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Starscream - Episode 46: Drift
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Starscream - Episode 46: Drift
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Optimus Prime & Red Alert - Episode 46: Drift
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Optimus Prime - Episode 43: Puppet
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Jetfire and Optimus Prime - Episode 48: Cramp
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Sideswipe, that’s too close!
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                                            “And the story goes on...”
                                          ☠ Rules ☠ Muses ☠
Indie Transformers OC RP blog. Multiverse, multiship, multimuse. OC friendly, crossover encouraging.
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((*wants to revive this blog but has been gone so long she doesn't know how*))
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Going on Hiatus
((I feel really bad about this, now, because people are still following this blog - I appreciate that like you don't even know! - but I'm putting this place on a temporary hiatus. I'm planning to put my characters through some development and revisions, and I'm worried that might get too messy if I'm still trying to interact with others while that's going on. We'll be back soon, though - hopefully with better developed OCs!))
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My character is trying to refuse medical treatment for a very serious injury. Try to convince them otherwise.
submitted by anonymous.
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Put one (or more) of the symbols in my inbox and I’ll make a specific headcanon
■ - Violent headcanon
♦ - Emotional headcanon
✿ - Happy headcanon
● - Sad headcanon
♠ - Painful headcanon
♥ - Love headcanon
♡ - Sex headcanon
☆ - Appearence headcanon
☠ - Death headcanon
♒ - Family headcanon
☮ - Friendship headcanon
▼ - Childhood headcanon
∇ - Old age headcanon
☄ - Food headcanon
★ - Education headcanon
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send my muse one of the following to see how they react:
[text]: What the hell are you saying? [text]: Does that mean you aren’t coming back? [text]: Oops, I brought spandex instead of leather.  [text]: Come on if you’re coming.  [text]: Are we going to do this or what? [text]: Tell me now..so how often have you had sex dreams about me? [text]: Don’t get too comfortable. [text]: S.O.S. [text]: Do you have to text me at three in the morning? [text]: Shouldn’t you be sleeping? [text]: Is that you’re way of saying you miss me? [text]: Is there something I should know? [text]: Party. My house. Tonight. Bring Alcohol. [text]: Is that suppose to be a threat? [text]: Haha, no. I’m not giving it back. [text]: Time for someone to go grocery shopping. [text]: I’m not going with you to see that. [text]: EMERGENCY: BRING ICE CREAM [text]: Send me another picture like that and see what happens. [text]: Is teasing me the only purpose of this conversation? [text]: Soo..does that mean you feel the same way? [text]: Just admit it..you missed me. [text]: I was hoping you would go with me. [text]: You’re dead meat. [text]: How do you feel about a threesome?  [text]: Maybe I just feel like spending my night with you. [text]: We are not going there.
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Send me a prompt and I'll write a 4-5 sentence drabble about it.
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Letters Meme
☁ - if you want my muse to write yours a sad letter
❀ - if you want my muse to write yours a grateful letter
☣ - if you want my muse to write yours a warning letter
❦ - if you want my muse to write yours a loving letter
✂ - if you want my muse to write yours an unsent letter
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This certainly wasn't the first time Phalanx had felt like she was being watched, and it certainly wouldn't be the last time. The sensation of someone's optics following her was ignorable, at best, and annoying at the very worst.
But it had been a long day of coaxing her precious ship to limp along just enough to make it back to port, and the femme was in no mood to play games with strangers. Turning abruptly on her heel, orange optics immediately zeroed in on the black and white culprit of a mech, and Phalanx found herself quickly biting back her original berating.
"...s there someth'n I c'n help ye wit', sir?" The mercenary asked as kindly as she could manage. She usually didn't care how her tone came across to others, but from his coloration to his badges, this mech was clearly one of authority...It would probably not be her smartest idea to mouth off to this one. Phalanx wasn't exactly known for her smart ideas, but she had her moments.
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Put one of these in my askbox to see how my Muse reacts.
"Do you trust me?"
"That sounds painful."
"Are you even listening to yourself?"
"I’m not speaking to you anymore." 
"I can’t believe you missed that."
"That was a bad plan." 
"That looked easier on TV." 
"I’ve never heard that one before."
"I didn’t know you could do that."
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