the-dancing-newsie · 2 years
i forgot how to use tumblr. how is the newsies fandom still so active guys wtf
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the-dancing-newsie · 2 years
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the-dancing-newsie · 3 years
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Pokemon Carousel Pins made by Mamath
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the-dancing-newsie · 3 years
Concept: A witch cat that’s too fat to fly
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the-dancing-newsie · 3 years
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the-dancing-newsie · 3 years
Im back on tumblr eince 2019 and the first thing i looked up was juck kelly and apparently hes still around and i just saw recent shit from it and i just- crying rn
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the-dancing-newsie · 3 years
I come bearing a warning. Juck will return.
I’m scared…is this a prophecy??
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the-dancing-newsie · 4 years
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8 vegetables that you can regrow again and again.
You can regrow scallions by leaving an inch attached to the roots and place them in a small glass with a little water in a well-lit room.
When garlic begins to sprout, you can put them in a glass with a little water and grow garlic sprouts. The sprouts have a mild flavor than garlic and can be added to salads, pasta and other dishes.
Bok Choy
Bok choy can be regrown by placing the root end in water in a well-lit area. In 1-2 weeks , you can transplant it to a pot with soil and grow a full new head.
Put carrot tops in a dish with a little water. Set the dish in a well-lit room or a window sill.  You’ll have carrot tops to use in salads. 
Put clippings from basil with 3 to 4-inch stems in a glass of water and place it in direct sunlight. When the roots are about 2 inches long, plant them in pots to and in time it will grow a full basil plant.
Cut off the base of the celery and place it in a saucer or shallow bowl of warm water in the sun. Leaves will begin to thicken and grow in the middle of the base, then transfer the celery to soil. 
Romaine Lettuce
Put romaine lettuce stumps in a ½ inch of water. Re-water to keep water level at ½ inch. After a few days, roots and new leaves will appear and you can transplant it into soil.
The stems of cilantro will grown when placed in a glass of water. Once the roots are long enough, plant them in a pot in a well-lit room. You will have a full plant in a few months.
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the-dancing-newsie · 4 years
Haikyuu Rp!
are you looking for a college haikyuu rp? Well look no further! 
This is a haikyuu discord rp run by yours truely. We have almost all popular charectures still available. Atm the only one taken is Oikawa. Please share and reblog! thank you!
DM me for an invite!
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the-dancing-newsie · 5 years
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the-dancing-newsie · 5 years
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Mohtz on Society6
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the-dancing-newsie · 5 years
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the-dancing-newsie · 5 years
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The maned wolf, aka long legg
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the-dancing-newsie · 5 years
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this is the perfect grade of good luck
reblog in 5 seconds and all of your grades will inch ever closer to perfect
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the-dancing-newsie · 5 years
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A bit of a long shot, but I need you all to listen up!
Everyone all around the world, I need your help in reblogging and sharing this post and idea. We need to save the ocean.
Me and my sister have had this idea for a while, but we thought if we had a similar concert event to live aid, with all concert tickets and donations going to restore the ocean, we would definitely be able to restore the ocean fully.
This needs to be done. Especially because of the critical stage we are at now, with our oceans littered and climate rising.
We want to do something with this idea, but we need all the help we can get.
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the-dancing-newsie · 5 years
hello, world (a test of some virtual singer software!)
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the-dancing-newsie · 5 years
I Need Assistance
Hello all. I don’t really know how to go about telling you what’s really going on but I will try my best to explain. You may not be able to help financially but spreading the word would. 
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I am in need of assistance. I have a dental surgery that I have to get done. There are no if, ands, or buts about it. My insurance will be up around the middle of December before my semester ends. I have this surgery planned on Thanksgiving week because it’s the only week I will have before the final week of class and Finals week and my insurance will be dissolved by then. I can’t get my own insurance because I’m still covered as a dependant on my parents. My mother can’t afford to keep me on her insurance so she’s not renewing this month. Every time I try to find an alternative, I get turned away with the phrase “your parents make too much money.” Even so, even if I did try to get my own affordable insurance, there are still fees I can’t pay so it wouldn’t really help in the end if I can’t use it.
I have gone to my school and multiple people here and asked for assistance because they have a program for students that have no financial support, no more financial aid loans to use, no nothing and they turned me away at the door. They expect me to be able to pay it on my own because I take loans to pau for classes and I don’t even have money for food. I don’t have a job, no, and I’ve been trying desperately to find one on campus that would work with my schedule but I’ve been turned down. I don’t have a bank account so I can’t make a gofundme but if anyone is able to donate to my ko-fi or paypal, I will do something for you in return. Yes, I’m open for commissions! I will also show proof of receipt if I must to show you that this is where the money is going. 
Why is this so important? If I am to not go through with this surgery, I will end up damaging the nerves in my face. This means I won’t have any sensation in my cheeks, gums, tongue, or lips for the rest of my life on top of having to get many teeth removed.  
ko-fi/kabutakitsune paypal.me/melm0nster
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