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lil pixel bears to brighten up your day!!
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Little green thing, you, the lines on your palm running as roots– you understand what it means to be part of the earth, in all its playful, steady wonder. Tiller of gardens, warden of weeds; you decide what will wonders spring will make and what shall be left to the teeth of slavering frost. do not forget to find a place for the bitter amongst the sweet; the thorn has as much right to the thistle as the bloom. 
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‘what do the woods hold for me?’ I whisper to the leaves. ‘what words feed your roots, what currents stir your branches? hold old you are, how rough your bark– what wisdom will you tell?’ 
‘quiet’ said the stirring trees. 
‘shall i rest beneath your boughs and listen to your sighs? I will listen– I will– to anything you say.’
‘quiet’ said the gnarled roots. 
‘I can place my head against your trunk and feel the pulse of life. you are so old, so knowing. what have you for me?’
‘quiet’ and the trees looked away. ‘do not listen to our leaves, do not dig among our roots. be quiet’
the forest pushed its roots deeper and turned in on itself. ‘we have nothing for you that is worth more than peace. stop listening for lessons you do not need. if you dig deep enough you will suffocate in the dirt of your own search.’  
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love like sunlight through the blinds, radiance diffused, spilling through at the edges, glowing red through sleepy eyelids– hints of a whole sky, patient and flooded with dawn.
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I survey the ground below as I teeter on my twig– not yet, not ready, not warm enough for spring– to plant oneself is such a permanence, and I cannot commit to the dirt when I do not know its depths. what bones wait for me, buried in this earth? what will fill the space above me while I wait to sprout? The sky will change while I am gone– better to stay. better to stay.
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Wraith or wrath, the storm will never know you like the fog. the wind can howl its way into your lungs and try to claw out the words you cannot speak, the rain lashing and crying and pleading with the goosebump surface of your skin-- but even if you want to, you cannot let it in. But join me in the morning, when the fog comes in, when it rolls tidelike into the city and tiptoes into crumbling places, covered places, never knocking only seeking and seeping until it has found its homes. It would wrap you up and hold you like you two are alone in this world, shadows swaddled underneath the sea, and it does not stop at skin. To be loved by the fog is to be known as only consumption-- subsumption-- allows. the mist takes your breath and calls it her own, and it loves with ever sodden shift of the warm body it has claimed. These bones are heavy, the muscles strong; and all is damp sweet cool. it is part of you now, and the dawn will never burn it away.
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the rain knows all my secrets
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Easy Curse of the Day: The Broken Window Curse
Have an enemy? Want to cast a curse that will cause them to have one of their windows break?
Great! Let’s get started!
To begin, you will need some symbolic items — a large rock, some paper, a pencil, and a lit candle.
Cast a circle if your practice calls for it, and cleanse your space.
On the paper, use a pencil to write the name of the person whose window you wish to break.
Light the piece of paper on fire, and place it on the rock. Let it burn completely to ash.
Close your circle (if needed)
Then take the rock and throw it through that person’s window.
Works every time.
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Offering Tarot Readings~
I’m offering tarot readings! I’ve been reading cards for more than 15 years and have been thinking about offering readings for some time. A few friends have recently encouraged me to actually put myself out here!. Feel free to stop by and ask! And Feel free to buy me a coffee~
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The Sentinel, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, June 10, 1943
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I feel like people raised in certain locations get like, emotionally or spiritually horny for places distant to them
like, I grew up near the mountains, and I still love the mountains, but that shit’s mundane, I’ve seen them big rocks before, I’ve witnessed the sunrises all purple and majestic, I’ve beheld the vast forests and enormous deer, but the desert?
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magical. breathtaking. heart-stopping.
Wet forests?
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Stunning. Witchy. Fucking got me gobsmacked man.
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Awe-inspiring. Cold as hell but sexy about it. Super cool.
The bayou?
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otherworldly. enchanted. fantastical. I don’t even know what rain is and this shit is scary wonderful.
the OCEAN?
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get the FUCK outta here with that natural beauty and beholding of our own smallness against the enormous depths of water and sky.
I’m not saying we should all romanticize the places people live but actually we should absolutely romanticize the different places people live and biomes around the world. It’s all pretty special you know, like the whole world is, you feel me?
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picture me wreathed in ivy, mouth dripping moss, melting into the earth with every jade blink of my honey-soft eyes. see me as I should be, not as I am.
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Just in case anyone was confused
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just go enjoy your life, 
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may your soul be overgrown with moss. may your veins fill with rainwater and your lungs swell with flowers.
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what will survive of us is love:
Jeffrey McDaniels, “Archipelago of Kisses”  |  John Berger, And Our faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos  |  Moikom Zeqo, “The Miracle of Death  !  Madeline Miller, the Song of Achilles  |  Hozier, “Work Song”
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