the-bfdi-analyzer · 2 months
leafy from bfdi perhaps? :3 (<- biasedbiasedbiased but I would LOVE to see your takes on her character)
Leafy at first believes that anyone can be happy if they just try, despite this not always being the case. She sees her friends as more important than anything, and thinks friendship means an exchange of favors, this can be seen by the way she does stuff and asks for stuff more than talking to friends. She starts off as a genuinely nice person who just wants to help, but as time goes on she loses the want to be nice, but still wants to be seen as nice, so she fakes it. She’s terrible at faking and since she’s older, she can’t get away with questionable motives anymore and since the others are older too, they notice. She’s not very socially aware and says things to offend people very often (especially considering how often she calls needle “needy”) as well as making incorrect assumptions. She’ll hurt and use people without realizing and despite being a “nice” person, she can usually brush it off when she does realize. She’s the forgive and forget type, but only when it comes to herself, she can really hold a grudge against someone no matter how much she’s wronged them. She takes pity on people a lot and treat people who have issues like they’re babies. She has a short temper, which you can see glimpses of in the first season, but really start to show in bfdia. Like- come on. Throwing KNIVES at ppl bc they slapped you??? But despite everything she still hates mean people, acting like they’re the worst people to exist, despite being fake in her own personality. Despite everything I’ve said, I love her and she’s one of the sillies of all time.
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the-bfdi-analyzer · 2 months
I’m Keijilicious (so delicious) you wish that I wasn’t fictitious
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the-bfdi-analyzer · 2 months
Just realized I never made an intro..
Hi, I’m Kris, Gnarpy, Konata, or Gin!
I use they/it pronouns
I like: undertale, deltarune, regretevator, bfdi, ii, yttd, and more
Shout out to mar-mar who made me realize I never made an intro!! ★
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the-bfdi-analyzer · 2 months
Suitcase II mayhaps (as a chronic suitcase enjoyer)
She’s very reactive and sweet, she doesn’t exactly know how to say no or stand up for herself. She’s a “doormat” but this isn’t because she’s a wimp or anything. She feels bad when she makes others feel bad and fears conflict. She wants whats best for everyone, including people on other teams. Whenever she stands up for others, all it takes is one “shut up” for her to back off and give up. She likes when things change, especially for the better. She’s always willing to move on and welcome new people. Even when she does successfully stand up for herself, when it negatively impacts others worse than she expected, she feels horrible and wants to undo it. (Can go deeper into character if needed + sorry if this flopped but here you go)
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the-bfdi-analyzer · 2 months
Lightbulb analysis
She is a seemingly carefree and silly girl, she is always lighting up the room (budumtsss) and making a funny remark. She isn’t afraid to show who she really is, but she is afraid to show her emotions. She thinks if she ever acts upset, people won’t see her the same way or look up to her like they did before she was sad. So she represses everything until all eyes are off her. As much as you might want to think of her as just “happy silly nice” she is quite sassy at times, she likes teasing others and scolding paintbrush (playfully, but she isn’t all good) She is open minded and willing to learn new things about her friends. She likes making it clear that she supports non binary people saying stuff like “any boy or girl….. or other ;3”. She wants to be the one everyone looks up to, despite no one looking up to her at first because of her “dumb” nature. But others learn from her to just chill sometimes and live life.
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the-bfdi-analyzer · 2 months
Tennis ball analysis
Despite people saying he has no personality, he has one. It’s just very overlooked. He’s very sassy and can be quite mean at times to people he considers “stupid”, but that’s just the people he’s mean to. He’s especially sassy to golf ball, who ignores it. He has a shorter temper than most of the of the other characters, though he can contain himself well; he mostly just resorts to scolding the others or making “passive” aggressive remarks right in front of their faces. He seems to think everyone should know everything already and enjoys correcting people, because he wants everyone to be “correct”. He’s very expressive and doesn’t hesitate to scream about being scared, or cry when he’s sad. He seems to be willfully ignorant about any wrong doings from his friends. He doesn’t believe golf ball is a “bad person”, he gets her. He understands people on a deeper level than most, even down to what materials they’re made of. As much as he sounds like a confident character so far, he’s not. He hates conflict, so he doesn’t stand up for ANYONE, he just mentions how he doesn’t like something and tries to de-escalate. He’s very easily hurt and wants to be seen as the second best at everything. Except. Inventing. he’s ok with golf ball being better at everything except what he’s really passionate about. He feels like he’s always second place do he wants at least one thing that HES good at, not that THEYRE good at. As much as he loves golf ball, he wants there to be a distinct difference between the two, he doesn’t always wanna be seen as the supporting member. But he always puts himself in a position where he would be seen that way. His main priority is golf balls happiness and his own achievements, so he sometimes worsens their chances of winning to make sure they get what they want.
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the-bfdi-analyzer · 2 months
Golf ball bfdi analysis
Before we start, let’s make one thing clear. She has UBER autism she is just like me Fr except I hate math.. ok so math is obviously her special interest, no need to look further into that. And one thing I’m TIRED of is “omg gb tsundere for tennis ball” NO. SHES NOT. SHE DOESNT UNDERSTAND HER OWN FEELINGS AND CANT PICK UP ON THE FACT THAT HE LIKES HER BC SHES BAD WITH SOCIAL CUES. She doesn’t understand that there’s a possibility of romance between the two because she doesn’t consider change to be a real thing that can happen.. she clearly doesn’t understand/hates the fact that things can change, when people leave her team MELTDOWN, when she gets replaced as leader (she wasn’t even a real leader she just sees life as “if you want it done right do it yourself”, me Fr) MELTDOWN when a new host comes MELTDOWN. She can’t stand change and therefore can’t see that relationships change. She’s very insecure and hides it all behind a “bossy” persona, she doesn’t even realize it. She LOVES praise and it makes her feel like she’s worth something BC SHE HAS LOW SELF ESTEEM, ITS OBVIOUS BC SHES SO AGAINST CRITICISM AND IT MAKES HER PANIC. She doesn’t like making new friends, they annoy her and she wants to stick with what’s she’s comfortable with.. She needs someone spontaneous and silly bc she needs to break the habit of always sticking to plan and making sure things go her way.. I hope this was ok for a first full analysis. Shes clearly very sentimental, based off the first tear moment, not much to say but it’s interesting to me.. She LOVES the feeling of being right “everyone does” well she loves it more than you. She goes full on tantrum mode when she’s wrong and gets upset when questioned. Despite wanting to seem like someone who always has it together and makes decisions based off facts and statistics, she’s very emotionally driven. She shouts at people and physically harms them sometimes, but no matter how upset she gets all she wants is what’s best for her team, making every decision she can to ensure their victory. She sees relationships as business exchanges, she gives her time in exchange for their loyalty. That’s not to say she doesn’t like her friends, she does. She just doesn’t understand how friendship works, and she doesn’t get that they can deteriorate over time if not given the proper care. I know this because no matter how mad or upset or over her tennis ball is, she always acts the same, not really taking his feelings into account, just how well he helps the team, because like I said, the team is what matters most to her.
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