#cecilsweep is like if you had this friend, right? and you were very good friends! you talked every day, you knew everything about his life, but then it kinda sizzled out, and you'd tell yourself he's still part of your life, but when one of you reached out you were in such different places in life you could barely have a conversation anymore. it'd be kinda sad, but you have new friends now, and you remember your friendship fondly.
then one day you turn on the tv and out of the blue, he's being elected president
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some buttons for the fellow voters out there
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priest of the ideal
@themiserablesmonth day 1
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Steven Hall maybe have the most heartbreaking portrayal of Grantaire I’ve ever seen. He created such a complex character that felt so much more alive and like an actual person than just someone playing a character in a theatre.
He started off in red and black with the most drunken behaviour ever. He was constantly falling of chairs and climbing on peoples laps. Poor Marius was sat on like five times, it was almost amusing especially on the line “Grantaire put the bottle down” when he was snuggling into marius’ shoulder while sitting across his lap and hugging his wine bottle. He also climbed on the tables and made it everyone’s problems, yet still maintained the feeling that he didn’t quite fit in with his friends even though they were laughing. He constantly stood off to the side and collapsed against the wall. Alongside this, he was almost always with Gavroche and acted like a big brother (all though he did make Gav take a shot of alcohol at one point). He also conveyed the enjoyment of annoying Enjolras and kept giving him shiteating grins and almost pouty expressions. Enjolras, as well as being annoyed with Grantaire also maintain the feeling that he enjoyed Grantaire’s presence throughout the whole show which towards the end evolved into concern and worry for him. Grantaire’s connection with Marius was also really interesting, it felt like they were more friends (which I thought was better) than Enjolras and Marius.
At the start of the Barricade scenes he still maintain the drunken confidence that mirrored his friends actual confidence, with lines like “let’s give them a screwing they’ll never forget” that were delivered in cheerful drunken agression. That confidence quickly changed when he realised the reality of the situation and that they were all going to die. Enjolras and him exited the stage after the first load of fighting but Grantaire came back before Enjolras, who someone went and got when Eponine was dying. The horror at seeing Eponine’s death (which I think he was the first one to properly realise after Marius) felt so real, he looked like his mind was driving him insane but he was unable to move, instead frozen to the spot. It planted a seed in my mind that kept making me think “this is so unfair, why do people have to die so they do not suffer?”.
For the rest of the barricade he radiated pain. There were times when he looked almost wild with this unfathomable desperation from the fact he couldn’t stop/control what was happening around him. He acted like it was almost too painful to even watch what was happening at the barricade, almost as if he didn’t want to be a part of the Revolution because he didn’t want his friends too die and be left alone.
Steven Hall’s acting was phenomenal, the emotions that his facial expressions conveyed were masterful (by far the best acting performance of anyone that night). During drink with me, he tried to shove Marius out of frustration on the lines “will the world remember you when you fall?” and Enjolras had to hold him to stop him from hurting Marius. He then sang the lines “Could it be your death means nothing at all? Is your life just one more lie?” directly at Enjolras and tapped Es chest on “nothing at all?” with a transfer from aggression to mournful frustration.
During the second attack, after drink with me, he clutched Gavroche like the sky was collapsing and the world crumbling around him. It came across as both fear and mental exhaustion, everyone else was fighting on the barricade and Grantaire was breaking down and Gavroche was holding him up off to the side.
I have never seen such raw emotion on stage, which was present across his whole performance. The way he shouted Gavroche’s name when he realised he had gone was gut wrenching. And when Gavroche fell into Enjolras’ arms after he was shot, Enjolras look so pained by it and concerned for Grantaire as he passed Gavs body to him. By this point I was properly crying, and Grantaire looked so lost, like he had been through so much emotional and mental pain and he’d finally reached the point of numbness as he held Gavs body.
Just before the climax of the final attack, Enjolras mouthed to Grantaire “are you okay? Your going to be okay.” as he was slumped against the wall. During the final attack, R stood in the middle of the fighting as everything happened around him. When Marius fell after getting hurt, R was immediately there and then the normal Enjoltaire hug happened which was heart breaking, before Enjolras returned to the barricade. Grantaire died last after running to get to the place Enjolras fell from the barricade.
Throughout the show he also had such amazing intricate body language. A few examples were when Eponine was dying his hands where fidgeting like he didn’t know what to do with them and digging his fingers into his palms like he was trying to physicalise the pain. He also was playing with his cuffs throughout the barricade scenes. Even in red and black he was moving his hands. They never stopped moving. Every part of his body language and posture were immaculate, where other people were standing completely still (which I’m not criticising) Grantaire felt more realistic and had an unrest-less energy about him - but only if you paid attention to him - which furthered his disconnect from the rest of the amis as no one noticed except maybe Feuilly [the actor (Harry Chandler) who is cover Enjolras. He radiate Enjolras energy without even being him so now I’m going to have to try and see him as Enjolras cause his vocals were also amazing] at the beginning and Enjolras at the end.
There was never a moment when Grantaire wasn’t wild with emotion whether drunken rowdiness or heart wrenching desperation. There was also a sensitivity to Grantaire that felt so young but not naive, that was just perfection. I think it’s safe to say that Steven Hall has mastered the character of R and is insanely talented at acting. While other actors have also nailed the character of Grantaire, I’ve never come across one who had so much underlying jittery energy and was so mentally taxed by the end. I would love to see Steven Hall play Enjolras in the future, as the character is completely different from R and it would be cool to see how he’d portray him especially because I believe he is an extremely talented vocalist and actor.
Also, shout out to Noah Morgan as Gavroche. The kid was so extremely talent and was the definition of Gavroche throughout.
Les Misérables Uk Tour Norwich 09/09/22
[Grantaire - Steven Hall, Enjolras - Samuel Wyn-Morris, Feuilly - Harry Chandler, Gavroche - Noah Morgan]
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happy barricade day i actually prepared for this year!
truth be told i wanted to do a canon era art for once but i was alredy on the enj in leather jacket train in my mind ,, love my modern amis designs anyways >:)
(+downloadable lockscreens)
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// farewell wanderlust (AU)
The Angel of Death
Status: rogue
Former alias: Crowfather
Abilities: Flight. Plucked feathers turn gold, doubling as daggers or throwing knives.
Weakness: Too much feathers plucked will result in bleeding.
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// Farewell Wanderlust (AU)
Status: Hero
Former alias: N/A
Abilities: He does not have any powers. However, he is experienced with technology*, and specializes in explosive tech.
Weakness: Submerged in water, battery life.
*His mechanical wings allow for short periods of fluttering, and his shoes expel air to hover. His gauntlet acts like a taser. He has made several weapons, one of which is a gun that expels molten honey.
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// farewell wanderlust (AU)
Status: Civilian [Chef]
Former alias: N/A
Abilities: N/A
Weakness: N/A
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// farewell wanderlust (AU)
yes floof is canon
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There's plot armor and then there's being dragged through the sewers with open wounds in the midst of a cholera epidemic and somehow not ending up with any infections
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in this house we ship...
enjolras and grantaire
jehan and montparnasse
bossuet, joly and musichetta
marius and cosette
i just wanted to clear this up as people had asked <33
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Happy (haha) Barricade Day friends!
I meant to do the whole song but life and bad time management got in the way. Hopefully I’ll still finish it one day.
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some courferre sketches and cheek smooches for y'all because i’m trash and they’re cute and i think i’m finally settling on how i want to draw these dorks
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I made myself sad
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A relatable tired mothman
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Laundry day
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