Life is too short to drink bad beer.
(via 123---69---jim54)
My first beer review is for Saranac S’mores Porter. 6.2%. It pours a nice head with a little lacing into a pint glass. The beer is aged with chocolate and vanilla. Now the taste. It is rich with a chocolate flavor and has some characteristics of caramel and biscuit malts which gives it a slight taste of graham crackers. Malty and not too hoppy and the finish is nice and smooth. I would rate it as one of the finest porter’s I have ever drank, imho. If you can find it, it is well worth it. I found it @ Jungle Jim’s here in Cincinnati(Eastgate location) 6.99 a 12 pack + tax. A real steal! Peace
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Life is too short to drink bad beer.
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