the-dancing-queen · 10 years
"I can call it whatever I want.  Tea party seems to sum it up pretty well."  Cadence waited out in the living room for him to come out, taking her shoes off and putting them by the door.  "You know we have a spare bedroom, right?  You're allowed to use it."
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 10 years
"Yeah, I do, and it has.  Think the last time you were here was for a tea party.  Not sure what time that was, though."  There had been lots of tea parties between them, whenever Anthony was feeling down and sometimes when he had trouble sleeping.  
"Yeah, sure."  She led him up the stairs and into the house.  "You remember where it is, right?"
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
"And yet you have yet to turn and walk away."  He had every chance to, not that she'd let him walk away without a good reason.  She was stubborn like that, always had been since the beginning, and now with the added aggression from her wolf side, the stubbornness only increased.  
She sat in silence, humming along to the radio on songs that she knew and looking out the window.  When they finally got to her house, she unbuckled her seat belt and looked at her friend in the driver's seat, unmoving.  She wanted to say something, but she stayed silent.  Instead she got out of the car and jogged around to the other side.  She opened his door and held her hand out to him.  "Can I help you, ma'am," she teased, bowing politely, hand still extended.
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
"Sleep is glorious," she said with a laugh, "and you seriously should consider getting more of it."  
She looked up at him and smiled.  "Yes, my dose of Anthony."  She was happy he still remembered.  "I could never have enough of you, even if we were to spend every minute of every day together."  Which was true for the most part.  She'd never tire of him and he'd always be a welcome presence in her life.  "It'll be fabulous."  She took his hand and started pulling him in the direction of his car.  "You're taking me home and you're staying the night.  I'm not taking no for an answer."
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
Cadence laughed and shook her head.  "No point in babysitting you unless I'm getting paid for it.  You're a handful."  She looked down, tracing a random pattern across the cement.  "Two things."  She looked back up at him.  "One, I'm looking out for you.  Not because I think you're going to do something stupid, but because you have bags under your eyes and look like you could use a quiet place to stay for a night."  She looked back down again, her voice dropping a bit.  "Secondly... I'm just selfish and want you around me."
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
"Home.  You can come with me, you know.  My parents aren't home."  She knew he wasn't going home.  When she had visited earlier, the place looked like it hadn't been lived in for awhile.  It didn't really surprise her, what with memories of Ivy lingering there.  "Actually, I insist."
She shrugged.  It was time spent with Tony and that's all that mattered.
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
"Could be and it did?  Huh... guess it just wasn't my cup of tea, then."  Though she hadn't really paid too much attention to the movie, so she couldn't really judge it too harshly.  It didn't matter, anyway.  The main reason for the movie was to give Tony a distraction, and because a distraction for her wasn't too bad either.
She threw her trash away outside the theater and stuffed her hands into her pockets.  "Where you heading to now?"  It wasn't too late.  The sun was down, but most of the establishments in the town were still open.
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
Cady rolled her eyes, knowing he was just using the start of the movie as an excuse so he wouldn't have to answer.  She didn't push it, though.  There would be plenty of time to bug him and get answers out of him later, though she knew she needed to be careful about that because she'd been doing a lot of that today and didn't want to overwhelm him.  Cadence turned her attention to the movie and let it go for now.  
The movie wasn't all the exciting.  Even when the action picked up, it wasn't really all that great and left her feeling a little disappointed at the end.  When the movie finished, she gathered her trash and led the way out of the theater.  "You know?  The reason I think the theater was so empty was because everyone knew it wasn't all that hot."
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
She quirked a brow at him.  "I need a reason to sleep over, now?  I never used to need one."  Her wanting to sleep over was partly because she was worried about him.  Anthony seemed calm now, but in her experience, it was easy to set him off.  It was only part of the reason though.  "We haven't been around each other for over a week, closer to two.  I'm suffering from a severe dose of Anthony withdrawal."  She missed him.  Truly and dearly.  Being around him made her happy and she loved him.  What other reasons were needed?  "But if you don't want me to, I suppose I can survive."
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
"Nope.  It's always been Cady, except for that short period of time you called me Cadence after we broke up."  Cadence leaned back in her seat and propped her feet up on the back of the chair in front of her, since no one was sitting in it.  "Alrighty, then.  I guess you are relived from the duty of being my cling-buddy."  She was quiet for a moment, listening and watching the crappy pre-previews with movie and actor facts and quizzes.  "You should let me sleepover tonight," she said nonchalantly.  "Or you should sleep over at my house since you've been avoiding home as of late."
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
"The only times I ever watch them are when friends drag me out to see them.  Much like now."  She quirked a brow at him upon hearing the new nickname.  "Cads?"  Not that she minded it.  He had just never told her it before, so it intrigued her.  "You can do a lot more with animation than you can with live action.  You never know."
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
"I guess.  Some movies are better seen in theater, you know?  With a big screen and surround sound."  She rolled her eyes at him.  "Figures.  Can't say that I always do either.  Depends on who I bring.  And, as you can see," she motioned across the back row they were sitting in "I also prefer the back."  She quirked a brow at him.  "It's not scary though, right?  
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
Cady shrugged and reached over to remove the popcorn from Anthony's balancing act.  "Main reason I don't go to movies when they first come out.  People are so noisy and it's annoying."  She scooped out a few pieces of popcorn from the bag and popped them into her mouth.  "So you don't know anything about this movie?"
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
"Truuuuuue."  She giggled and ran a hand through her blonde hair.  "Fine, fine.  I won't forget.  Promise."  She nodded and headed into the theater.  She showed the usher her ticket and went into the first dark room on the right.  Either they were early, or no one wanted to come and watch the film because much the theatre was empty.  She climbed up the stairs and took two of the seats near the back and the center.  Cady sat back in the seat and crossed her legs, resting one over the other at the knee.
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
Cadence laughed.  "I doubt you would've had much fun since we were oggling over hero butts in spandex.  But we can do it again sometime, without the oggling."  Although that wasn't the complete reason.  It had been right after she had been turned, so even if they had wanted to invite Anthony, he probably would have declined it.  Cadence raised her brows at him.  "You know, not all cartoons are particularly good.  But yeah, popcorn sounds good.  I don't really drink soda."  She smiled slightly while he looked at the menu board hanging up behind the concession stand.  "I can pay for my own, though, since you bought my ticket for me."
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
Cadence shrugs.  "I was just saying the first thing that popped into my head.  I don't really watch TV and don't pay attention to reviews.  I only know Iron Man because Faye and I had a super hero marathon."  Cadence shrugged.  She honestly didn't care what they watched, as long as it wasn't her usual chick flick stuff, because she really couldn't handle anymore hardcore crying that night.  "That's fine with me."  She didn't know what the movie was about, but she expected Tony wouldn't suggest something if he thought it was going to be bad.
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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the-dancing-queen · 11 years
"I'm up for whatever."  She giggled when he messed her hair up, promptly fixing it with her free hand.  It had been awhile since he did that to her, but it was a sign that things were cool between them again.  "Yes, yes you are.  Probably the most stubborn person I know."  Cady shrugged.  "I don't care.  Of course not!  You really think I want to cry anymore?  I dunno... Iron Man 3?"
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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