just thought as if she's getting it now and took the dress. The psycho lurked around till I put it down mad!!
So anyway I got the tiger print blazer insanely gorge!!! Got it for the cheeky sum of 19.99!!! 19.99 you say?
 its practically daylight robbery really, I am in LOVE 
Not quite sure how to feel about the fact the jacket was featured on Womanandhome.com though, slightly awkward :/ 
anyway cheerio!! 
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