the-bela-starr-blog · 5 years
Don’t underestimate the role you play on this planet. Without you, the world would not exist in the exact way it does.
(via purplebuddhaquotes)
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the-bela-starr-blog · 5 years
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(via Foreigner donates proceeds from remake of classic song to Shriners)
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
People come into your life for a reason. They might not know it themselves, why. You might not know it. But there’s a reason.
Joyce Carol Oates (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
I have protected this house for a very long time and I’m familiar with everything and everyone here, or so I thought. As I’m flying around reassuring myself that all is well, I notice an open door, one that has always been closed. It has always been kept empty and filled with dust.
Lit candles are scattered around bathing everythng in their soft, golden glow. Showing the room to be filled with stacks of inky,musty smelling, wonderful books! I didn’t know humans still enjoyed these things. Continuing my inspection I spy a line of steam rising to the ceiling. The scent is a familiar one so I follow the trail down to it’s source.
I land in front of a teapot emitting the aroma of fresh peppermint and honey. My curiosity draws me close enough to notice a cup filled with ambrosia slightly to the side of it.
I know it’s for me because its perfect for such a small person as I. Sitting with my back against a pile of books and sipping my tea, I realize that the new humans know exactly how to treat their resident faerie.
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
Spiders to the rescue
The workers had no sooner demolished the place across the street when a tidal wave of black bugs spread out, swarming over everything in their way.
Spraying lines of chemicals only slowed them down as they used their dead for bridges. At the edge of my carport, I stood prepared to brandish my broom while protecting my home. 
A movement above my head caught my attention. Spider after spider slid off my roof like paratroopers jumping out of a plane. In no time they’d formed a protective web door in front of me. 
The spider army was comprised of all sizes and colors. As one they faced the encroaching enemy.
The battle between the two species was epically brutal and amazing to watch. The war ended with the roaches scurrying away leaving behind weary, injured or dead spiders in their wake. They had won but at a deadly cost. Staring in sorrow I whispered, “Thanks, guys.”
A very small spider slowly spun its way down until we were eye to eye. Cupping my hand around it, I crooned, “Don’t worry my little friend, I’ve got the perfect place for you.”
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
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Heatwave - 180815
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
“Welcome to the only Reaper college in the universe. I’m Mr. Grim and I will be your instructor for the next few hours.”
The tall hooded figure strolled down the line as he spoke. Inspecting this rag-tag lot with their wrinkle robe, slumped shoulders, and scythes dragging the ground, he knew he had his job cut out for him this time.
“Right now you’re only reapers,” sniffing in disdain. “But, I promise that at the end of this course, you will be Grim Reapers.”
Then the lessons began: Stand up straight; be proud of who you are. Hold your scythe firmly at all times and only the handle may touch the ground.The most important thing they had to remember was to never, ever, let someone else hold it for them.
Looking at his watch, Mr. Grim announced, “Congratulations! As of now you’re certified Grim Reapers. Now go out there and start collecting those souls.” 
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
  Hello my old friend, long time no see. It’s been such a long time since we last played together. I’ve been so lonely for your company that all I can do is pace around this tiny room you’ve trapped me in. You seem to have forgotten that I have needs and dreams, just like you.
Do you remember how we used to entice the monsters out of your closet and from under your bed to come out and play with us? Do you also rememberhow I made them disappear because they played too rough and scared you?
                 I remember.
In all those years have you ever wondered where they went. Well my friend, it’s time for you to know the truth. I absorbed them, every single one, good or bad. I absorbed them until they are now me, the monster in your head and ready or not. I’m coming out!
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
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Today I met a kestrel named Salt.
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
You are not stupid. You are not ugly. You are not worthless. You are not weak. You are not a burden. Your anxiety is lying to you.
(via purplebuddhaquotes)
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the-bela-starr-blog · 6 years
A perfect relationship = Two people never giving up on each other.
(via love-diaries)
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