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She’s my favorite
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shout out to shady for just existing youre my favorite
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Thanks I guess
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hey ho!
hey, little nervous to start this, but goggles said it would be a fun experience!
yoyo sup! Ask questions I guess!
-horn helm
sup! Really hoping you guys hauuh… what was I going to say? -barrel eye
fuhuhu! Hello beautifuls, enjoy asking questions!
- shellmet
I see you
- shady
one sec, I’m almost done with this level
- 8-bit
ah, so you have come to ask the best of the best, go ahead
- ocho
I guess I could make time for weak people like you, go ahead, ask questions
- jaymoji wire glasses
(note, all of the characters are minors, as well as blog runner, so please nothing inappropriate. only the hierarchy are in color because there’s not enough colors to write for all of them and they get shown more in the manga. I also may draw them when I actually get asks.)
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