[Introduction/Open - The Thing About Schedules]
Ridiculous. How is it that he's finding himself on this campus weeks after he decided not to become a student here? The wind seemed to carry a different message throughout those days, so much that it frequently bothered him until he reversed his decision. He is still bothered by the obnoxious compulsion to attend. His compulsion to join made it seem like changing his mind was a simple task to accomplish. Now that he's here, however, the least he can do is discover what gave him the strange feeling that he had to attend this school. Leon has been deceived into making decisions before. Of course, he's not proud of what he did, and to this day he's cautious in case another similar opportunity to take advantage of his weaknesses should arise. What weakness is left to manipulate though? Hm. That is the question. Anyhow, at least his schedule should be normal. Wait. Something looks off. Botany? Since when will he use that class as the Souryuu Child? He realizes now that having Sharlene pick his schedule was not a good idea in the slightest. He will not make this mistake again. Some classes look useful, like Self-Defense and Psychology. Other classes, like Geometry and Music, will get a person of his status nowhere. And what is he going to do with the ability to write creatively? Did Sharlene think this through or just pick a class at random for each category? Then again, if he only took classes of use to him, that might be a bad idea. It's good to have a few talents on the side, isn't it? But these courses? Really, Sharlene? He walks through the hall in the direction of the Geometry room, too lost in his thoughts to avoid bumping into someone that's walking in the opposite direction as he is.
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Someplace away from you.
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